312 research outputs found

    Subtitulado para Personas Sordas: Análisis comparativo de los subtítulos de la película High School Musical (Ortega y Lembeck, 2006) en formato DVD y en la plataforma en streaming Disney +

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    La Subtitulación para Sordos (SpS) es una especialidad de la Traducción Audiovisual que constituye un gran paso para cubrir las necesidades de los receptores con sordera con la finalidad de conseguir resultados óptimos y cada vez más accesibles. Análogamente, con todos los estudios y avances en la materia, la metodología de elaboración de los SpS ha gozado de una evolución por completo y ha aclarado las pautas que marcan las reglas que se deben seguir. Este proyecto tan ambicioso viene suscitado por el deseo de dar un paso más en cuanto a la accesibilidad en el mundo audiovisual, así como por el hecho de poder trabajar e investigar dentro del mismo. Para ello, analizaremos High School Musical (Ortega y Lembeck, 2006), una película estadounidense original de Disney Channel. El objetivo primordial es determinar si existen unas directrices uniformes (en este caso, en inglés) para que, de este modo, exista una homogeneidad en el producto audiovisual en cuestión y se consiga un mayor acceso al conocimiento del ocio y la cultura. Así pues, hemos realizado un estudio comparativo analizando exhaustivamente los subtítulos para personas con disfunción auditiva en dos plataformas totalmente diferentes. Por un lado, el formato DVD (2006), que gozó de tanto éxito hace ya más de una década, y, por otro, la plataforma online en streaming Disney + (2020), uno de los puntos más fuertes que podemos encontrar actualmente en el panorama audiovisual. De esta forma, el resultado final podrá dar cuenta de las diferencias entre estas plataformas por varios motivos: primero, por la distancia temporal que existe entre ambas partes y, segundo, por ser capaces de determinar qué diferencias se pueden extraer al comparar dos subtítulos idénticos pero formulados en dos períodos tan diferentes, pues, resulta incuestionable que las técnicas y los avances en el mundo de la accesibilidad han dado sus frutos y se han desarrollado con el paso de los años.Universidad de Granada. Grado en Traducción e Interpretació

    Determinación del locus de las oclusivas sordas mediante ecuaciones polinómicas: primera aproximación

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    En 1955, un artículo de Delattre, Liberman y Cooper proponía la existencia de un punto acústico que permitiría categorizar el punto de articulación a partir de las transiciones de la vocal siguiente de una secuencia VCV. Este punto fue denominado 'locus'. Estudios posteriores realizados por Lehiste y Peterson (1961), Fant (1973), Kewley.Port (1982), etc. para confirmar la existencia del locus, llegaron a la conclusión de que no podía afirmarse que este punto existiera realmente. Hemos podido comprobar empíricamente que el locus es una intersección de los valores de F2 de las vocales de una secuencia VCV. Los valores se aproximan mediante polinomios de grados 3 y 2 (del tipo y = ax!3 + bx2 + ex + d Y Y = ax2 + bx + e) poniendo en función el tiempo y la frecuencia. Se han analizado 609 muestras pertenecientes a 10 hablantes (6 hombres y 4 mujeres), que produjeron combinaciones VCV en todos los contextos vocálicos del castellano. Hemos establecido tres intervalos según el punto de articulación: bilabial: de O a 1000 Hz, alveolar: de 1500 a 2000 Hz, velar grave: de 1050 a 1499 Hz, velar palatal: de 2001 a 3500. Los resultados obtenidos de predicciones correctas son los siguientes: bilabial: 81,96%, dentoalveolar: 72,06%, velar: 82,63%. Esto es suficiente para considerar la existencia del locus, tal como lo concibieron Delattre et.al. (1955), y para sugerir que las ecuaciones polinómicas pueden ser capaces de ilustrar invariación acústica

    Coupled-column liquid chromatography method with photochemically induced derivatization for the direct determination of benzoylureas in vegetables

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    The coupled-column (LC-LC) system, consisting of a first column packed with internal surface reversed phase (ISRP) (50x4.6 mm ID) and a Chrompack C18 (100x4.6 mm ID) as second column, allowed the simultaneous determination of five benzoylurea insecticides in dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) extracts of vegetable samples without any clean-up step. This system was combined with a photochemically induced fluorescence (PIF) post-column derivatization in order to provide strongly fluorescent photoproducts from the non-fluorescent benzoylureas. Limits of detection ranged from 0.21 to 0.98 ug L–1 of pesticide (equivalent to 0.14–0.65 ug kg–1 in vegetable samples) and limits of determination ranged from 4.0 to 10.0 ug L–1 (equivalent to 2.7–6.7 ug kg–1). Linearity of the method was established between 2 and 1800 ug L–1, depending upon the compound. Validation of the total method was performed by randomly analyzing recoveries of four vegetable samples (aubergine, cucumber, green bean, and tomato) spiked at two levels of concentration (10.0 and 33.3 ug kg–1). The combination of the LC-LC system with PIF detection provides a sensitive, selective, and rapid method for the determination of pesticides in vegetable samples at levels lower than the maximum residue levels (MRLs) established for these compounds by Spanish legislation

