141 research outputs found

    Developing Project Managers’ Transversal Competences Using Building Information Modeling

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    The emergence of building information modeling (BIM) methodology requires the training of professionals with both specific and transversal skills. In this paper, a project-based learning experience carried out in the context of a project management course at the University of Extremadura is analyzed. To that end, a questionnaire was designed and given to students who participated in the initiative. Results suggest that BIM can be considered a virtual learning environment, from which students value the competences developed. The emotional performance observed was quite flat. Similarly, students valued the usefulness of the initiative. Students expressed a desire for the methodological change of the university classes, and thought that BIM methodology could be useful for other courses. The results obtained show a line of work to be done to improve the training of students and university teaching

    Nutritional risk factors to users in dysmorphia muscular strength of room

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    Objetivo: Se muestra un estudio novedoso en el cual se han analizado la prevalencia y el tipo de suplementos consumidos entre usuarios de gimnasio de la provincia de Alicante que padecen dismorfia muscular (DM). Metodología: Se analizaron gimnastas de varias salas de musculación de Alicante (zona urbana del sureste español), donde se recogieron las medidas de 141 varones de edad comprendida entre 18-45 años, que persiguen el aumento de su masa muscular. Se tuvieron en cuenta el IMC (kg/m2), si consumían suplementos y que tipos. Y se ha determinado si padecían o no DM, a través de la Escala de satisfacción muscular. Resultados: La muestra está constituida por 141 varones, de los cuales 45 son DM y 96 no lo son. Un 89,9% y un 71,9% consumen o han consumido suplementos respectivamente. El consumo de los suplementos: proteínas, hidratos de carbono y creatina han resultado significativamente mayores entre los DM (p=0,007, p=0,016 y p=0,016 respectivamente). Los resultados del test Kidmed no han resultado significativos según el test Chi-cuadrado, pero con un porcentaje de dieta mediterránea superior en el grupo de los que padecen DM. Según el análisis multivariante son factores de riesgo el consumo de suplementos con una OR = 3.4 (IC95% = 1.1-10.9; p=0,041), el estar en sobrepeso con una OR = 20.9 (IC95% = 2.2-195.6; p=0,008) y ser obesos con OR = 15.5 (IC95% = 1.6-145.8; p=0,017). Conclusión: La prevalencia de consumo de suplementos tanto en DM como en no DM ha dado valores relativamente altos con respecto a la mayoría de estudios. Los suplementos más consumidos fueron proteínas, creatina e hidratos de carbono. El riesgo de padecer DM aumenta con el grado de obesidad y el grado en que se consumen suplementos.Objective: To analyze the prevalence and diet supplements used among gym users with muscle dysmorphia (MD) in the province of Alicante. Methodology: Several gymnasts weights-lift rooms of the urban area of Alicante were analyzed, collecting measurements of 141 (18-45 years of age) males that pursue an increase in their muscle mass. BMI (kg/m2), type and consume of diet supplements have been checked; and has been determined whether or not the presence of DM through the muscle scale satisfaction. Results: The sample consisted of 141 men, of whom 45 are with MD and 96 not. 89.9% and 71.9% use or have used diet supplements respectively. The consumption of supplements: proteins, carbohydrates and creatine have been significantly higher in MD´s users (p=0.007, p=0.016 and p=0.016 respectively). The Kidmed´s test results have not been significant according to the Chi-square test, but with a higher percentage of the Mediterranean diet in the group of those with DM. According to multivariate analysis are risk factors consuming supplements with an OR=3.4 (95%CI=1.1-10.9; p=0.041), being overweight with an OR=20.9 (95% CI=2.2-195.6; p =0.008) and obese with an OR=15.5 (95% CI=1.6-145.8; p=0.017). Conclusion: The use prevalence of diet supplements among MD and non-MD has relatively higher values compared to most studies. The most consumed diet supplements were protein, creatine and carbohydrates. The risk of suffering MD increases with the obesity degree and supplements consumption

