860 research outputs found

    El impacto del offshoring en las exportaciones de las empresas

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    Offshoring is a strategy that has been widely used as a mean to reduce costs, increase firms’ productivity and flexibility. Consequently, it is aimed to improve the competitive situation of the firm in its markets. But beyond this effect, we depart from international business literature, the resource-based view and transaction cost economics to argue that offshore helps firms to export, not only because it increases its productivity and flexibility but because it provides some knowledge and expertise to develop themselves in international markets. Departing from this framework, we present an empirical study over Spanish manufacturers that confirms that firms that offshore export more, and that this extra effect is larger in small firms than in large ones.El offshoring es una estrategia que se utiliza ampliamente para reducir costes, aumentar la productividad y flexibilidad de las empresas. En consecuencia, busca mejorar la posición competitiva de la empresa en sus mercados. Partiendo de la literatura de la economía internacional, la visión de la empresa basada en los recursos y la teoría de los costes de transacción, se plantea que el offshoring ayuda a las empresas a exportar, no sólo por el aumento en su productividad y flexibilidad sino por proporcionar conocimiento y experiencia sobre los mercados extranjeros. Desde este marco se presenta un estudio empírico sobre empresas manufactureras españolas que confirma que las empresas que hacen offshoring exportan más y que este efecto es mayor en las empresas pequeñas que en las grandes

    Cómo la deslocalización ha influido en el impacto del COVID-19 en las empresas españolas de calzado

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused major disruption to the operations of firms in terms of both their supply chains and their demand. This paper studies how the configuration of the supply chains, resulting from previous offshoring and reshoring decisions, has affected the responsiveness and resilience of firms in this situation. The analysis is applied to the Spanish footwear sector and allows us to develop possible future scenarios in which the reconfiguration of value chains and the use of advanced technologies play an essential role. To do this, we use the “scenario planning methodology” combined with analytical models for the offshoring question. We conclude that the reshoring process motivated by the 2008 crisis has been fundamental for strengthening the resilience of firms to the COVID-19 crisis, as has the incorporation of new technologies.La pandemia de COVID-19 ha causado importantes alteraciones en las operaciones de las empresas, tanto en sus cadenas de suministro como en su demanda. En este trabajo se estudia cómo la configuración de las cadenas de suministro, resultado de anteriores decisiones de deslocalización y relocalización, ha afectado a la capacidad de respuesta y resiliencia de las empresas en esta situación. El análisis se aplica al sector español del calzado y nos permite desarrollar posibles escenarios futuros en los que la reconfiguración de las cadenas de valor y el uso de tecnologías avanzadas juegan un papel esencial. Para ello, utilizamos la "metodología de planificación de escenarios" combinada con modelos analíticos para la deslocalización. Concluimos que el proceso de relocalización motivado por la crisis de 2008 ha sido fundamental para reforzar la resiliencia de las empresas ante la crisis COVID-19, al igual que la incorporación de nuevas tecnologías

    Ofshoring de servicios en la economía española en el periodo 2000-2007

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    La literatura económica ha centrado la atención en el offshoring de servicios y en su efecto sobre el nivel de empleo nacional, unido a importantes críticas en relación al impacto negativo que esta estrategia provoca en términos de destrucción de empleos nacionales. En este trabajo se analiza la relevancia que tiene el offshoring de servicios en la economía española y, en concreto, en las ramas de servicios y se estudia su efecto sobre el nivel de empleo de este sector. El análisis empírico se lleva a cabo estimando una función de demanda de trabajo con elasticidad de sustitución constante (CES), incluyendo en la misma el efecto de offshoring. Este estudio se realiza para el periodo previo a la crisis, 2000-2007, a partir de los datos contenidos en las Tablas Input-Output de la Contabilidad Nacional del INE.The economic literature has focused attention on the offshoring of services and its effect on national employment, coupled with substantial criticism regarding the negative impact that this strategy results in terms of national job losses. This paper discusses the relevance of offshoring of services in Spanish economy and, in particular, in the fields of services and studied its effect on the level of employment in this sector. The empirical analysis is conducted by estimating a function of demand for labor with constant elasticity of substitution (CES), including the effect of offshoring. This study is conducted for the pre-crisis period 2000-2007, source from the Input-Output Tables of INE's National Accounts

