471 research outputs found

    La mediación parental en internet: estrategias, prevalencia y eficacia en Europa y España.

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    419 p.La investigación sobre mediación parental en internet para los menores en España ha sido uno de los objetivos de la agenda investigadora del equipo de EU Kids Online España y de forma más reciente Net Children Go Mobile España. El primer estudio centrado específicamente en mediación parental y desarrollado dentro del marco de EU Kids Online fue publicado en el año 2009 (Kirwil, Garmendia, Garitaonandia y Martínez, 2009). Desde esta fecha hasta la actualidad las publicaciones centradas en este tema han sido numerosas. Uno de los trabajos más relevantes llevados a cabo por este equipo de investigación es el informe de Riesgos y seguridad en Internet: los menores españoles en el contexto europeo (Garmendia, Garitaonandia, Martínez y Casado, 2011). Las publicaciones posteriores relativas a la mediación parental en España buscan completar este estudio, centrándose principalmente en los beneficios que la mediación parental, como uno de los múltiples factores contextuales en el proceso del uso de internet de los menores, puede implicar para el uso más seguro y eficaz de la red (Garmendia, Garitaonandia, Martínez y Casado, 2012; Garmendia, Garitaonandia, Martínez y Casado, 2014; Garmendia, Casado, Martínez y Garitaonandia, 2013; Garmendia, Casado y Martínez, 2015; Garmendia, Jiménez, Casado y Mascheroni, 2016). Esta tesis doctoral, en forma de compendio de publicaciones, se corresponde con una revisión de los resultados de las mencionadas contribuciones, centrándose principalmente en el estudio de la mediación parental desde la perspectiva de la aplicación de diferentes estrategias (incidencia) y su relación con algunos de los muchos factores que pueden influir como predictores de la aplicación de estas estrategias. Específicamente, los factores que hemos elegido son los sociodemográficos de los padres (nivel de estudios, estatus social) y de los menores (edad y género). Se ha intentado así, alcanzar un mejor conocimiento de los patrones de mediación para internet desde el año 2010 hasta el 2015 que han adoptado los padres y madres españoles en relación al uso de las tecnologías de la comunicación que emplean sus hijos e hijas y dar respuestas a ciertas preguntas (objetivos e hipótesis) como ¿Qué tipo de estrategias utilizan los padres españoles para proteger a los menores de potenciales riesgos y ayudarlos a adquirir diferentes competencias y habilidades digitales? ¿Influyen los factores sociodemográficos de padres y menores implicados en este proceso en la aplicación de una u otra estrategia? ¿Tienden los padres españoles a ser más restrictivos que o por lo contrario prefieren dialogar y compartir las actividades online con sus hijos? ¿Qué ventajas o desventajas pueden tener para el menor los diferentes perfiles de mediación parental para internet atendiendo a la incidencia de las diferentes estrategias? Esta investigación puede ser especialmente valiosa para entender de forma general qué avances hemos conseguido a nivel de investigación y qué retos nos quedan por conseguir como comunidad científica. Son muchos y muy valiosos los esfuerzos que a nivel estatal se están haciendo por conseguir un uso de internet efectivo y seguro de los menores. Las evidencias constatan que son muchos los esfuerzos que se están haciendo a nivel estatal (O¿Neil, 2014) para establecer estructuras y para promulgar marcos legales y regulatorios en torno a la seguridad online. Sin lugar a duda esto representa un avance muy positivo, pero no hemos de olvidar que en España, como uno de los países dentro del grupo catalogado como ¿protegidos por restricciones¿ y que dichos avances se han hecho en detrimento de la promoción de oportunidades online. Es aquí donde la academia, como agente social mediador, debe tomar posicionamiento para encontrar soluciones que ayuden a los padres (directa e indirectamente) a encontrar estrategias o soluciones que ayuden a los menores a aprovechar todas las oportunidades que la red les ofrece

