4,229 research outputs found

    Empowerment and Leadership Processes of Women through Sorority and Creativity

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    The development of feminisms in plurality challenge us to seek new processes of empowerment and leadership to decentralize the places of power of societies, where women can also lead the construction of future cultures. It is necessary to explore some places where women are situated on the fringes of fratriarcal reality and are proposing new ways of existing for both women and men through integrating and transformational leadership. From the analysis of the difficulties that arise in the processes of empowerment of women, we can access approaches to strategies based on sorority circularity and creative nomadism: management of women’s potential, the generation of sustainable practices in women. Relationship with daily life and the preservation of relationships and nomade processes focused on the creative construction of relationships and identities. These strategies can illuminate good feminist practices for the transformation of our many worlds.The development of feminisms in plurality challenge us to seek new processes of empowerment and leadership to decentralize the places of power of societies, where women can also lead the construction of future cultures. It is necessary to explore some places where women are situated on the fringes of fratriarcal reality and are proposing new ways of existing for both women and men through integrating and transformational leadership. From the analysis of the difficulties that arise in the processes of empowerment of women, we can access approaches to strategies based on sorority circularity and creative nomadism: management of women’s potential, the generation of sustainable practices in women. Relationship with daily life and the preservation of relationships and nomade processes focused on the creative construction of relationships and identities. These strategies can illuminate good feminist practices for the transformation of our many worlds

    Guerra, sociedad y religión en la Hispania prerromana: los combates singulares

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    Los combates singulares son una práctica que se constata para gran cantidad de pueblos en el Mundo Clásico. Los historiadores modernos tienden a relacionar este tipo de duelo con el “concepto primitivo de guerra” que, a su vez, se vincula a sociedades organizadas en torno a una base no ciudadana. Aun así, las fuentes clásicas nos muestran que esta vinculación no es siempre tal ya que podemos encontrar sociedades de base no ciudadana practicando, lo que se ha considerado, la “Guerra Moderna”. No contamos con apenas obras de historiadores contemporáneos que traten los combates singulares de forma monográfica para el contexto de la Península Ibérica. En cuanto a las fuentes clásicas, nos valemos de la iconografía y de los textos de historiadores greco-latinos para estudiar este tema, pero estas fuentes no están exentas de ciertos problemas para el historiador. Estos problemas van desde la dificultad que encontramos en la actualidad para interpretar correctamente las representaciones iconográficas, hasta la existencia de un estereotipo preconcebido de los celtas que nos impide saber hasta qué punto los textos nos hablan de una realidad histórica y no de recursos literarios utilizados con el objetivo de coincidir con este estereotipo. Entendemos los combates singulares como duelos entre dos individuos con un objetivo que se inscribe en un plano socio- cultural, además del obvio afán por vencer al enemigo. Podemos localizarlos, al menos para celtiberos, vacceos, iberos y lusitanos, en contextos aristocráticos. Las fuentes dan testimonio de este tipo de enfrentamientos tanto entre indígenas como contra soldados romanos. Se trata de una actividad sacralizada que, mediante un rígido ritual, busca aumentar la honra de los luchadores y permitirles ascender en una sociedad en la que era necesario demostrar ciertas habilidades relacionadas con la actividad bélica para alcanzar un puesto destacado en la misma. Los combates singulares, sin embargo, tienen, a su vez, un valor en la memoria colectiva de estos grupos. El recuerdo de los duelos realizados por los antepasados conlleva recordar estas hazañas de forma que, ya en época romana, continuarán teniendo un papel importante, ya no como práctica al no encajar en el concepto de sociedad que Roma introduce, pero sí en la justificación del poder de las élites

    Fotografiarse, retratarse, expresarse. Fotografía y expresión de los personal en adolescentes.

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    Visual languages are essential in the current learning. For themselves promote the development of personal autonomy and the pursuit of uniqueness and individuality. The scope of photographic language, is a perfect space for display and production of self-expressions of identity, especially in adolescence. We will describe in this article a classroom experience of self-expression, search and discovery of the body through photography students from 3th Secondary Education. This classroom activity has attempted to reflect on the relationship between the art of photographic portraiture and selfexpression.Los lenguajes visuales son imprescindibles en el aprendizaje actual. Permiten conocerse, se convierten en un elemento fundamental que explorar para la construcción de la identidad personal. El ámbito del lenguaje fotográfico, resulta un espacio perfecto para la visualización y producción de autoexpresiones de la propia identidad, especialmente en la etapa de la adolescencia. Describimos una experiencia en el aula de autoexpresión, búsqueda y descubrimiento del cuerpo a través de la fotografía con alumnos y alumnas de 3º de la Enseñanza Secundaria. Pretende reflexionar sobre la relación entre el arte del retrato fotográfico y la autoexpresión


