70 research outputs found

    Motor coordination and academic performance in primary school students

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    Objective: There is interest in studying the relationship between cognition and motor skills for decades. However, there are few studies that provide scientific evidence on the relationship between motor coordination and academic performance. Therefore, a descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with 163 Spanish schoolchildren aged 6-9 years. Motor coordination was measured with the GRAMI-2 Test. Academic performance was obtained through the average grades of the subjects of language, mathematics, natural science, social science, English and artistic. The variables were calculated: motor coordination index and overall academic performance. The results obtained showed that schoolchildren with a better motor coordination index had higher marks in language, mathematics, natural science and English (p between <.01 and <.05). Dividing the sample according to the global academic performance, those with a good academic performance showed a better coordination performance in lateral jumps (p = .021) and a better motor coordination index (p = .008). These results indicate the existence of a positive relationship between motor coordination and academic performance, which may be this bidirectional link. This study could have practical implications to be taken into account by physical education teachers, such as, the increase in opportunities for physical activity during school and after school hours through the development of programs based on coordinative exercise, and especially oriented towards those less competent at the motor level

    Consumer Confidence and Yield Spreads in Europe

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    This paper shows the extraordinary capacity of yield spreads to anticipate consumption growth as proxy by the Economic Sentiment Indicator elaborated by the European Commission in order to predict turning points in business cycles. This new evidence complements the well known results regarding the usefulness of the slope of the term structure of interest rates to predict real economic conditions and, in particular, recessions by using a direct measure of expectations. A linear combination of European yield spreads explains a surprising 93.7% of the variability of the Economic Sentiment Indicator. Yield spreads seem to be a key determinant of consumer confidence in Europe.consumer confidence, yield spreads, expected real activity, economic sentiment indicator

    Evaluating E-Learning systems success to understand student’s performance during Covid Pandemic

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    [EN] The present work arises as a consequence of the current situation that is being experienced worldwide due to the COVID 19 and the associated repercussions on education. E- Learning has demonstrated to be the only resource capable of replacing traditional in-person learning methods in the present global gridlock due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Academic institutions around the world have heavily invested in E-Learning and it is necessary to ensure the success of E-Learning initiatives in order to make a learning model with the same guarantees of traditional models. The objective of this study is to propose and validate a model to measure the E-learning success based on different dimensions and it is an extended of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Information Systems Success (ISS), which has been empirically tested. For this purpose, an e-learning questionnaire was used in order to test academical performance with students from secondary education in València during the pandemic. Results show a significant relationship between Intention To Use for Sustainability and Students Satisfacction, a significant relationship between Students Satisfacction and Student Performance and finally a significant relationship between Student Performance and Learning Achievements.Bustamante García, E.; Martínez Gómez, M.; Berna Escriche, C. (2022). Evaluating E-Learning systems success to understand student’s performance during Covid Pandemic. En 4th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics (CARMA 2022). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 286-286. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/18970228628

    Consumer Confidence and Yield Spreads in Europe

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    This paper shows the extraordinary capacity of yield spreads to anticipate consumption growth as proxy by the Economic Sentiment Indicator elaborated by the European Commission in order to predict turning points in business cycles. This new evidence complements the well known results regarding the usefulness of the slope of the term structure of interest rates to predict real economic conditions and, in particular, recessions by using a direct measure of expectations. A linear combination of European yield spreads explains a surprising 93.7% of the variability of the Economic Sentiment Indicator. Yield spreads seem to be a key determinant of consumer confidence in Europe.Eva Ferreira and Gonzalo Rubio acknowledge the financial support provided by Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología grant BEC2001-0636; the latter also thanks the Fundación BBVA research grant 1-BBVA 00044.321-15466/2002. Maria Isabel Martínez and Eliseo Navarro acknowledge the financial support provided by Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología grant BEC2001-1599

    Exploring Patients' Insight, Concerns, and Expectations at Dermatology Clinic:An Observational Study in 2 Centers in Scotland and Spain

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    Background: Effective doctor–patient communication is of great importance in order to optimize medical consultation outcomes. However, it can be difficult to address all patients’ concerns and expectations in clinic. Objective: To identify how much patients know about their medical condition, their fears and concerns, and their expectations, as well as evaluate the benefits of using a preconsultation questionnaire routinely. Methods: This study included consecutive patients attending dermatology outpatients from Dundee (Scotland) and Granada (Spain) who completed a simple preconsultation 3-part questionnaire. Answers to this questionnaire were discussed during clinic visits. Results: Two hundred patients participated in the study. Of all, 111 (55.5%) patients already knew their diagnosis or were able to describe their symptoms and/or feelings quite accurately at their visit to Dermatology. Most patients (85%) had fears regarding their dermatological problem. A majority of patients (97%) came to clinic with specific expectations, and many (41.5%) had multiple expectations. A high proportion of patients (74%) found the questionnaire useful. Conclusion: Patients attend clinic with different levels of knowledge, fears, and expectations. We recommend using a brief and easy to use preconsultation questionnaire as a cost-effective way of enhancing doctor–patient communication

