251 research outputs found

    Disability as a Driving Force of Sustainable Business Models in the Fourth Sector

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    [EN] We are living in unprecedented times in which sustainability is essential to economic growth, quality of life and national stability. In this context, Solidaridad y Trabajo Virgen del Camino (SOLTRA) emerges as an example of a firm in the fourth sector that has achieved the triple bottom line of sustainability: economic, social and environmental performance. Although SOLTRA’s current efforts are mainly focused on the social sphere through the recruitment and integration of people with disabilities into the company and, consequently, into the labour market and society, it also pursues environmental and economic objectives. In the present study, we analysed SOLTRA’s business model by applying the theory of planned behaviour and the resource-based view of the firm. The information derived from in-depth interviews with SOLTRA’s CEO and top managers from the operations and human resources departments, as well as public financial and social reports, allowed us to identify the cornerstones of its business model. The model is based on incremental technology, holistic behaviour and the integration of social activities that help identify better business opportunities. In this study, several implications for managers, policymakers and citizens are provided. These findings may contribute to the development of managerial practices that can help companies to achieve better outcomes by using new approaches to solving social and environmental problems and identifying new opportunities for vulnerable citizens

    Online teaching in COVID-19 times. Student satisfaction and analysis of their academic performance

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    [EN] Online teaching has grown exponentially as a result of COVID-19. Universities and teaching institutions the world over have had to adapt their curricula to this new teaching and learning model. The main goal of this study is to analyse various teaching methodologies used on a sample of university students to analyse their effectiveness in terms of satisfaction, competencies and academic performance. The results suggest that methodologies that include greater student-teacher interaction or the use of videoconferencing for classes and problem-solving help to raise student satisfaction. Students also positively assess online teaching as it allows them to acquire new competencies and even to identify business opportunities. The online evaluation method used also seems to have been appropriate, as it led students to obtain better grades than in face-to-face teaching contexts. The study offers several implications for university teachers of Social Sciences who wish to adopt this type of teaching method

    Online teaching in COVID-19 times. Student satisfaction and analysis of their academic performance

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    [EN] Online teaching has grown exponentially as a result of COVID-19. Universities and teaching institutions the world over have had to adapt their curricula to this new teaching and learning model. The main goal of this study is to analyse various teaching methodologies used on a sample of university students to analyse their effectiveness in terms of satisfaction, competencies and academic performance. The results suggest that methodologies that include greater student-teacher interaction or the use of videoconferencing for classes and problem-solving help to raise student satisfaction. Students also positively assess online teaching as it allows them to acquire new competencies and even to identify business opportunities. The online evaluation method used also seems to have been appropriate, as it led students to obtain better grades than in face-to-face teaching contexts. The study offers several implications for university teachers of Social Sciences who wish to adopt this type of teaching method.Jiménez-Parra, B.; Alonso-Martínez, D.; Cabeza-García, L.; González-Álvarez, N. (2021). Online teaching in COVID-19 times. Student satisfaction and analysis of their academic performance. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 289-296. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.12855OCS28929

    Desarrollo de competencias socialmente responsables en los alumnos de bachillerato de excelencia mediante metodología de cascada

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    El principal objetivo de la iniciativa es ofrecer un modelo educativo integrador que fomente la generación de ideas socialmente innovadoras y responsables. Al mismo tiempo, se busca trabajar las competencias generales para favorecer la interacción e integración de los estudiantes. Para ello, se ha utilizado la metodología de cascada. Concretamente, el instrumento utilizado es el poster. Los participantes de la iniciativa son 20 estudiantes de Bachillerato de la Excelencia y 4 del Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas de la Universidad de León. Los resultados alcanzados han sido cuatro ideas de negocio centradas en resolver problemas medioambientales a través de nuevas prácticas de gestión empresarial, y dos ideas socialmente innovadoras para mejorar la atención, cuidado y la satisfacción de personas discapacitadas. Así, la iniciativa desarrollada ha permitido mejorar competencias académico-generales de los estudiantes, y al mismo tiempo les ha proporcionado una visión más cercana de la realidad empresarial y social

    Desarrollo de competencias socialmente responsables en los alumnos de bachillerato de excelencia mediante metodología de cascada = The development of social responsibility competences in higher secondary school through methodology of cascade