    El codesarrollo en España. Protagonistas, discursos y experiencia

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    Depto. de Antropología Social y Psicología SocialFac. de Ciencias Políticas y SociologíaFALSEpu

    La necesidad de trabajar con la comunidad en tiempos de crisis: la experiencia grupal “Conviviendo con el COVID19”

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    Incluye PDF de la presentación y video del seminario.Se presenta una experiencia grupal con la comunidad en relación con la pandemia de COVID 19, con un grupo de 340 participantes. Se establece una primera sesión grupal y otra 30 sesiones más. Se pretende establecer estrategias flexibles, adaptadas a cada contexto y abiertas a la participación vecinal. Se resalta la importancia de la escucha activa y no reactiva, la necesidad de abrir espacios para elaborar, analizar y sacar aprendizajes de lo vivido.N

    Evaluation of gym users’ diet with muscle dysmorphia (bigorexia)

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    Objetivo: se muestra un estudio novedoso en el cual se ha analizado la dieta entre usuarios de gimnasio de la provincia de Alicante que padecen dismorfia muscular (DM). Metodología: se analizaron 141 gimnastas varones de varias salas de musculación de Alicante (zona urbana del sureste español) de edad entre 18-45 años, que persiguen el aumento de su masa muscular. Se tuvieron en cuenta el IMC (kg/m2) y la dieta realizada durante 24 horas. Y se ha determinado si padecían o no DM, a través de la Escala de satisfacción muscular. Resultados: la muestra está constituida por 141 varones, de los cuales 45 padecen DM y 96 no, según la Escala de satisfacción muscular. Se calculó el consumo de proteínas, siendo superior a 1,5 g/kg/día en el grupo sin DM y superior a 2 g/kg/día en el grupo con DM. Al analizar los demás macronutrientes los resultados indican que la proporción de hidratos de carbono, grasas y sus porcentajes según grado de insaturación están dentro de las recomendaciones, excepto el colesterol, que las supera, y la cantidad de fibra, que es ligeramente inferior. En relación a los micronutrientes en todos los casos están dentro de las recomendaciones excepto en el caso del yodo, que en los DM es ligeramente inferior. Conclusión: los individuos con DM realizan una dieta normocalórica y adecuada en hidratos de carbono y lípidos; sin embargo, los valores de proteína ingerida exceden los límites propuestos según la evidencia científica para el desarrollo de masa muscular en los deportes de fuerza.Objective: it is an innovative study where has been analyzed the diet among gym users with Muscle Dysmorphia (MD) of gyms in the province of Alicante. Methodology: it have been analyzed 141 male gymnasts of several gyms of Alicante (urban area of southeastern Spanish) aged between 18-45 years old, who purpose increasing their muscle mass. Were considered BMI (kg/m2) and 24 hour diet. And it has been determined whether or not suffer MD trough Muscle Appearance Satisfaction Scale. Results: the sample consisted of 141 men, of whom 45 are MD and 96 are not according to Muscle Appearance Satisfaction. Protein intake was calculated and was greater than 1.5 g/kg/day in patients without MD and greater than 2 g/kg/day in the MD group. Analyzing the other nutrients, results show that the proportion of carbohydrates and fats and their percentages by degree of instauration are within the recommendations except cholesterol which exceeds and the amount of dietary fiber that is slightly lower. In relation to micronutrients are within the recommendations in all cases except iodine which is slightly lower in MD. Conclusion: individuals with MD do a balanced energy and adequate carbohydrate and fat diet, however protein intake values exceed the limits proposed according to the scientific evidence for muscle mass development in strength sports

    Systolic pressure, abdominal obesity and body fat, metabolic syndrome predictors in Spanish preschoolers

