2,598 research outputs found

    Phenotypic characteristics of 31 strains of Corynebacterium striatum isolated from clinical samples

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    During a 34-month period (January 1991 to October 1993), 31 Corynebacterium striatum strains recovered from clinical samples from 24 patients were characterized. Twenty (64%) strains were isolated from wound exudates, 5 (16%) were isolated from bronchial aspirates, 2 (7%) were isolated from urine, 2 (7%) were isolated from endotracheal tubes, 1 (3%) was isolated from a catheter, and 1 (3%) was isolated from empyema. The organisms were identified by conventional culture and phenotypic characterization, the API CORYNE system, and cellular fatty acid composition analyses. The colonies of C. striatum could be confused with those of coagulase-negative staphylococci upon primary isolation from clinical material. A consistent phenotypic pattern was observed: all strains reduced nitrate, hydrolyzed tyrosine, and produced acid from glucose, fructose, and sucrose but not from maltose. API CORYNE profile numbers were 3100105 (28 strains) and 3000105 (3 strains). Susceptibility testing of C. striatum was performed by disk diffusion. All strains were susceptible to both imipenem and vancomycin and resistant to fosfomycin; most strains were susceptible to ampicillin and cephalosporins and resistant to clindamycin, erythromycin, and tetracycline. Performing a Gram stain of fosfomycin-resistant 'Staphylococcus-like' colonies was critical in order to identify C. striatum

    Platinum-group elements in the cores of potassium feldspar spherules from the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary at Caravaca (Spain)

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    The abundant spherules present in the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary layer at Caravaca are diagenetically transformed to potassium feldspar. Before our study no possible relicts of the precursor material had been reported. but in this paper we describe the presence of cores in these spherules that could represent a relict of the «unknown precursor». These cores are made up of C mixed with Si. Mg. AL Cr. Ca among other elements. Laser Ablation System analysis also reveals an enrichment in pe;E could suggest an extraterrestrial origin for this material. PI. Pd and Ir do not show a chondritic ratio: however. asevere modification of their concentration could be expected during the early diagenetic processes.Las esférulas existentes en la lámina de sedimento del tránsito Cretácico-Terciario de la sección de Caravaca han sido transformadas diagenéticamente a feldespato potásico. En este trabajo se describe la existencia de núcleos encontrados en el interior de las esférulas. los cuales' pueden representar relictos del material precursor. Dichos núcleos están constituidos por C. Si. Mg, AL Cr y Ca entre otros elementos. Se pone de relieve, por vez primera, su notable enriquecimiento en elementos del grupo del platino, cuyas relaciones no condríticas pueden ser debidas a la existencia de importantes modificaciones en su concentración inicial causadas por los procesos diagenéticos y por la existencia de materia orgánica

    Indoor 3D Video Monitoring Using Multiple Kinect Depth-Cameras

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    Exploring the intricate evolutionary history of the diploid-polyploid complexVeronica subsection Pentasepalae(Plantaginaceae)

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    [EN]Veronica subsection Pentasepalae is a diploid–polyploid complex of c. 20 species distributed in Eurasia and North Africa, in which species boundaries are difficult to determine. Here, we present the first comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of V. subsection Pentasepalae based on nucleotide sequences [internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and the plastid trnH-psbA and ycf6-psbM spacers] combined with ploidy estimations. Our results support the monophyly of the subsection. Five well-supported clades are recovered in the ITS sequence analyses, corresponding to broad geographical areas. The causes of the extensive incongruence found between the ITS and plastid DNA datasets, namely incomplete lineage sorting and/or hybridization and polyploidization, are discussed. Most of the diploids traditionally recognized based on morphological characters and one tetraploid are each recovered as monophyletic by the ITS sequence analyses. The Balkan species V. kindlii is resurrected. DNA ploidy level for V. teucrioides is reported here for the first time (2x). Diploid populations have been found for V. orbiculata, which was previously thought to be only tetraploid. Past contact in the amphi-Adriatic area between V. orsiniana and V. orbiculata is suggested. Finally, molecular analyses show that diploid V. jacquinii and diploid V. orbiculata are unrelated. This study contributes to our understanding of the evolutionary history of polyploid complexes, especially those in southern Europe, and highlights the importance of using multiple lines of evidence to investigate species boundaries in such actively diversifying groups

