28 research outputs found

    Effect of alkaline conditions on near-field processes of a spent nuclear fuel geological repository

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    The contact ofthe spent nuclear fuel (SNF) with water dueto a failure in the canister would be a conservative but still plausible hypothesis in the safety assesment of a deep geologic repository (DGR). Concrete and cementitious materia Is will be part ofthe DGR structure. Water in contactwith those materials will have a very alkaline pH. Once the water gets in contact with the SNF the following 4 stages may take place: Radiolysis, Oxidation, Dissolution and Secondary Phase Formation. The formation of uranyl-peroxide complexes was studied at alkaline media by using UV-Visible spectrophotometry and the STAR cede. Two different com plexes were found ata H202/U(VI) ratio lower than 2. A graphical method was u sed in arder to obtain the formation constants ofsuch complexes and the STAR program was used to refine the formation constants values because ofits capacityto treatmultiwavelength absorbance data and refining equilibrium constants. The values obtained far the two equilibrium constants were: lag ¡3°1, 1,4 = 28.1 ± 0.1 and lag ¡3°1,2,6=36.8 ± 0.2. At hydrogen peroxide concentrations higherthan 10-5 mol dm-3, and in the absence of carbonate, the U02(02)2(0H)24-complex is predominant in solution. Time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy(TRLFS) was used to studythe speciation ofuranium(VI) atvery alkaline pH (11-13), at room temperature and in the absence of C02. Fluorescence lifetimes fer (U02)3(0H)7-, U02(0H)3-and U02(0H)42- were determined far pH between 11and13. Measurements at 1 O K were made, obtaining two different lifetimes in the pH range between 12 and 13.5, indicating the presence oftwo different species: U02(0H)3- and U02(0H)42-. The difference between the Iifetimes allowed the calculation ofthe contribution of each species to the total fluorescence signal intensity. lt was observed that hydrogen peroxide produces a quenching effect to the fluorescence of the uranium species. At pH 12 the quenching is static, which points to the formation of a non-fluorescent complex between U(VI) and hydrogen peroxide. Using the Stern-Volmer equation far static quenching, the equilibrium formation constant of the first species, U0202(0H)22-, was calculated to be logKO = 28.7 ± 0.4. A flow-through experimental reactor has been designed in arder to perform studies at both high pressure, high tem perature conditions and high surface salid to volume leachant ratios.Using this new reactor the evolution of uranium concentrations released from an U02 sample was studied atdifferent conditions. The results show that at hydrogen pres sures between 5 and 7 bars, hydrogen peroxide does not seem to significantlyoxidize the uranium (IV) oxide. Uranium concentrations in those experiments remain between 10-8 mol¿l-1 and 10-9 molof-1. The effects of alpha-radiolysis were determined, on one hand, through the generation of radiolytic products: H2, 02, HCIO and H202, and on the other hand from the dissolution ofboth U and Pu. The studies were focused on the effect produced by different dos e rates, different ionic strength as well as varying the Iocation ofthe alpha-emitters (either into the pellets or dissolved in solution) The experiments were performed at pH 12. Regarding the 02 and H2 production neither the Iocation ofthe alpha-emitters nor the ionic strength had any effect on the gas formation. At high ionic strength onlythe HCIO formation is observed, while at Iow ionic strength onlythe H202 formation is observed. The experimenta 1 data regarding the form ation of 02 and H2 was s ucces s fully fitted us ing the Macks im a-C hem is t software.The sorption of Se(IV) and Se(VI) on uranium peroxide has been studied consídering the sorption kinetics, the sorption isotherms and the effect ofpH. Selenium sorption on studtite is