    Antioxidants versus Food Antioxidant Additives and Food Preservatives

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    Natural and processed foods are fragile and can become unpalatable and/or rotten. The processed food industry uses preservatives to enable distribution, even to different continents, and to extend the useful life of their products. Preservatives impede oxidation, a mandatory step in rotting, either by aerobic or anaerobic mechanisms. From a functional point of view, these compounds are antioxidants, and, therefore, a kind of contradiction exists when a preservative is considered 'bad' for human health while also thinking that antioxidants provide benefits. The basis of antioxidant action, the doses required for preservation, and the overall antioxidant action are revisited in this work. Finally, the bad and the good of food additives/preservatives are presented, taking into account the main mediator of antioxidant beneficial actions, namely the innate mechanisms of detoxification. Foods that strengthen such innate mechanisms are also presented. Keywords: REDOX reaction; food contamination; food decay; food rotting; human safety; sulfites; taste

    Lessons on differential neuronal-death-vulnerability from familial cases of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases

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    The main risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD), the two most common neurodegenerative pathologies, is aging. In contrast to sporadic cases, whose symptoms appear at >60 years of age, familial PD or familial AD affects younger individuals. Finding early biological markers of these diseases as well as efficacious treatments for both symptom relief and delaying disease progression are of paramount relevance. Familial early-onset PD/AD are due to genetic factors, sometimes a single mutation in a given gene. Both diseases have neuronal loss and abnormal accumulations of specific proteins in common, but in different brain regions. Despite shared features, the mechanisms underlying the pathophysiological processes are not known. This review aims at finding, among the genetic-associated cases of PD and AD, common trends that could be of interest to discover reliable biomarkers and efficacious therapies, especially those aimed at affording neuroprotection, i.e., the prevention of neuronal death


