3,678 research outputs found

    Have Spanish companies built greater entrepreneurship after privatization?

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    This study analyses some of the strategic and organizational changes experienced in public firms following privatization in its double facet: sale of companies and deregulation. Specifically, we analyse the process of innovation in terms of products, processes and organization. We also look into the development of new businesses and strategic renewal, which in the end shape the entrepreneurial capacity of a company. A sample of Spanish firms which were privatized between 1985 and 2000 shows that after privatization, these companies have experienced a significant increase in entrepreneurship. These changes are even more appreciable when a high sector competition is added to the ownership shift. Once they join the private sector, their level of product, process and organizational innovation is higher. They also develop new businesses at national level, reinforce their international activity and embark on strategic renewal processes by shedding the lesser profitable businesses and modifying their competitive strategy so as to gain efficiency

    Implementation of COIL in mental health education: Outcomes of a collaboration between Spain and the United States nursing students

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    Collaborative International Online Learning (COIL) provides students meaningful and valuable engagement with students in another country to reach the goals of academic programs at the participating institutions. The strategy has demonstrated benefits for nursing students, including the acquisition of self-awareness, empathy, cultural humility, and leadership skills. The aim of this study was to share the results of the partnership in a COIL project using digital technology between a university in the United States and a university in Spain. The goals of this collaboration were twofold: to expose students in the U.S. and Spain to an international experience on mental health and to provide a comparative view of their respective health care systems. The chosen technique focuses on perceptions of mental health and how mental health care is delivered in clinical settings. A total of 166 students took part in this experience. The virtual exchange allowed students and faculty to share best practices in caring for people with mental illness. Nursing students providing care to COVID-19 patients reflected on lessons learned during the pandemic and its impact on community mental health. Small group activities such as icebreakers, homework assignments, and reflections were used to share and compare experiences. Students completed COIL surveys, which demonstrated that students from both countries perceived learning gains using evidence-based best practices related to key nursing concepts in a mutually respectful virtual exchange. The results show a perceived increase in the comprehension of mental health-related content and enhancement of clinical practice. Therefore, the COIL methodology is a feasible option as it allows for an intercultural exchange with an in-depth examination of content from the learners and teaching perspectives. In addition, it prepares students to work in international teams virtually.S

    The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Self-Harm Attempts Observed in a Hospital Emergency Department

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    Suicide is a significant public health concern, with one million lives lost to it every year. Suicidal ideation and attempts are markers of high risk. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative psychological impact on the population. This study aims to describe and analyze the clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of patients who have received medical attention for self-harm attempts in a hospital emergency department, comparing the period before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a descriptive, retrospective study that collected data from medical records of patients who received care for self-harm attempts in the emergency department. The data included cases from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2022. In total, 529 cases of self-harm attempts were identified, of which 62.8% were female. The number of post-pandemic self-harm attempts significantly increased compared to the period before the pandemic. The most used method for self-harm was medication ingestion. This study revealed that over one-third of the participants had previously attempted suicide. Most self-harm attempts were made by women in the 10–20 or 41–50 age groups, with a history of psychiatric illness and multiple medications. The study results also highlighted an increase in self-harm attempts during the COVID-19 pandemic.SIThis research received no external fundin

    Family-centred care of patients admitted to the intensive care unit in times of COVID-19: A systematic review

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    .Objectives: To describe clinical practice interventions aimed at providing Family-Centred Care in intensive care units during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research methodology: A systematic review was carried out following the PRISMA recommendations in various databases: PubMed, Cinahl, Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar were consulted, as well as within the grey literature found on the web pages of official organizations related to Intensive Care Medicine and Nursing. Setting: Adult intensive care unit. Results: The search yielded 209 documents of which 24 were included in this review: eight qualitative studies, seven protocols and recommendations from official bodies, one mixed-method studies, five descriptive studies, one cross-sectional study, one pilot program and one literature review. A thematic analysis revealed four major themes: the use of communication systems, multidisciplinary interventions; the promotion of family engagement and family support. The results show different strategies that can be implemented in clinical practice to solve the difficulties encountered in Family-Centred Care in critical care units during the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusions: There is a great variety in the nature of the interventions developed, with the use of telecommu- nication systems in daily practice being the most repeated aspect. Future research should aim to assess whether the interventions implemented increase the quality of patient and family care by meeting their needsS