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    p. 266-271El principal objetivo de la iniciativa es ofrecer un modelo educativo integrador que fomente la generación de ideas socialmente innovadoras y responsables. Al mismo tiempo, se busca trabajar las competencias generales para favorecer la interacción e integración de los estudiantes. Para ello, se ha utilizado la metodología de cascada. Concretamente, el instrumento utilizado es el poster. Los participantes de la iniciativa son 20 estudiantes de Bachillerato de la Excelencia y 4 del Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas de la Universidad de León. Los resultados alcanzados han sido cuatro ideas de negocio centradas en resolver problemas medioambientales a través de nuevas prácticas de gestión empresarial, y dos ideas socialmente innovadoras para mejorar la atención, cuidado y la satisfacción de personas discapacitadas. Así, la iniciativa desarrollada ha permitido mejorar competencias académico-generales de los estudiantes, y al mismo tiempo les ha proporcionado una visión más cercana de la realidad empresarial y socialS

    Taking Advantage of Students’ Passion for Apps in Sustainability and CSR Teaching

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    779The main aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of using mobile apps combined with traditional methods for teaching sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) to undergraduate students. Although previous papers stated the importance of apps, they showed no conclusive results, and there are few studies analyzing their importance in management training, and particularly in sustainability management. To achieve our main goal, drawing upon the action learning system, we designed and implemented several training sessions combining traditional methods and apps. The effectiveness of teaching methods was assessed with two surveys (pre- and post-training) with questions about sustainable consumption, lifestyle, and CSR management. The results demonstrate that students found this type of learning beneficial, showing an increase in their commitment to social and environmental issues. These findings underline the potential for apps in teaching sustainability at undergraduate levels in combination with more traditional methods.S

    Reproducción campesina, recursos naturales y género en una comunidad campesina en Puebla, México.

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    Men and women fulfill different functions in the reproduction oftheir domestic groups (DG) and in access, use and managementof natural resources to face limitations frequently imposed by thesocio-economic system and the natural environment. This essaypresents results of research conducted in San Antonio Juárez,Municipality of Tzicatlayocan, Puebla, where use and managementof natural resources were analyzed, as well as the reproductionstrategies that the inhabitants develop differentially by gender.The methodology used included applying a survey, performingin-depth interviews and participant observation. The mainreproduction strategies identified are production of crafts madeof palm, Mexican bamboo and giant reed, commercialized intraditional markets, agricultural activities associated to a systemof soil conservation with the construction of terraces or parapetsfor the cultivation of basic foods, extensive small-scale cattleproduction, production and sale of barbecued meat, and collectionand sale of forest resources such as firewood and medicinal plants,all of them activities where a clear gender division of labor isobserved.Hombres y mujeres desempeñan funciones diferentes en la reproducciónde sus grupos domésticos (GD) y en el acceso, uso ymanejo de recursos naturales para hacer frente a limitacionesimpuestas frecuentemente por el sistema socioeconómico y losentornos naturales. En este ensayo se presentan resultados deuna investigación realizada en San Antonio Juárez, Municipio deTzicatlacoyan, Puebla, en donde se analizó el uso y manejo derecursos naturales y las estrategias de reproducción que desarrollansus habitantes en forma diferencial por género. La metodologíaempleada incluyó la aplicación de una encuesta, entrevistasa profundidad y observación participante. Las principalesestrategias de reproducción identificadas son la producciónartesanal de palma, otate y carrizo, comercializados en mercadostradicionales, actividades agrícolas asociadas a un sistema de conservaciónde suelos con la construcción de terrazas o "pretiles"para el cultivo de alimentos básicos, la ganadería extensiva apequeña escala, la producción y venta de barbacoa y la recoleccióny venta de recursos forestales como leña y plantas medicinales,actividades en las que se observa una clara división genéricadel trabajo

