326 research outputs found

    Un análisis de la regulación prudencial en el caso colombiano y propuestas para reducir sus efectos procíclicos

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    Éste es un estudio de caso para Colombia, con recomendaciones de política de regulación bancaria para otorgar mayor estabilidad a la disponibilidad de crédito, evitando fluctuaciones crediticias que tienden a agudizar los ciclos económicos. A este propósito, dos son los temas cruciales que descansan en la regulación bancaria estrictamente prudencial: el tratamiento del margen de solvencia y el tratamiento de las provisiones que los créditos malos generan, revisándose el impacto de la segunda regla sobre la aplicación de la primera. Para tal efecto, se ha dividido el trabajo en siete capítulos, destinándose el primero de ellos a la investigación de la literatura básica que se realizó sobre el ciclo económico y la disponibilidad de crédito, con referencia a los estudios empíricos disponibles en Colombia sobre el particular. En el segundo capítulo, se revisa la literatura existente sobre capacidad de pago de los deudores, toda vez que las reglas prudenciales relativas a la calificación de créditos descansan en dicho concepto. A continuación, se examinan las reglas sobre capital adecuado que están vigentes en el país, con referencia a las recomendaciones del Comité de Basilea, y se presentan los aspectos sustanciales del Nuevo Acuerdo, discutiéndose las implicaciones procíclicas de esta institución. Luego, en el cuarto capítulo, se describe la regulación sobre calificación y clasificación de la cartera actual de créditos en Colombia, para establecer sus elementos procíclicos. Con la misma perspectiva, también se analiza el impacto de las regulaciones de calificación de cartera de créditos sobre la base de capital adecuado. El debate respecto a los enfoques teóricamente óptimos para corregir el carácter procíclico de la regulación bancaria y sus limitaciones prácticas para convertirse en instrumentos regulatorios da origen al quinto capítulo. Sobre esa base, se presenta el sistema de provisiones estadísticas adoptado recientemente por el Banco de España como un factible segundo mejor criterio regulatorio. Un aspecto fundamental de discusión sobre las llamadas provisiones estadísticas atañe al criterio que debe emplearse para su conformación y al tratamiento contable que debe dárseles. Al respecto, se sugiere un tratamiento sui generis, como una reserva contracíclica para la protección contra créditos malos. Además, se examina el procedimiento que debiera utilizarse con esa reserva, en materia de capital adecuado, para que la misma no tenga un carácter procíclico. En el sexto capítulo, se presenta la evidencia empírica y los resultados relevantes de la medición del comportamiento de la cartera de los establecimientos de crédito a partir de 1990, se analiza su conducta frente al ciclo del producto y se discuten las implicaciones regulatorias de los hallazgos estadísticos presentados. El capítulo final se refiere a las conclusiones y recomendaciones de política de regulación bancaria para el caso de Colombia.

    LED bulb lamps technical specification and testing procedure for solar home systems.

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    With the consolidation of the new solid state lighting LEOs devices, te5t1n9 the compliance 01 lamps based on this technology lor Solar Home Systems (SHS) have been analyzed. The definition of the laboratory procedures to be used with final products 15 a necessary step in arder to be able to assure the quality of the lamps prior to be installed [1]. As well as with CFL technology. particular attention has been given to simplicity and technical affordability in arder to facilitate the implementation of the test with basie and simple laboratory too15 even on the same SHS electrification program locations. The block of test procedures has been applied to a set of 14 low-cost lamps. They apply to lamp resistance, reliability and performance under normal, extreme and abnormal operating conditions as a simple but complete quality meter tool 01 any LEO bulb

    Vitamin C and the Red Wine Polyphenol Resveratrol - but not Curcumin and the Glycolysis Inhibitors 2- Deoxyglucose, Dichloroacetate and 3-Bromopyruvate - Induce Selective Cytotoxicity against Lung Cancer Cells.