    Assessing the impact on clinical internship of problem-based learning applied to nursing studies

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    Resultados parciales de esta investigación fueron presentados en el XVIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Educación Médica y publicados como comunicación en Educ Med 2007; 10: 167Objetivo. Evaluar el impacto en la práctica clínica de la implantación de la metodología del aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP) aplicada a los estudios de enfermería. Sujetos y métodos. Estudio longitudinal prospectivo en dos cohortes de estudiantes de enfermería: el grupo intervención fue la promoción 2005-2006 de la escuela de enfermería, que recibió su educación con la metodología del ABP, y el grupo control fue la promoción de 2004-2005, que recibió su formación a través de otras metodologías docentes, fundamentalmente clases magistrales y seminarios. Se analizó la posible asociación, en cada uno de los elementos del formulario de evaluación del tutor, entre la calificación obtenida por los estudiantes y la metodología de aprendizaje empleada durante su educación (ABP o no ABP). Los criterios de evaluación fueron: responsabilidad, iniciativa, habilidad y destreza en técnicas y procedimientos manuales, organización y metodología en las actividades, comunicación/relación con usuarios y familiares y comunicación/relación con el equipo de trabajo, y grado de consecución de los objetivos docentes. Resultados. Se obtuvieron 651 formularios de evaluación válidos, 383 para el grupo control y 268 para el grupo intervención. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas sólo en el tercer año, en la categoría ‘habilidad y destreza en las técnicas relacionadas con los procedimientos manuales’ (p = 0,007). El grupo control obtuvo una mejor puntuación. Conclusiones. Los resultados sugieren que el uso de ABP en la formación académica de los estudiantes de enfermería no modifica la puntuación obtenida en su práctica clínica en las categorías recogidas en nuestra herramienta de evaluaciónAim. To assess the impact on clinical internship of problem-based learning (PBL) methodology applied to nursing studies. Subjects and methods. Longitudinal and prospective study of two cohorts of nursing students: the intervention group was the promotion 2005-2006 of the nursing school, that received their education with PBL, and the control group was the promotion 2004-2005 of the nursing school, that received their education with other pedagogic methods, mainly lectures and seminars. We analysed the possible correlation in each of the items on the mentor’s assessment form between the grade obtained by students and the learning methodology employed during their education (PBL or non-PBL). The assessment criteria were: responsibility; initiative; skill and proficiency in techniques related to manual procedures; organization and methodology in activities carried out; communication/relationship with patients and families; communication/ relationship with the work team; and degree to which training objectives were reached. Results. We had 651 valid assessment forms, 383 for the control group and 268 for the intervention group. Clear significant differences were found only in the third year, in the ‘skill and proficiency in techniques related to manual process’ category (p = 0.007). The control group had higher scores. Conclusions. The results suggest that the use of PBL in students’ academic coursework does not modify the score obtained in their clinical internship on the items specified in our assessment toolFondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias del Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo (proyecto PI052806

    A nomenclatural treatment for Veronica subsect. Pentasepalae (Plantaginaceae sensu APG III) and typification of several names

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    [EN] The large genus Veronica has a complex evolutionary history. Within it, Veronica subsect. Pentasepalae represents an ideal system to study important evolutionary processes, such as hybridization and polyploidization. Delimitation of species boundaries within the subsection is a difficult task and the highly complicated taxonomy of the group has led to an accumulation of approximately 230 names for 22 accepted taxa. Many names have been used in different taxonomic senses even in recent Floras, scientific works, catalogues, Red Lists and internet resources. The lack of an updated taxonomic and nomenclatural framework represents a significant problem to develop further studies in several fields such as ecology, conservation, plant and evolutionary biology. A complete nomenclatural treatment for the whole subsection is provided here, that relies on results derived from the first phylogenetic analysis of V. subsect. Pentasepalae based on DNA sequence data, morphology and ploidy‐ level information. Nomenclatural types for 22 validly published names are designated. In total 21 lectotypes, 2 epitypes and 1 neotype are chosen. A new combination, Veronica linearis, is proposed