    Two-level Continuous Topology Optimization in Structural Mechanics

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    In the current industry, the development of optimized mechanical components able to satisfy the customer requirements evolves quickly. Therefore, companies are asked for efficient solutions to improve their products in terms of stiffness and strength. In this sense, Topology Optimization has been extensively used to determine the best topology of structural components from the mechanical point of view. Its main objective is to distribute a given amount of material into a predefined domain to reach the maximum overall stiffness of the component. Besides, high-resolution solutions are essential to define the final distribution of material. Standard Topological Optimization tools are able to propose an optimal topology for the whole component, but when small topological details are required (i.e. trabecular-type structures) the computational cost is prohibitive. In order to mitigate this issue, the present work proposes a two-level topology optimization method to solve high-resolution problems by using density-based methods. The proposed methodology includes three steps: The first one subdivides the whole component in cells and generates a coarse optimized low-definition material distribution assigning one different density to each cell. The second one uses an equilibrating technique that provides tractions continuity between adjacent cells, thus ensuring the material inter-cell continuity after the cells optimization process. Finally, each cell is optimized at fine scale taking as input data the densities and the equilibrated tractions obtained from the macro problem. The main goal of this work is to efficiently solve high-resolution topology optimization problems using density-based methods, which would be unaffordable with standard computing facilities and the current methodologies.Comment: 23 page

    Nucleación, crecimiento y nanoestructuración en grafeno epitaxial sobre metales

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    Tesis doctoral inédita, leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Física de la Materia Condensada. Fecha de lectura: 13-07-201

    Los ornamentos textiles litúrgicos y sus condiciones de exhibición: la triste historia del distanciamiento entre un objeto y su contemplador

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    El patrimonio textil, y en general, las mal llamadas artes menores, siempre ha sido un objeto secundario de estudio dentro de la Historia del Arte. Las artes aplicadas empezaron a tomar valor con los estudios de platería u orfebrería, al igual que los muebles. Los tapices se estudiaban para hacer referencia a artistas como Rafael o Goya, aunque poco a poco fueron adquiriendo importancia. Algo diferente sucede con los ornamentos litúrgicos, que todavía hoy están por estudiar de manera exhaustiva. Pocas son las colecciones textiles que incluyen este tipo de piezas en sus colecciones, muchas veces por poseer escasas obras. Sin embargo, son muchos los museos parroquiales, diocesanos o catedralicios que muestran parte de sus ornamentos litúrgicos a pesar de que las condiciones de exhibición no son las correctas, lo mismo sucede en los museos, ya que en muchas ocasiones no ayudan al espectador a entender el uso de las vestimentas. En este sentido, la conservación preventiva cobra un papel importante, pues como disciplina de nuestra profesión de historiadores del arte, es un aspecto a tener en cuenta al realizar labores de inventarios, comisariado de exposiciones etc. ya que todo ello implica conocer las técnicas de conservación y propuestas de restauración. Debemos velar por la correcta conservación preventiva para no deteriorar más las piezas en pro de su perdurabilidad, desde las salas de reserva, los soportes expositivos, hasta las condiciones atmosféricas como la temperatura, la humedad o la luz. El presente trabajo intenta mostrar por una parte un estado de la cuestión en cuanto al estado actual sobre ornamentos litúrgicos textiles, realizando una aproximación histórico-artística, de tipologías y usos dentro de la liturgia, a pesar de que el núcleo fuerte del trabajo será la conservación y la exhibición de dichas piezas, análisis, factores de deterioro,manipulación, soportes tanto para el almacenaje como la exposición etc... Junto a ello,realizaremos un estado de la cuestión de los distintos museos o entidades en el territorio nacional como de la provincia de Valencia que custodian y/o exhiben ornamentos litúrgicos.Terminaremos con un caso práctico como es el inventario y proyecto museográfico de la colección textil de la catedral de Valencia en su nuevo museo recientemente reinaugurado.The textile heritage, and in general, the evil so-called minor arts, has always been a child object of study within the history of art. The applied arts began to value with the silversmith or Goldsmith, as well as furniture studies. Tapestries are studied to refer to artists such as Rafael or Goya, although they were gradually gained importance. Something different happens with liturgical ornaments, that still today are to study in a comprehensive manner. Few are the textile collections which include this kind of pieces in their collections, often by having few works. However, are many parish, Diocesan and Cathedral Museum showing part of its liturgical ornaments to display conditions are not correct, the same thing happens in museums, since often they do not help the Viewer to understand the use of the vestments. In this sense, the conservation preventive cobra a role important, because as discipline of our profession of historians of the art, is an aspect to have in has to the perform work of inventories, curated of exhibitions etc. Since all this implies know them technical of conservation and proposed of restoration. We must ensure the proper preventive conservation to not to damage parts for of its durability, from the rooms booking, exhibition stands, to the conditions of weather such as temperature, humidity or light. This paper tries to show a State of the art in terms of the current status on textile liturgical ornaments, on the one hand doing a approach historical typologies and uses within the liturgy, while the strong labour core will be the conservation and display of such parts, analysis and factors of deterioration, manipulation, supports both for storage as the exhibition etc..