    Managing overtourism in historic centers through demarketing

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    En los años previos a la eclosión de la pandemia de COVID 19 se asistió a un importante crecimiento de las llegadas de turistas, lo que provocó una serie de problemas que se englobaron en el término “overtourism”. La reducción de la presión turística se convirtió en un aspecto importante de la gestión de los centros históricos e implicó la adopción de distintas estrategias, entre ellas el demarketing. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar la aportación de esta estrategia en el control del exceso de presión turística de los centros históricos de las ciudades españolas. Para ello, se han identificado y analizado las acciones de demarketing de Barcelona, Bilbao, Donostia-San Sebastián, Madrid, Santiago de Compostela, Sevilla y Valencia, a través del análisis de planes, folletos, webs de turismo y redes sociales. Si bien en todos estos destinos se han aplicado acciones puntuales de demarketing, especialmente aquellas relacionadas con objetivos de descentralización y diversificación, en general se aprecia un notable desaprovechamiento de sus posibilidades para la reducción de la presión turística de los centros históricos. De hecho, incluso en los momentos más intensos del overtourism, siguieron prevaleciendo modelos tradicionales de gestión turística orientados a la atracción indiferenciada de un mayor número de visitantes y a la promoción de atractivos turísticos patrimoniales aquejados de saturación.The years leading up to the outbreak of the COVID 19 pandemic saw a significant growth in tourist arrivals, which led to several problems that came to be known as “overtourism”. The reduction of tourist pressure became an important aspect of the management of historic centers and involved the adoption of various strategies, including demarketing. The aim of this paper is to determine the contribution of this strategy to the control of overtourism in the historic centers of Spanish cities. To this end, demarketing actions in Barcelona, Bilbao, Donostia-San Sebastián, Madrid, Santiago de Compostela, Seville and Valencia have been identified and analyzed through the study of plans, brochures, tourism websites and social networks. Although specific demarketing actions have been applied in all these destinations, especially those related to decentralization and diversification objectives, in general there is a notable lack of use of their potential to reduce the tourist pressure on historic centers. In fact, even in the most intense moments of overtourism, traditional models of tourism management oriented towards the undifferentiated attraction of a greater number of visitors and the promotion of heritage tourist attractions suffering from saturation continued to prevail.Esta investigación ha sido realizada en el marco de dos proyectos de I+D+i financiados por el gobierno español: PAITUR-Ciudad (CSO2016-75470-R; 2017-2020) y ADAPTATUR-Ciudad (PID2020-114186RB-C22; 2021-2024). También ha sido posible gracias al apoyo Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades mediante la Ayuda de investigación predoctoral FPU17/02402

    Gestión del overtourism en centros históricos mediante demarketing

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    En los años previos a la eclosión de la pandemia de COVID 19 se asistió a un importante crecimiento de las llegadas de turistas, lo que provocó una serie de problemas que se englobaron en el término “overtourism”. La reducción de la presión turística se convirtió en un aspecto importante de la gestión de los centros históricos e implicó la adopción de distintas estrategias, entre ellas el demarketing. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar la aportación de esta estrategia en el control del exceso de presión turística de los centros históricos de las ciudades españolas. Para ello, se ha identificado y analizado las acciones de demarketing de Barcelona, Bilbao, Donostia-San Sebastián, Madrid, Santiago de Compostela, Sevilla y Valencia, a través del análisis de planes, folletos, webs de turismo y redes sociales. Si bien en todos estos destinos se han aplicado acciones puntuales de demarketing, especialmente aquellas relacionadas con objetivos de descentralización y diversificación, en general se aprecia un notable desaprovechamiento de sus posibilidades para la reducción de la presión turística de los centros históricos. De hecho, incluso en los momentos más intensos del overtourism, siguieron prevaleciendo modelos tradicionales de gestión turística orientados a la atracción indiferenciada de un mayor número de visitantes y a la promoción de atractivos turísticos patrimoniales aquejados de saturación

