973 research outputs found

    Effects of polyunsaturated fatty acids in diets fed to sows on fatty acids in brain, muscle and skin of their piglets

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    The aim of this research was to determine fatty acid profiles in piglet brain, skin, and muscle, and in the milk of sows fed fat with different saturation grades during gestation and lactation. At 42 days of gestation, 50 multiparous sows were randomly allocated to one of two treatments, namely a diet containing pork lard (n = 25) and a diet containing soybean oil (n = 25). The fats were provided at 3.6% during gestation and at 4% during lactation. The experimental diets were offered through the weaning of the piglets. The fatty acid profile of the milk was determined fourteen days after parturition. At weaning (21 days postpartum) and seven days later, one of the piglets (n = 64) from 16 sows allocated to each treatment was selected at random to determine fatty acid profiles in brain, skin and muscle. Saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids were higher in the diet with pork lard than in that with soybean oil, in which the polyunsaturated fat content was higher. A higher saturation of fatty acids was found in milk from the sows that consumed pork lard, which contained more saturated fatty acids than the milk from sows that consumed soybean oil. The fatty acid profiles in muscle and skin of the piglets were affected by the diet of the sows. However, the fatty acid profile of the piglets’ brains was not affected by the diet of their mothers. Keywords: fat saturation, lard, piglet survival, sow feeding, soybean oi

    Greenhouse effect gases emission implications on sustainability of the Campus of Vegazana, University of León

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    En este trabajo se presentan los resultados del estudio de emisiones de CO2, uno de los gases más importantes de efecto invernadero, debido a la actividad desarrollada en el Campus de Vegazana de la Universidad de León, para el año 2006. El estudio se enmarca en un proyecto más amplio de cálculo del indicador Huella Ecológica (HE), desarrollado para conocer en qué medida se alcanzan los objetivos de sostenibilidad establecidos para el Campus, así como para el desarrollo de propuestas encaminadas a la reducción de las emisiones de CO2. Los resultados obtenidos reflejan como el área de superficie biológicamente productiva necesaria para absorber las emisiones del Campus constituyen cerca del 99% del área total de HE. La mayor parte de estas emisiones proceden del gasto energético para electricidad (38%) y uso térmico (24%, seguido del transporte (19%) y la construcción del propio complejo universitario (16%, el cual hace referencia únicamente al año 2006, considerando una vida útil de 27 años para los edificios e instalaciones del Campus, inaugurado en 1979. Una vez analizadas cualitativa y cuantitativamente las emisiones producidas, se ha buscado conocer el total de superficie forestal necesaria para absorber dichas emisiones, considerando los datos del Tercer Inventario Forestal Nacional (2003) sobre cobertura de las masas forestales para el territorio nacional, y los aportados por Bravo (2007) en relación a las tasas de fijación del gas por parte de éstas. Como conclusión, puede estimarse que del total de la superficie forestal de la provincia de León, un 0.46% es necesaria como depósito y sumidero del CO2 emitido por el Campus de Vegazana (8.470.168 toneladas. Esta estimación se ha realizado considerando que las masas forestales son las únicas depositarias de CO2, tarea compartida en la naturaleza, no obstante, con el suelo, el agua y los cultivosIn this work, we present the results obtained about the CO2 emissions, one of the most important greenhouse gases, due to the normal activity developed in the Campus of Vegazana of the University of León for the year 2006. This study is all part of a wider project for evaluating the Fingerprint ecological indicator (HE, initially developed for assessing if the sustainability objectives established by the University policies for the Campus of Vegazana have been achieved, as well as the development of proposals and ideas directed towards the reduction of the emissions of CO2. Results obtained showed that the biologically productive area necessary for absorbing all emissions are close to the 99% of the total value of HE. The majority of these emissions come from the energy consumed for producing electricity (38%) and heating (24%), followed by the transport (19%) and the constructions of the buildings and infrastructures of the University (16%, which related just for the year 2006, considering a living period of 27 years as it was inaugurated in 1979. Once analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively the emissions produced, it was developed a method for estimating the total area covered necessary for absorbing them by considering data available from the Third National Forestry Inventory of Spain (2003), related with the forest cover of the territory, and data provided by Bravo(2007, about the absorption rate of the tree species. As a conclusion, we estimated that form the total area covered by forests of the Province of León, a 0.46% is necessary as sink of the CO2 produced in the Campus of Vegazana (8.470.168 ton. This assessment has been achieved considering that forests are the only warehouse of CO2, when actually soil, water and crops are in nature.Peer Reviewe

