582 research outputs found

    Maximizing semen extraction from sanitary pads by chemical and shredding treatments

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    Evidence of sexual aggression may be obtained from superabsorbent polymer (SAP) sanitary pads, which are used by forensic laboratories for semen evaluation. Semen can be extracted from their upper layers, which are free of SAPs. However, our previous results showed a need to optimize the protocol for semen analysis by considering its extraction from the lower core, often composed of sodium polyacrylate SAPs. SAPs generate a hydrogel, which traps the cellular components, hindering the possibility of obtaining cells and hence their genetic material. Simple filtration has been tried previously, but further maximization by application of a treatment has never been attempted. In this paper, we compare both chemical and physical shredding treatments for maximizing gel-trapped sperm and male cell DNA recaptures from hygienic superabsorbent substrates in sanitary pads, panty-liners or diapers. Our findings suggest that the lower core should be treated to induce a dewaterisation of the SAP hydrogels in order to maximize the extraction of bodily fluids

    Key points for abolishing Female Genital Mutilation from the perspective of the men involved

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    Introduction: female Genital Mutilation is internationally considered an affront on human rights and an act of violence against women and young girls. Furthermore, it hierarchises and perpetuates inequality and denies the right to bodily and psychosocial integrity of women and young girls. Aims: to detect the key points for the abolition of Female Genital Mutilation as well as the necessary resources for its eradication. Material and Method: a qualitative methodology with an ethnonursing perspective, via semi-structured interviews, held both individually and in groups, in 21 men familiar with Female Genital Mutilation. Findings: through the voices of men familiar with this tradition, five key points are presented for its gradual eradication: sensitisation and awareness building, team action, abolition-promoting media, focusing action on rural areas and applying educational means before punitive ones. Conclusion and practical implications: awareness-raising via the combined efforts of families, communities and governments, together with the promotion of health education programmes in demonstrating the complications derived from this practice, play a vital part in eradicating Female Genital Mutilation

    ¿Influye la gestión de los empleados en su decisión de seguir utilizando el teletrabajo después de la pandemia?

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    [ENG] This paper analyses the intention of Spanish companies to continue using telework after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. With this aim, we consider the influence that the management of several variables related to one of the key stakeholders, employees, has on this intention. This line of study is of great interest, given the implications not only for the management of companies, but also for key aspects such as the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. To this end, we start with a review of the relevant literatura on this topic, which allows us to raise various research hypotheses. This is followed by an analysis of a sample of 1,879 Spanish SMEs though a binary logistic regression model, which shows the positive influence of managers’ university education and companies’ orientation towards innovation on the use of telework after the pandemic. [SPA] Este trabajo analiza la intención de las empresas españolas de seguir utilizando el teletrabajo tras el fin de la pandemia del COVID-19. Con este objetivo, consideramos la influencia que tiene en esta intención la gestión de diversas variables relacionadas con uno de los principales grupos de interés, los empleados. Esta línea de estudio es de gran interés dada las implicaciones no solo para la gestión de las empresas, sino también para aspectos clave como los objetivos de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible. Para ello, partimos de una revisión de la literatura relevante sobre este tema, lo que nos permite plantear diversas hipótesis de investigación. A continuación, se analiza una muestra de 1.879 pymes españolas mediante un modelo de regresión logística binaria, que muestra la influencia positiva de la formación universitaria de los directivos y la orientación a la innovación de las empresas en el uso del teletrabajo tras la pandemiaThis research was supported by the Universidad Internacional de La Rioja - UNIR (Funder Identifier: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100017407) through the Observatorio Competitividad Pequeña y Mediana Empresa UNIR-FAEDPYME programme (Proyecto B0036)

    Male perceptions of sequelae associated with female genital mutilation

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    Objetivo: Explorar el conocimiento de los hombres procedentes de países donde se realiza la mutilación genital femenina sobre las consecuencias negativas en la salud de las mujeres afectadas. Métodos: Metodología cualitativa con enfoque etnometodológico, a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas individuales y grupales a 25 hombres, en relación con la mutilación genital femenina, seleccionados mediante triple muestreo. Se entregó una carta de presentación del estudio a los participantes y la declaración del consentimiento informado, y se les solicitó permiso para grabar la entrevista en audio. El análisis de los datos se realizó con el software informático Atlas. Ti7. Resultados: Los participantes contrarios al corte son conscientes de la diversidad de complicaciones físicas, obstétricas, psicológicas, sobre la sexualidad y sociales en las mujeres sometidas a mutilación. Sin embargo, los hombres que tienen un posicionamiento favorable muestran en general un desconocimiento de los problemas secundarios a esta práctica. Conclusiones: Los participantes procedentes de países donde se realiza la mutilación genital femenina, contrarios a mantener esta práctica, muestran un mayor conocimiento de las consecuencias negativas que los que se manifiestan a favor. El diseño de herramientas y programas de sensibilización destinados a la lucha contra la mutilación genital femenina debe visibilizar las complicaciones sobre la salud de las mujeres y las niñas, e incluir intervenciones familiares que impliquen a los hombres en el proceso de erradicación de esta práctica.Objective: To explore men's knowledge of the negative consequences of female genital mutilation (FGM) to women's health in countries where this practice is performed. Methods: A qualitative methodology was used with an ethnomethodological approach. Both individual and group semi-structured interviews concerning FGM were conducted with 25 men, selected by triple sampling. A study presentation letter was provided to participants, together with an informed consent declaration. Permission was also procured to record the interviews in audio format. Data analysis was performed using the Atlas Ti7 software. Results: Those participants against FGM are aware of the range of complications this practice can cause, being able to identify physical, obstetric, psychological, sexuality and social consequences in women subjected to FGM. However, those men who are in favour display a general ignorance of the problems resulting from this practice. Conclusions: Participants from countries where FGM is performed who are against this practice are more aware of the negative consequences than those who claim to be in favour. The design of awareness-raising programmes and other tools to combat female genital mutilation must highlight the implications for women's and girls’ health, and include family-targeted campaigns which involve men in the process of eradicating this practice

