182 research outputs found

    Transferencia de embriones fecundados in vitro en ganado bovino de doble propósito.

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    En las fincas «El Tequendama» y «La Belleza», pertenecientes al Municipio de San Carlos y «El Diluvio», ubicada en el Municipio de Montería, departamento de Córdoba, se realizó el presente trabajo con el fin de validar y divulgar la técnica de transferencia de embriones fecundados in vitro en ganaderías de Doble Propósito. Las receptoras se sincronizaron con progestágenos en grupos de 25 hembras mestizas, conformados por novillas y vacas. La selección de receptoras se hizo con base en la calidad de cuerpo lúteo, normalidad del tracto reproductivo y condición corporal superior a 3, en una escala de 1 (muy flaca) a 5 (cebada). La tasa de presentación de celo a las 48 horas de retirados los implantes, en la finca «El Tequendama» fue de 100% (25/25), en «La Belleza» de 100% (25/25) y en «El Diluvio» de 92% (23/25). La transferencia de embriones se realizó por el método no quirúrgico y se obtuvo una tasa de gestación de 25%, 16% y 0% en las fincas «El Tequendama», «La Belleza» y «El Diluvio» respectivamente. En las dos primeras fincas los embriones fueron transferidos en fresco y en la tercera fueron congelados y descongelados al momento de transferirlos

    Controlador lógico programable de bajo costo para aplicaciones robóticas

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    Se propone el diseño de un sistema digital, que cuadra dentro del concepto de controlador lógico programable, (A partir de ahora, en el texto, identificado como PLC), de características funcionales destacadas y de muy bajo costo, destinado al control de sistemas autónomos. Se pretenden lograr características particulares, como lo son la modularidad, versatilidad y escalabilidad, combinados con una alta capacidad de cálculo y bajo consumo de energía. Se propone desarrollar un módulo principal de alta capacidad de cómputo y bajo costo, que cumpla con normas industriales y de código abierto, como así también desarrollar un módulo base con tecnología de matrices lógicas programables (FPGA), para aplicaciones de automatización como el control numérico o la robótica. El proyecto implica, además, la investigación y el desarrollo de algoritmos del procesamiento digital de señales que permitan la rápida implementación de métodos de control como son los utilizados para el manejo de motores, filtros digitales y de control proporcional-integral-derivativo (PID).Fil: Tantignone, Hugo Raúl. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza. Departamento de Ingeniería e Investigaciones Tecnológicas; Argentina.Fil: Rodríguez, Carlos Alberto. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza. Departamento de Ingeniería e Investigaciones Tecnológicas; Argentina.Fil: Sagarna, Gustavo H. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza. Departamento de Ingeniería e Investigaciones Tecnológicas; Argentina.Fil: Martínez, Alejandro. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza. Departamento de Ingeniería e Investigaciones Tecnológicas; Argentina.Fil: Nieva, Nahuel Oscar. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza. Departamento de Ingeniería e Investigaciones Tecnológicas; Argentina.Fil: Molina Vuistaz, Nicolás. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza. Departamento de Ingeniería e Investigaciones Tecnológicas; Argentina

    Exon sequence requirements for excision in vivo of the bacterial group II intron RmInt1

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Group II intron splicing proceeds through two sequential transesterification reactions in which the 5' and 3'-exons are joined together and the lariat intron is released. The intron-encoded protein (IEP) assists the splicing of the intron <it>in vivo </it>and remains bound to the excised intron lariat RNA in a ribonucleoprotein particle (RNP) that promotes intron mobility. Exon recognition occurs through base-pairing interactions between two guide sequences on the ribozyme domain dI known as EBS1 and EBS2 and two stretches of sequence known as IBS1 and IBS2 on the 5' exon, whereas the 3' exon is recognized through interaction with the sequence immediately upstream from EBS1 [(δ-δ' interaction (subgroup IIA)] or with a nucleotide [(EBS3-IBS3 interaction (subgroup IIB and IIC))] located in the coordination-loop of dI. The δ nucleotide is involved in base pairing with another intron residue (δ') in subgroup IIB introns and this interaction facilitates base pairing between the 5' exon and the intron.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we investigated nucleotide requirements in the distal 5'- and 3' exon regions, EBS-IBS interactions and δ-δ' pairing for excision of the group IIB intron RmInt1 <it>in vivo</it>. We found that the EBS1-IBS1 interaction was required and sufficient for RmInt1 excision. In addition, we provide evidence for the occurrence of canonical δ-δ' pairing and its importance for the intron excision <it>in vivo.</it></p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The excision <it>in vivo </it>of the RmInt1 intron is a favored process, with very few constraints for sequence recognition in both the 5' and 3'-exons. Our results contribute to understand how group II introns spread in nature, and might facilitate the use of RmInt1 in gene targeting.</p

