355 research outputs found

    Some applications of quasi-velocities in optimal control

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    In this paper we study optimal control problems for nonholonomic systems defined on Lie algebroids by using quasi-velocities. We consider both kinematic, i.e. systems whose cost functional depends only on position and velocities, and dynamic optimal control problems, i.e. systems whose cost functional depends also on accelerations. The formulation of the problem directly at the level of Lie algebroids turns out to be the correct framework to explain in detail similar results appeared recently (Maruskin and Bloch, 2007). We also provide several examples to illustrate our construction.Comment: Revtex 4.1, 20 pages. To appear in Int. J. Geom. Meth. Modern Physic

    Opinion of handball players, trainers and referees using the handball/futsal goalpost anti-tip system “tutigool” for a safe game: 2019 four nations international handball junior tournament

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    [EN] Problem Statement:Athletes and especially children die around the world due to sports accidents. In this regard, changes in the federal sports regulations are not only aimed at favoring the game, but also to improve the safety of athletes. In handball, the goal is an essential piece of equipment and the anti-tip system used is fundamental to prevent accidents. Purpose:The objective of the present study was to know the opinion of different sports agents about the use of the Tutigool anti-tip system in the goals. Methods:The sample consisted of 60 subjects (players (51 ± 0.72), trainers (5 ± 14.01), and referees (4 ± 2.5)), of which, 96.7% were men and 3.3% women. A modified Likert-scale questionnaire was filled out (1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree) by the participants of the Four Nations International Tournament in January 2019 in the male U21 category, held in Santander (Spain). The questionnaire consisted of 18 items. Results: The most relevant results affirm that the system is appropriate for the handball game at the municipal and school level at 5.35 and for high level sports at 4.10. The average satisfaction with this system is 4.34. By agents, the coaches obtained 5.4, the referees 4.5 and the players 4.22. The Kruskal-Wallis test was carried out, which showed no significant differences in the mean scores (p> 0.05) given by players, trainers and referees in different aspects related to the anti-tip system. Conclusions:These results allow making a deep reflection and a change in handball regulations with the aim of adapting them and guaranteeing a safer practice, not only for athletes and amateur users, but also for sports facilities technicians who are responsible for the maintenance and handling of sports equipment.S

    Mesenchymal stem cells differenciate to human corneal endothelium. A literature review of published data

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    Antecedentes y Objetivo: En la presente revisión se expondrán las principales fuentes de células madre mesenquimales utilizadas para la generación de endotelio corneal humano artificial o en sus usos como terapia regenerativa. Así mismo, los distintos modelos de diferenciación sugeridos por los autores a lo largo de la historia; los marcadores celulares o fisiológicos de los que se han servido para caracterizar las células diferenciadas y se describirá la potencialidad traslacional de dichas células a patologías del endotelio corneal mediante las técnicas de las que se han servido para su implantación o trasplante. Material y métodos: Revisión narrativa de publicaciones de diferenciación de células madre mesenquimales a endotelio corneal humano o de otras aplicaciones de estas células como terapia regenerativa en modelos de daño endotelial corneal. Resultados: Un total de seis trabajos utilizaron células madre mesenquimales en diferenciación o regeneración de endotelio corneal, de los cuales cuatro utilizaron células provenientes de cordón umbilical. En cuatro de estos estudios se diseñó un protocolo de diferenciación distinto. Los autores coincidieron en los marcadores de diferenciación ATP1A1, COL8A2, PITX2 y ZO-1. Conclusiones: Si bien son pocos los ensayos clínicos publicados en materia de endotelio corneal humano que utilizan dichas células; el potencial de regeneración y de diferenciación de las MSC junto con el desarrollo que ha experimentado la Ingeniería Tisular, hace que se postulen como el futuro de la terapia sustitutiva.Background and purpose: The main sources of mesenchymal stem cells used for the creation of artificial corneal endothelium or their uses such as regenerative therapy will be exposed in this review. Moreover, the different models of differentiation suggested by authors throughout the history just as cellular or physiological markers which have been used to typify defined cells will be described. Finally, it will also be described the translational potential of these cells to corneal endothelium diseases through the techniques which have been used to its implantation or transplant. Material and methods: Narrative review of publications on the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells to human corneal endothelium or other applications of these cells as regenerative therapy in models of corneal endothelial damage. Results: A total of six studies used mesenchymal stem cells in differentiation or regeneration of corneal endothelium, of which four used cells from the umbilical cord. In four of these studies a different differentiation protocol was designed. The authors agreed on the differentiation markers ATP1A1, COL8A2, PITX2 and ZO-1. Conclusions: Although there are few published clinical trials on human corneal endothelium that use these cells; The regeneration and differentiation potential of MSCs and the development that Tissue Engineering has undergone, makes them postulate as the future of replacement therapy

    Oral lichenoid lesions related to contact with dental materials : a literature review