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    El cuerpo femenino ha sido protagonista del arte figurativo de occidente. Ha sido protagonista históricamente como una construcción objetual, en la que las mujeres quedaban determinadas por la mirada de los varones que disponían una identidad controlada, precisa y homogénea. En el siglo XXI, asistimos a un repunte de la presencia masiva en los medios de comunicación de la imagen de la mujer. Se muestra de nuevo el cuerpo femenino como objeto observable, dándole una identidad externa que queda a merced del sujeto dominante y que propone imágenes femeninas hipersexualizadas. Cuando las mujeres se fotografían recrean estas contradicciones, generando inseguridades y situaciones alienantes que rompen la propia identidad. La fotografía saca a la luz las dificultades de las mujeres en situarse frente a si mismas y definir su propia identidad. Hemos preguntado a mujeres de distintas edades y procedencias y las hemos fotografiado pidiéndoles que muestren aquello que quieren exponer de su cuerpo como elementos definidores de su propia identidad. Hemos querido con ello reflexionar sobre la necesidad de dejar a las mujeres ser sujetos activos de su propia conformación personal construyendo iconos femeninos plurales.Female body has been protagonist of figurative art in Europe history. He has been featured as objetual construction, in which women were determined by the look of men who possessed a controlled identity, precise and homogeneous. In the XXI century, we are witnessing a rise in massive presence in the media image of women. Again, it shows the female body as observable object, giving an external identity that is at the mercy of the dominant subject and proposed hypersexualized female images. When women are photographed recreate these contradictions, creating uncertainties and situations that break alienating identity. The photography exposes the difficulties of women stand in front of themselves and define their own identity. We asked women of different ages and backgrounds have photographed and asking them to show what they want to expose your body as defining elements of their own identity. We wanted it to reflect on the need to allow women to be active subjects of their own personal identity and to built female and plural icons

    Las mujeres desde el marco. La doble visión de las mujeres en la imagen artística y la cultura visual

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    Female body has been protagonist of figurative art in Europe history. He has been featured as objetual construction, in which women were determined by the look of men who possessed a controlled identity, precise and homogeneous. In the XXI century, we are witnessing a rise in massive presence in the media image of women. Again, it shows the female body as observable object, giving an external identity that is at the mercy of the dominant subject and proposed hypersexualized female images. When women are photographed recreate these contradictions, creating uncertainties and situations that break alienating identity. The photography exposes the difficulties of women stand in front of themselves and define their own identity. We asked women of different ages and backgrounds have photographed and asking them to show what they want to expose your body as defining elements of their own identity. We wanted it to reflect on the need to allow women to be active subjects of their own personal identity and to built female and plural icons.El cuerpo femenino ha sido protagonista del arte figurativo de occidente. Ha sido protagonista históricamente como una construcción objetual, en la que las mujeres quedaban determinadas por la mirada de los varones que disponían una identidad controlada, precisa y homogénea. En el siglo XXI, asistimos a un repunte de la presencia masiva en los medios de comunicación de la imagen de la mujer. Se muestra de nuevo el cuerpo femenino como objeto observable, dándole una identidad externa que queda a merced del sujeto dominante y que propone imágenes femeninas hipersexualizadas. Cuando las mujeres se fotografían recrean estas contradicciones, generando inseguridades y situaciones alienantes que rompen la propia identidad. La fotografía saca a la luz las dificultades de las mujeres en situarse frente a si mismas y definir su propia identidad. Hemos preguntado a mujeres de distintas edades y procedencias y las hemos fotografiado pidiéndoles que muestren aquello que quieren exponer de su cuerpo como elementos definidores de su propia identidad. Hemos querido con ello reflexionar sobre la necesidad de dejar a las mujeres ser sujetos activos de su propia conformación personal construyendo iconos femeninos plurales

    Murcia bajo la mirada fotográfica de María Manzanera

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    This article focuses on vision of Maria Manzanera about Murcia through photography as a means of knowledge. In her works Murcia Verticalia, Murcia Huertana and Murcia, día y noche, she defines a city full of contrasts where its distinctive essence underlies. Her photographic series reflect significant processes of contemplation and critical thought. Moreover, she offers a unique viewpoint of the capital. The photographer uses her art in order to sublimate and dignify Murcia, raising awareness of its value and the need for preservation remains.El presente artículo se centra en la visión que tiene María Manzanera de Murcia, valiéndose de la fotografía como medio de conocimiento. En las obras Murcia Verticalia, Murcia Huertana y Murcia, día y noche, perfila una urbe de contrastes en la que subyace la esencia que la distingue. Sus series reflejan un notable proceso de contemplación y un admirable ejercicio de reflexión, ofreciendo una perspectiva singular de la ciudad. La fotógrafa contribuye a sublimar y dignificar la capital a través de su arte, concienciando del valor y conservación de todo lo que la hace única