    Histeria: historia da sexualidade feminina

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    Introducción: Etimológicamente el término Histeria proviene de la palabra griega Hysteron que significa Útero. De esto deducimos, la feminización de la enfermedad y la vinculación al ideal de mujer históricamente vigente. Objetivos: Dar a conocer la Histeria y el lazo que la une con la sexualidad femenina a lo largo de diferentes épocas históricas. Material y método: Revisión Bibliográfica Sistemática en Bases de datos. Resultados: Diferentes racionamientos tratan de esclarecer la etiología y sintomatología de la enfermedad. Resulta llamativo, por otro lado, el tratamiento clandestino que algunas mujeres histéricas reciben: los masajes pélvicos. Conclusiones: Análisis del legado de las mujeres que sufrieron la estigmatización de ser tachadas de histéricas desde una visión actual. Cómo vemos la Histeria hoy: significado y connotaciones.Introduction: Hysteria comes from hysteron, a Greek word that means Uterus. From there it follows the feminization of the disease and the link with the prototype of perfect woman at that time. Objective: Study the relationship between Hysteria and female sexuality through different historical periods. Materials and Methods: Literature Review in Databases. Results: Different studies try to explain the etiology and symptomatology of Hysteria. It calls our attention that some women were treated in a clandestinely way: pelvic massages. Conclusions: Analysis of the legacy of women who suffered from the stigmatization of being branded as hysterical women at present. How we see hysteria today: meaning and connotations.Introduçao: Etimológicamente o termo Histeria vem da palavra grega Hysteron que significa Ùtero. Por isto deduzimos, a feminizaçao da doença e a vinculaçao a um ideal de mulher historicamente vigente. Objectivos: Dar a conhecer a Hisetria e o laço que a associa com a sexualida de feminina durante diferentes épocas históricas. Material e método: Revisao bibliográfica sistemática em bases de dados. Resultados: Diferentes rocionomentos tratam de esclarecer a etiología, sintomatología da doença. Resultado chamativo, por otro lado, o tratamento clandestino que algunas mulheres histéricas recebem: o massagem pelvico. Análise do legado das mulheres que sofrem estigamtiazaçao de serem acusadas de histéricas desde una visao actual. Como vemos a histgeria hoje: significado e conotaçoes

    Internet Addiction and Emotional Intelligence in university nursing students: A cross-sectional study

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    Background: The appearance of the Internet has allowed for improved communications and the technological development of society, but it has also led to problematic use, generating addictive behaviors in some university students. Emotional Intelligence helps to improve emotional skills, increase social skills, and act as a protective factor against technological addictions. Objectives: to describe and analyze the relationship between Internet Addiction, Emotional Intelligence, and sociodemographic characteristics in Nursing students. Methods: A multicenter cross-sectional study was conducted. Participants belonged to three different campuses of two Universities. 532 nursing students were included in the study. A self- administered questionnaire was used collecting sociodemographic variables and the TMMS-24 and IAT instruments were employed to measure Emotional Intelligence and Internet Addiction, respectively. Results: 11.1% of the students presented Internet Addiction. Higher Internet Addiction scores were obtained by those who were younger, had a lower academic year, and were more involved in leisure activities. Adequate levels of Emotional Intelligence were found, women showed higher values of Attention and men of Repair. Students aged 24 or over reported higher Clarity and Repair values. There was an inverse relationship between Clarity and Repair with Internet Addiction values. Conclusions: The ability to understand and regulate emotional states is related to lower Internet Addiction values. The group of Internet addicts revealed greater Attention and less Clarity. Internet Addiction values increased as the number of hours of Internet use increases. The development of programs which improve Emotional Intelligence could be essential to facilitate the emotional management of Internet Addiction.S

