213 research outputs found

    Dimensionamiento preliminar de un biodigestor a partir de porcinaza generada en San Andrés isla

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    Livestock production in San Andrés is subsistence, there are 2,223 pigs, in 205 farms. This technology generates serious contamination problems. The results of the dimensioning a biodigester are presented, with the BioDigestor© software, from swine manure, with the objective of observing the technical-economic feasibility for the implementation of this technology. The capacity of the biodigester allows the processing of 12.31 t/d of manure, generating 276 MWh/year of electrical energy through the operation of a generator engine that works with biogas. The dimensioning of the biodigester included the calculation of the volume of the feed tank, biodigester, discharge tank, biogas storage, sludge drying bed, collection and conduction systems, heating and biogas utilization. An economic study was carried out which allowed to conclude on the viability of the project. The total cost of the digester amounts to 723,986,263 COP, which is equivalent to 21,925 COP/kW installed.La producción pecuaria en San Andrés es de subsistencia, hay 2,223 porcinos, en 205 predios. Esta tecnología genera serios problemas de contaminación. Se presentan los resultados del dimensionamiento de un biodigestor, con el programa BioDigestor©, a partir de porcinaza, con el objetivo de observar la factibilidad técnico-económica para la implementación de esta tecnología. La capacidad del biodigestor permite procesar 12.31 t/d de estiércol, generando 276 MWh/año de energía eléctrica mediante la operación de un motor generador que funciona con biogás. El dimensionamiento del biodigestor comprendió el cálculo del volumen del tanque de alimentación, biodigestor, tanque de descarga, almacenamiento de biogás, lecho de secado de lodos, sistemas de captación y conducción, calefacción y aprovechamiento del biogás. Se llevó a cabo un estudio económico el cual permitió concluir sobre la viabilidad del proyecto. El costo total del digestor asciende a 723,986, 263 COP, lo que equivale a 21,925 COP/kW instalado

    Carbon sorbents for the retention of thermodecomposition compounds from microplastics

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    Carbon sorbents have been tested in this study to improve the retention of microplastics thermodecomposition compounds in Thermoextraction-Desorption Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (TED-GC-MS) technique and has been demonstrated an optimal behavior for this application, highlighting two main advantages with regard to conventional PDMS sorbents; On the one hand, carbons present slit-type pores, being optimal for retaining the aromatic compounds released from most polymers. In addition, those materials have shown to have a greater retention capacity than PDMS being between 1.25 and 25 times more efficient. Combination of PDMS+Carbon sorbents increases retention of the most representative compounds for each polymer up to 1.7 times with regard to only carbon, increasing sensitivity, but with an experimental procedure more complicated, because two desorption process must be done. On the other hand, carbon materials can retain the chlorinated compounds released by thermodecomposition of PVC, while conventional PDMS sorbent is not effective for these compounds.Authors thank the funding from Vice-Rector for Research and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Alicante (Project UAIND19-02), Labaqua and Interlab for funding the Industrial Doctorate

    Diseño de entornos telemáticos de formación para alumnos que cursan asignaturas de nuevas tecnologías

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    La teleenseñanza y la teleformación representan, servicios estratégicos ya que permiten, supe- rar las limitaciones territoriales y de distancia para acceder a los focos del conocimiento más avan- zados y/o actualizados en cada momento, y también permiten facilitar los procesos de formación continua fundamentales para mantener la capacidad competitiva de una sociedad. Este proyecto ha pretendido servir de punto de partida para acometer iniciativas más ambicio- sas como es la de impartir los contenidos de una asignatura a través de la red . Una última finali- dad que quisimos proponer perseguiría la adopción también de unas actitudes básicas del profeso- rado hacia las nuevas tecnologías, que estén fundamentadas en la reflexión crítica y creemos que lo hemos lograd

    Quality of Life of Patients six Months after Ischemic Stroke

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    Introduction: the quality scale of life for stroke may offer a more detailed information and on the total recovery of the patient, besides a more significant evaluation from his perspective. Objective: to determine the quality of life of the patients with ischemic stroke six months after their discharge. Methods: a cross descriptive study was developed in 123 patients with the clinical and/or imaging diagnosis of a first ischemic stroke, admitted in the stroke unit at the University General Hospital Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima Cienfuegos, in the period between November 1st 2015 and October 31st 2016. The variables analyzed were: demographic (age, sex, origin, and labor relationship), related with the event (type of brain infarction and rehabilitation treatment). The descriptive procedure was done through central measure trends and percentages. Results: the male sex predominated with an average age of 69,29 years. The 84,6 % of the patients received rehabilitation treatment, those presenting a lower punctuation from the scale media of the quality of life for stroke. From the 31 patients with labor relationship 27 could return to work with an average punctuation of 12,07 in that scale. The 53,6 % from presented mild involvement of the quality of life and only and only 4,9 % classified as a severe involvement. Conclusion: mild involvement of quality of life predominated. The most affected areas were: emotions, socio-familiar functioning and cognition

    Deleterious coding variants in multi-case families with non-syndromic cleft lip and/or palate phenotypes