    Nanosensor for Sensitive Detection of the New Psychedelic Drug 25I-NBOMe

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: E. Garrido, M. Alfonso, B. Díaz de Greñu, B. Lozano-Torres, M. Parra, P. Gaviña, M. D. Marcos, R. Martínez-Máñez, F. Sancenón, Chem. Eur. J. 2020, 26, 2813, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.201905688. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.[EN] This work reports the synthesis, characterization, and sensing behavior of a hybrid nanodevice for the detection of the potent abuse drug 25I-NBOMe. The system is based on mesoporous silica nanoparticles, loaded with a fluorescent dye, functionalized with a serotonin derivative and capped with the 5-HT2A receptor antibody. In the presence of 25I-NBOMe the capping antibody is displaced, leading to pore opening and rhodamine B release. This delivery was ascribed to 5-HT2A receptor antibody detachment from the surface due to its stronger coordination with 25I-NBOMe present in the solution. The prepared nanodevice allowed the sensitive (limit of detection of 0.6 mm) and selective recognition of the 25I-NBOMe drug (cocaine, heroin, mescaline, lysergic acid diethylamide, MDMA, and morphine were unable to induce pore opening and rhodamine B release). This nanodevice acts as a highly sensitive and selective fluorometric probe for the 25I-NBOMe illicit drug in artificial saliva and in sweets.The authors thank the Spanish Government (projects RTI2018-100910-B-C41 (MCUI/AEI/FEDER, UE) and CTQ2017-87954-P) and the Generalitat Valencia (PROMETEO/2018/024) for support. E.G. is grateful to the Spanish MEC for her FPU grant. The authors also thank the Electron Microscopy Service at the UPV for support.Garrido-García, EM.; Alfonso-Navarro, M.; Díaz De Greñu-Puertas, B.; Lozano-Torres, B.; Parra Álvarez, M.; Gaviña, P.; Marcos Martínez, MD.... (2020). Nanosensor for Sensitive Detection of the New Psychedelic Drug 25I-NBOMe. Chemistry - A European Journal. 26(13):2813-2816. https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.201905688S281328162613World drug report. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Inform2018;European drug report: Trends and Developments. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addition (EMCDDA). Inform2018.Zuba, D., Sekuła, K., & Buczek, A. (2013). 25C-NBOMe – New potent hallucinogenic substance identified on the drug market. Forensic Science International, 227(1-3), 7-14. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2012.08.027Poklis, J. L., Raso, S. A., Alford, K. N., Poklis, A., & Peace, M. R. (2015). Analysis of 25I-NBOMe, 25B-NBOMe, 25C-NBOMe and Other Dimethoxyphenyl-N-[(2-Methoxyphenyl) Methyl]Ethanamine Derivatives on Blotter Paper. Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 39(8), 617-623. doi:10.1093/jat/bkv073Agenda item 4.19.Expert Committee on Drug Dependence. Thirty-sixth Meeting. Geneva 16–20 June2014(World Health Organization).Batisse, A., Taright, N., Chevallier, C., Marillier, M., & Djezzar, S. (2016). «Dual disorder with drugs»: Comparison of two French databases. European Psychiatry, 33(S1), S72-S72. doi:10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.005Rickli, A., Luethi, D., Reinisch, J., Buchy, D., Hoener, M. C., & Liechti, M. E. (2015). Receptor interaction profiles of novel N-2-methoxybenzyl (NBOMe) derivatives of 2,5-dimethoxy-substituted phenethylamines (2C drugs). Neuropharmacology, 99, 546-553. doi:10.1016/j.neuropharm.2015.08.034Lawn, W., Barratt, M., Williams, M., Horne, A., & Winstock, A. (2014). The NBOMe hallucinogenic drug series: Patterns of use, characteristics of users and self-reported effects in a large international sample. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 28(8), 780-788. doi:10.1177/0269881114523866Kueppers, V. B., & Cooke, C. T. (2015). 25I-NBOMe related death in Australia: A case report. Forensic Science International, 249, e15-e18. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.02.010Laskowski, L. K., Elbakoush, F., Calvo, J., Exantus-Bernard, G., Fong, J., Poklis, J. L., … Nelson, L. S. (2014). Evolution of the NBOMes: 25C- and 25B- Sold as 25I-NBOMe. Journal of Medical Toxicology, 11(2), 237-241. doi:10.1007/s13181-014-0445-9Shanks, K. G., Sozio, T., & Behonick, G. S. (2015). Fatal Intoxications with 25B-NBOMe and 25I-NBOMe in Indiana During 2014. Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 39(8), 602-606. doi:10.1093/jat/bkv058Da Cunha, K. F., Eberlin, M. N., & Costa, J. L. (2017). Development and validation of a sensitive LC–MS/MS method to analyze NBOMes in dried blood spots: evaluation of long-term stability. Forensic Toxicology, 36(1), 113-121. doi:10.1007/s11419-017-0391-8Caspar, A. T., Helfer, A. G., Michely, J. A., Auwärter, V., Brandt, S. D., Meyer, M. R., & Maurer, H. H. (2015). Studies on the metabolism and toxicological detection of the new psychoactive designer drug 2-(4-iodo-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-N-[(2-methoxyphenyl)methyl]ethanamine (25I-NBOMe) in human and rat urine using GC-MS, LC-MSn, and LC-HR-MS/MS. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 407(22), 6697-6719. doi:10.1007/s00216-015-8828-6Andrade, A. F. B., Mamo, S. K., & Gonzalez-Rodriguez, J. (2017). Rapid Screening Method for New Psychoactive Substances of Forensic Interest: Electrochemistry and Analytical Determination of Phenethylamines Derivatives (NBOMe) via Cyclic and Differential Pulse Voltammetry. Analytical Chemistry, 89(3), 1445-1452. doi:10.1021/acs.analchem.6b02426Coelho Neto, J. 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