    Improvement of a functional method to determine the design thermal transmittance of building façades. Implementation in southern Spain

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    The thermo-hygrometric conditions to which construction materials are subjected cause their thermal performance to vary by location. These variations must be characterised in order to design building envelopes adjusted to the requirements of each situation, thus contributing to improve their energy efficiency under actual operating conditions. To this end, a functional calculation procedure that corrects the standardised thermal conductivity values of façade materials (¿-value) has been recently proposed; which considers the climatic characteristics of each location. This work proposes and validates improvements that, while preserving its functionality, overcome some limitations of the original procedure. To calculate more accurate corrections, the façade configuration and the climatic zones established by the building codes are also considered, allowing a more reliable characterisation of the design thermal transmittance of each building façade. By using climatic records gathered from 316 weather stations, a detailed isopleth map is also developed to present the applicable corrections for more than 250, 000 km2 of southern Spain. The largest ¿-value corrections are identified on the southeast coast and reach up to +6% in the summer months (with average annual corrections above +4%). This improved procedure can be extrapolated to any national building code that establishes constant values of thermal conductivity for façade materials and that defines thermal design requirements based on climatic zones

    Transformación genética de olivo con el gen OeHPL para el análisis funcional del papel de la enzima 13-hidroperóxido liasa (13-HPL) en la producción de compuestos volátiles.

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    La 13-hidroperóxido liasa es una enzima implicada en la biosíntesis de compues- tos volátiles y tiene un papel fundamental sobre la composición y propiedades del aceite de oliva virgen. La expresión del gen OeHPL muestra una regulación temporal durante la maduración y desarrollo del fruto; además, la expresión es alta en hojas y tejido de mesocarpo y baja en semillas. En este trabajo se aborda el análisis funcional de este gen mediante su sobreexpresión y silenciamiento en plantas transgénicas de olivo. La transformación se llevó a cabo vía Agrobac- terium. Se utilizó la cepa AGL-1 con tres construcciones distintas: pHPLs para sobreexpresión (orientación sentido), pHPLas (orientación antisentido) y pHPLi (ARN-interferente) para silenciamiento. Se recuperaron plantas procedentes de 27 líneas transgénicas independientes, 6 HPLs, 10 HPLas y 11 HPLi. El análisis de la expresión del gen OeHPL en hojas de estas líneas mostró los siguientes resultados, a) líneas sentido: en una de ellas aumentó la expresión 24 veces mien- tras que en otras tres, aumentó en el rango 4-7X; b) líneas antisentido: sólo en dos de ellas disminuyó su expresión un 20% y c) líneas RNAi: en tres de ellas, se redujo la expresión entre 25-35% mientras que en otras dos, disminuyó un 50%. Estas líneas RNAi muestran un crecimiento ralentizado y, en general, presen- tan menor vigor que las controles. Próximamente, se iniciarán los trabajos para cuantificar la actividad enzimática 13-HPL y el contenido de volátiles en hojas con diferentes perfiles de expresión del gen. Asimismo, dado el papel que los vo- látiles de hoja verde, formados vía HPL, juegan en la resistencia a estrés también se evaluará la tolerancia a verticilosis en las plantas de las líneas seleccionadas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucia Tech

    Disorder induced phase segregation in La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 manganites

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    Neutron powder diffraction experiments on La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 over a broad temperature range above and below the metal-insulator transition have been analyzed beyond the Rietveld average approach by use of Reverse Monte Carlo modelling. This approach allows the calculation of atomic pair distribution functions and spin correlation functions constrained to describe the observed Bragg and diffuse nuclear and magnetic scattering. The results evidence phase separation within a paramagnetic matrix into ferro and antiferromagnetic domains correlated to anistropic lattice distortions in the vicinity of the metal-insulator transition.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. Figure 1 replace

    Efficient bleaching of non-woody high-quality paper pulp using lacasse-mediator systems