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    Oral lichenoid lesions related to contact are defined as oral-cavity eruptions with an identifiable etiology, and are clinically and histologically similar to oral lichen planus. Within this group are found oral lichenoid lesions related to contact with dental materials (OLLC), the most common being those related to silver amalgam. Currently, it remains difficult to diagnose these lesions due to the clinical and histopathological similarity with oral lichen planus and other oral mucosa lesions of lichenoid characteristics. In the present paper, we carry out an updated review of the tests for, and the different characteristics of OLLC, which may aid the diagnosis. For this review, we made searches in the Pubmed® and Cochrane® databases. Among the literature we found several published papers, from which we have used review papers, case papers, cohort studies, case and control studies, and a meta-analysis study. After carrying out this review, we can conclude that the diagnosis of these lesions is still difficult and controversial. However, there are different aspects in the clinical presentation, pathological study and results obtained when replacing suspect materials, which, when taken together, may be useful when establishing the final diagnosis of OLLC

    Mitigation of phytotoxic effect of compost by application of optimized aqueous extraction protocols

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    The abuse of chemical fertilizers in recent decades has led the promotion of less harmful alternatives, such as compost or aqueous extracts obtained from it. Therefore, it is essential to develop liquid biofertilizers, which in addition of being stable and useful for fertigation and foliar application in intensive agriculture had a remarkable phytostimulant extracts. For this purpose, a collection of aqueous extracts was obtained by applying four different Compost Extraction Protocols (CEP1, CEP2, CEP3, CEP4) in terms of incubation time, temperature and agitation of compost samples from agri-food waste, olive mill waste, sewage sludge and vegetable waste. Subsequently, a physicochemical characterization of the obtained set was performed in which pH, electrical conductivity and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) were measured. In addition, a biological characterization was also carried out by calculating the Germination Index (GI) and determining the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5). Furthermore, functional diversity was studied using the Biolog EcoPlates technique. The results obtained confirmed the great heterogeneity of the selected raw materials. However, it was observed that the less aggressive treatments in terms of temperature and incubation time, such as CEP1 (48 h, room temperature (RT)) or CEP4 (14 days, RT), provided aqueous compost extracts with better phytostimulant characteristics than the starting composts. It was even possible to find a compost extraction protocol that maximize the beneficial effects of compost. This was the case of CEP1, which improved the GI and reduced the phytotoxicity in most of the raw materials analyzed. Therefore, the use of this type of liquid organic amendment could mitigate the phytotoxic effect of several composts being a good alternative to the use of chemical fertilizers

    Substitute therapy of the sclera. Identification of the patologies and methodologies in the University Hospital of Granada (2014-2019)

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    Introducción: La esclera es un tejido avascular compuesto por tejido conectivo denso cuya función principal es proteger las estructuras intraoculares. Existen diversas patologías que ponen en riesgo la integridad de dicho tejido y, en consecuencia, pueden provocar terribles secuelas con un pronóstico nefasto. El tratamiento sustitutivo forma parte de la terapia de dicha patología, siendo el injerto de esclerótica cadáver una opción biocompatible y biomimética a valorar. El injerto de esclerótica de cadáver es un tejido de fácil acceso y con buenos resultados post-quirúrgicos por lo que no solo es usado en el ámbito de la patología escleral, sino que también es utilizado para cirugía de oculoplástica, glaucoma o de retina. No obstante, el peligro de transmisión de priones o el déficit de suministro en algunos países hacen que este tejido sea suplantado por otros tejidos o técnicas quirúrgicas. Métodos: Los objetivos de este estudio son identificar la patología esclerótica susceptible de terapia sustitutiva en los últimos 5 años en el complejo hospitalario universitario de Granada, identificar los métodos empleados como terapéutica sustitutiva en dicha patología y evaluar la práctica de dicha terapia en el contexto de la bibliografía existente al respecto. Para ello, se aplicó un diseño retrospectivo en el que se realizó una búsqueda en los archivos de la unidad de documentación clínica del Hospital Clínico San Cecilio y Hospital Virgen de las Nieves, de los cuales se obtuvieron 9 casos clínicos. Resultados: Entre los 9 casos clínicos, solo 4 fueron sometidos a tratamiento quirúrgico, y de estos, 3 de ellos a terapia sustitutiva por membrana amniótica o injerto escleral. En los 5 casos restantes no se llevó a cabo ninguna técnica quirúrgica, no obstante, podría ser de gran valor el uso del refuerzo con injerto de esclerótica en los casos con escleromalacia para evitar complicaciones futuras. La esclerótica procedente de cadáver se postula como una opción con unos resultados prometedores; sin embargo, las líneas de investigación actuales apuestan por el desarrollo de un sustituto basado en las ventajas de la fibrina agarosa que supla los puntos negativos del tejido donante.Introduction: The sclera is an avascular tissue composed of dense connective tissue whose main function is to protect intraocular structures. There are several pathologies that jeopardize the integrity of this tissue and, consequently, can cause terrible consequences with a dire prognosis. Substitute treatment is part of the therapy of this pathology, with the donor sclera graft being a biocompatible and biomimetic option to be evaluated. The donor sclera graft is an easily accessible tissue with good post-surgical results, so it is not only used in the field of scleral pathology, but also used for oculoplastic, glaucoma or retinal surgery. However, the danger of prion transmission or the supply deficit in some countries causes that, other tissues or surgical techniques supplant this tissue. Methods: The objectives of this study are to identify the sclerotic pathology susceptible of replacement therapy in the last 5 years in the university hospital of Granada, identify the methods used as a replacement therapy in this pathology and evaluate the practice of such therapy. A retrospective design was applied and a search was made in the archives of the clinical documentation unit of the San Cecilio Clinical Hospital and Virgen de las Nieves Hospital. There were 9 clinical cases found. Results: Among the nine clinical cases, only 4 were subjected to surgical treatment, and of these, three of them for replacement therapy of donor sclera or amniotic membrane. In the remaining 5 cases did not carry out any surgical technique, however, it could be of great value using reinforcement sclera graft in cases with scleromalacia to avoid further complications. Sclera from cadaver is postulated as an option with promising results; however, current research committed to the development of a substitute based on the advantages of fibrin agarose that mitigates the negative points of the donor tissue

