370 research outputs found
Fuzzy role-based access control
RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) is a widely used access control model, which reduces the maintenance cost of classical identity-based access control. However, despite the benefits of RBAC, there are environments in which RBAC can hardly be applied. We present FRBAC (Fuzzy Role-Based Access Control), a generalization of RBAC through fuzzy relations that extends the applicability of RBAC to environments where authorization-related information is vague. Moreover, FRBAC deals with environments where the actions that can be executed over the resources have a fractional meaning, as data lying in databases and risk-based access control
ISG15 is counteracted by vaccinia virus E3 protein and controls the proinflammatory response against viral infection
Conjugation of ISG15 inhibits replication of several viruses. Here, using an expression system for assaying human and mouse
ISG15 conjugations (ISGylations), we have demonstrated that vaccinia virus E3 protein binds and antagonizes human and
mouse ISG15 modification. To study ISGylation importance in poxvirus infection, we used a mouse model that expresses deconjugating
proteases. Our results indicate that ISGylation restricts in vitro replication of the vaccinia virus VV E3L mutant but
unconjugated ISG15 is crucial to counteract the inflammatory response produced after VV E3L infectionThis work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of
Health, FIS2011-00127, and UAM-Banco de Santander to S.G. and was
also partly supported by NIAID grant U19AI083025 to A.G.-
Towards Certification-aware Fault Injection Methodologies Using Virtual Prototypes
© 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Safety-critical applications are required today to meet
more and more stringent standards than ever. In the need of
reducing the costs associated with the certification step, early
robustness evaluation can provide valuable information, as long
as it is fast and accurate enough. Microarchitectural simulators
have been employed for testing reliability properties in several
domains in the past, but their use in the process of robustness
verification of safety critical systems has not been validated yet, as
opposed to RTL or gate-level simulations. In the present work,
we propose a methodology to improve the accuracy of faultinjection
results when targeting robustness verification, by using
microarchitectural simulators and virtual prototypes for an early
estimation of deviations with respect to the certification standards.The research leading to these results has received funding from the Ministry of Science and Technology of Spain under contract TIN2012-34557 and HiPEAC. Likewise, Jaume Abella is partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship number RYC-2013-14717.Espinosa GarcĂa, J.; AndrĂ©s MartĂnez, DD.; Ruiz GarcĂa, JC.; Hernández Luz, C.; Abella, J. (2015). Towards Certification-aware Fault Injection Methodologies Using Virtual Prototypes. IEEE Conference Publications. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/65831
Analysis and RTL Correlation of Instruction Set Simulators for Automotive Microcontroller Robustness Verification
© ACM 2015 This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in ACM, In Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Design Automation Conference (p. 40). http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2744769.2744798.Increasingly complex microcontroller designs for safety-relevant
automotive systems require the adoption of new methods
and tools to enable a cost-effective verification of their
robustness. In particular, costs associated to the certification
against the IS026262 safety standard must be kept low
for economical reasons. In this context, simulation-based
verification using instruction set simulators (ISS) arises as
a promising approach to partially cope with the increasing
cost of the verification process as it allows taking design
decisions in early design stages when modifications can be
performed quickly and with low cost. However, it remains to
be proven that verification in those stages provides accurate
enough information to be used in the context of automotive
microcontrollers. In this paper we analyze the existing
correlation between fault injection experiments in an RTL
microcontroller description and the information available at
the ISS to enable accurate ISS-based fault injection.The research leading to these results has received funding from the ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking VeTeSS project under grant agreement number 295311. This work has also been funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Spain under contract TIN2012-34557 and HiPEAC. Jaume Abella is partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship number RYC-2013-14717.Espinosa GarcĂa, J.; Hernández Luz, C.; Abella, J.; AndrĂ©s MartĂnez, DD.; Ruiz GarcĂa, JC. (2015). Analysis and RTL Correlation of Instruction Set Simulators for Automotive Microcontroller Robustness Verification. ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/2744769.2744798SARTEMIS Joint Undertaking.VeTeSS project:www.vetess.eu.J.-C. Baraza, et al. Enhancement of fault injection techniques based on the modification of vhdl code.IEEE Transactions on VLSI, 16(6):693--706, June 2008.Alfredo Benso et al.Fault Injection Techniques and Tools for Embedded Systems Reliability Evaluation.Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.D. Borodin et al. Protective redundancy overhead reduction using instruction vulnerability factor. InCF, 2010.R. N. Charette. This car runs on code. InIEEE Spectrum online, 2009.Pedro Gil, et al. Fault representativeness. Technical report, DBench project, IST 2000-25425 [Online]. Available: http://www.laas.fr/DBench, 2002.C. Hernandez et al. Live: Timely error detection in light-lockstep safety critical systems. InDAC, 2014.Infineon. AURIX - TriCore datasheet. highly integrated and performance optimized 32-bit microcontrollers for automotive and industrial applications, 2012. http://www.infineon.com/.International Organization for Standardization.ISO/DIS 26262. Road Vehicles--Functional Safety, 2009.E. Jenn, et al. Fault injection into VHDL models: the mefisto tool. InFTCS, 1994.G. Leen et al. Expanding automotive electronic systems.IEEE Computer, 35(1), 2002.Man-Lap Li, et al. Accurate microarchitecture-level fault modeling for studying hardware faults. InHPCA, 2009.Michail Maniatakos, et al. Instruction-level impact analysis of low-level faults in a modern microprocessor controller.IEEE Transactions on Computers, 60(9):1260--1273, 2011.S. S. Mukherjee, et al. A systematic methodology to compute the architectural vulnerability factors for a high-performance microprocessor. InMICRO, 2003.J.-H. Oetjens, et al. Safety evaluation of automotive electronics using virtual prototypes: State of the art and research challenges. InDAC, 2014.J. Poovey.Characterization of the EEMBC Benchmark Suite.North Carolina State University, 2007.M. Psarakis, et al. Microprocessor software-based self-testing.Design Test of Computers, IEEE, 27(3):4--19, May 2010.S. Rehman, et al. Reliable software for unreliable hardware: Embedded code generation aiming at reliability. InCODES+ISSS, 2011.S. Rohr, et al. An integrated approach to automotive safety systems.SAE Automotive Engineering International magazine, September 2000.B. Sangchoolie, et al. A study of the impact of bit-flip errors on programs compiled with different optimization levels. InEDCC, 2014.STMicroelectronics.32-bit Power Architecture microcontroller for automotive SIL3/ASILD chassis and safety applications, 2014.http://www.gaisler.com/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13&Itemid=53.Leon3 Processor.Areroflex Gaisler
Homologació de rareses ornitològiques a Balears. Informe de 2012
The twenty second annual report of the Balearic Ornithological rarities
Committee is presented. A total of 19 records were accepted corresponding to
eleven species, noteworthy is a second accepted report for the Balearics of
goshawk accipiter gentillis. The remaining observations are of Ruddy shelduck
Tadorna ferruginea, Baillon’s Crake Porzana pusilla, Dotterel charadrius
morinellus, Common gull larus canus, Caspain Tern Hydroprogne caspia,
Richard’s anthus richardi, Rufous-tailed scrub Robin cercotrichas galactotes,
Western Olivaceous Warbler Iduna opaca, Orphean Warbler Sylvia hortensis and
Red-backed shrike lanius collurio.
Also included are 17 records corresponding to 13 species from the Balearics
accepted by the spanish Rarities Committee of the sociedad Española de OrnitologĂa
(CR-sEO/Birdlife), a first accepted record for spain of a Ruppell’s Warbler
Sylvia ruppeli and a first record for the Balearics of an Isabelline Wheatear
oenanthe isabelina are of note. The remaining records are of Pallid Harrier
circus macrourus, Pectoral sandpiper calidris melanotos, Caspian gull larus
cachinnans, Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca, yellow-browed Warbler Sylvia
inornatus, Red-brested Flycatcher Ficedula parva, Collared Flycatcher Ficedula
albicollis, Masked shrike lanius nubicus, Rosy starling Pastos roseus, Common
Rosefinch carpodacus erythrinus and Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla
Hacia una concepciĂłn crĂtica de la sociologĂa de la educaciĂłn
En este artĂculo, se comparan las perspectivas de Pierre Bourdieu y Luc Boltanski en el ámbito de la sociologĂa de la educaciĂłn. Para ello, se parte del concepto de campo educativo de Bourdieu, se aborda su relaciĂłn con otros conceptos, como el de capital cultural o violencia simbĂłlica, y se analizan sus implicaciones. DespuĂ©s se presenta la propuesta de Boltanski en torno a conceptos como justificaciĂłn, crĂtica, compromiso, ciudad o espĂritu del capitalismo y en relaciĂłn con el mundo de la educaciĂłn. La comparaciĂłn entre ambos autores muestra que, más allá de las diferencias evidentes entre ambos (generalmente etiquetadas como una oposiciĂłn entre “sociologĂa crĂtica” y “sociologĂa pragmática de la crĂtica”), ambas perspectivas pueden complementarse para aportar una visiĂłn más omnicomprensiva del campo educativo
Homologació de rareses ornitològiques a Balears. Informe de 2013
Es presenta el 23è informe anual que presenta el Comitè de Rareses de Balears.
S’han homologat 32 registres, corresponents a les següents espècies, de les
quals destaca una cita homologada per primera vegada pel comitè, el pingdai de
bec prim Uria aalge. Les altres observacións són l’à nnera canyella Tadorna
ferruginea, negreta Melanitta nigra, astor Accipiter gentilis, fuell de collar Charadrius
morinellus, parĂ sit Stercorarius parasiticus, gavina cendrosa Larus
canus, llambritja becvermell Hydroprogne caspia, boscaler Locustella luscinioides,
bosqueta pà l·lida Iduna opaca, busqueret emmascarat Sylvia hortensis,
garsa Pica pica i gorrió d’ala blanca Montifringilla nivalis.
També s’hi inclouen 26 registres corresponents a 17 espècies a Balears
homologats pel ComitĂ© de Rarezas de la Sociedad Española de OrnitologĂa, en
què destaquen dos registres homologats per primera vegada a Espanya, el menjamosques
de mig collar Ficedula semitorquata, i l’hortolà cendrós Emberiza
caesia. També hi ha tres cites per primera vegada a Balears, l’agró d’escull
Egretta gularis gularis, el corriol de Baird Calidris bairdii, i el hortolà de Lapònia
Calcarius lapponicus. Les altres observacions són l’arpella pà l·lida Circus
macrourus, el gallet faver africĂ Porphyrio alleni, el corriol pectoral Calidris
melanotos, el cegall reial Gallinago media, la camagroga Tringa flavipes, la tĂłrtera
del Senegal Streptopelia senegalensis, el busqueret sard Sylvia sarda, l’ull
de bou de dues retxes Phylloscopus inornatus, el menjamosques de collar Ficedula
albicollis, el capsigrany subespècie asià tica Lanius senator niloticus, l’estornell
rosat Pastor roseus, i el pinsĂ carminat Carpodacus erythrinus
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