15 research outputs found

    “Sistema Automatizado de Gestión de Información para la Clínica Veterinaria de la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi”

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    The UTC veterinary clinic manually performs the processes related to the medical history of patients, care and other information generated in the different areas of the clinic, which implies that the tasks inherent to the clinical care activity are they become limiting and do not allow their effective administration. For this reason the objective of the study en Develop a cloud-oriented computing system through the use of the architecture view controller model, for information management in the veterinary clinic of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources of the Technical University of Cotopaxi, with the implementation of the computer system will save all the data of the clients and their pets with their medical records within a database and can be performed more precise searches by entering the names of the patients or the main data of the owner and thus simplify the search and find the medical file more quickly, in addition the client will be able to access the necessary information of their pets and will be able to view the necessary reports such as the vaccination and deworming certificate with this it is about provide a tailored solution that meets the needs that arise in the clinic veterinary and that once the application is started, each problem generated is solved in the clinic. The agile methodology has been used for the software development process SCRUM in order to maintain an adequate order in the different activities required for the implementation of the automated information management system for the veterinary clinic, in this sense the following artifacts have been used: Product backlog and Sprint backlog. The architecture chosen for the automated information management system It is an avant-garde development tool since it uses the controller view model that allows the development of applications in a web environment in an orderly manner; in that sense, it has a server connected to the internet where the apache web server is installed, the MySQL database and the PHP programming language that allow the accessibility of those interested in the SI such as veterinarians, administrator, laboratory worker, interns and above all to customers who enter the system through any web browser they have installed on their computers in order that the activities carried out within it are agile and efficient for the benefit of the user.La clínica veterinaria de la UTC realiza de manera manual los procesos relacionados con el historial médico de los pacientes, atención y demás información generada en las diferentes áreas de la clínica lo cual implica que las tareas inherentes a la actividad de atención clínica se vuelven limitantes y no permiten su eficaz administración. Por esta razón el objetivo del estudio es Desarrollar un Sistema informático orientado a la nube mediante el uso de la arquitectura modelo vista controlador, para la gestión de Información en la clínica veterinaria de la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Recursos Naturales de la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, con la implementación del Sistema informático se guardarán todos los datos de los clientes y sus mascotas con sus historiales médicos dentro de una base de datos y se podrán realizar búsquedas más precisas ingresando los nombres de los pacientes o los datos principales del dueño y así simplificar la búsqueda y encontrar de manera más rápida la ficha médica, además el cliente podrá acceder a la información necesaria de sus mascotas y podrá visualizar los reportes necesarios como el certificado de vacunación y de desparasitación con esto se trata de brindar una solución a la medida que satisfaga las necesidades que se presenten en la clínica veterinaria y que una vez puesta en marcha la aplicación se solucione cada problema generado en la clínica. Para el proceso de desarrollo de software se ha utilizado la metodología ágil SCRUM con la finalidad de mantener un orden adecuado en las diferentes actividades requeridas para la implementación del sistema automatizado de gestión de información para la clínica veterinaria, en ese sentido se han utilizado los siguientes artefactos: Product backlog y Sprint backlog. La arquitectura elegida para el sistema automatizado de gestión de información es una herramienta de desarrollo vanguardista ya que se utiliza el modelo vista controlador que permite el desarrollo de aplicaciones en ambiente web de manera ordenada; en ese sentido, se dispone de un servidor conectado a internet donde se tienen instalado el servidor web apache, la base de datos MySQL y el lenguaje de programación PHP que permiten la accesibilidad de los interesados al SI como los veterinarios, administrador, laboratorista, pasantes y sobre todo a los clientes que ingresan al sistema a través de cualquier navegador web que tengan instalado en sus computadores con el propósito de que las actividades que se realizan dentro de esta sean agiles y eficientes a beneficio del usuario