    9^9Be+120^{120}Sn scattering at near-barrier energies within a four body model

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    Cross sections for elastic and inelastic scattering of the weakly-bound 9^9Be nucleus on a 120^{120}Sn target have been measured at seven bombarding energies around and above the Coulomb barrier. The elastic angular distributions are analyzed with a four-body continuum-discretized coupled-channels (CDCC) calculation, which considers 9^9Be as a three-body projectile (α\alpha + α\alpha + n). An optical model analysis using the S\~ao Paulo potential is also shown for comparison. The CDCC analysis shows that the coupling to the continuum part of the spectrum is important for the agreement with experimental data even at energies around the Coulomb barrier, suggesting that breakup is an important process at low energies. At the highest incident energies, two inelastic peaks are observed at 1.19(5) and 2.41(5) MeV. Coupled-channels (CC) calculations using a rotational model confirm that the first inelastic peak corresponds to the excitation of the 21+_1^+ state in 120^{120}Sn, while the second one likely corresponds to the excitation of the 31_1^- state.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures. Accepted as PR

    Biopriming of cucumber seeds using actinobacterial formulas as a novel protection strategy against Botrytis cinerea

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    This work highlights the ability of various actinobacterial formulas, to control the incidence of gray-mold caused by Botrytis cinerea in cucumber seedlings. Protocols applied aimed at the preliminary characterization of the actinobacterial collection and the biopolymers used as carriers were very useful for predicting their phytotoxic, phytostimulating and biopesticidal capacity. First, the phytostimulatory or phytotoxic potential of 3 biopolymers at 3 different concentrations and a collection of 10 actinobacteria were analyzed by calculating the germination index in cucumber seeds by seed dipping (biopriming). In general, two-member consortia and independent actinobacteria previously selected reached a phytostimulant effect on cucumber seedlings after their application by biopriming. Likewise, the selected actinobacteria were characterized, sole and in co-cultures, according to its ability to inhibit the growth of B. cinerea by dual culture bioassays. Finally, after selecting the most effective actinobacterial formulas, a preventive gray-mold bioassay was performed based on cucumber seed biopriming. The strains A5 and A7, in axenic and co-culture, showed to be the most efficient strains against the in vitro growth of B. cinerea. Seed biopriming strategy with actinobacterial formulas revealed a remarkable promoter effect in the early stages of plant development and after the infection with the phytopathogen fungus was remained. Definitely, the microbial formulas used in this work showed a phytostimulant and biopesticide character, laying the foundations for subsequent studies that allow a deeper scrutiny of the mechanisms of action that grant the specialization of the effect that occurs between beneficial microorganisms and specific plant hosts

    Fatigue in Women with Fibromyalgia: A Gene-Physical Activity Interaction Study

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    Fatigue is a cardinal symptom in fibromyalgia. Fatigue is assumed to be the result of genetic susceptibility and environmental factors. We aimed at examining the role of genetic susceptibility for fatigue in southern Spanish women with fibromyalgia, by looking at single nucleotide polymorphisms in 34 fibromyalgia candidate-genes, at the interactions between genes, and at the gene-physical activity interactions. We extracted DNA from saliva of 276 fibromyalgia women to analyze gene-polymorphisms. Accelerometers registered physical activity and sedentary behavior. Fatigue was assessed with the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory. Based on the Bonferroni's and False Discovery Rate values, we found that the genotype of the rs4453709 polymorphism (sodium channel protein type 9 subunit alpha, SCN9A, gene) was related to reduced motivation (AT carriers showed the highest reduced motivation) and reduced activity (AA carriers showed the lowest reduced activity). Carriers of the heterozygous genotype of the rs1801133 (methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase, MTHFR, gene) or rs4597545 (SCN9A gene) polymorphisms who were physically active reported lower scores on fatigue compared to their inactive counterparts. Highly sedentary carriers of the homozygous genotype of the rs7607967 polymorphism (AA/GG genotype; SCN9A gene) presented more reduced activity (a dimension of fatigue) than those with lower levels of sedentary behavior. Collectively, findings from the present study suggest that the contribution of genetics and gene-physical activity interaction to fatigue in fibromyalgia is modest