    Molecular properties of PTCDA on graphene grown on a rectangular symmetry substrate

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    The chemical modulation associated with moiré patterns, arising at the interface of metal-supported 2D material systems, affects the interaction between molecules and 2D materials on surfaces. Since the crystallography of the support influences the interfacial chemistry of the moiré modulation, this parameter could also play a role in the graphene-molecule interaction, although studies using non-hexagonal metal supports are needed to investigate this effect. It is a key issue since graphene appears combined with organic films in most technological advances related to this material. Here, we have characterized the properties of PTCDA molecules on graphene grown on Rh(110) substrates, which exhibit a rectangular atomic packing, using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy. The results showed that PTCDA molecules are arranged on the surface into a herringbone structure exhibiting a long-range ordering, which grows continuously across substrate atomic steps edge and dislocations. The quasi-1D moiré patterns of the Gr/Rh(110) surfaces are found to provide an inert chemical landscape for the molecular arrangement. Bias voltage-dependent imaging of the orbital structure of PTCDA molecules and differential conductance spectra back up a weak molecule–substrate interaction scheme. Finally, the α-polymorph of bulk crystal PTCDA has been determined as the favored stacking configuration for bilayer molecules on Gr/Rh(110)Financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) under grant No. MAT2016-77852-C2-2-R, as well as, from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion ´ (MICINN) through the “María de Maetzu” program for units of excellence in R&D (grant No. CEX2018-000805-M) is gratefully acknowledged. A. J. M.-G. acknowledges funding by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion ´ (MICINN) through Project No. PID2020-116619GA-C22, as well as, from the Comunidad de Madrid and the Universidad Autonoma ´ de Madrid under project SI3/PJI/2021- 0050

    Point defects on graphene on metals

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    Understanding the coupling of graphene with its local environment is critical to be able to integrate it in tomorrow's electronic devices. Here we show how the presence of a metallic substrate affects the properties of an atomically tailored graphene layer. We have deliberately introduced single carbon vacancies on a graphene monolayer grown on a Pt(111) surface and investigated its impact in the electronic, structural and magnetic properties of the graphene layer. Our low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy studies, complemented by density functional theory, show the existence of a broad electronic resonance above the Fermi energy associated with the vacancies. Vacancy sites become reactive leading to an increase of the coupling between the graphene layer and the metal substrate at these points; this gives rise to a rapid decay of the localized state and the quenching of the magnetic moment associated with carbon vacancies in free-standing graphene layers

    Column-switching linked to large sample volumes to preconcentrate beta-blockers at trace levels in environmental water

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    This paper describes about an automated on-line enrichment method for the simultaneous determination of seven beta-blockers in river water using a short liquid chromatography column for preconcentration coupled with LC-DAD. The method performs the preconcentration of 30mL of river water samples (5% organic modifier) using a 50mm×4.6mm C18 column for enrichment and a 150mm×4.6mm C18 column for separation, allowing the determination of beta-blockers at trace levels in river water. The analytical procedure was developed by optimizing the breakthrough parameters (flow rate, time of preconcentration and percentage of organic modifier added to the sample) in order to achieve the maximum sensitivity, and by optimizing the mobile phase (composition and flow rate) to get adequate separation of the components in a reasonable analysis time. Under the optimized conditions, the method was validated with respect to linearity, precision, limits of detection, limits of quantification and accuracy. Detection and quantitation limits ranged between 0.1 and 3.1 and between 1.0 and 5.0 ng mL−1, respectively, whereas the RSD on inter-day precision was below 8%. To cope with the matrix effect in the determination of these drugs in river water samples, the standard addition methodology was successfully applied. Recoveries ranging from 81 to 115% proved the accuracy of the methodology proposed in this work