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    8 páginasNonsyndromic Cleft Lip and/or Palate (NSCLP) is regarded as a multifactorial condition in which clefting is an isolated phenotype, distinguished from the largely monogenic, syndromic forms which include clefts among a spectrum of phenotypes. Nonsyndromic clefting has been shown to arise through complex interactions between genetic and environmental factors. However, there is increasing evidence that the broad NSCLP classification may include a proportion of cases showing familial patterns of inheritance and contain highly penetrant deleterious variation in specific genes. Through exome sequencing of multi-case families ascertained in Bogota, Colombia, we identify 28 non-synonymous single nucleotide variants that are considered damaging by at least one predictive score. We discuss the functional impact of candidate variants identified. In one family we find a coding variant in the MSX1 gene which is predicted damaging by multiple scores. This variant is in exon 2, a highly conserved region of the gene. Previous sequencing has suggested that mutations in MSX1 may account for ~2% of NSCLP. Our analysis further supports evidence that a proportion of NSCLP cases arise through monogenic coding mutations, though further work is required to unravel the complex interplay of genetics and environment involved in facial clefting

    De curandis hominum morbis : an 18th century prescription for stroke management by volatile alkali in the new Kingdom of Granada

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    boticarios, barberos, médicos y protomédicos, es consecuencia de la experiencia de individuos anónimos de las poblaciones locales, que fueron capaces de percibir directamente en la naturaleza elementos útiles a la terapia, así como de la existencia de principios activos no validados, o bien de efectos placebo. Objetivo: Presentar y analizar desde la perspectiva de la medicina moderna, una receta médica del siglo XVIII en el Nuevo Reino de Granada, en la cual se prescribe el álkali volátil para disminuir síntomas generados por afecciones del sistema musculoesquelético. Desarrollo: En el periodo Colonial, pese a la carencia de estudios o evidencia que respaldara, se utilizaban términos como fármacos, con una dosificación establecida e indicaciones. Se presenta y analiza a la luz de la medicina moderna una receta mÈdica del siglo XVIII para el tratamiento de la apoplexia con efectos benéficos al aumentar el flujo sanguÌneo al cerebro y la disponibilidad de oxÌgeno asÌ mismo aumentando el metabolismo neuronal. El amoníaco puede inducir hiperexcitabilidad neuronal, bloqueo de la actividad de la glutaminasa, reducir la descomposición de glutamina en glutamato y amonÌaco en las terminaciones nerviosas, sin embargo, dosis elevadas podrÌan llegar a producir muerte celular o fallo respiratorio. Conclusiones: El advenimiento de nuevas tecnologías ha permitido avances en el diagnóstico, prevención y tratamiento de múltiples enfermedades. En este contexto, los tratamientos del pasado se han visto relegados a curiosidades históricas. El legado terapéutico colonial conservado en los archivos locales permite viajar al pasado para intentar comprender racionalmente los medicamentos de nuestros predecesores. Existe evidencia cientÌfica que respalda la efectividad del alkali volátil para diversas enfermedades, entre estas la apoplejía. No obstante, una descripción vaga o ausente de la posología, signos, síntomas y comorbilidades, dificulta analizar la eficacia de este tratamiento histórico.The use of medicinal plants and mineral resources in the New Kingdom of Granada in colonial times by apothecaries, barbers, doctors and protomedics, is a consequence of the experience of anonymous individuals from the local populations, who were able to perceive directly in nature elements useful to the therapy, as well as the existence of non-validated active principles, or even placebo effects. Objective: To present and analyze from the perspective of modern medicine, a medical prescription from the 18th century in the New Kingdom of Granada. In which volatile alkali is prescribed to reduce symptoms generated by conditions of the musculoskeletal system. AIM: In the Colonial period, despite the lack of studies or evidence to support, terms were used as drugs, with an established dosage and indications. An 18th century medical prescription for the treatment of stroke is presented and analyzed in the light of modern medicine beneficial effects by increasing blood flow to the brain and the availability of oxygen also increasing neuronal metabolism. Ammonia can induce neuronal hyperexcitability, block glutaminase activity, reduce glutamine breakdown in glutamate and ammonia in nerve endings, however, high doses could lead to cell death or respiratory failure. Conclusions: The advent of new technologies has enabled advances in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of multiple diseases. In this context, past treatments have been relegated to historical curiosities. The colonial therapeutic legacy preserved in the local archives allows us to travel to the past and try to rationally understand the medicines of our predecessors. There is scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of volatile alkali for various diseases, including stroke. However, a vague or even absent description of dosage, signs, symptoms and comorbidities, makes it difficult to analyze the effectiveness of this historical treatment.N/

    “Asthma”: Prescription for treatment in the Viceroyalty of New Granada in the 18th century