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    Se plantea como objetivo determinar la presencia de predictores de síndrome metabólico en niños de 2 a 7 años en relación a su estado nutricional. Método: Estudio descriptivo con análisis cuantitativo en 260 niños de 2-7 años (135 niñas y 125 niños), 66% del total censados. Se midieron parámetros antropométricos y tensión arterial y se calcularon IMC, grasa corporal según Hoffman e índice cintura-talla (ICT). Se realizaron subgrupos con Z-Score del IMC según edad y sexo (bajo peso, normopeso, sobrepeso y obesidad), según grasa corporal (normal y con exceso), ICT (normal y obesidad abdominal) y tensión sistólica (normotensos e hipertensos según edad y sexo). Se utilizó como variable principal la clasificación según Z-Score del IMC. Resultados: La prevalencia combinada de sobrepeso y obesidad fue del 27%, sin diferencias por sexo. El estado nutricional relacionó significativamente con tensión arterial, grasa corporal e índice cintura-talla. Mayor porcentaje de obesos con tensión arterial sistólica alta que de normonutridos (OR=4.1; IC95% 1.7-9.8; p<0,001). Mayor riesgo de hipertensión en obesidad abdominal (OR=84.4; IC95% 17.8-194.0; p<0,001). El ICT correlaciona con los grupos de tensión arterial sistólica (p<0,001). La distribución según ICT es concordante con la de Z-Score de IMC, aumentando la obesidad abdominal con el IMC (en el 96.8% de obesos coinciden ambos criterios). Conclusión: Se presenta una relación directa entre sobrepeso y obesidad con hipertensión arterial, grasa corporal y obesidad abdominal en preescolares. Se muestra la validez de valores antropométricos accesibles (ICT y porcentaje de grasa corporal) para estudiar factores de riesgo del síndrome metabólico.Objective: The aim of this paper is to determine the presence of metabolic syndrome predictors in 2-to-7-year-old children according to nutrition state. Method: A descriptive study with quantitative analysis was conducted in 260 2-to-7-year-old children (135 girls and 125 boys), 66% of the total census. Anthropometric parameters and blood pressure were measured and BMI, body fat by Hoffman and waist-to-height ratio (ICT) were calculated. Subgroups according BMI Z-Score by age and gender (low weight, normal weight, overweight and obesity), body fat (normal and excess), ICT (normal and abdominal obesity) and systolic pressure (normotensive and hypertensive by age and gender) were performed. BMI Z-Score classification was primary endpoint used. Results: Combined prevalence of overweight and obesity was 27%, with no difference by sex. Nutritional state was significantly associated with blood pressure, body fat and abdominal obesity as waist-to-height ratio. Higher percentage of obese children had high systolic blood pressure versus normal weight children (OR = 4.1; 95% CI 1.7-9.8; p <0.001). Higher hypertension risk was found in abdominal obesity group (OR = 84.4, 95% CI 17.8-194.0; p <0.001). ICT correlates with groups of systolic blood pressure (p <0.001). Distribution by ICT is consistent with the BMI Z-Score ones, increasing abdominal obesity with BMI (in 96.8% of obese match both criteria). Conclusion: A direct relation between overweight and obesity with hypertension, body fat and abdominal obesity in preschoolers is presented. It is showed the validity of accessible anthropometric (ICT and body fat percentage) to study metabolic syndrome risk factors

    Molecular and Functional Characterization of Novel Fructosyltransferases and Invertases from Agave tequilana

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    Fructans are the main storage polysaccharides found in Agave species. The synthesis of these complex carbohydrates relies on the activities of specific fructosyltransferase enzymes closely related to the hydrolytic invertases. Analysis of Agave tequilana transcriptome data led to the identification of ESTs encoding putative fructosyltransferases and invertases. Based on sequence alignments and structure/function relationships, two different genes were predicted to encode 1-SST and 6G-FFT type fructosyltransferases, in addition, 4 genes encoding putative cell wall invertases and 4 genes encoding putative vacuolar invertases were also identified. Probable functions for each gene, were assigned based on conserved amino acid sequences and confirmed for 2 fructosyltransferases and one invertase by analyzing the enzymatic activity of recombinant Agave protein s expressed and purified from Pichia pastoris. The genome organization of the fructosyltransferase/invertase genes, for which the corresponding cDNA contained the complete open reading frame, was found to be well conserved since all genes were shown to carry a 9 bp mini-exon and all showed a similar structure of 8 exons/7 introns with the exception of a cell wall invertase gene which has 7 exons and 6 introns. Fructosyltransferase genes were strongly expressed in the storage organs of the plants, especially in vegetative stages of development and to lower levels in photosynthetic tissues, in contrast to the invertase genes where higher levels of expression were observed in leaf tissues and in mature plants

