1,797 research outputs found

    Assertividade e consumo de drogas em estudantes mexicanos

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    The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between low assertiveness and illicit drug use among high school students, and to determine which of the assertive characteristics such as behavioral control, recognition and acceptance of others, effective coping with problems and interpersonal differences, perceived self-efficacy in problem solving, verbal expression skills and positive affect in dealing with problems, acted as predictors of consumption. The research used a non- experimental cross-sectional and ex post facto design. By means of a non-probabilistic sampling technique, 1492 high school students were selected from schools located in high risk areas for drug consumption and were surveyed through the Assertive Factors Assessment Scale [EFA for its Spanish acronym], validated with Mexican adolescent population. The students were divided in two groups, the Illicit Drug users and the Non-drug users. After comparing the assertive characteristics between both groups, it was found that Non-drug users have more effective strategies for coping with problems, a perception of higher self-efficacy in solving problems, higher behavioral control, greater recognition and acceptance of others, better verbal expression skills and a more effective emotional management. It also found by logistic regression analysis that behavioral control and recognition and acceptance of others were factors most likely to serve as protective factors of illicit drug use. Results confirm the importance of communication skills, impulse control and emotional management for establishing more satisfying relationships and coping with access to tobacco, alcohol or illicit drugs.El estudio persiguió evaluar la relación entre una baja asertividad y el uso de drogas ilícitas entre estudiantes mexicanos, así como identificar si alguna de las características asertivas como control conductual, reconocimiento y aceptación de los demás, enfrentamiento eficaz de los problemas y diferencias interpersonales, percepción de autoeficacia en la resolución de problemas, habilidades en la expresión verbal y afectos positivos asociados al enfrentamiento de problemas, predicen probabilísticamente el consumo de drogas ilícitas. Se utilizó un diseño no experimental, transversal, ex post facto, y con un muestreo por conveniencia, se encuestó a 1.492 estudiantes de escuelas secundarias localizadas en zonas de alto riesgo para el consumo de drogas utilizando la escala de Evaluación de Factores Asertivos (EFA), validada en población mexicana adolescente. De los estudiantes participantes se conformaron dos grupos: el de Usuarios de drogas ilícitas y el de No usuarios de drogas. Al comparar las características asertivas entre ambos grupos, se encontró que los No usuarios cuentan con estrategias de enfrentamiento más eficaces a los problemas, perciben mayor autoeficacia en su resolución, tienen mayor control conductual, mayor reconocimiento y aceptación de los demás, presentan más habilidades de expresión verbal y tienen un mejor manejo de sus afectos. Asimismo, se identificó mediante un análisis de regresión logística que el control conductual y el reconocimiento y aceptación de los demás son elementos con mayor probabilidad de fungir como elementos protectores del consumo de drogas ilícitas. Los hallazgos confirman la relevancia de las habilidades comunicativas, el control de impulsos y el manejo de emociones, para el establecimiento de relaciones más satisfactorias y en el enfrentamiento ante la oferta de tabaco, alcohol u otras drogas.O estudo buscou avaliar a relação entre uma baixa assertividade e o uso de drogas ilícitas entre estudantes mexicanos; assim como identificar se alguma das características assertivas como controle da conduta, reconhecimento e aceitação dos outros, enfrentamento eficaz dos problemas e diferença interpessoais, percepção de auto eficácia na solução de problemas, habilidades na expressão verbal e afetos positivos associados ao enfrentamento de problemas, predizem probabilisticamente o consumo de drogas ilícitas. Através de um desenho não experimental, transversal, ex post facto, e com uma amostragem por conveniência, foram entrevistados 1.492 estudantes de escolas secundárias localizadas em zonas de alto risco para o consumo de drogas utilizando a escala de Avaliação de Fatores Assertivos (EFA), validada na população mexicana adolescente. Dos estudantes participantes foram formados dois grupos, o de Usuários de drogas ilícitas e o de Não usuários de drogas. Ao comparar as características assertivas entre os grupos, encontrou-se que os Não usuários contam com estratégias de enfrentamento mais eficazes aos problemas, percebem maior auto eficácia em sua resolução, têm maior controle de conduta, maior reconhecimento e aceitação dos outros, apresentam mais habilidades de expressão verbal e têm um melhor controle de seus afetos. Da mesma forma identificou-se mediante uma análise de regressão logística que o controle de conduta e o reconhecimento e aceitação dos outros são elementos com maior probabilidade de atuar como elementos protetores do consumo de drogas ilícitas. Os descobrimentos confirmam a relevância das habilidades comunicativas, o controle de impulsos e o controle das emoções, para o estabelecimento de relações mais satisfatórias e no enfrentamento diante da oferta de tabaco, álcool ou outras drogas