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    Online risk situations faced by children have been extensively studied from a child perspective, while research is scarcer from a parental perspective. This article aims to understand what knowledge parents have regarding online situations with unpleasant consequences as cyberbullying. It also explores how parents react to these situations and what factors of the socio-familial context may influence their perceptions and reactions. The analysis is based on the results of a survey to families of Spain, carried out in 2019, on a nationally representative sample of 850 parents with children between 9-17 years old. The results showed that from the families' perspective, cyberbullying situations to which their children are exposed are not frequent; the vast majority of fathers and mothers do not perceive it in their children. A 44% of parents have the perception that their children are able to cope with unpleasant situations, and this correlates to the age of the child, being higher in adolescents. An 83% of parents feel very able to help their children to cope with upsetting situations. Parent´s awareness of cyberbullying is related to family conflict situations they experience with their children. Higher levels of reverse mediation are observed among adolescents, who report more unpleasant situations experienced online to their parents than younger children who are the least likely to report these experiences to their parents and tend to be monitored more by their parents.Las situaciones de riesgo que se enfrentan los menores online, han sido ampliamente estudiadas desde la perspectiva del menor, pero no tanto desde la perspectiva de sus progenitores. El objeto de este artículo, es entender qué conocimiento tienen los progenitores sobre las situaciones de riesgo online con consecuencias desagradables para sus hijos/as como el ciberbullying. Se explora también cómo reaccionan y qué factores del contexto socio-familiar pueden influir en estas percepciones y reacciones. El análisis parte de los resultados de una encuesta realizada a familias españolas en 2019. La muestra de 850 padres y madres con hijos/as de 9-17 años, es representativa a nivel nacional. Los resultados mostraron que desde la perspectiva de las familias las situaciones de ciberbullying a los que se exponen sus hijos/as no son frecuentes, y que la inmensa mayoría de padres y madres no los perciben. El 44% de los progenitores tiene la percepción de que sus hijos/as tienen la capacidad de enfrentarse a situaciones que le molestan online, y está relacionada con la edad del menor, siendo mayor en adolescentes que en niños/as. El 83% de los progenitores se sienten muy capacitados para ayudarles ante situaciones molestas. La percepción del ciberacoso está relacionada con situaciones de conflicto que viven con sus hijos/as. Se observa una mediación inversa iniciada por los propios adolescentes, que comunican a sus progenitores situaciones desagradables sufridas online, no así entre los de menos edad, siendo los que menos comunican estas experiencias a sus progenitores y tienden a ser más monitorizados.Este artigo descreve a perceção que os progenitores espanhóis têm sobre situações incómodas vividas pelos seus filhos e pelas suas filhas na Internet, tais como o cyberbullying, sofrido ou perpetrado pelos seus filhos e pelas suas filhas. E analisa a sua relação com conflitos familiares, a capacidade de ajuda, a resiliência da criança e a estratégia de mediação parental de monitorização ou a iniciada pelo menor. Baseia-se nos resultados de um inquérito desenvolvido pela rede europeia de investigação EU Kids Online, aplicado a famílias espanholas em 2019. A amostra de 850 pais e mães com filhos ou filhas de 9-17 anos é representativa a nível nacional. Os resultados mostraram que as famílias subestimam o cyberbullying sofrido pelos seus filhos e pelas suas filhas. Quatro em cada dez progenitores acreditam que os seus filhos e as suas filhas têm capacidade para lidar com estas situações, especialmente quando chegam à adolescência. A perceção do cyberbullying está relacionada com situações de conflito que vivem com os seus filhos e as suas filhas. Observa-se uma mediação inversa, iniciada pelos próprios adolescentes, que comunicam aos seus progenitores situações desagradáveis que sofreram online, mas não entre as crianças mais novas dos 9 aos 12 anos, que são as que menos comunicam e mais prejudicadas. Conclui-se  a necessidade da alfabetização digital para ensinar a utilizar a Internet de forma segura. A educação sobre a utilização da Internet e a promoção do diálogo com os seus filhos poderá impedi-los de se envolverem em comportamentos de risco na Internet.Este artigo descreve a perceção que os progenitores espanhóis têm sobre situações incómodas vividas pelos seus filhos e pelas suas filhas na Internet, tais como o cyberbullying, sofrido ou perpetrado pelos seus filhos e pelas suas filhas. E analisa a sua relação com conflitos familiares, a capacidade de ajuda, a resiliência da criança e a estratégia de mediação parental de monitorização ou a iniciada pelo menor. Baseia-se nos resultados de um inquérito desenvolvido pela rede europeia de investigação EU Kids Online, aplicado a famílias espanholas em 2019. A amostra de 850 pais e mães com filhos ou filhas de 9-17 anos é representativa a nível nacional. Os resultados mostraram que as famílias subestimam o cyberbullying sofrido pelos seus filhos e pelas suas filhas. Quatro em cada dez progenitores acreditam que os seus filhos e as suas filhas têm capacidade para lidar com estas situações, especialmente quando chegam à adolescência. A perceção do cyberbullying está relacionada com situações de conflito que vivem com os seus filhos e as suas filhas. Observa-se uma mediação inversa, iniciada pelos próprios adolescentes, que comunicam aos seus progenitores situações desagradáveis que sofreram online, mas não entre as crianças mais novas dos 9 aos 12 anos, que são as que menos comunicam e mais prejudicadas. Conclui-se a necessidade da alfabetização digital para ensinar a utilizar a Internet de forma segura. A educação sobre a utilização da Internet e a promoção do diálogo com os seus filhos  poderá impedi-los de se envolverem em comportamentos de risco na Internet.这篇文章描述了西班牙父母对孩子在网络上的不愉快经历所持的态度,如遭受或实施网络霸凌。同时文章也分析该态度与家庭冲突、支持能力、孩子的心里韧性、家长监视的调解策略或由孩子发起的调解策略间的关系。研究基于2019年EU Kids Online欧洲研究网络设计制作的问卷结果中针对西班牙家庭的部分。研究样本为850名父亲或母亲,他们孩子的年龄在9到17岁之间,选取这些样本的原因是因为它们有较高的国内代表性。研究结果表明父母低估了他们的孩子所经历的网络霸凌程度。每10位家长中有4位认为他们的孩子有足够的能力应对这种情况,如果孩子为青少年,父母认为他们的应对能力则更高。父母对网络霸凌的态度跟孩子生活的冲突环境有关。研究结果也观察到存在逆向的由青少年自己发起的调解。他们会将自己在网络上的不愉快经历告诉他们的父母。但是这种情况并没有表现在更小的年龄阶段群体上,也就是9到12岁的孩子身上,他们是跟父母沟通最少,遭受霸凌伤害最大的年龄段。研究最后指出提高父母及孩子的数字素质、教会他们安全使用网络势在必行。针对网络使用方面的教育及对家长孩子间沟通的促进,可以避免网络危险行为对孩子产生的消极影