fitted with a pseudosecond arder reaction model; Both selenium(IV) and selenium(VI) are sorbed on studtite through a monolayer coverage. Sorptíon is higher at acidic pH than at alkaline pH.El contacte del combustible nuclear gastat (CNG) amb l'aigua degut a una fallada en la capsula de protecció és una hipótesis conservadora peró plausible en el informe de seguretat de un magatzem geologic profund (MGP). Formigó i ciment seran presents en la estructura del MGP. L'aigua en contacte amb el CNG pot patir4 processos diferents: Radiólisi, Oxidació, Dissolució i Formació de Fases Secundaries. La formació de complexes uranil-peróxid fou estudiada en medi alcalí utilitzant espectrofotometria UV-\ñsible i el codi STAR. Es van trabar dos complexes diferents en una ratio H202/U(VI) per sota de 2. Es va usar un métode grafic per obtenir informació deis complexes esmentats i el programa STAR s'utililzil pera refinar els valors de les constants de formació degut a la seva capacitat pera tractar dades de absorbancia en múltiples longítuds d'ona y per refinar constants d'equilibri. Els valors obtinguts pera les dues constants de equilibri van ser: log ¡3"1,1,4 = 28.1±0.1 í log 13°1 ,2,6=36.8 ± 0.2. A concentracions de peróxid d'hidrogen més altes de 10-5 mol dm-3, i en abséncia de carbonats, el complex U02(02)2(0H)24- es predominant en solució. La espectroscópia de fluorescencia induida per laser resolta en el temps (TRLFS) s'utilitzà per studiar la especiació del urani (VI) a pHs molt alcalins (11-13), a temperatura ambient i en abséncia de C02. Es van determinar els temps de vida de fluorescéncia dels complexes (U02)3(0H)7-, U02(0H)3- i U02(0H)42- a pHs entre 11 i 13. Es varen fer mesures a 1 O K en un rang de pH entre 12 i 13.5, determinant la presència de dos espécies U02(0H)3- i U02(0H)42-. S'observa com el peróxid de hidrogen produeixun efecte de extinció (quenchíng) de la fluorescencia de les espécies de urani. A pH 12 la extinció era estatica, cosa que va apuntar a la formació de un complex no fluorescent entre el U(\11) í el peróxid de hidrogen. Utilitzant la equació de Stern-Volmer pera la extinció estética es va calcular la constant de equilibri de la espécie U0202(0H)22- (logKO = 28.7 ± 0.4). Es va dissenyar un reactor experimental de fluxper fer estudis a altes pressions, a elevades temperatures i a una relació superficie del salid - volum de líxiviant molt alta. Utilitzant aquest nou reactor es va estudiar la evolució de la concentració de urani alliberatde una mostra de U02, en diferents condicions . Els resultats mostren com a pressions de hidrogen entre 5 i 7 bars, el peróxid de hidrogen no sembla que oxidi significativament el óxid de urani(IV). Les concentracions de urani en aquests experiments es mantingueren entre 10-8 mol.l-1 i 10-9mol-l-1. Es determinaren els efectes de la alfa-radiólisi, d'un cantó a través de la generació de productes radiolítics: H2, 02, HCIO i H202 i de l'altre a partir de la dissolució de U i Pu. Els estudis es centraren en el efecte produït per diferents velocitats de dosi, diferents forces ióniques, així com també modificant la localització deis emissors alfa (dins de la pastilla o dissolts en la solució). Els experiments es realitzaren a pH 12. Pel que fa a la producció de 02 i H2, ni la localització deis emissors alfa ni la força iónica tenen cap efecte en la formació de gas. A elevada força iónica s'observa només formació de HCIO, mentre que a baixa força iónica tan sols es veu formació de H202. Les dades experimentals referents a la formació de 02 i H2, es van ajustar amb éxit utilitzant el software Macksima-Chemist. S'ha estudiat la sorció de Se(IV) i Se(VI) en el peróxid de urani considerant la cinética de sorció, la isoterma de sorció i l'efecte del pH. La sorció de Seleni en Studtita s'ajusta a un model de reacció de pseudo-segon ordre. Ambdós Se(IV) i Se(\11) es sorveixen en la Studtita a través de una cobertura monocapa. La sorció es més alta a pH acid que a pH basi