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    Cancer statistics show that the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world is lung cancer, that over 50% of patients diagnosed with this cancer have distant metastasis, and that only 4% of these patients manage to survive more than 5 years. The limited selective cytotoxicity of the drugs used for the treatment of these patients probably accounts for these high mortality rates. In this work, we have assessed the selective anticancer activity of several drugs currently undergoing clinical trials by using human A549 lung cancer cells and human MRC5 non-malignant lung fibroblasts. Vitamin C and the red wine polyphenol resveratrol induced selective cytotoxicity towards the cancer cell line. Vitamin C (1 mM) induced higher selective cytotoxicity than the anticancer agents cisplatin, oxaliplatin, etoposide and 5-fluorouracil. A lyophilized red wine extract, but not a hydroalcoholic extract from red grapes, also showed certain selectivity against lung cancer cells. Neither the curry polyphenol curcumin nor the glycolysis inhibitors 2-deoxyglucose, dichloroacetate and 3-bromopyruvate displayed selective cytotoxicity. We also report that A549 lung cancer cells have higher glycolytic rates (higher glucose consumption and higher lactate production) than human MRC5 non-malignant lung fibroblasts, and that the combination of each glycolytic inhibitor with the pro-oxidant agents pyrogallol and hydrogen peroxide does not result in a significant increase in their cytotoxicity or selectivity against the cancer cell line. Our results support the possible evaluation of vitamin C and resveratrol in clinical trial for the treatment of metastatic lung cancers, and suggest that curcumin and the glycolysis inhibitors 2-deoxyglucose, dichloroacetate and 3-bromopyruvate have a limited potential (at least as single agents) for the treatment of patients with this type of cance

    A numerical study into the evolution of loads on shores and slabs during construction of multistorey buildings. Comparison of partial striking with other techniques

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    This paper contains a summary and evaluation of an experimental research project carried out at the ICITECH laboratories, Valencia, Spain. The project consisted of the construction of a full-scale building that included a process of shoring, clearing and striking (SCS). The experimental model was used as the basis for the development of a FE model, including an evolving calculation, with the objective of simulating the construction process used, as well as studying the evolution of concrete properties during the test. The FE model was verified with the results obtained from the experimental model. Two further FE models were then developed from the original model and used to simulate the construction of the same building using two different construction processes: one involving shoring and striking (SS) and the other shoring, re-shoring and striking (SRS). Finally, the SCS was compared to the SS and SRS processes, respectively, and an analysis was made of the advantages and disadvantages of each one. The paper breaks new ground in that for the first time ever a comparative study is made of the three most frequently used shoring techniques. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The authors would like express their gratitude to the Spanish Ministry for Science and Technology for funding the project (BIA2004-02085) and also to the Encofrados J. Alsina, Copasa, Lafarge and Ros Casares companies for their invaluable cooperation.Alvarado Vargas, YA.; Calderón García, PA.; Gasch, I.; Adam Martínez, JM. (2010). A numerical study into the evolution of loads on shores and slabs during construction of multistorey buildings. Comparison of partial striking with other techniques. Engineering Structures. 32(10):3093-3102. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2010.05.028S30933102321

    La accesibilidad web en el proyecto de Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales – GTIDE CEDIA

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    El Consorcio Ecuatoriano para el Desarrollo de Internet Avanzado (CEDIA), ha creado una serie de proyectos tecnológicos, siendo uno de los más emblemáticos el proyecto de Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales (IDE), mismo que ha contado con una serie de etapas y en el que han participado diferentes universidades ecuatorianas. Actualmente el proyecto se denomina "Grupo de Trabajo de Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales (GTIDE) y tiene varios sub proyectos, siendo uno de ellos el de Accesibilidad Web para GTIDE. El presente artículo expone cada uno de los resultados alcanzados en cada una de las etapas que se han considerado en el sub proyecto de Accesibilidad Web, las etapas consideradas fueron: análisis de accesibilidad web; desarrollo de prototipo de mapas para daltónicos; prueba piloto y difusión de resultados. Es necesario enfatizar que la normatividad aplicada en el desarrollo del sub proyecto fue la desarrollada por World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), el principal gestor de accesibilidad web en el mundo

    Limitations of Grundy and Kabaila s Simplified Method and Its Repercussion on the Safety and Serviceability of Successively Shored Building Structures