    Zeolite/iron oxide composite as sorbent for magnetic solid-phase extraction of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes from water samples prior to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

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    This study reports a new composite based on ZSM-5 zeolite decorated with iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles as a valuable sorbent for magnetic solid-phase extraction (MSPE). A proposal is made to determine benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) as model analytes in water samples using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. A two-step multivariate optimization strategy, using Plackett⬜Burman and circumscribed central composite designs, was employed to optimize experimental parameters affecting MSPE. The method was evaluated under optimized extraction conditions (i.e., amount of sorbent, 138 mg; extraction time, 11 min; sample pH, pH of water (i.e., 5.5⬜6.5); eluent solvent volume, 0.5 mL; and elution time, 5 min), obtaining a linear response from 1 to 100 μg L↙1 for benzene; from 10 to 100 μg L↙1 for toluene, ethylbenzene and o-xylene; and from 10 to 75 μg L↙1 for m,p-xylene. The repeatability of the proposed method was evaluated at a 40 μg L↙1 spiking level and coefficients of variation ranged between 8 and 11% (n = 5). Limits of detection were found to be 0.3 μg L↙1 for benzene and 3 μg L↙1 for the other analytes. These values satisfy the current normative of the Environmental Protection Agency and European Union for BTEX content in waters for human consumption. Finally, drinking water, wastewater and river water were selected as real water samples to assess the applicability of the method. Relative recoveries varied between 85% and 114% showing negligible matrix effects.The authors would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (project no. CTQ2011-23968), Generalitat Valenciana (Spain) (projects nos. GVA/2014/096 and PROMETEO/2013/038) for the financial support. E. Fernández also thanks Ministry of Education for her FPU grant (FPU13/03125)

    Estudio de la viabilidad técnica y socio-económica de la producción de energía fotovoltaica distribuida a nivel local y el despliegue de redes inteligentes

