2,799 research outputs found

    Una nueva especie de Paradoneis Hartman, 1965 (Annelida: Paraonidae) procedente del NE de la península Ibérica (SE del golfo de Vizcaya, NE del océano Atlántico)

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    A new species of the genus Paradoneis Hartman, 1965 (Annelida, Paraonidae) has been identified from circalittoral soft bottoms of Basque Country (NE Iberian Peninsula, SE Bay of Biscay). The new species is mainly characterized by having small size, three prebranchial chaetigers, five (exceptionally, six) pairs of thin apinnate branchiae, modified notochaetae lyriform, and pygidial region whit seven cirri. In the present paper, the new species is described, illustrated and discussed. Some notes on its ecology and distribution in the area is also included. In addition, an identification key is provided for all known Paradoneis species. The Type Material has been deposited in the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:BA4A3BE4-AD07-4761-90C6-44E80D4F0276Una especie nueva del género Paradoneis Hartman, 1965 (Annelida, Paraonidae) ha sido identificada en fondos blandos del País Vasco (NE de la península Ibérica, SE del golfo de Vizcaya). La nueva especie se caracteriza principalmente por su pequeña talla, tres segmentos setígeros prebranquiales, cinco (excepcionalmente seis) pares de delgadas branquias simples, notosedas modificadas liriformes, y una región pigidial con siete cirros. En el presente artículo se realiza una descripción, ilustración y discusión de la nueva especie, aportándose también información sobre su ecología y distribución. Complementariamente, se aporta una clave de identificación de todas las especies conocidas de Paradoneis. El Material Tipo ha sido depositado en el Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid

    Cross-Phase Modulation Enhancement Via a Resonating Cavity: Semiclassical Description

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    We evaluate the advantages of performing cross-phase modulation (XPM) on a very-far-off-resonance atomic system. We consider a ladder system with a weak (few-photon level) control coherent field imparting a conditional nonlinear phase shift on a probe beam. We find that by coupling to an optical resonator the optimal XPM is enhanced proportional to the finesse of the resonator by a factor of F/4πF/4\pi. We present a semi-classical description of the system and show that the phenomenon is optimal in the self-defined condition of off-resonance-effective-cooperativity equal to one

    Poemas y relatos al aire.

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    Soraya Julián (biografía): Maestría en Metodología de la Investigación Científica, Maestría en Ciencias de la Educación, Especialidad en Educación en Entorno Virtual, Especialidad en Orientación Educativa Psicopedagógica. Licenciada en Teatro, mención Dirección Teatral; Licenciada en Psicología, Diplomado en Estudios Superiores en Ciencias Pedagógicas con mención en Enseñanza de las Ciencias. Experta en De Bono Thinking. Conferencista College Board de Puerto Rico y América Latina. Tiene cursos de inglés, portugués e italiano. Actualmente trabaja como psicóloga en el Departamento de Bienestar Universitario y como docente de las asignaturas Orientación Universitaria y Metodología de la Investigación Científica, en la Unapec. Escribe cuentos, obras de teatro y poesía, entre otros

    Manifiesto femenino (poemas)

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    Soraya Julián (biografía): Maestría en Metodología de la Investigación Científica, Maestría en Ciencias de la Educación, Especialidad en Educación en Entorno Virtual, Especialidad en Orientación Educativa Psicopedagógica. Licenciada en Teatro, mención Dirección Teatral; Licenciada en Psicología, Diplomado en Estudios Superiores en Ciencias Pedagógicas con mención en Enseñanza de las Ciencias. Experta en De Bono Thinking. Conferencista College Board de Puerto Rico y América Latina. Tiene cursos de inglés, portugués e italiano. Actualmente trabaja como psicóloga en el Departamento de Bienestar Universitario y como docente de las asignaturas Orientación Universitaria y Metodología de la Investigación Científica, en la Unapec. Escribe cuentos, obras de teatro y poesía, entre otros.Universidad APE

    Variational description of Gibbs-non-Gibbs dynamical transitions for spin-flip systems with a Kac-type interaction

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    We continue our study of Gibbs-non-Gibbs dynamical transitions. In the present paper we consider a system of Ising spins on a large discrete torus with a Kac-type interaction subject to an independent spin-flip dynamics (infinite-temperature Glauber dynamics). We show that, in accordance with the program outlined in \cite{vEFedHoRe10}, in the thermodynamic limit Gibbs-non-Gibbs dynamical transitions are \emph{equivalent} to bifurcations in the set of global minima of the large-deviation rate function for the trajectories of the empirical density \emph{conditional} on their endpoint. More precisely, the time-evolved measure is non-Gibbs if and only if this set is not a singleton for \emph{some} value of the endpoint. A partial description of the possible scenarios of bifurcation is given, leading to a characterization of passages from Gibbs to non-Gibbs and vice versa, with sharp transition times. Our analysis provides a conceptual step-up from our earlier work on Gibbs-non-Gibbs dynamical transitions for the Curie-Weiss model, where the mean-field interaction allowed us to focus on trajectories of the empirical magnetization rather than the empirical density.Comment: Key words and phrases: Curie-Weiss model, Kac model, spin-flip dynamics, Gibbs versus non-Gibbs, dynamical transition, large deviation principles, action integral, bifurcation of rate functio