    Influence of socioeconomic factors in muscle dysmorphia

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    Introducción y objetivo: En la dismorfia muscular (DM) el paciente se ve pequeño a pesar de presentar un cuerpo musculado. Como en otras enfermedades adictivas, su prevención y diagnóstico precoz son claves para evitar los trastornos asociados. Se establece como objetivo determinar si existen factores socio demográficos asociados. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional transversal de 140 hombres, entre 16-45 años, que practicaban ejercicio de musculación en gimnasios de diferentes niveles socioeconómicos, al menos 6 meses previos al estudio, 4 días/semana, 1 hora/día, que firmaran el consentimiento informado y sin enfermedad crónica. La variable principal fue presencia de síntomas de DM mediante la Escala de Satisfacción Muscular (44 pacientes) y las secundarias edad, convivencia, hijos, nivel educativo e ingreso mensual. Se utilizaron frecuencias en las variables cualitativas y medias y desviaciones estándar en las cuantitativas, en el análisis bivariante test de Chi cuadrado y test t-student respectivamente y la regresión logística binaria (presencia/ausencia de MD) para eliminar factores confusores, calculándose las probabilidades asociadas. Resultados: Los gimnastas tienen una edad media de 26,1(DS=7,1)años; la mayoría viven con los padres (56,4%); no tienen hijos (89,3%); están equilibrados los niveles de estudios y los ingresos económicos son mayoritariamente bajos/medios (79,3%). En el análisis bivariante se observa mayor riesgo a menor edad (p=0,027) y cuando viven con los padres (límite significación). No se observa significación con tener hijos, nivel de estudios ni ingresos. En la regresión logística binaria se pierden estas significaciones, aunque la representación gráfica de la probabilidad con la edad parece ser un factor de riesgo, así como vivir con los padres o en pareja. Conclusión: Entre hombres que asisten a gimnasio para musculación habitualmente es un riesgo para presentar DM, tener menor edad, convivir en pareja y con los padres, no mostrando repercusión el nivel educativo ni el de ingresos económicos.Introduction and objective: In muscle dysmorphia (MD) the patient thinks he is smaller and less muscular than he really is. As in other addictive diseases, its prevention and early diagnosis are the key to avoid associated disorders. It is established as an objective to determine if there are associated socio-demographic factors. Material and methods: Cross-sectional observational study of 140 men, between 16-45 years old, who practice bodybuilding in gyms of different socioeconomic levels, at least 6 months prior to the study, 4 days / week, 1 hour / day, who signed the informed consent and without chronic illness. The main variable was the presence of symptoms of DM using the muscle appearance satisfaction scale (44 patients) and the secondary variables were age, coexistence, children, educational level and monthly income. Frequencies were used in the qualitative variables, and averages and standard deviations in the quantitative variables, in the bivariate analysis of the Chisquare test and the t-student test respectively and the binary logistic regression (presence / absence of MD) to eliminate confounding factors, the probabilities were calculated associated Results: The gymnasts have an average age of 26.1 (SD = 7.1) years; the majority live with their parents (56.4%); they do not have children (89.3%); the academic levels are balanced and the economic income is mostly low / medium (79.3%). In the bivariate analysis, is observed a higher risk at a younger age (p = 0.027) and when they live with their parents (limit of significance). Significance is not observed with the variables having children, educational level or economic income. In the binary logistic regression these meanings are lost, although the graphic representation of the probability in relation with age seems to be a risk factor, as well as living with the parents or as a couple. Conclusion: Among men who practice bodybuilding, it is usually a risk to suffer MD, to be younger, to live together as a couple and with parents, with no impact on the educational level or economic income