    Efficiency of three buffers for extracting β-glucosidase enzyme in different soil orders: Evaluating the role of soil organic matter

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate extraction methods for β-glucosidases comparing three buffer solutions (MUB, acetate, and maleate) at different incubation times (0.5 h to 10 h) and in three different soil orders (Mollisols, Andisols and Ultisols). Seven acidic soils were evaluated, showing differences in pH, OM, and clay contents. To evaluate the effect of OM as enzymes source, one soil of each order was treated to partially remove its OM and then the enzyme assay was performed. When using MUB and maleate buffers the highest (32 and 31 µg-pNP g-soil-1h-1 in average, respectively) were found, and the latter was significantly (p < 0.050) correlated with the soil clay content. The activity obtained with acetate buffer was much lower (38.2 µg-pNP g-soil-1h-1 in average). The use of MUB buffer with 1 h of incubation is suggested as extraction method, showing good reproducibility and allowing to express higher enzyme potential for soil comparisons. For the Andisol and Ultisol, the enzyme activity significantly decreased with the OM removal (%) indicating that OM is the major source of the measured β-glucosidase activity, while a different trend was observed for the Mollisol, in which the mineral fraction (mainly 2:1 type clay) appears to be involved in the increased enzyme activity displayed after the initial OM removal.The objective of this research was to evaluate extraction methods for β-glucosidases comparing three buffer solutions (MUB, acetate, and maleate) at different incubation times (0.5 h to 10 h) and in three different soil orders (Mollisols, Andisols and Ultisols). Seven acidic soils were evaluated, showing differences in pH, OM, and clay contents. To evaluate the effect of OM as enzymes source, one soil of each order was treated to partially remove its OM and then the enzyme assay was performed. When using MUB and maleate buffers the highest (32 and 31 µg-pNP g-soil-1h-1 in average, respectively) were found, and the latter was significantly (p < 0.050) correlated with the soil clay content. The activity obtained with acetate buffer was much lower (38.2 µg-pNP g-soil-1h-1 in average). The use of MUB buffer with 1 h of incubation is suggested as extraction method, showing good reproducibility and allowing to express higher enzyme potential for soil comparisons. For the Andisol and Ultisol, the enzyme activity significantly decreased with the OM removal (%) indicating that OM is the major source of the measured β-glucosidase activity, while a different trend was observed for the Mollisol, in which the mineral fraction (mainly 2:1 type clay) appears to be involved in the increased enzyme activity displayed after the initial OM removal

    Aproximación al estudio de la casa rural en el Campo de Cartagena

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    Se ha planteado una aproximación al estudio de la casa tradicional existente en el Campo de Cartagena mediante la aportación de unas características que son inherentes en cada caso constructivo, proponiendo unas tipologías de arquitectura doméstica, desarrolladas según el entorno geográfico. A partir de estos tipos se ha analizado la relación casa-identidad, casa-territorio, se ha recogido una carta de colores tradicionales tanto en fachadas como en interiores, se ha estudiado la distribución y las dependencias, se han examinados los materiales utilizados y la arquitecturas auxiliares de la casa popular como son aljibes, pozos, palomares, hornos..

    The Influence of Communication Range on Connectivity for Resilient Wireless Sensor Networks Using a Probabilistic Approach.

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of thousands of nodes that need to communicate with each other. However, it is possible that some nodes are isolated from other nodes due to limited communication range. This paper focuses on the influence of communication range on the probability that all nodes are connected under two conditions, respectively: (1) all nodes have the same communication range, and (2) communication range of each node is a random variable. In the former case, this work proves that, for 0menor queepsmenor quee^(-1) , if the probability of the network being connected is 0.36eps , by means of increasing communication range by constant C(eps) , the probability of network being connected is at least 1-eps. Explicit function C(eps) is given. It turns out that, once the network is connected, it also makes the WSNs resilient against nodes failure. In the latter case, this paper proposes that the network connection probability is modeled as Cox process. The change of network connection probability with respect to distribution parameters and resilience performance is presented. Finally, a method to decide the distribution parameters of node communication range in order to satisfy a given network connection probability is developed