    Influence of the interpellet space to the Instant Release Fraction determination of a commercial UO2 Boiling Water Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel

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    The contact of the coolant with the fuel pin during irradiation produces a gradient of temperature in the fuel pellet that segregates the radionuclides (RN) depending on its volatility and reactivity. This segregation determines the Instant Release Fraction (IRF), an important source of radiological risk in the performance assessment (PA) of a Deep Geologic Repository (DGR). RN segregation was studied radially in previous papers. In the present work, it was studied axially, taking into special consideration the cutting position of the solid sample to be studied. Iodine and caesium were the RN with the highest release, while the contribution of rubidium, strontium, molybdenum and technetium to the IRF depended on their chemical state. The interpellet presence (known also as dishing) effect was clearly observed for caesium, increasing its release by one order of magnitude. According to these results, one of the major contributions to the IRF comes from the RN trapped in the dishing and has to be considered in the sampling and data interpretation that will be performed for the PA of the DGR.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Instant release fraction corrosion studies of commercial UO2 BWR spent nuclear fuel

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    The instant release fraction of a spent nuclear fuel is a matter of concern in the performance assessment of a deep geological repository since it increases the radiological risk. Corrosion studies of two different spent nuclear fuels were performed using bicarbonate water under oxidizing conditions to study their instant release fraction. From each fuel, cladded segments and powder samples obtained at different radial positions were used. The results were normalised using the specific surface area to permit a comparison between fuels and samples. Different radionuclide dissolution patterns were studied in terms of water contact availability and radial distribution in the spent nuclear fuel. The relationship between the results of this work and morphological parameters like the grain size or irradiation parameters such as the burn-up or the linear power density was studied in order to increase the understanding of the instant release fraction formation.Preprin

    Chlorine concentration modelling and supervision in water distribution systems

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    The quality of the drinking water distributed through the networks has become the main concern of most operators. This work focuses on one of the most important variables of the drinking water distribution networks (WDN) that use disinfection, chlorine. This powerful disinfectant must be dosed carefully in order to reduce disinfection byproducts (DBPs). The literature demonstrates researchers’ interest in modelling chlorine decay and using several different approaches. Nevertheless, the full-scale application of these models is far from being a reality in the supervision of water distribution networks. This paper combines the use of validated chlorine prediction models with an intensive study of a large amount of data and its influence on the model’s parameters. These parameters are estimated and validated using data coming from the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) software, a full-scale water distribution system, and using off-line analytics. The result is a powerful methodology for calibrating a chlorine decay model on-line which coherently evolves over time along with the significant variables that influence it.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Contribution of phases segregated from the UO2 matrix to the release of radionuclides from spent nuclear fuel and duration of the Instant Release Fraction (IRF)

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    During the dissolution of the spent nuclear fuel (SNF) some radionuclides are released to the solution simultaneously from different sources in the fuel. This is of particular importance to some radionuclides that contribute to the Instant Release Fraction (IRF), which govern the initial radiation dose during the dissolution of the SNF. In this work a model that is able to discriminate between the different contributions responsible for the total concentration of a radionuclide in solution was developed. The model permits to establish that uranium and radionuclides that dissolved congruently with the UO2 matrix came from two sources as a function of time: oxidized phases on the surface of the SNF including fines and the matrix itself. Other radionuclides such as Ru and Rh were released from metallic precipitates with dissolution rates lower than the matrix dissolution rate. In the case of radionuclides that were expected to contribute to the IRF, this work showed that Cs, Rb and Sr had initial release rates higher than uranium because a fraction of such radionuclides were segregated from the matrix during the irradiation. Actually it was calculated that the fraction of those radionuclides in the grain boundaries in a BWR SNF powder sample from the center part of a pellet (burnup 42 MWd/kgU) was 2.1%, 0.9%, and 0.6% for Cs, Rb, and Sr, respectively. In addition, the model permitted to calculate the duration of their contribution to the IRF, matrix dissolution governed the release of such radionuclides after 137 days, 75 days, and 164 days for Cs, Rb, and Sr, respectively (at these times, the contribution of the release from grain boundaries was lower than the 0.1%).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Modelling the release of Mo, Tc, Ru and Rh from high burnup spent nuclear fuel at alkaline and hyperalkaline pH