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    [EN] One of the most critical stages for a structure s safety is its construction process, and this problem is even more acute in buildings with reinforced concrete structures. These structures are usually built by shoring successive floors, so that the most recently poured floor rests on the lower floors by means of shores. It is therefore vitally important to have calculation tools available to estimate the loads to which the shores and slabs will be subjected in each stage of construction. A number of calculation methods have been proposed to date, of which the one proposed by Grundy and Kabaila in 1963 is the best known and most frequently used. This paper analyzes the limitations of Grundy and Kabaila s method by means of a parametric study of finite-element method simulations that identified a large number of situations in which this method presented unsafe results in terms of the estimated loads on slabs. In many situations, therefore, applying this method could gravely affect a building s in-service behavior and durability. The paper s final objectives are to make the reader aware of the limitations of Grundy and Kabaila s method and the need to use the more refined methods that are now available to estimate the loads on shores and slabs in reinforced concrete buildings under constructionThe authors would like to express their gratitude to the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport for funding received under the FPU Program (FPU13/02466) and to the Generalitat Valenciana (GV/2015/063).Adam Martínez, JM.; Buitrago Moreno, M.; Moragues Terrades, JJ.; Calderón García, PA. (2017). Limitations of Grundy and Kabaila s Simplified Method and Its Repercussion on the Safety and Serviceability of Successively Shored Building Structures. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. 31(5):1-2. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0001038S1231

    Polarization conversion on nanostructured metallic surfaces fabricated by LIPSS

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    Conference on Laser-Based Micro-and Nanoprocessing (LBMP) at Photonics West Conference (13ª. 2019. San Francisco, California). ISBN: 978-1-5106-2455-9 © 2019 SPIE. This work is part of the following projects: ECOGRAB, funded by the Government of Spain under the RETOS COLABORACIÓN I+D+i programme. LASER4SURF has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 768636.Waveplates modify polarization by generating a phase change. Laser Induced Periodic Surface Structures (LIPSS) have recently started to be studied as waveplates due to the birefringence in-duced by the nanoripples, easily fabricated in a one-step process by laser, where LIPSS morphology is defined by the characteristics of the laser process parameters and the substrate material. The optical properties of these waveplates are defined by LIPSS parameters such as period, depth or width of the ripples. In this work we have deposited thin film coatings on stainless steel samples containing LIPSS for different coating thickness and composition. Results show that thin film coatings are a good candidate for the tunability of LIPSS birefringence since the coating modifies the induced polarization change and reflectivity of the sample depending on coating thickness and composition, as expected from numerical simulations.Depto. de ÓpticaFac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUEUnión Europea. H2020Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN)pu

    LIPSS manufacturing with regularity control through laser wavefront curvature

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    Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structures (LIPSS) manufacturing is a convenient laser direct-writing technique for the fabrication of nanostructures with adaptable characteristics on the surface of virtually any material. In this paper, we study the influence of 1D laser wavefront curvature on nanoripples spatial regularity, by irradiating stainless steel with a line-focused ultrafast laser beam emitting 120 fs pulses at a wavelength of 800 nm and with 1 kHz repetition rate. We find high correlation between the spatial regularity of the fabricated nanostructures and the wavefront characteristics of the laser beam, with higher regularity being found with quasi-plane-wave illumination. Our results provide insight regarding the control of LIPSS regularity, which is essential for industrial applications involving the LIPSS generation technique

    Polarization conversion on nanostructured metallic surfaces fabricated by LIPSS

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    Waveplates modify polarization by generating a phase change. Laser Induced Periodic Surface Structures (LIPSS) have recently started to be studied as waveplates due to the birefringence in-duced by the nanoripples, easily fabricated in a one-step process by laser, where LIPSS morphology is defined by the characteristics of the laser process parameters and the substrate material. The optical properties of these waveplates are defined by LIPSS parameters such as period, depth or width of the ripples. In this work we have deposited thin film coatings on stainless steel samples containing LIPSS for different coating thickness and composition. Results show that thin film coatings are a good candidate for the tunability of LIPSS birefringence since the coating modifies the induced polarization change and reflectivity of the sample depending on coating thickness and composition, as expected from numerical simulations