379 research outputs found

    Plan de comunicación para Estudi centre de ball Eva Quintana

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    Treball Final de Grau en Publicitat i Relacions Públiques. Codi: PU0932. Curs acadèmic: 2019/2020En el desarrollo de este Trabajo de Final de Grado, podemos encontrar la realización de un plan de comunicación para el Estudio de baile Eva Quintana, fundado en 2017 y situado en la provincia de Castellón. El estudio cuenta con numerosos valores diferenciales que podrían aportarle una posición destacada en la ciudad, sin embargo estas diferencias no son comunicadas con éxito, por lo que el plan responde a un conocimiento de las mismas, aportando una misión y visión, así como acciones dirigidas al target que permitan dar a conocer la marca y elevar la reputación de la misma a largo plazo. Primero, para poder hacer un plan de comunicación a medida para la empresa, se va a realizar un análisis de la situación actual de la misma, englobando el conocimiento de la Identidad Corporativa, el sector y entorno en el que opera, la competencia, el mapa de públicos y la constitución del análisis DAFO. En segundo lugar, se fijarán los objetivos que la empresa pretende conseguir con dicho plan, así como las estrategias a seguir. Una vez sabido el público objetivo, pasaremos a definir la estrategia de comunicación que guiará el camino y permitirá desarrollar el cómputo global de las diferentes tácticas y acciones que se llevarán a cabo enfocadas a lo comentado anteriormente. Por último, se establecerá el presupuesto y se fijará el cronograma y las medidas de control del plan de comunicación de manera que se pueda mantener lo que hasta la fecha se haya conseguido, extrayendo unas conclusiones finales que den el broche final a este plan de comunicación

    The case of a southern European glacier which survived Roman and medieval warm periods but is disappearing under recent warming

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    Artículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, solo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si le hubiere, y los autores pertenecientes a la UA

    The role of parental communication and emotional intelligence in child-to-parent violence.

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    In recent years, cases of child-to-parent violence (CPV) have increased significantly, prompting greater scientific interest in clarifying its causes. The aim of this research was to study the relationship between styles of family communication (open, offensive and avoidant), emotional intelligence or EI (attention, repair and perceived emotional clarity) and CPV, taking into account the gender of the aggressors. The participants of the study were 1200 adolescents (46.86% boys) between the ages of 12 and 18 enrolled at secondary schools in the Autonomous Communities of Andalusia and Valencia (M = 13.88, SD = 1.32). A Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA, 3 × 2) was performed with CPV and gender as independent variables and family communication styles and EI as dependent variables. The results showed that the adolescents with low CPV obtained lower scores for offensive and avoidant family communication and higher scores for both positive family communication and emotional repair. The girls scored higher than the boys in both offensive communication and perceived emotional attention. The results highlight the importance of encouraging positive communication, as well as the need to strengthen perceived emotional repair to prevent future cases of CPV

    Child-to-parent violence, peer victimization and cybervictimization in spanish adolescents.

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between child-to-parent violence (CPV) (high, moderate and low), peer victimization (PV) (relational and overt, both physical and verbal) and cybervictimization (CV) (relational and overt), taking into account the role of sex. 1304 adolescents (53.14% girls) between the ages of 11 and 18 enrolled at secondary schools in the Autonomous Communities of Valencia, Aragón and Andalusia participated in the study. Adolescents with high CPV scores obtained higher scores for all types of PV and CV compared to the other CPV groups. Boys scored higher than girls in overt physical PV and in overt CV and girls obtained higher scores in relational PV. A statistically significant interaction effect was observed; boys with high CPV scores reported greater overt CV. The results suggest the importance of CPV in relation to specific forms of PV and CV and highlight the need to take into account the different processes of family socialization between boys and girls to reduce the likelihood of adolescents being victimized

    Parenting dimensions and adolescent peer aggression: a gendered analysis.

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    Thepresent studyhadtwomaingoals. The firstwas to analyze thedifferences between parenting dimensions¿strictness/imposition and involvement/acceptance¿in adolescents' engagement in peer aggression as aggressors, victims, aggressive victims, and non-involved. The second goal was to examine diferences between parenting dimensions and peer-aggression roles by gender of both parents and adolescents. Participants were 779 adolescents (49.16% boys and 50.84% girls), aged between 12 and 16 years old (M = 14.21; SD = 1.35), enrolled in schools in Andalusia (Spain). Findings showed significant diferences in parenting dimensions depending on gender of both adolescents (boy or girl) and parents (mother and father). For sons, non-involved adolescents scored higher in mother and father involvement than aggressors and aggressive victims. For daughters, non-involved scored higher in mother involvement than aggressors. Furthermore, girl aggressors and aggressive victims reported higher levels of mother imposition than non-involved. Results and their implications for sustainable development in adolescence are discussed

    The mediating role of classroom climate on school violence.