    Clustering and Lagrangian statistics of bubbles

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    Due to their relevance and occurrence in both natural phenomena and in industrial\ud applications, the study and understanding of bubbly flows is currently an important\ud topic for fluid dynamicists. Bubble columns are commonly used in bio- and petrochemical\ud industries to enhance mixing, mass and heat transfer. In these systems, the\ud bubbles are the only energy input as there is no flow a priori. Bubble columns are also\ud referred to as pseudo-turbulence because the bubbles induce liquid fluctuations in the\ud originally quiescent liquid. These disturbances are the result of the hydrodynamic\ud interactions among the bubbles and their heterogenous distribution.\ud Turbulent flows transporting particles are ubiquitous in nature, being of such relevance\ud in diverse fields ranging from atmospheric physics to oceanography. Usually\ud the convected particles have a different density and size than the transporting fluid,\ud turbulent bubbly flows are a particular case of them. In recent years, Lagrangian\ud studies—i.e. studies following the particle motion—of particles in turbulence have\ud gained considerable attention because this approach is closer to the inherent mixing\ud and transport characteristic of turbulence. Yet there is still the challenge and interest\ud to comprehend more the Lagrangian statistics of particles in turbulence.\ud This work studies bubbly flows in two different flow conditions. In the first part,\ud we study the pseudo-turbulence induced by rising bubbles in quiescent liquid. In the\ud second part, we study the Lagrangian statistics and clustering of micro-bubbles in\ud homogeneous isotropic turbulence

    The importance of financial accounting in Business Administration and Management degrees at the Spanish universities

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar si en el grado más ofertado por las universidades españolas como es el de Administración y Dirección de Empresas, puede haber diferencias relevantes de contenido, centrándonos en una de las áreas que forma parte de su columna vertebral como es la contabilidad y, más concretamente, la contabilidad financiera. Valoramos los créditos impartidos en todas la universidades, tanto públicas como privadas, comprobando que hay diferencias significativas y destacando aquellas en las que la materia adquiere una notable relevancia acorde con la importancia que tradicionalmente ha tenido en estos estudios (Sevilla, Almería, Granada, Pablo de Olavide, Las Palmas, León, Europea de Madrid, UNED, Navarra, Alicante, Extremadura, La Coruña, Islas Baleares, La Rioja, Miguel Hernández, Zaragoza, Cantabria, País Vasco, UDIMA, Murcia y Santiago de Compostela), frente a las que han reducido su presencia a la mínima expresión (Carlos III, IE Universidad, Autónoma de Barcelona, Valencia y Oviedo), lo que puede suponer una formación muy dispar dependiendo de la localización de la universidad. También se pone de manifiesto que las universidades que han ofertado de forma paralela el nuevo grado de Finanzas y Contabilidad han perdido peso en contabilidad financiera pero no de forma relevante.This study aims to analyse if in the most offered degree by Spanish universities, that is Business Administration and Management, there may be significant differences in content. We focus on one area that is part of its vertebral column such as the accounting and, more specifically, financial accounting. We make a valuation of taught credits in the state and private universities, observing that there are significant differences. We highlight those in which the subject acquires a remarkable relevance in agreement with the importance that it has traditionally had in these studies (Sevilla, Almería, Granada, Pablo de Olavide, Las Palmas, León, Europea de Madrid, UNED, Navarra, Alicante, Extremadura, La Coruña, Islas Baleares, La Rioja, Miguel Hernández, Zaragoza, Cantabria, País Vasco, UDIMA, Murcia y Santiago de Compostela), versus those that have reduced their presence to the bare minimum (Carlos III, IE Universidad, Autónoma de Barcelona, Valencia y Oviedo). This situation might cause a very different formation depending on the location of universities. This paper also shows that the universities that offer the new Finance and Accounting degree at the same time that ADE degree have influenced negatively in the financial accounting but not in a relevant way

    The Progress of Tastein Mid-Nineteenth Century England: Art in Wilkie Collins' Early Writing

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    This dissertation shows the extent to which Wilkie Collins reflected the changing mid-Victorian perceptions on aesthetic discrimination in his early body of work. A producer of literary commodities for a middle-class public, Collins had an acute understanding of the pivotal changes brought by capitalist development in what concerned the acquisition of taste: once a matter restricted to a selected few and now, as his career in the field of letters progressed, a right demanded by many. Following a close reading of his literary production, essays and correspondence during the 1850s, Collins emerges as an author thoroughly aware of the democratisation of taste that pervaded a crucial decade of the nineteenth century

    Practical Advantages of Almost-Balanced-Weak-Values Metrological Techniques

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    Precision measurements of ultra-small linear velocities of one of the mirrors in a Michelson interferometer are performed using two different weak-values techniques. We show that the technique of Almost-Balanced Weak Values (ABWV) offers practical advantages over the technique of Weak-Value Amplification (WVA), resulting in larger signal-to-noise ratios and the possibility of longer integration times due to robustness to slow drifts. As an example of the performance of the ABWV protocol we report a velocity sensitivity of 60 fm/s after 40 hours of integration time. The sensitivity of the Doppler shift due to the moving mirror is of 150 nHz