    Enhancing the Thermal Stability of Polypropylene by Blending with Low Amounts of Natural Antioxidants

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    "This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Hernández-Fernández, Joaquín, Emilio Rayón, Juan López, and Marina P. Arrieta. 2019. Enhancing the Thermal Stability of Polypropylene by Blending with Low Amounts of Natural Antioxidants. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 304 (11). Wiley: 1900379. doi:10.1002/mame.201900379, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/mame.201900379. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving."[EN] Natural antioxidants are added in very low amounts to protect a polypropylene (PP) matrix against thermo-oxidative degradation during processing. Thus, PP is melt-blended with caffeic, chlorogenic, trans-ferrulic, and p-coumaric acids, and also with flavone and 3-hydroxyflavone at 0.1 wt% with respect to the PP matrix. Neat PP and PP blended with three traditional antioxidants are prepared for comparison. A complete structural, thermal, and mechanical characterization is conducted. Ferrulic acid and particularly caffeic acid increases the thermal stability, showing also the highest activation energy. The structural changes of PP-based films due to the polymer thermal degradation at high temperature (i.e., 400 degrees C) followed by FTIR reveal that antioxidants effectively delay the thermal degradation process. The wettability and the mechanical performance are also studied to get information regarding the industrial application of such films. While caffeic acid provides a more flexible material, ferrulic acid provides higher water resistance. Finally, AFM-QNM shows that PP with caffeic acid has the highest miscibility.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), PROMADEPCOL (MAT2017-84909-C2-2-R). M.P.A. thanks MINECO for Juan de la Cierva-incorporación postdoctoral contract (FJCI-2017-33536).Hernández-Fernández, J.; Rayón, E.; López-Martínez, J.; Arrieta, MP. (2019). Enhancing the Thermal Stability of Polypropylene by Blending with Low Amounts of Natural Antioxidants. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering. 304(11):1-13. https://doi.org/10.1002/mame.201900379S1133041

    Muscle metabolism in two rabbit lines divergently selected for intramuscular fat

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    [EN] A divergent selection experiment for intramuscular fat (IMF) of Longissismus dorsi muscle at 9 wk of age was performed in rabbits. The objective of this work was to compare the lipid metabolism in muscles and fat tissues of the high-IMF and low-IMF lines. Lipogenic, catabolic and lipolytic activities were studied in two muscles with different oxidative patterns (Longissimus dorsi and Semimembranosus proprius) and in perirenal fat depot at two ages, 9 wk and 13 wk. In addition, adipocytes were characterized in perirenal fat. In the fifth generation, direct response to selection was 0.26 g of IMF/ 100 g of muscle. Lines showed differences in their lipogenic activities of muscles and fat tissues at 13 wk, but not at 9 wk. High-IMF line showed greater glucose-6-P dehydrogenase (G6PDH), malic enzyme (EM) and fatty acid synthase (FAS) activities in Longissimus dorsi than low- IMF line with probabilities P0 = 1.00, 0.93 and 0.90, respectively. Differences between lines were particularly great for G6PDH activity, representing 1.13 SD. High-IMF line also showed greater G6PDH and FAS activities in Semimembranosus proprius (P0 = 0.98 for G6PDH and 0.95 for FAS) and perirenal fat (P0 = 0.91 for G6PDH and 0.96 for FAS). However, in perirenal fat, EM activity was greater in the low-IMF line (P0 = 0.90). No differences between lines were found almost in any catabolic or lipolytic activities of muscles. Regarding adipocyte characteristics, high-IMF line showed larger adipocytes in perirenal fat depot (P0 = 0.97) tissue compared to the low-IMF line, but no differences between lines were observed in the number of adipocytes. This study cast light on the metabolic activities involved in the genetic differentiation on lipid deposition in rabbits. This study shows that lipogenic activities in muscles and fat tissues, in particular G6PDH in Longissimus dorsi, are involved in the lipid accumulation in muscle and adipose tissues.This work was supported by project AGL2014-55921-C2-01-P from the Spanish National Research Plan. M. Martinez-Alvaro acknowledges a FPI grant (BES-2012-052655) from the Economy Ministry of Spain. The authors thank Federico Pardo for his technical assistance.Martínez Álvaro, M.; Agha, SA.; Blasco Mateu, A.; Hernández, P. (2017). Muscle metabolism in two rabbit lines divergently selected for intramuscular fat. Journal of Animal Science. 95(6):2576-2584. https://doi.org/10.2527/jas2017.1371S2576258495