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    Design and architecture of cloud storage system plays a vital role in cloud computing infrastructure in order to improve the storage capacity as well as cost effectiveness. Usually cloud storage system provides users to efficient storage space with elasticity feature. One of the challenges of cloud storage system is difficult to balance the providing huge elastic capacity of storage and investment of expensive cost for it. In order to solve this issue in the cloud storage infrastructure, low cost PC cluster based storage server is configured to be activated for large amount of data to provide cloud users. Moreover, one of the contributions of this system is proposed an analytical model using queuing network model, which is modelled on intended architecture to provide better response time, utilization of storage as well as pending time when the system is running. According to the analytical result on experimental testing, the storage can be utilized more than 90% of storage space. In this paper, two parts have been described such as design and architecture of PC cluster based cloud storage system.El presente artículo trata del diseño y la arquitectura de sistema de almacenamiento en la nube donde juegan un papel vital en la infraestructura de computación en la nube con el fin de mejorar la capacidad de almacenamiento, así como la rentabilidad. Por lo general, el sistema de almacenamiento en la nube proporciona a los estudiantes un espacio de almacenamiento eficiente con la característica de elasticidad. Uno de los retos del sistema de almacenamiento en la nube es difícil de equilibrar la capacidad elástica que proporciona gran capacidad de almacenamiento y de inversión de alto costo por ello con el fin de resolver este problema en la infraestructura de almacenamiento en la nube, el servidor de almacenamiento de clúster basado en PC de bajo coste está configurado para ser activado para la gran cantidad de datos para proporcionar a los usuarios en la nube. Por otra parte, una de las aportaciones de este sistema se propone como un modelo de análisis utilizando el modelo de red de encolado, que se basa en una arquitectura destinada a proporcionar un mejor tiempo de respuesta, la utilización del almacenamiento, así como el tiempo en espera cuando el sistema está en funcionamiento. De acuerdo con el resultado del análisis en los ensayos experimentales, el almacenamiento se puede utilizar más de 90% de espacio de almacenamiento. En esta investigación, dos partes se describen como el diseño y la arquitectura de sistema de almacenamiento en la nube clúster basado en PC

    Desarrollo Hibrido con Flutter

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    This article contains relevant and summarized information related to the "Hybrid Development with Flutter" the same based on an investigation which allows collecting from different bibliographic sources, the main aspects for the application and execution of a computer project based on Flutter, within the The document shows the analysis of several texts, in order to present the reader with a structured overview of the processes to be carried out for a correct development and implementation of hybrid applications, this research is based on the need to publicize this new Development Framework. which allows new programmers to design and code mobile applications that complement the great evolutionary environment of mobile applications todayEl presente articulo contiene informacion relevante y resumida relacionada con el “Desarrollo Hibrido con Flutter” el mismo basado en una investigación la cual permite recolectar de distintas fuentes bibliográficas, los principales aspectos para la aplicación y ejecución de un proyecto informático basado en Flutter, dentro del documento se muestra el análisis de varios textos, con la finalidad de presentar al lector un panorama estructurado sobre los procesos a realizar para un correcto desarrollo eh implementación de aplicaciones hibridas, esta investigación parte de la necesidad de dar a conocer este nuevo Framework de desarrollo el cual permita a nuevos programadores diseñar y codificar aplicativos móviles que permitan complementar el gran entorno evolutivo de las aplicaciones móviles en la actualidad

    Effects of Supplementation with Microminerals on Production Indicators and Blood, Feces, and Urine Traces of Grazing Alpaca (Lama lama)

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    To analyze the effect of additional microminerals in the diet supplement on weight and diameter of alpaca fiber, the application of three doses of selenium and zinc (0.0; 1.0; and 1.5 cc) on the diet, on CRD factorial arrangement (3 x 2) + (3 x 2), was assessed. The results showed statistically significant differencences for treatments: selenium doses, ages, zinc doses, and for zinc interaction by ages (Se1E2 with 74.33 kg at 90 days, for height at the withers, Zn1E2, averaging 91.33 cm). Fiber length for treatments Se1E1 and Se1E2 averaged 3 cm. For fiber diameter, treatments 1 (Se0E1) and Se1E1, group 1, and treatments Zn0E2 and Zn1E1, group 2, showed the best fiber quality (P < 0.05), averaging 28 microns. Live weight and fiber quality from mature animals based on supplementation with Se and Zn had beneficial effects, which improved phenotypical features of production, like live weight, though residues were found in 3-5 year old animals