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    aDepartment of Molecular Microbiology, CIB, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Velázquez 144, E-28006 Madrid, Spain; bDepartment of Textile and Paper Engineering, ETSII, Polytechnic University of Catalunya (UPC), Colón 11, E-08222 Terrassa, Spain; cDepartment of Biogeochemistry, IRNAS, CSIC, PO Box 1052, E-41080, Seville, Spain; dCelulosas de Levante SA (CELESA), Ctra. C-237, km 4.5, E-43500 Tortosa, SpainHigh-quality flax pulp was bleached in a totally-chlorine-free (TCF) sequence using a laccase-mediator system. Three fungal laccases (from Pycnoporus cinnabarinus, Trametes versicolor and Pleurotus eryngii) and two mediators, 2,2´-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) and 1-hydroxybenzotriazole (HBT), were compared. P. cinnabarinus and T. versicolor laccases in the presence of HBT gave the best results in terms of high brightness and low lignin content (kappa number). The former laccase also resulted in the best preservation of cellulose and the largest removal of residual lignin as revealed by analytical pyrolysis, and was selected for subsequent TCF bleaching. Up to 90% delignification and strong brightness increase were attained after a laccase-mediator treatment followed by H2O2 bleaching. This TCF sequence was further improved by applying H2O2 under pressurized O2. In this way, we obtained up to 82% ISO brightness (compared with 37% in the initial pulp, and 60% in the peroxide-bleached control) and very low kappa number (near 1). Good results were also found when the laccase-mediator treatment was performed in a bioreactor under pressurized oxygen. The pulp properties obtained, which could not be attained by conventional TCF bleaching of flax pulp, demonstrate the feasibility of enzymatic bleaching to substitute chlorine-containing reagents in manufacturing of these high-price paper pulps.This study was supported by the European Commission (contract QLK3-99-590), the Spanish CICYT (FEDER project 2FD97-0896-C02, and projects AGL2002-00393, BIO2002-1166 and PPQ2000-1068-C02-02), the Comunidad de Madrid, and the CSIC network on “Bioremediation and Phytoremediation”.Peer reviewe

    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with IGH translocations are characterized by a distinct genetic landscape with prognostic implications

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    Chromosome 14q32 rearrangements/translocations involving the immunoglobulin heavy chain (IGH) are rarely detected in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). The prognostic significance of the IGH translocation is controversial and its mutational profile remains unknown. Here, we present for the first time a comprehensive next-generation sequencing (NGS) analysis of 46 CLL patients with IGH rearrangement (IGHR-CLLs) and we demonstrate that IGHR-CLLs have a distinct mutational profile with recurrent mutations in NOTCH1, IGLL5, POT1, BCL2, FBXW7, ZMYM3, MGA, BRAF and HIST1H1E genes. Interestingly, BCL2 and FBXW7 mutations were significantly associated with this subgroup and almost half of BCL2, IGLL5 and HISTH1E mutations reported were previously identified in non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Notably, IGH/BCL2 rearrangements were associated with a lower mutation frequency and carried BCL2 and IGLL5 mutations, while the other IGHR-CLLs had mutations in genes related to poor prognosis (NOTCH1, SF3B1 and TP53) and shorter time to first treatment (TFT). Moreover, IGHR-CLLs patients showed a shorter TFT than CLL patients carrying 13q-, normal fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and +12 CLL, being this prognosis particularly poor when NOTCH1, SF3B1, TP53, BIRC3 and BRAF were also mutated. The presence of these mutations not only was an independent risk factor within IGHR-CLLs, but also refined the prognosis of low-risk cytogenetic patients (13q-/normal FISH). Hence, our study demonstrates that IGHR-CLLs have a distinct mutational profile from the majority of CLLs and highlights the relevance of incorporating NGS and the status of IGH by FISH analysis to refine the risk-stratification CLL model

    Anatomo-functional organization in brain networks

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    There are several studies focused on comparing rsFC networks with their structural substrate \cite{hagmann2008, honey2010}. However an accurate description of how anatomo-­functional connections are organized, both at physical and topological levels, is still to be defined. Here we present an approach to quantify the anatomo-functional organization and discuss its consistency