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    OBJETIVO: presentar una receta médica del siglo XVIII en el Virreinato de la Nueva Granada, que describe el tratamiento de asma. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: búsqueda en el archivo histórico de la Biblioteca Octavio Arizmendi Posada en la Universidad de La Sabana (Chía, Colombia), donde se conserva una colección de un centenar de recetas médicas coloniales del siglo XVIII; se realiza una transcripción de una de ellas, titulada “Asthma”, con una ulterior revisión de la literatura científica pertinente. CONCLUSIONES: esta receta médica colonial muestra su utilidad para calmar los síntomas por asma y constituye un claro ejemplo de terapias comparadas a través del tiempo. Además, esta prescripción constituye un ejemplo documental de la evolución histórica de la medicina, desde los tiempos coloniales de los entonces territorios de ultramar de la Corona Española.OBJECTIVE: To present a medical prescription of the eighteenth century in the Vicero-yalty of New Granada, which describes the treatment of asthma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A documentary search in the historical archive of the Octavio Arizmendi Posada Library at the University of La Sabana (Chía, Colombia) was performed, where a collection of a hundred colonial medical recipes of the 18th century is preserved; we present a transcription of one of them, entitled “Asthma”, with a subsequent revision of the pertinent scientific literature. CONCLUSIONS: This colonial prescription shows its usefulness for treating symptoms induced by asthma and constitutes a clear example of compared therapeutics through the ages. In addition, this prescription should also be recognized as a documentary example of the historical evolution of medicine, since the colonial times of the overseas territories of the Spanish Crown.https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5592-3844https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8080-0723https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7300-6401Revista Nacional - IndexadaN

    Opilation and menstrual suppression : An 18th century medical prescription in the New Kingdom of Granada

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    Objetivo: presentar y definir el contexto de una receta médica que data del siglo XVIII en el Nuevo Reino de Granada, utilizada para la supresión de la menstruación, y analizar, a la luz de los conocimientos actuales, si sus ingredientes en conjunto podrían o no lograr la inhibición del sangrado menstrual. Materiales y métodos: búsqueda documental en el Archivo Histórico de la Biblioteca Octavio Arizmendi Posada en la Universidad de La Sabana, donde se identifica la receta "Opilación y supresión de menstruos", y, posteriormente, se realizó una revisión de la literatura disponible en las bases de datos SciELO/proQuest en el periodo 1993-2015. Conclusiones: en la receta manuscrita hallada se describen múltiples ingredientes que, analizados a la luz de los conocimientos actuales, y en su conjunto, no tienen validez para lograr el pretendido efecto supresor. Sin embargo, se reconocen las propiedades antianémicas del "vitriolo líquido de Marte", y el posible efecto que ejercería el ejercicio excesivo formulado en medio del ciclo menstrual, aunque en la receta no se describe con exactitud la frecuencia ni la intensidad con la que este debería ser realizado para lograr una supresión del menstruo.Q365-70Objective: To present and define the context of a medical prescription dating from the eighteenth century in the New Kingdom of Granada, used for the suppression of menstruation, and to analyze it in the light of current knowledge as to whether its ingredients as a whole, may or may not achieve inhibition of menstrual bleeding. Materials and methods: documentary search in the Historical Archives of the Octavio Arizmendi Posada Library at Universidad de La Sabana where the prescription “Opilation and menstrual suppression” was found. A review of the literature available in SciELO/proQuest databases was subsequently conducted for the period 1993–2015. Conclusions: The manuscript found describe multiple ingredients that, as a whole, and analyzed in light of current knowledge, are not valid to achieve the alleged suppressive effect. However, the components of the “liquid vitriol of Mars” could be recognized as having antianemic properties, and the potential suppressive effect of prescribing vigorous exercise in the middle of the menstrual cycle, although the recipe does not accurately describe the frequency or intensity of exercising to achieve the desired effect

    Energy Reconstruction of Electromagnetic Showers from π0 Decays with the ICARUS T600 Liquid Argon TPC

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    We discuss the ICARUS T600 detector capabilities in electromagnetic shower reconstruction through the analysis of a sample of 212 events, coming from the 2001 Pavia surface test run, of hadronic interactions leading to the production of π0 mesons. Methods of shower energy and shower direction measurements were developed and the invariant mass of the photon pairs was reconstructed. The (γ,γ) invariant mass was found to be consistent with the value of the π0 mass. The resolution of the reconstructed π0 mass was found to be equal to 27.3%. An improved analysis, carried out in order to clean the full event sample from the events measured in the crowded environment, mostly due to the trigger conditions, gave a π0 mass resolution of 16.1%, significantly better than the one evaluated for the full event sample. The trigger requirement of the coincidence of at least four photo-multiplier signals favored the selection of events with a strong pile up of cosmic ray tracks and interactions. Hence a number of candidate π0 events were heavily contaminated by other tracks and had to be rejected. Monte Carlo simulations of events with π0 production in hadronic and neutrino interactions confirmed the validity of the shower energy and shower direction reconstruction methods applied to the real data.We are glad of the financial and technical support of our funding agencies and in particular of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN). The Polish groups acknowledge the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland, 105,160,620,621/E-344,E-340,E-77,E-78/SPB/ICARUS/ P-03/DZ211-214/2003-2008, 1P03B04130 and N N202 0299 33