    Genomes of Fasciola hepatica from the Americas reveal colonization with Neorickettsia Endobacteria related to the agents of Potomac Horse and Human Sennetsu Fevers

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    Food borne trematodes (FBTs) are an assemblage of platyhelminth parasites transmitted through the food chain, four of which are recognized as neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Fascioliasis stands out among the other NTDs due to its broad and significant impact on both human and animal health, as Fasciola sp., are also considered major pathogens of domesticated ruminants. Here we present a reference genome sequence of the common liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica isolated from sheep, complementing previously reported isolate from cattle. A total of 14,642 genes were predicted from the 1.14 GB genome of the liver fluke. Comparative genomics indicated that F. hepatica Oregon and related food-borne trematodes are metabolically less constrained than schistosomes and cestodes, taking advantage of the richer millieux offered by the hepatobiliary organs. Protease families differentially expanded between diverse trematodes may facilitate migration and survival within the heterogeneous environments and niches within the mammalian host. Surprisingly, the sequencing of Oregon and Uruguay F. hepatica isolates led to the first discovery of an endobacteria in this species. Two contigs from the F. hepatica Oregon assembly were joined to complete the 859,205 bp genome of a novel Neorickettsia endobacterium (nFh) closely related to the etiological agents of human Sennetsu and Potomac horse fevers. Immunohistochemical studies targeting a Neorickettsia surface protein found nFh in specific organs and tissues of the adult trematode including the female reproductive tract, eggs, the Mehlis' gland, seminal vesicle, and oral suckers, suggesting putative routes for fluke-to-fluke and fluke-to-host transmission. The genomes of F. hepatica and nFh will serve as a resource for further exploration of the biology of F. hepatica, and specifically its newly discovered transkingdom interaction with nFh and the impact of both species on disease in ruminants and humans

    The RNAi machinery controls distinct responses to environmental signals in the basal fungus Mucor circinelloides

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    BACKGROUND: RNA interference (RNAi) is a conserved mechanism of genome defence that can also have a role in the regulation of endogenous functions through endogenous small RNAs (esRNAs). In fungi, knowledge of the functions regulated by esRNAs has been hampered by lack of clear phenotypes in most mutants affected in the RNAi machinery. Mutants of Mucor circinelloides affected in RNAi genes show defects in physiological and developmental processes, thus making Mucor an outstanding fungal model for studying endogenous functions regulated by RNAi. Some classes of Mucor esRNAs map to exons (ex-siRNAs) and regulate expression of the genes from which they derive. To have a broad picture of genes regulated by the silencing machinery during vegetative growth, we have sequenced and compared the mRNA profiles of mutants in the main RNAi genes by using RNA-seq. In addition, we have achieved a more complete phenotypic characterization of silencing mutants.  RESULTS: Deletion of any main RNAi gene provoked a deep impact in mRNA accumulation at exponential and stationary growth. Genes showing increased mRNA levels, as expected for direct ex-siRNAs targets, but also genes with decreased expression were detected, suggesting that, most probably, the initial ex-siRNA targets regulate the expression of other genes, which can be up- or down-regulated. Expression of 50% of the genes was dependent on more than one RNAi gene in agreement with the existence of several classes of ex-siRNAs produced by different combinations of RNAi proteins. These combinations of proteins have also been involved in the regulation of different cellular processes. Besides genes regulated by the canonical RNAi pathway, this analysis identified processes, such as growth at low pH and sexual interaction that are regulated by a dicer-independent non-canonical RNAi pathway.  CONCLUSION: This work shows that the RNAi pathways play a relevant role in the regulation of a significant number of endogenous genes in M. circinelloides during exponential and stationary growth phases and opens up an important avenue for in-depth study of genes involved in the regulation of physiological and developmental processes in this fungal model

    Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants: a review

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    The autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA) includes several autoimmune conditions and phenomena that occur after exposure to substances with adjuvant activity. The spectrum of the disease is heterogeneous with respect to the clinical presentation as well as the severity of the clinical manifestations. Different substances and medical devices with adjuvant activity are currently known, such as vaccines, oils, silicones, mineral salts, lipopolysaccharides, peptidoglycans, among others. These adjuvants are immunological molecules that function through potentiation of antigen-specific immune responses. Thus, the etiopathogenesis of ASIA syndrome involves a multifactorial interaction between environmental factors and genetic predisposition, and secondary activation of the adaptive and innate arms of the immune system through various mechanisms. Although in some reported cases the ASIA syndrome improves considerably when removing the implants, there are no conclusive results for the clinical benefit of removing the implants, so it is necessary to carry out further basic, clinical and surgical investigations in order to determine the best therapeutic decision

    Desarrollo de métodos de corrección de control de sistemas autónomos basados en el procesamiento de imágenes y variables de entorno

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    El presente informe final hace referencia ala investigación y el desarrollo de métodos de corrección de control de sistemas autónomos basados en el procesamiento de imágenes y variables de entorno, aplicado a un autómata de seis grados de libertad, mediante la utilización decámaras de alta velocidad, acelerómetros y giróscopos, llevados a cabo durante los años 2014 y 2015 en el ámbito del Departamento de Ingeniería e Investigaciones Tecnológicas de la Universidad Nacional de La Matanza. La investigación se centra en el desarrollo de un autómata programable con asistencia visual como aspecto fundamental para su control, orientado a tareas de ensamblaje de tiempo real y adaptable a las necesidades de fabricación industrial de cualquier índole.La investigación se dividió en tres módulos. El primer módulo se centró en adaptar y mejorar el diseño mecánico del autómata que se dispone y agregar la electrónica complementaria, con cámaras de alta velocidad y sensores de diferentes tipos. En el segundo módulo se procedió con la investigación y desarrollo de los algoritmos de procesamiento digital de imágenes y variables de entorno, su aplicación al control del autómata, elaboración de modelos y simulación utilizando un software comercial, la adaptación los algoritmos existentes de posicionamiento, velocidad, fuerza y trayectoria y su implementación en la manipulación del autómata programable. El tercer módulo abarcó el desarrollo del software requerido para cargar una secuencia de comandos que componen una o más tareas a realizar por el autómata programable.Fil: Szklanny, Fernando Ignacio. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza. Departamento de Ingeniería e Investigaciones Tecnológicas; Argentina.Fil: Tantignone, Hugo Raúl. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza. Departamento de Ingeniería e Investigaciones Tecnológicas; Argentina.Fil: Molina Vuistaz, Nicolás. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza. Departamento de Ingeniería e Investigaciones Tecnológicas; Argentina.Fil: Sagarna, Gustavo H. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza. Departamento de Ingeniería e Investigaciones Tecnológicas; Argentina.Fil: Martínez, Alejandro. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza. Departamento de Ingeniería e Investigaciones Tecnológicas; Argentina.Fil: Nieva, Nahuel Oscar. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza. Departamento de Ingeniería e Investigaciones Tecnológicas; Argentina.Fil: Jaimes Soria, Leandro. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza. Departamento de Ingeniería e Investigaciones Tecnológicas; Argentina.Fil: Ferreyra Birón, Martín. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza. Departamento de Ingeniería e Investigaciones Tecnológicas; Argentina.Fil: Ortalda, Federico. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza. Departamento de Ingeniería e Investigaciones Tecnológicas; Argentina