    Supplementation with Norgold Concentrate + Molasses-Urea at 3% to Grazing Zebu Bovines During the Growing or Fattening Stages in the Dry Season

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    To determine the production potential of grazing Zebu bovines, using Norgold concentrate + molassesurea at 3% during the growing and fattening stages, 60 young bulls with similar weights and breed characteristics were used. Four experimental groups were made, which grazed for 9h daily, on marvel grass (Dichantium annulatum) + bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) average quality, 3kg of Pennisetum Cuba CT - 115; 1.0; 1.5; and 2.0 kg of Norgold concentrate for groups I, II, III, and IV, respectively, along with mineral salt and water ad libitum. Initial and final live weight, absolute weight, mean daily gain, and consumption were determined. Cost/benefit was also estimated. The animals in treatment 4 reached 401 kg of live weight (47.43% of their weight in comparison to initial live weight at 180 days); the average daily gain and conversion were 716.66 g and 10.37 kg of feed/kg of live weight, respectively. It was concluded that the treatment including 12.0 and 1.5 kg of Norgold concentrate, respectively, had mean daily gains and feed conversion (P < 0,05) higher than the traditional systems based on molassesurea, and other byproducts. The meat production achieved showed a positive cost/benefit ratio, which means that the system is feasible, productive and cost-effective

    Leucaena leucocephala cv Perú in Association with Graminaceae in Dryland Conditions for Final Bovine Fattening Stage

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    To evaluate the factors that affect efficiency in a Leucaena leucocephala cv Perú association, with pastures for bovine fattening, 22 Zebu fattening cycles were studied on a farm of the Rectangulo Livestock Company, in Camagüey, Cuba, between 2002 and 2012. The local soil is brown without carbonates. The climate is tropical humid, and the annual precipitation average is 1 183mm. The factors evaluated were food balance, duration of the fattening cycle, and quantity of animals/cycle. The daily weight gain and expenses/income per operation were also analyzed. The pasture and Leucaena percentages were determined by plant counts. Food balances were estimated. The final value of the population of Leucaena cv Perú was 93% (P <0.05), with an increase in common Bermuda grass and other pastures. Short duration tests showed much higher gains (P <0.05), with values above 1.0 kg/animal/day. The number of animal/cycle (P <0.05) produced higher gains with fewer animals. Forest-grazing in association with Leucaena leucocephala cv Perú-graminaceae under dryland conditions produced mean daily gains above 0.800 kg/animal/day in the final stage of fattening bulls, based on food balances with adequate biological and economic results. The best behavior was observed in the shortest cycles, where the highest final weight/animal values were achieved, with fewer expenses and higher income

    Bio-economic Impact of Strategic Changes in Murrah River Buffalo Management

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    The aim of this paper was to evaluate the effects of changes in the strategy to manage the bio-economic efficiency of a Murrah Buffalo production system in the province of Camagüey, Cuba, located 21º north and 77º west, 217 meters above sea level. The climate is tropical humid (Aw) of plains. The mean annual precipitations were 1 180 mm (71% between May and October), the temperatures were between 24 and 29 °C. The soil is brown, without carbonates, and brown-red fersiallitic. The system comprises 5 100 ha and has 536 workers/year. A strategy to introduce management changes in agro-technical, food, reproductive, replacement, health, salary policy, and training was implemented as part of an innovation package with a systemic and participatory approach. The evaluation lasted eight years, and it was critical to increase dairy production in more than 200 000 kg/year in 2012, in comparison to 2004, with improvements in natality and reduction of operational expenses of the system. It was concluded that the strategy had a determining effect on the system's indicators

    Leucaena leucocephala cv Perú asociada con gramíneas en secano para ceba final bovina