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    Mediation analysis has been confirmed as a very useful statistical tool in the social sciences, especially in school-related studies. This type of analysis was used in the present study to examine the mediating role of classroom climate (measured with the classroom environmental scale), categorized into three dimensions, namely involvement, affiliation, and teacher support, on the relationship between peer victimization and peer aggression. The participants consisted of 2011 adolescents (50.67% boys and 49.32% girls), aged between 12 and 18 years old (M = 14.17; SD = 1.47), enrolled in schools in Andalusia (Spain). Findings revealed a significant direct relationship of all the dimensions. They also revealed that teacher support was the only dimension that mediates in the relationship between peer violence and peer aggression. The results and their implications for improving classroom climate and school violence are discussed

    Accessible Interfaces for Educational Multimedia Contents

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    Proceedings of: Workshop on Advanced Learning Technologies for Disabled and Non-Disabled People (WALTD 2008), July 1st-July 5th, 2008, Santander, Cantabria, Spain, in conjunction with the 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2008)The use of technology is growing in every field of education, and not only in the education of disabled students but also as a learning resource for everybody. The teachers are more and more introducing these digital contents in their lessons and there are many resources related to learning on internet.. If an equal access to these resources is guaranteed, then we can avoid students feeling that their learning capacity is limited due to a possible inaccessibility to them. Inclusive methodologies have to be followed to reach these objectives applying the standards such as Web Content Accessibility Guideline (WCAG) and rules of accessibility in the design and development of web pages, technical supporting, software, author tools, etc. This papers describes a practical case with two accessible interfaces of multimedia resources implemented with Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL.)Publicad

    Communication for Inclusion in Universities: Study of the Perception of LGBTQI+ Actions at the Complutense University of Madrid

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    Universities are meant to be places of personal and intellectual development In theory they are designed to be a safe place for students where they can express themselves without fear However certain vulnerable groups continue to struggle to be able to assert their identities In this sense five principal categories of social inequality can be identified socio-economic and urban-rural gender ethnic and racial disability and age Gair n and Su rez 2012 There are groups at risk of exclusion in a society still dominated by prejudices and stereotypes in each category Among these groups is the LGBTQI community since people who do not follow sexual and gender norms tend to be punished with bullying and hidden curricula in school environments Elipe et al 201

    Mechanism and Consequences of The Impaired Hif-1α Response to Hypoxia in Human Proximal Tubular HK-2 Cells Exposed to High Glucose

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    Renal hypoxia and loss of proximal tubular cells (PTC) are relevant in diabetic nephropathy. Hypoxia inhibits hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) degradation, which leads to cellular adaptive responses through HIF-1-dependent activation of gene hypoxia-responsive elements (HRE). However, the diabetic microenvironment represses the HIF-1/HRE response in PTC. Here we studied the mechanism and consequences of impaired HIF-1α regulation in human proximal tubular HK-2 cells incubated in hyperglycemia. Inhibition at diferent levels of the canonical pathway of HIF-1α degradation did not activate the HIF-1/HRE response under hyperglycemia, except when proteasome was inhibited. Further studies suggested that hyperglycemia disrupts the interaction of HIF-1α with Hsp90, a known cause of proteasomal degradation of HIF-1α. Impaired HIF-1α regulation in cells exposed to hyperglycemic, hypoxic diabetic-like milieu led to diminished production of vascular endothelial growth factor-A and inhibition of cell migration (responses respectively involved in tubular protection and repair). These efects, as well as impaired HIF-1α regulation, were reproduced in normoglycemia in HK-2 cells incubated with microparticles released by HK-2 cells exposed to diabetic-like milieu. In summary, these results highlight the role of proteasome-dependent mechanisms of HIF-1α degradation on diabetesinduced HK-2 cells dysfunction and suggest that cell-derived microparticles may mediate negative efects of the diabetic milieu on PTCThis work was supported by grants SAF2014-53218-R from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and RTI2018-095872-B-C21/ERDF by AEI. Coral Garcia-Pastor is the recipient of a FPU fellowship from the University of Alcala

    Accessible Interface for Multimedia Presentation in Inclusive Education

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    [Poster] 12th Annual SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE'07), 25-27th June, 2007, Dundee (Scotland)Among the technological solutions to achieve an inclusive education, the educative electronic accessible resources providing content adaptability is an alternative which reduces discrimination. It also favors the inclusion with right equalities which can be used by students regardless of their specific need and use contexts. Following this line of adaptability of contents on the web, a practical case [1] has been launched: an accessible interface of a multimedia resource with caption and audiodescription that offers the user the control over the decision of which sound and/or visual alternatives he wants to be introduced to. This resource has been designed with Universal Design criteria which are found in the Inclusive Design methodological frameworkPublicad