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    [ES] El presente Trabajo de Final de Máster pretende estudiar la viabilidad de la producción de energía fotovoltaica a nivel local y el despliegue de redes inteligentes. La metodología desarrollada combina un estudio técnico con un estudio socio-económico y se aplica en el cas de la ciudad de Valencia. Este trabajo se ha realizado en colaboración con el grupo de trabajo de la red Connecta Energía sobre la producción de energías renovables a nivel local, iniciado por el Centro de Innovación Urbana de Valencia, Las Naves, y el Observatorio del Cambio Climático del Ayuntamiento de Valencia, junto con el Instituto de Ingeniería Energética (IIE) de la UPV. El estudio de viabilidad técnica desarrolla una metodología para el dimensionamiento de instalaciones fotovoltaicas, a partir de la obtención y el análisis de la demanda energética de varios puntos de consumo, para posteriormente, englobándose diversas instalaciones y puntos de consumo, integrarlos todos en una red inteligente, de manera que se analizan tres escenarios diferente: el primero sería un escenario de autoconsumo individual, el segundo un escenario de autoconsumo individual con baterías, y el tercero el escenario de integración de una red inteligente. Posteriormente, se ha validado esta metodología mediante su aplicación en una serie de edificios municipales del distrito de Poblats Marítims de la ciudad de Valencia. Para el estudio de viabilidad socio-económica se ha desarrollado un análisis de las barreras a las que se enfrenta la producción de energía fotovoltaica distribuida a nivel local y el despliegue de redes inteligentes para identificar posibles soluciones para superarlas. Así mismo, se ha realizado un análisis de actores relacionados con este área, para posteriormente realizar una serie de entrevistas semi-estructuradas, las cuales permiten identificar de manera cualitativa estas barreras y sus respectivas soluciones. Esta metodología se ha aplicado posteriormente realizando dicha entrevista a diversos actores relacionados con la energía fotovoltaica en la ciudad de Valencia permitiendo obtener una serie de valiosas recomendaciones para superar las barreras al despliegue del auto-consumo y de las redes inteligentes.[CA] Aquest Treball de Final de Máster s’ha realitzat dins del marc de la col·laboració amb la xarxa Connecta Energia, sobre producció de energia renovable a nivell local, inicialitzat per el Centre de Innovació Urbana de Valencia, Las Naves y el Observatori del Canvi Climàtic, conjuntament amb el Institut de Enginyeria Energètica (IIE) de la UPV. El treball combina un estudi sobre la viabilitat tècnica amb un sobre la viabilitat socioeconòmica. El estudi de viabilitat tècnica engloba una metodologia per al dimensionament de instal·lacions fotovoltaiques, a partir del estudi y de l’obtenció de la demanda energètica en diversos punts de consum, per a, posteriorment, integrar-los tots en una xarxa intel·ligent, de manera que s’analitzen tres escenaris diferents: el primer es un escenari d’autoconsum individual, el segon un escenari de autoconsum individual amb bateries, y el tercer un escenari d’integració en una xarxa intel·ligent. Posteriorment, s’ha validat aquesta metodologia amb una sèrie d’edificis municipals del districte de Poblats Marítims de la ciutat de València. Per al estudi de viabilitat socioeconòmica s’ha desenvolupat un anàlisis de les barreres a les que s’enfronta la producció de energia fotovoltaica de manera distribuïda a nivell local y el desplegament de xarxes intel·ligents, analitzant també al diversos actors relacionats amb aquest àrea, per a després realitzar un guió de entrevista el qual permet quantificar de manera qualitativa y quantitativa aquestes barreres y les seues respectives solucions. Açò, s’ha aplicat posteriorment realitzant aquesta entrevista a diversos actors relacionats amb la energia fotovoltaica a la ciutat de València.[EN] This Master's Thesis has been carried out within the framework of the collaboration with the Connecta Energía network, on the production of renewable energy at local level. This network has been initiated by the Valencia Urban Innovation Centre, Las Naves and the Climate Change Observatory, together with the Institute of Energy Engineering (IIE) of the UPV. The work combines a technical study with a socio-economic study. The technical feasibility study includes a methodology for the sizing of photovoltaic installations, based on the study of the energy demand of various consumption points, and then, encompassing various installations and consumption points, integrating them all into an smart grid, so that three different scenarios are analysed: the first would be a scenario of individual self-consumption, the second a scenario of individual self-consumption with batteries, and the third a scenario of a smart grid. Subsequently, this methodology has been validated in a series of municipal buildings in the Poblats Marítims district of the city of Valencia. For the socio-economic feasibility study, an analysis of the barriers faced by the production of locally distributed photovoltaic energy and the deployment of smart grids has been developed. An analysis of the different actors related to this area, and an interview script has been prepared, which allows a qualitative and quantitative quantification of these barriers and their respective solutions. This was subsequently applied by conducting this interview with various actors related to photovoltaic energy in the city of Valencia.Fernández Martínez, E. (2018). Estudio de la viabilidad técnica y socio-económica de la producción de energía fotovoltaica distribuida a nivel local y el despliegue de redes inteligentes. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/108969TFG

    Friendship and consumption networks in adolescents and their relationship to stress and cannabis use intention

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    Background: Cannabis is an illegal psychoactive substance that’s use is widespread among adolescents. During adolescence, many changes can cause stress. In this phase, the group of friends becomes increasingly important, being a situation of vulnerability for the beginning of cannabis use, either as an escape mechanism or due to peer’s influence. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the structure of the consumption and friendship network, the intention to use cannabis, and the stress in a secondary school class. Methods: An online platform with validated self-reported questionnaires were used for data collection. Results: The sample consisted of adolescents (n = 20) aged 14–16 from a third-year class of compulsory secondary education in Ponferrada (León, Spain). Significant differences were obtained concerning consumption intention and the different network metrics in both the friendship and consumption networks. Subsequently, the representation of these networks was carried out. Conclusions: Social Network Analysis is a very useful tool that provides a picture of the context in which adolescents are located. In the consumption network, there are central actors who have not yet consumed cannabis; this is a crucial moment to implement prevention strategies