    Análisis de la convivencia escolar en aulas de educación primaria

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    El propósito de esta investigación es el de conocer el estado de convivencia escolar en las aulas de primaria del municipio de Molina de Segura (Murcia- España). Para ello, han participado 291 alumnos del tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria de tres colegios situados en el norte, centro y sur del municipio. Si bien es cierto que en el ámbito educativo deberíamos encontrarnos con un clima de convivencia, en numerosas ocasiones no es así, produciéndose situaciones de conflictividad que rompen la armonía y cooperación entre las personas que forman la institución educativa y de esta manera, hacen muy complicado poder llevar a cabo el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la mejor manera posible. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer la situación de la conflictividad en el municipio, para que, posteriormente, podamos plantear soluciones adecuadas a las necesidades de convivencia escolar en las aulas y de esta manera, favorecer el proceso de formación de los escolares

    Study of induced skin reactions by vitamin K

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    La patología iatrogénica constituye en el momento actual una de las facetas más importantes de la dermatología. La vitamina K es un principio activo que se ha asociado a múltiples cuadros cutáneos adversos, que aunque son excepcionales, se han registrado repetidamente en la literatura. Adoptan un aspecto clínico, una morfología patológica y un curso pronóstico característico. En el presente artículo se realiza una revisión informatizada y manual desde los primeros casos documentados en el año 1972 hasta el 2011. Se han descrito cuadros típicamente anafilactoides y reacciones cutáneas retardadas, del tipo eczema y placas de esclerosis cutánea. La patogenia es controvertida, parece que el mecanismo más implicado es de tipo inmunológico, aunque presenta alguna peculiaridad. Recientemente el uso de vitamina K por vía tópica en productos cosméticos ha favorecido la aparición de nuevas reacciones cutáneas adversas y probablemente en un futuro aumentaran por la mayor exposición a este producto.Iatrogenic pathology is one of the most important aspects of dermatology in these days. Vitamin K has been associated with adverse skin in multiple forms. These reactions are rare, but they occur repeatedly in the literature. They show a clinical aspect, a pathological morphology and characteristic prognosis course. In this article a computerized and manual revision is made since the first cases documented in 1972 until 2011. Anaphylactoid reactions, eczematous dermatitis and sclerosis plaques have been described. The pathogenesis is controversial. The mechanism involved seems to be immunological, although it has some peculiarities. Recently, the use of topical vitamin K in cosmetic products has encouraged the appearance of new adverse skin reactions which probably increase in the future by greater exposure to this product

    Waste of Fruits, Vegetables and Aromatic Herbs in the wholesale market of Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico

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    Objective: To estimate the waste of fruits, legumes and herbs in the Xalapa wholesale market Central de Abasto Xalapa (CAX). Design/methodology/approach: The tenants and transporters of the wholesale market were interviewed, who estimated the reported information. Results: It was calculated a daily waste 1.7 t (0.7 %) of fruits, legumes and aromatic herbs commercialized in CAX. Tenants unknown the factors that cause this waste. Limitations on study/implications: Few reports are available on the waste of fruits, vegetables and herbs in the wholesale markets in the country. Little awareness exists about this problem in the country. Findings/conclusions: The amount of waste produced daily in CAX indicates the need to review the public policies applicable to improve their coordination and market problemsObjective: To estimate the waste of fruits, legumes and herbs in the Xalapa wholesale market Central de Abasto Xalapa (CAX). Design/methodology/approach: The tenants and transporters of the wholesale market were interviewed, who estimated the reported information. Results: It was calculated a daily waste 1.7 t (0.7 %) of fruits, legumes and aromatic herbs commercialized in CAX. Tenants unknown the factors that cause this waste. Limitations on study/implications: Few reports are available on the waste of fruits, vegetables and herbs in the wholesale markets in the country. Little awareness exists about this problem in the country. Findings/conclusions: The amount of waste produced daily in CAX indicates the need to review the public policies applicable to improve their coordination and market problem

    Diseño de políticas contables para el reconocimiento inicial, medición posterior, presentación y revelación de transacciones con BITCOIN con propósito especulativo de conformidad a NIIF para las PYMES en una empresa del sector comercio.

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    El presente trabajo de tesis está enfocado a la moneda virtual llamada bitcoin, a raíz de su adopción en El Salvador como moneda de curso legal, también permite que se pueda realizar especulación, donde esta nueva forma de operar, permite que los profesionales tengan un mayor conocimiento de cómo funciona la moneda, qué beneficios trae su uso y cómo permitirá realizar políticas contables para sus registros. La investigación consta de tres capítulos, en el primero se plantea la situación problemática a desarrollar y proporciona la información en el marco teórico en torno al bitcoin como moneda en cuestión. El capítulo dos contiene la metodología utilizada durante la investigación con el desarrollo de la encuesta y sus respectivos análisis y presentación de los resultados. El capítulo tres contiene la propuesta de solución al problema donde se plantean las políticas y ejemplos de partidas, que sugieren la forma de cómo realizar los registros contables sobre el reconocimiento inicial, medición posterior, presentación y revelación en los estados financieros por las transacciones de especulación con la criptomoneda