    Reshoring of services and employment

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    Reshoring of services emerged in advanced economies barely a decade ago. It has hardly been analysed and there are no academic studies on its possible effects. This study addresses two objectives: The measurement of the reshoring of services in Spain for 2008 to 2010; and its impact on employment. The results reveal that there is a percentage reduction of imported services inputs per unit of product of over 29% in manufacturing sectors and of over 23% in service sectors. Its impact on employment for manufacturing and services is not significant

    The effects of service offshoring on employment

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    This study analyzes for the first time for Spain the impact of the service offshoring on the employment of the service sector; The data drawn from the Input-Output Tables of Spain’s National Accounts; The empirical analysis is carried out by estimating a labour demand function with constant elasticity of substitution (CES), with panel data methods; The results show that the impact on employment of offshoring services by service industries is not significant and the values obtained are very small in all cases

    Does Reshoring Generate Employment? A Study on Services Reshoring and Its Intra- and Inter-Sectoral Components

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    The aim of this paper is to deepen the analysis of services reshoring in the Spanish services sector, both as a whole and for its constituent elements, examining both intra- and inter-sectoral components. Likewise, it analyzes the impact of this strategy on employment in the services sector, also differentiating between broad reshoring, intra-sectoral reshoring and inter-sectoral reshoring. The data used come from the Input-Output Tables of the Spanish National Accounts published since 2000. The results show Spanish service companies significantly reduced their contracting of activities abroad between 2008 and 2010, substituting foreign intermediate services for domestic services. This process of reshoring is observed with greater intensity in inputs of the same sector. However, since 2010 Spanish service companies have slightly increased their contracting of foreign services per unit of output, adopting new services offshoring strategies, although to a lesser extent than in the period prior to the recession. In the analysis of the effect of reshoring on services employment can be concluded that services reshoring has not generated employment in the Spanish service sector

    Evaluación del desempeńo de los egresados de Maestría en Salud Pública del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios de la Salud (CIES)

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    Estudio que contiene información concreta sobre la realidad de los/as egresados/as del CIES, al examinar qué están haciendo y cómo están aplicando los conocimientos y habilidades adquiridas. Asimismo se ha podido establecer qué papel están jugando los salubristas en el contexto de la Reforma del sector salud, sin ser el motivo central del estudio. Se aplicó una metodología de investigación evaluativa y abarcó el período 1993-1997 y para su realización se utilizó el Modelo de Evaluación de Discrepancias, modificado y adaptado a las particulares del estudio actual, el cual permitió determinar las Discrepancias y las Coincidencias entre el desempeńo de los/as egresados/as y su formación profesional. Se encuestaron a un total de 87 egresados/as bajo determinados criterios establecidos para el estudi

    Manufacturing reshoring and sustainable development goals: A home versus host country perspective

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    After decades of offshoring their manufacturing activities, an increasing number of companies are revising their location strategies and implementing reshoring decisions, including backshoring (relocation in the home country) and nearshoring (relocation in the home region) alternatives. It has been recognized that reshoring strategies are consistent with the sustainable production approach, since they allow companies to produce goods in a manner that is socially beneficial, economically viable, and environmentally less harmful over the whole life cycle of those goods. Additionally, there are early indications that reshoring can also promote and support sustainable consumption approaches. Consequently, reshoring has a wide range of impacts in both the home and the host countries, also in terms of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, this topic has received little attention in the extant reshoring literature. This paper seeks to contribute to the discussion by adopting a two-step approach. Initially, we analyze the very few contributions available on this topic; then, we identify and discuss which of the 17 SDGs are impacted by reshoring decisions at both the home and the host country level. It emerges that reshoring decisions have several and differentiated impacts in terms of SDGs. In general, these impacts are positive for home countries and negative for host ones. For this reason, a trade-off emerges when a single relocation decision is taken and implemented. Based on this evidence, implications for scholars, managers and policy makers are presented and discussed