    New methods to reduce leakage errors in planar near-field measurements

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    This paper describes two methods to cancel the effect of two kinds of leakage signals which may be presented when an antenna is measured in a planar near-field range. One method tries to reduce leakage bias errors from the receiver¿s quadrature detector and it is based on estimating the bias constant added to every near-field data sample. Then, that constant is subtracted from the data, removing its undesired effect on the far-field pattern. The estimation is performed by back-propagating the field from the scan plane to the antenna under test plane (AUT) and averaging all the data located outside the AUT aperture. The second method is able to cancel the effect of the leakage from faulty transmission lines, connectors or rotary joints. The basis of this method is also a reconstruction process to determine the field distribution on the AUT plane. Once this distribution is known, a spatial filtering is applied to cancel the contribution due to those faulty elements. After that, a near-field-to-far-field transformation is applied, obtaining a new radiation pattern where the leakage effects have disappeared. To verify the effectiveness of both methods, several examples are presented

    AIP and MEN1 mutations and AIP immunohistochemistry in pituitary adenomas in a tertiary referral center.

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    Background: Pituitary adenomas have a high disease burden due to tumor growth/ invasion and disordered hormonal secretion. Germline mutations in genes such as MEN1 and AIP are associated with early onset of aggressive pituitary adenomas that can be resistant to medical therapy. Aims: We performed a retrospective screening study using published risk criteria to assess the frequency of AIP and MEN1 mutations in pituitary adenoma patients in a tertiary referral center. Methods: Pituitary adenoma patients with pediatric/adolescent onset, macroadenomas occurring ≤30 years of age, familial isolated pituitary adenoma (FIPA) kindreds and acromegaly or prolactinoma cases that were uncontrolled by medical therapy were studied genetically. We also assessed whether immunohistochemical staining for AIP (AIP-IHC) in somatotropinomas was associated with somatostatin analogs (SSA) response. Results: Fifty-five patients met the study criteria and underwent genetic screening for AIP/MEN1 mutations. No mutations were identified and large deletions/duplications were ruled out using MLPA. In a cohort of sporadic somatotropinomas, low AIP-IHC tumors were significantly larger (P = 0.002) and were more frequently sparsely granulated (P = 0.046) than high AIP-IHC tumors. No significant relationship between AIP-IHC and SSA responses was seen. Conclusions: Germline mutations in AIP/MEN1 in pituitary adenoma patients are rare and the use of general risk criteria did not identify cases in a large tertiary-referral setting. In acromegaly, low AIP-IHC was related to larger tumor size and more frequent sparsely granulated subtype but no relationship with SSA responsiveness was seen. The genetics of pituitary adenomas remains largely unexplained and AIP screening criteria could be significantly refined to focus on large, aggressive tumors in young patients

    Assessment of metals behaviour in industrial soil using sequential extraction, multivariable analysis and a geostatistical approach

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    The main objectives of this studywere to evaluate the degree of Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Cr and Ni pollution using pollution indexes and geostatistical approach, and to assess metals dynamic using sequential extraction procedure and multivariable statistical analysis in surface soils and soil profiles froman industrial complex as a base for a correct management in order to avoid health and environmental problems. Results showed that the industrial activity increases both Pb (103 mgkg−1), Zn (526 mgkg−1) and Cu (39 mgkg−1) concentrations and salinity in soil. Pollution indexes showed that industrial soils were moderately contaminated by Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr and Ni as well as a moderate ecological risk was reported. Two main areas were identified: southeast area with the highest metal concentrations, and northwest areawith the lowest levels. Chemical speciation of metals showed that the residual phase was the dominant phase for all metals. However, Pb and Zn were highly associated to the reducible phase (25–30% and 35–40% respectively) and a significant concentration was associated to carbonates (5% for both metals). In contrast, Cu, Cr and Ni were mainly bound to the residual phase (N80% for all metals) with low concentrations retained to reducible phase, and very low concentrations bound to the most labile phases. Cd was the most mobile metal with high concentration associated to exchangeable (5%) and carbonates (15–20%) phases. Therefore, Pb, Zn and Cd represent the greatest risk for human health and the environment

    Traffic engineering in multihomed sites

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    It is expected that IPv6 multihomed sites will obtain as many global prefixes as direct providers they have, so traffic engineering techniques currently used in IPv4 multihomed sites is no longer suitable. However, traffic engineering is required for several reasons, and in particular, for being able to properly support multimedia communications. In this paper we present a framework for traffic engineering in IPv6 multihomed sites with multiple global prefixes. Within this framework, we have included several tools such as DNS record manipulation and proper configuration of the policy table defined in RFC 3484. To provide automation in the management of traffic engineering, we analyzed the usage of two mechanisms to configure the policy table.This work has been partly supported by the European Union under the E-Next Project FP6-506869 and by the OPTINET6 project TIC-2003-09042-C03-01.Publicad