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    To evaluate the factors that affect efficiency in a Leucaena leucocephala cv Perú association with pastures for bovine fattening, 22 Zebu fattening cycles were studied on a farm of the Rectángulo Livestock Company, in Camagüey, Cuba, between 2002 and 2012. The local soil is brown without carbonates. The climate is tropical humid, and annual precipitation averages 1 183 mm . The factors evaluated were, food balance, duration of the fattening cycle, and quantity of animals/cycle. The daily weight gain and expenses/income per operation were also analyzed. The pasture and Leucaena percents were determined by plant counts. Food balances were made. Leucaena cv Perú reached final values of 93 % (P < 0.05) with an increase in common Bermuda grass and others. Short duration tests showed much higher gains (P < 0.05), with values above 1.0 kg/animal/day. The number of animal/cycle (P < 0.05) produced higher gains with fewer animals. Forest grazing in association with Leucaena leucocephala cv Perú-graminaeae in drylands produced mean daily gains above 0.800 kg/animal/day in the final stage of fattening bulls, according to food balances with adequate biological and economic results, and the best behavior in the shortest cycles, where the highest final weight/animal values were achieved, with fewer expenses and higher income.Con el objetivo de evaluar factores que afectan la eficiencia en una asociación de Leucaena leucocephala cv Perú con pastos para ceba final de bovinos, se analizaron desde el 2002 al 2012, 22 ciclos de ceba de toros Cebú en una finca de la Empresa Pecuaria Rectángulo de ceba en Camagüey, Cuba. El suelo es Pardo sin Carbonatos. El clima es tropical húmedo (Aw) y precipitación anual de 1 183 mm . Los factores evaluados fueron: balance alimentario, duración de ciclo de ceba y cantidad de animales/ciclo. Se analizaron índices de ganancia diaria de peso, gastos e ingresos por operación. Se determinaron los por cientos de pastos y Leucaena por conteo de plantas. Se realizaron balances alimentarios. Leucaena cv Perú alcanzó valores finales del 93 % (P < 0,05) en su población, con incremento de Guinea común y otros pastos. Las pruebas de corta duración logran ganancias muy superiores (P < 0,05) con valores por encima de 1,0 kg/animal/día. El número de animales/ciclo afectó (P < 0,05) por mayores ganancias con menos animales. La tecnología de silvopastoreo con asociación de Leucaena leucocephala cv Perú-gramíneas en secano, permitió obtener ganancias medias diarias por encima de 0,800 kg/animal/día en toros de ceba final evaluadas por balances alimentarios con resultados biológicos y económicos muy adecuados y el mejor comportamiento para los ciclos más cortos, donde se obtuvieron los mayores pesos finales/animal, con menos gastos por suplementos y mayores ingresos

    Efectos de la suplementación con microminerales en indicadores de producción y su residualidad en sangre, heces y orina de alpacas (Lama lama) en pastoreo.

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    Con el objetivo de analizar el efecto del nivel de suplemento de microminerales adicionales a la dieta sobre las variables alzada peso y diámetro de la fibra de alpacas, se evaluó la aplicación de tres dosis de selenio y zinc (0,0; 1,0 y 1,5 cc), bajo un (DCA) en arreglo factorial (3 x 2) + (3 x 2). Los resultados mostraron diferencias estadísticas para tratamientos: dosis de selenio, edades, dosis de zinc, edades y para la interacción zinc por edades (Se1E2 con 74,33 kg a los 90 días para alzada a la cruz, Zn1E2 con un promedio de 91,33 cm). La longitud de la fibra los tratamientos Se1E1 y Se1E2 con promedio de 3 cm. Para el diámetro de la fibra los tratamientos 1 (Se0E1) y tratamiento Se1E1 del grupo 1 y los tratamientos Zn0E2 y Zn1E1 del grupo 2 mostraron mejor calidad de la fibra (P < 0,05), con promedios de 28 micras. Se confirmó un efecto beneficioso en el peso vivo, calidad de la fibra en animales maduros de la suplementación con los microelementos Se y Zn, que mejoró las características fenotípicas de producción como el peso vivo, aunque manifestó residualidad en la orina de los animales de 3 a 5 años de edad.Effects of Supplementation with Microminerals on Production Indicators and Blood, Feces, and Urine Traces of Grazing alpaca (Lama lama) ABSTRACTIn this area was applied three doses of selenium and zinc (0.0; 1.0 and 1.5 cc), under a (DCA) in factorial arrangement (3 x 2) + (3 x 2) in order to analyze the effect of the level of additional mineral supplement micro (Selenium, Zinc) to the diet on the raised variables, weight and fiber diameter of alpacas. Results revealed statistical differences for treatment: selenium doses, age, Zinc doses, Zinc interaction for ages. For this, the treatment 4 (Se1E2) with 74.33 kg to 90 days to cross height (Zn1E2) with 91.33 cm average. The length fiber into treatments 3 (Se1E1) and 4 (Se1E2) with 3 cm average. For fiber diameter on treatments 1 (Se0E1) Treatment 3 (Se1E1) of group 1, treatments 8 (Zn0E2) and 9 (Zn1E1) which group 2 charged better fiber quality with 28 microns average. It was confirmed an beneficial effect on live weight and fiber quality in mature animals for mineral supply with Se and Zn con los microelements, that improved the production phenotypical characteristics like weight, but it was manifested minerals urine residuality in 3-5 years old animals