    Amyloid Beta Precursor Protein: Proper Credit for the Basic Biochemical Properties of the Most Studied Protein in the 21st Century

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    The amyloid precursor protein (APP) is mainly known for being the precursor of the ß-amyloid peptide, which accumulates in plaques found in the brain of Alzheimer's disease patients. Expression in different tissues and the degree of sequence identity among mammals indicate an essential and non-tissue specific physiological function. APP is anchored to the membrane and displays a single C-terminal intracellular domain and a longer N-terminal extracellular domain. The basic biochemical properties and the scattered data on research, not related to production of beta-amyloid peptide, suggest that the protein and the molecules resulting from APP proteolytic cleavage may act as adhesion factors, enzymes, hormones/neurotransmitters and/or protease inhibitors. APP deserves to be known for its quite notable properties and its physiological role(s)

    Transcultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Life Skills Scale For Sport: LSSS-S

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to translate and validate into Spanish the Life Skills Scale for Sport (LSSS) designed and validated by Cronin and Allen. The scale is divided into eight sub-dimensions: goal-seeking, teamwork, time management, emotional skills, interpersonal communication, social skills, leadership, and problem solving. Method: For the translation process, a validation between languages was performed. A double procedure was carried out with bilingual researchers related to the subject, translating from English to Spanish and, conversely. Subsequently for validation, 1251 students (59.8% women) between 15 and 29 years old from Spain and Chile answered the questionnaire. Results: Comparing initial results, the translated terms matched, and no relevant mismatch was found. The confirmatory factor analysis supported the factorial structure proposed by the original authors, showing acceptable fit indicators (RMSEA: 0.048; CFI: 0.93; TLI: 0.92), satisfactory internal consistency coefficient (0.980) and adequate item-total correlation (0.630). Conclusion: The instrument proves to be consistent in the evaluation of life skills in the Spanish-speaking population, presents adequate psychometric properties and is a reliable and valid instrument for the evaluation of life skills in contexts of physical activity and sport with a young population aged 15 to 29 years

    Effectiveness and tolerability of a squalane and dimethicone-based treatment for head lice

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    Head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) are worldwide obligate human ectoparasites, with high implications in pediatrics. In Europe, first-line topical neurotoxic insecticidal therapeutic strategies are being replaced by topical physically acting agents as the first-choice treatment. Safety of the active ingredients and high efficacy in a one-time single-dose treatment with a brief treatment application time are key issues for consumer use and effective compliance. The aim of this study was to assess the in vitro efficacy of a newly developed squalane and dimethicone-based pediculicidal formula, against motile head lice and eggs after 2 and 5 min immersion in the product, as well as its skin tolerance and acceptability under dermatological and pediatric expert control in children with atopic skin. The results indicate that at both time points, 100% mortality rate of head lice crawling stages and latest age eggs was achieved. The formula was well tolerated and suitable for children with atopic skin from 12 months of age. Showing high in vitro efficacy and good skin acceptability, this solution is presented as a new safe alternative therapy for treatment of head lice infestations.This work was funded by Ferrer International S.A., the company that developed the human head louse treatment discussed in this paper. This solution is marketed as “OTC ANTIPIOJOS FORMULA TOTAL” by Ferrer International S.A. in Spain

    How the lagged and accumulated effects of stress, coping, and tasks affect mood and fatigue during nurses' shifts

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    Nurses experience significant stress and emotional exhaustion, leading to burnout and fatigue. This study assessed how the nurses' mood and fatigue evolves during their shifts, and the temporal factors that influence these phenomena. Performing a two-level design with repeated measures with moments nested into a person level, a random sample of 96 nurses was recruited. The ecological momentary assessment of demand, control, effort, reward, coping, and nursing tasks were measured in order to predict mood and fatigue, studying their current, lagged, and accumulated effects. The results show that: (1) Mood appeared to be explained by effort, by the negative lagged effect of reward, and by the accumulated effort, each following a quadratic trend, and it was influenced by previously executing a direct care task. By contrast, fatigue was explained by the current and lagged effect of effort, by the lagged effect of reward, and by the accumulated effort, again following quadratic trends. (2) Mood was also explained by problem-focused and emotion-focused coping strategies, indicative of negative mood, and by support-seeking and refusal coping strategies. (3) Fatigue was also associated with direct care and the prior effect of documentation and communication tasks. We can conclude that mood and fatigue do not depend on a single factor, such as workload, but rather on the evolution and distribution of the nursing tasks, as well as on the stress during a shift and how it is handled. The evening and night shifts seem to provoke more fatigue than the other work shifts when approaching the last third of the shift. These data show the need to plan the tasks within a shift to avoid unfinished or delayed care during the shift, and to minimize accumulated negative effect