    Evaluating the economic and regional impact on national transport and infrastructure policies with accessibility variables

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    This research aims to gauge the economic impact of the measures set out in the Strategic Infrastructure and Transport Plan, 2005–2020, as implemented by the Spanish government, on regional development. Contributing to regional development, this plan extends high capacity road networks and high performance rail networks in Spain between 2005 and 2020. To evaluate the plan, this research relies on an innovative technique based on panel data and accessibility indicators, which can quantify the plan's economic impact on regional development. Findings from the study provide a valuable tool for economic, geographic, and territorial assessments of policies implemented in the field of transport and infrastructure, whilst also pointing to guidelines for the design and development of further proposals and actions

    Validation of the Spanish Version of the Questionnaire on Environmental Awareness in Nursing (NEAT)

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    Environmental awareness of the ecological problems caused by this climate crisis and its impact on global health has been growing globally. Nurses are health care agents that usually hurt the environment and contribute to the unsustainability of the care system. Such behavior is perpetuated without the nurses’ awareness and is even magnified by the current pandemic, jeopardizing the health systems and the Sustainable Development Goals. However, there is no Spanish version of any survey that measures the awareness of these agents, only the Nurses Environmental Awareness Tool (NEAT) is available. The current research presents a unique investigation based on a mixed method, using the Spanish version of the NEAT, also called NEAT-es. The results of the mixed analysis (N = 376), a cognitive interview, and descriptive analysis indicated perfect consistency (Cronbach’s alpha > 0.80), better than the original. The survey validation achieved higher values and can be used to measure environmental awareness in Spain and Spanish-speaking countries

    Aiming at understanding consumers´ behavior in fast food restaurants: a food values approach

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    A partir de la clasificación de los valores alimenticios propuesta pertinente por Lusk y Briggeman (2009), este trabajo buscaba comprender el comportamiento de los consumidores en los restaurantes de comida rápida. Con este objetivo, se analiza una muestra de 400 consumidores de dos cadenas de comida rápida líderes en España. El análisis empírico de estos datos nos permitió observar no sólo la presencia de tres grupos de consumidores distintos de acuerdo con sus evaluaciones de los valores alimentarios, sino también varias diferencias entre estos grupos con respecto a hábitos diversos, así como resultados de satisfacción, confianza y lealtad. A partir de estos resultados, se proponen diversas recomendaciones estratégicas para mejorar el diseño y desarrollo de estrategias diferenciadas en la industria.Beginning with the classification of food values proposed in the relevant literature by Lusk and Briggeman (2009), this paper aimed at understanding consumers´ behaviour at fast-food restaurants. With this research goal in mind, a sample of 400 consumers was gathered in two different leading fast-food chains operating in Spain. The empirical analysis of these data enabled us to observe not only the presence of three different consumers’ clusters in accordance with their food values ‘assessments, but also several differences between these groups with regard to diverse habits as well as satisfaction, trust and loyalty outcomes. From these results, several managerial recommendations have been proposed in order to improve the design and development of differentiated strategies in the industry.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ECO2014-59688-

    Phenomenological approach to sexual and reproductive health in young gypsy women

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    Objetivo principal: conocer la experiencia relativa en salud sexual y reproductiva en un grupo de mujeres jóvenes de etnia gitana. Metodología: estudio cualitativo con enfoque fenomenológico. Se utilizaron ocho entrevistas semiestructuradas individuales para la recolección de datos y análisis del contenido. Resultados principales: se obtuvieron tres categorías temáticas: "roles de género en el ámbito reproductivo", "hábitos y costumbres en la vida sexual" y "etapa reproductiva en embarazo, parto y puerperio". Conclusión principal: tanto los factores culturales propios de la etnia gitana como la división de roles de género influyen en el desarrollo de la etapa sexual y reproductiva de las mujeres jóvenes de etnia gitana. El conocimiento de la etapa reproductiva permite el acercamiento de los profesionales sanitarios hacia la realidad percibida de estas mujeres, para ayudarles a mantener sus hábitos, favoreciendo a la vez, una buena salud reproductiva.Objective: knowing the experience on sexual and reproductive health in a group of young Roma women. Methods: a qualitative study with phenomenological approach, using eight individual semi-structured interviews in order to collect data and carry out the analysis of the same. Results: were obtained as follows: : "Gender roles in the reproductive field", "habits and customs in the sexual life" and "reproductive stage in pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium". Conclusions: both the cultural factors of the Roma ethnic group as the division of roles gender influence development of sexual and reproductive stage of the gypsy ethnic group of young women. Knowledge of the reproductive stage of the women allows health professionals to get nearer the truth that is perceived about them in order to help them while their customs are maintained and at the same time encouraging good reproductive health