    Suplementación con Norgold + miel urea al 3 % de bovinos cebú en crecimiento-ceba en sistema de pastoreo en época de seca.

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    Con el objetivo de determinar el alcance productivo en bovinos cebú al utilizar como suplemento Norgold + mela-za-urea al 3 % durante la etapa de crecimiento-ceba bajo sistema de pastoreo, se emplearon 60 toretes, de iguales pesos y características raciales, conformándose cuatro grupos experimentales; sometido a 9 h diarias de pastoreo, sobre pasto pitilla (Dichantium annulatum) + tejana (Paspalum notatum) de calidad regular; 3 kg de forraje de Penisetum Cuba CT – 115; 1,0; 1,5 y 2,0 kg de Norgold para los grupos I, II, III y IV, respectivamente y sal mineral y agua adlibitum. Se determinó el peso vivo inicial y final, crecimiento absoluto, ganancia media diaria y consumo, así como se estimó el beneficio/costo. Los animales del tratamiento 4 lograron alcanzar 401 kg de peso vivo; es decir, el 47,43 % de su peso respecto al peso vivo inicial en 180 días, y como promedio para todo el período, una ganancia media diaria y conversión de 716,66 g y 10,37 kg de alimento/kg de peso vivo, respectivamente. Se concluye que los tratamientos donde se incluye 2,0 y 1,5 kg de Norgold, respectivamente, lograron ganancias medias diarias y conversión alimentaria superiores (P < 0,05) a los sistemas tradicionales con base de melaza-urea y otros subproductos, así como la producción de carne que se logra permite una relación costo/beneficio positiva, lo cual significa que el sistema es factible, productivo y económico.Norgold Supplementation + Urea Molasses (3 %) for Pasture Fattening Growing Zebu Bovines in the Dry Season. ABSTRACTWith the objective of determining the productive reach in bovine Cebú when using as supplement Norgol + molas-ses-urea to 3 % during the stage of growth-it feeds low shepherding system, 60 properly uniformed toretes was used as for weight and characteristic racial conforming to subjected four experimental groups at nine daily hours of shepherding, on grass PITILLA (Dichantium annulatum) + Tejana (Paspalum notatun) of regular quality; 3 kg of forage of Penisetum Cuba CT - 115; 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 kg of Norgold for the groups I, II, III and IV, respectively and salt mineral and it dilutes ad libitum. The weight alive initial was determined and final, absolute growth, daily half gain and I consummate as well as was considered the benefit/cost. The animals of the treatment four were able to reach 401 kg of live weight , that is to say, 47.43 % of their weight regarding the weight live initial in 180 days and like average, for the whole period, a daily half gain and conversion of 716.66 g and 10.37 food kg / kg of weight lives respectively. It concludes that the treatments where it is included 2.0 and 1.5 Norgold kg respectively they achieved earnings daily stockings and conversion alimentary superiors significantly (P ≤ 0.05) to the systems that traditionally have been orchestrated with the help of molasses-urea and the employment of other by-products, as well as the meat production that is achieved allows a relationship positive benefit / cost, that which means that the system is feasible, productive and economic