    MultiDark-Galaxies: data release and first results

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    We present the public release of the MultiDark-Galaxies: three distinct galaxy catalogues derived from one of the Planck cosmology MULTIDARK simulations (i.e. MDPL2, with a volume of (1 h-1 Gpc)3 and mass resolution of 1.5 × 109 h-1 M⊙) by applying the semi-analytic models GALACTICUS, SAG, and SAGE to it. We compare the three models and their conformity with observational data for a selection of fundamental properties of galaxies like stellar mass function, star formation rate, cold gas fractions, and metallicities - noting that they sometimes perform differently reflecting model designs and calibrations. We have further selected galaxy subsamples of the catalogues by number densities in stellar mass, cold gas mass, and star formation rate in order to study the clustering statistics of galaxies. We show that despite different treatment of orphan galaxies, i.e. galaxies that lost their dark-matter host halo due to the finite-mass resolution of the N-body simulation or tidal stripping, the clustering signal is comparable, and reproduces the observations in all three models - in particular when selecting samples based upon stellar mass. Our catalogues provide a powerful tool to study galaxy formation within a volume comparable to those probed by ongoing and future photometric and redshift surveys. All model data consisting of a range of galaxy properties - including broad-band SDSS magnitudes - are publicly available.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto de Astrofísica de La Plat

    MultiDark-Galaxies: data release and first results

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    We present the public release of the MultiDark-Galaxies: three distinct galaxy catalogues derived from one of the Planck cosmology MULTIDARK simulations (i.e. MDPL2, with a volume of (1 h-1 Gpc)3 and mass resolution of 1.5 × 109 h-1 M⊙) by applying the semi-analytic models GALACTICUS, SAG, and SAGE to it. We compare the three models and their conformity with observational data for a selection of fundamental properties of galaxies like stellar mass function, star formation rate, cold gas fractions, and metallicities - noting that they sometimes perform differently reflecting model designs and calibrations. We have further selected galaxy subsamples of the catalogues by number densities in stellar mass, cold gas mass, and star formation rate in order to study the clustering statistics of galaxies. We show that despite different treatment of orphan galaxies, i.e. galaxies that lost their dark-matter host halo due to the finite-mass resolution of the N-body simulation or tidal stripping, the clustering signal is comparable, and reproduces the observations in all three models - in particular when selecting samples based upon stellar mass. Our catalogues provide a powerful tool to study galaxy formation within a volume comparable to those probed by ongoing and future photometric and redshift surveys. All model data consisting of a range of galaxy properties - including broad-band SDSS magnitudes - are publicly available.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto de Astrofísica de La Plat

    MultiDark-Galaxies: data release and first results

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    We present the public release of the MultiDark-Galaxies: three distinct galaxy catalogues derived from one of the Planck cosmology MULTIDARK simulations (i.e. MDPL2, with a volume of (1 h-1 Gpc)3 and mass resolution of 1.5 × 109 h-1 M⊙) by applying the semi-analytic models GALACTICUS, SAG, and SAGE to it. We compare the three models and their conformity with observational data for a selection of fundamental properties of galaxies like stellar mass function, star formation rate, cold gas fractions, and metallicities - noting that they sometimes perform differently reflecting model designs and calibrations. We have further selected galaxy subsamples of the catalogues by number densities in stellar mass, cold gas mass, and star formation rate in order to study the clustering statistics of galaxies. We show that despite different treatment of orphan galaxies, i.e. galaxies that lost their dark-matter host halo due to the finite-mass resolution of the N-body simulation or tidal stripping, the clustering signal is comparable, and reproduces the observations in all three models - in particular when selecting samples based upon stellar mass. Our catalogues provide a powerful tool to study galaxy formation within a volume comparable to those probed by ongoing and future photometric and redshift surveys. All model data consisting of a range of galaxy properties - including broad-band SDSS magnitudes - are publicly available.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto de Astrofísica de La Plat