    Qualitative Analysis of the Professional Identity of Pre-Service Teachers

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    The professional teaching identity is a construct in continuous evolution. The university stage is the period in which pre-service teachers come into contact with the field in which they will later develop their professional practice. This article focuses its analysis on objectives such as the impact of the vocation on the professional teaching identity and the influence that the environment exerts on the professional identity of future teachers. For this, a qualitative investigation has been carried out, in which 23 students of the Infant Education degree have been interviewed. The content analysis and speech analysis have been carried out through the Nvivo 12 Plus software. which provided clues that have allowed examining the professional identity of Early Childhood Education teachers. Results corroborate the incidence of aspects such as experiences in the first years of life and the formation of attitudes in relation to others in the formation of the teaching vocation. As well as other stories such as the student\u27s personality, the stimulation of the environment or the existence of teachers with good practice in the construction of identity in aspiring teachers. The relevance of the university stage in the initial training in the profession is highlighted, especially the realization of practices in schools (practicum) as critical aspects in the identity construction of the participants, impacting on their professional decision, in the construction of their conception of education and teaching in addition to influencing a prospective view of the teacher who wishes to become

    Optimization of the extraction of bioactive compounds from broccoli by-products by ultrasounds

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    [SPA] Aproximadamente el 50% de los subproductos de brócoli tras su cosecha son hojas. Dichas hojas tienen mayor contenido de compuestos fenólicos totales (TPC), actividad antioxidante total (TAC), clorofilas y vitaminas (E y K) que los floretes o los tallos, mientras que su contenido en glucosinolatos (GLS) es prácticamente el mismo. Debido a la acción de la mirosinasa, los GLS son transformados a isotiocianatos, principales compuestos bioactivos en las Brassicas. Se biosintetizan y tienen importantes propiedades anticancerígenas y antimutagénicas. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue optimizar la mezcla de solventes para obtener una mayor extracción de TPC en hojas de brócoli. Se probaron diferentes concentraciones de etanol y agua, donde se puso de manifiesto que una elevada proporción de agua en la mezcla logró las mayores extracciones de compuestos fitoquímicos, recomendándose 25% etanol + 75% agua. [ENG] Around 50% of broccoli by-products at harvest are leaves. Such leaves have higher total phenol content (TPC), antioxidant activity (TAC), chlorophylls and vitamins (E and K) than florets or stems, while their glucosinolate (GLS) content is almost similar. Due to myrosinase activity, GLS are transformed in isothiocyanates, the main bioactive compounds in Brassica. They are biosynthesized and have strong anti-cancer and anti- mutagenic properties. The objective of present word was to optimize the mix of solvents to obtain a better extraction of TPC from broccoli leaves. After mixing different concentration of ethanol and water, we concluded that a high proportion of water in the mix achieved the best extraction of phytochemical compounds, recommending 25% ethanol + 75% water.Project PID2021-123857OB-I00 financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation MCIN, the Spanish State Research Agency/10.13039/501100011033/and FEDER. This work is a also a result of the AGROALNEXT programme and was supported by MCIN with funding from NextGenerationEU (PRTR-C17.I1) and by Fundación Séneca with funding from CARM. L.M.-Z. contract has been financed by the Program for the Re-qualification of the Spanish University System, Margarita Salas modality, by the University of Murcia. The M.C.-L. contract has been co- financed by Juan de la Cierva-Formación (FJC2020-043764-I) from the Spanish Ministry of Education