    La diferenciación paleogeográfica de la Cuenca Catalana al principio del Jurásico Medio.

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    Se propone un nuevo sistema de unidades litoestratigráficas, válido para los materiales del Toarciense, Aaleniense y Bajociense de la Cuenca Catalana. Las pautas de distribución de estas unidades litoestratigráficas y las variaciones de facies a escala zonal permiten delimitar tres sectores paleogeográficos al principio del Jurásico Medio: el sector de Tivissa-Salou, el sector de Alfara- Cardó y el sector de Los Puertos de Beceite. Estos tres sectores se diferenciaron progresivamente, entre sí y respecto a la Cuenca Ibérica, condicionados por fallas sinsedimentarias durante el Toarciense, el Aaleniense y el Bajociense. Dos megaciclos ambientales de profundización/somerización tuvieron lugar en la Cuenca Catalana durante el tránsito Jurásico Inferior-Medio. Los máximos transgresivos de estos dos ciclos de segundo orden ocurrieron respectivamente en los biocronos Bifrons (Toarciense) y Niortense (Bajociense). Estos dos megaciclos estuvieron separados por un máximo regresivo durante el Biocrón Murchisonae (Aaleniense medio). La Plataforma de Tortosa, que comprende los sectores de Tivissa-Salou y Alfara-Cardó, alcanzó su máxima subsidencia durante el Bajociense superior. [ABSTRACT] A new system of lithostratigraphical units, valid for the Toarcian, Aalenian and Bajocian deposits of the Catalan Basin is defined. Distribution patterns of these lithostratigraphical units and variations of facies to a zonal scale enable the interpretation of three palaeogeographical sectors at the beginning of the Middle Jurassic: Tivissa-Salou, Alfara-Cardó and Los Puertos de Beceite. These three sectors, conditioned by synsedimentary faults, were progressively differentiated through the Toarcian, Aalenian and Bajocian. Two environmental deepening/shallowing megacycles were developed in the Catalan Basin during the latest Early Jurassic and the earliest Middle Jurassic. The transgressive peaks of these two second-order cycles occurred respectively in the Bifrons (Toarcian) and Niortense (Bajocian) biochrones. Both megacycles were separated by a regressive peak during the Murchisonae Biochron (Aalenian). The Platform of Tortosa, comprising the sectors of Tivissa- Salou and Alfara-Cardó, reached the maximum subsidence during the late Bajocian

    Adenosine A2A and A3 Receptors Are Able to Interact with Each Other. A Further Piece in the Puzzle of Adenosine Receptor-Mediated Signaling

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    The aim of this paper was to check the possible interaction of two of the four purinergic P1 receptors, the A2A and the A3. Discovery of the A2A-A3 receptor complex was achieved by means of immunocytochemistry and of bioluminescence resonance energy transfer. The functional properties and heteromer print identification were addressed by combining binding and signaling assays. The physiological role of the novel heteromer is to provide a differential signaling depending on the pre-coupling to signal transduction components and/or on the concentration of the endogenous agonist. The main feature was that the heteromeric context led to a marked decrease of the signaling originating at A3 receptors. Interestingly from a therapeutic point of view, A2A receptor antagonists overrode the blockade, thus allowing A3 receptor-mediated signaling. The A2A-A3 receptor heteromer print was detected in primary cortical neurons. These and previous results suggest that all four adenosine receptors may interact with each other. Therefore, each adenosine receptor could form heteromers with distinct properties, expanding the signaling outputs derived from the binding of adenosine to its cognate receptors