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    The present work shows experimental data on the release of some radionuclides that are forming the so-called e particles in the spent nuclear fuel (SNF): Mo, Tc, Ru and Rh. The leaching experiments were carried out with a 60 GWd·t-1 burnup SNF at two different pH values, 8.4 and 13.2, and under oxidizing conditions. The modelling of the data showed that the higher release of Mo, Tc, Ru and Rh at pH 13.2 could be due to the higher dissolution rate of the e-particles.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. ENRESA/ITU/CTM 33924 Agreement. Agency for Business Competitiveness (ACCIÓ). Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (project nº PID2020-1168839RB-I00). EU’s European Atomic Energy Community’s (Euratom) Horizon 2020 Research and Training Programme (H2020-NFRP-2016-2017-1), under grant agreement n° 755443. Catalan AGAUR Agency, Grant Number: 2021-SGR-GRC-00596.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Molybdenum release from high burnup spent nuclear fuel at alkaline and hyperalkaline pH

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    This work presents experimental data and modelling of the release of Mo from high-burnup spent nuclear fuel (63 MWd/kgU) at two different pH values, 8.4 and 13.2 in air. The release of Mo from SF to the solution is around two orders of magnitude higher at pH = 13.2 than at pH = 8.4. The high Mo release at high pH would indicate that Mo would not be congruently released with uranium and would have an important contribution to the Instant Release Fraction, with a value of 5.3%. Parallel experiments with pure non irradiated Mo(s) and XPS determinations indicated that the faster dissolution at pH = 13.2 could be the consequence of the higher releases from metallic Mo in the fuel through a surface complexation mechanism promoted by the OH− and the oxidation of the metal to Mo(VI) via the formation of intermediate Mo(IV) and Mo(V) species

    A first update on mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19

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    Actinide mobility at hyperalkaline and oxidant media. Use of spectrosphotometrical techniques

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    Time-Resolved Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy (TRLFS) has been used to study the speciation of uranium(VI) at very alkaline pH. The hydroxocomplex UO2(OH)3 has been reported to be responsible for all uranium fluorescence at pH 12. In this conditions hydrogen peroxide has a dramatic influence in the fluorescence of UO2(OH)3, known as quenching. Observing fluorescence lifetime we have concluded that only static quenching occurs. The study of the variation of the fluorescence as a function of hydrogen peroxide concentration in solution, has allowed the determination of the formation constant of the uranyl-peroxide complex UO2(OH)2(O2)-, with logK0=29.3 ± 0.4. In addition to TRLFS experiments, formation of uranyl-peroxide complexes has been studied with UV-Vis (UV-Visible light) spectrophotometry. Two complexes have been found in the H2O2/U(VI) ratio < 2. Graphical and numerical methods have been used to determine the equilibrium constants. For the numerical determination program STAR has been chosen, due to his capacity of treating multiwavelength absorbance data and refining equilibrium constants. The logarithm of the equilibrium constant is found to be 27.9 ± 0.1 for the first specie (UO2O2(OH)2 2-) and 37.1 ± 0.2 for the second specie (UO2(O2)2(OH)2 4-). The formation of those complexes in solution has a very important impact on the speciation of uranium(VI), because it is predominant at hydrogen peroxide concentrations higher than the total uranium concentration, at alkaline pH and, for example, increases the solubility of the uranyl peroxide studtite more than two orders of magnitude depending on the solution conditions