    Relationship between Anthropometric Variables and Muscle Dysmorphia in Gymnasts in the Province of Alicante

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    Objetivo: Se muestra un estudio novedoso en el que se analiza si las medidas antropométricas pueden ser utilizadas para clasificar la dismorfia muscular (DM), en gimnastas que asisten a sala de musculación. Metodología: Se analizaron gimnastas de varias salas de musculación de Alicante (zona urbana del sureste español), donde se recogieron las medidas de 141 varones de edad comprendida entre 18-45 años, que persiguen el aumento de su masa muscular. Se tuvieron en cuenta el cálculo del IMC (kg/m2), el somatotipo (endomorfia, mesomorfia y ectomorfia) y se han clasificado los posibles casos de dismorfia muscular, mediante la Escala de satisfacción muscular. Resultados: La muestra está constituida por 68 normopeso; 66 sobrepeso y 7 obesos, clasificados como DM en un 25.0% los normopeso, 33.3% sobrepeso y 85.7% los obesos (p=0.004). En el somatotipo, el único componente que presenta diferencias entre no DM y DM es la mesomorfia (p=0.024). Conclusión: La Dismorfia muscular es un concepto claramente psicológico difícilmente diagnosticable mediante medidas antropométricas. Únicamente la mesomorfia, es la medida que aparece incrementada en la DM, pudiendo ser un parámetro de ayuda en el diagnóstico y seguimiento de la DM. Además, el riesgo de padecer DM aumenta con el grado de obesidad.Objective: It shows a new study that examines if the anthropometric measurements can be used to classify the muscle dysmorphia (MD), in gymnasts who attend fitness room. Methodology: Gymnasts were analyzed several weights rooms of Alicante (urban area of southeastern Spain), where the measurements were 141 males aged between 18-45 years, aiming to enhance their muscle mass. We had in mind the calculation of BMI (kg/m2), the somatotype (endomorphy, mesomorphy and ectomorphy) and have been classified potential cases of muscle dysmorphia, using the Muscle appareance satisfaction escale. Results: The sample was composed of 68 normoweight; 66 overweight and 7 obese, classified as MD in a 25.0% the normoweight, 33.3% overweight and 85.7% of the obese (p=0.004 ). On the somatotype, the only component that presents differences between non-MD and MD is mesomorphy (p=0.024). Conclusion: Muscle dysmorphia is a concept clearly difficult psychological diagnosable using anthropometric measures. Mesomorphy is the only measure that is increased in the MD, and may be a parameter to aid in the diagnosis and follow-up to the MD. In addition, the risk of developing MD is increase with the degree of obesity

    Local and Contralateral Effects after the Application of Neuromuscular Electrostimulation in Lower Limbs

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    [EN], Neuromuscular electrostimulation (NMES) has been used mainly as a method to promote muscle strength, but its effects on improving blood flow are less well known. The aim of this study is to deepen the knowledge about the local and contralateral effects of the application of symmetric biphasic square currents on skin temperature (Tsk). An experimental pilot study was developed with a single study group consisting of 45 healthy subjects. Thermographic evaluations were recorded following the application of NMES to the anterior region of the thigh. The results showed an increase in the maximal Tsk of 0.67% in the anterior region of the thigh where the NMES was applied (p < 0.001) and an increase of 0.54% (p < 0.01) due to cross-education effects, which was higher when the NMES was applied on the dominant side (0.79%; p < 0.01). The duration of the effect was 20 min in the dominant leg and 10 min in the nondominant one. The application of a symmetrical biphasic current (8 Hz and 400 μs) creates an increase in the maximal Tsk at the local level. A temperature cross-education effect is produced, which is greater when the NMES is applied on the dominant side.This could be a useful noninvasive measurement tool in NMES treatments.S