    Comunidad de ectomicorrizas en una plantación adulta productora de trufa negra

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    Producción CientíficaThe truffle-plantation «Los Quejigares» was planted in 1971 by AROTZ-CATESA company. It is a 600 ha plot of Quercus ilexmycorrhizated with Tuber melanosporum at 1,250 m a.s.l. on calcareous soil. This plantation is the largest of the world and one of the eldest truffle-plantations of Spain and it is in full production. Knowledge of the mycorrhizal status of a mature black truffle plantation is significant for the improvement of truffle cultivation. Ectomycorrhizae were studied for knowing T. melanosporum persistence and diversity and abundance of other ectomycorrhizal types. Roots of 16 holmoaks were sampled, 12 trees produce truffle sporocarps and four did not. It was found a mean of about 35% of T. melanosporum ectomycorrhizae in the studied trees, being this significantly higher in the productive trees. Also, 105 more different ectomycorrhizal types were found. In spite of the high number of morphotypes found, it seems that they do not replace T. melanosporum, showing that there is a coexistence between species in the fungal community associated to the roots.La plantación trufera «Los Quejigares» fue establecida en 1971 por la empresa AROTZ-CATESA. Es una parcela de 600 ha de plantas de Quercus ilex micorrizadas con Tuber melanosporum, que está situada a 1.250 m de altitud sobre suelo calizo. Esta plantación es la más grande del mundo, además de una de las más antiguas de España, y se encuentra en plena producción de trufa negra. El conocimiento del estado micorrícico de las plantaciones truferas maduras es importante para mejorar las técnicas aplicadas en la truficultura. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer la persistencia de T. melanosporum y la diversidad y abundancia de otras ectomicorrizas que conviven con esta especie. Se muestrearon las raíces de 16 encinas, de las que 12 producían carpóforos de trufa y cuatro no. El porcentaje medio de micorrización por T. melanosporum en los árboles estudiados fue del 35%, éste porcentaje fue significativamente más alto en los árboles productores. Además, se encontraron 105 tipos de ectomicorrizas. A pesar del alto número de morfotipos encontrados, parece que éstos no producen el desplazamiento de T. melanosporum, mostrando que es posible la coexistencia entre diferentes especies pertenecientes a la comunidad de hongos asociadas a las raíces de los árboles.Este estudio fue apoyado por LIFE99ENVE00035

    Determination of non-protein amino acids and betaines in vegetable oils by flow injection triple-quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry: a screening method for the detection of adulterations of olive oils.

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    This document is the unedited author's version of a Submitted Work that was subsequently accepted for publication in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review.A novel screening method using an automated flow injection electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry system is proposed for the simultaneous determination of five nonprotein amino acids (β-alanine, alloisoleucine, ornithine, citrulline, pyroglutamic acid) and three betaines (glycine betaine, trigonelline, proline betaine) after derivatization with butanolic HCl. MS/MS experiments were carried out in a triple-quadrupole instrument using multiple reaction monitoring mode in <2 min. The proposed method provided high fingerprinting power to identify the presence of five of the studied compounds in different types of vegetable oils (soybean, sunflower, corn, olive) with LODs at parts per billion levels. The method was validated, and different mixtures of extra virgin olive oil with seed oils were analyzed, achieving the typification for the detection of adulterations in extra virgin olive oils up to 2% w/w. The nonprotein amino acid ornithine was confirmed as a marker for adulteration in the olive oils analyzedThe projects involved in this work have been: project CTQ2009-09022 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Spain), project S2009/AGR-1464 from the Comunidad Autónoma of Madrid (Spain) and European funding from FEDER programme (ANALISYC-II), and project CCG10-UAH/AGR-5950 from the University of Alcalá and the Comunidad Autónoma of Madrid (Spai

    Mutaciones en ARNt mitocondriales asociadas al síndrome de Leigh: estudio de la mutación m.5537Ti

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    El síndrome de Leigh es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa progresiva que suele aparecer en los primeros años de vida y es una de las enfermedades mitocondriales más comunes. Inicialmente afecta al cerebro, pero a medida que progresa son los músculos los más afectados. Cursa con retraso psicomotor, trastornos musculares, ataxia o retrasos en el desarrollo. A pesar del desarrollo de las técnicas de secuenciación de nueva generación y de los avances realizados en su estudio, actualmente se trata de una patología sin tratamiento eficaz.Se estima que un 30 % de los síndromes de Leigh se deben a mutaciones en el ADNmt que afectan, mayoritariamente, a los complejos I y IV de la cadena respiratoria. La parte bibliográfica de este trabajo se ha centrado en el estudio de las principales mutaciones en los ARNt mitocondriales, concretamente, en el ARNt triptófano, y su relación con el síndrome de Leigh, demostrando así que la localización de la mutación es esencial para la determinación del fenotipo. Por su parte, el inicio del trabajo experimental ha consistido en el análisis de la función mitocondrial, patogenicidad y nivel umbral de la mutación m.5537Ti en el ARNt triptófano mitocondrial en cíbridos portadores de la misma en diferente porcentaje de heteroplasmia. Los estudios realizados permiten concluir que el número de copias de ADNmt es directamente proporcional a la carga de mutación. Asimismo, y en base a la bibliografía, m.5537Ti se consideraría patogénica. No obstante, sería necesario el análisis de otros parámetros bioquímicos para su confirmación.<br /