767 research outputs found

    Sentiment Analysis in Spanish

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    Tesis doctoral elaborada por E. Martínez Cámara en la Universidad de Jaén bajo la dirección de los doctores D. L. Alfonso Ureña López y Da. M. Teresa Martín Valdivia. La defensa tuvo lugar el 26 de octubre de 2015 en Jaén ante el tribunal formado por la doctora Da. María Teresa Taboada Gómez de la Universidad Simon Fraser (Canadá) como presidenta, por el doctor D. José Manuel Perea Ortega de la Universidad de Extremadura (España) como secretario y por la doctora Da. Alexandra Balahur Dobrescu del Joint Research Centre (Italia) de la Comisión Europea como vocal. La tesis obtuvo la mención Internacional y logró una calificación de Sobresaliente Cum Laude.Ph.D. thesis written by Eugenio Martínez Cámara at the University of Jaén under the supervision of the Ph.D. L. Alfonso Ureña López and the Ph.D. M. Teresa Martín Valdivia. The author was examined on 26st October 2015 by a pannel composed by the Ph.D. María Teresa Taboada Gómez from the Simon Fraser University (Canada) as president of the pannel, the Ph.D. José Manuel Perea Ortega from the University of Extremadura (Spain) as secretary of the pannel and the Ph.D. Alexandra Balahur Dobrescu from the Joint Research Centre (Italy) of the European Comission as a panel member. The Ph.D. was awared Summa cum laude and it obtained the International mention.Este trabajo de investigación ha sido parcialmente financiado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), el proyecto FIRST FP7-287607 del Séptimo Programa Marco para el Desarrollo de la Investigación y la Tecnología de la Comisión Europea; el proyecto ATTOS TIN2012-38536-C03-0 del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y el proyecto AROESCU P11-TIC-7684 MO de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía

    A survey on extremism analysis using natural language processing: definitions, literature review, trends and challenges

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    Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature.Extremism has grown as a global problem for society in recent years, especially after the apparition of movements such as jihadism. This and other extremist groups have taken advantage of different approaches, such as the use of Social Media, to spread their ideology, promote their acts and recruit followers. The extremist discourse, therefore, is reflected on the language used by these groups. Natural language processing (NLP) provides a way of detecting this type of content, and several authors make use of it to describe and discriminate the discourse held by these groups, with the final objective of detecting and preventing its spread. Following this approach, this survey aims to review the contributions of NLP to the field of extremism research, providing the reader with a comprehensive picture of the state of the art of this research area. The content includes a first conceptualization of the term extremism, the elements that compose an extremist discourse and the differences with other terms. After that, a review description and comparison of the frequently used NLP techniques is presented, including how they were applied, the insights they provided, the most frequently used NLP software tools, descriptive and classification applications, and the availability of datasets and data sources for research. Finally, research questions are approached and answered with highlights from the review, while future trends, challenges and directions derived from these highlights are suggested towards stimulating further research in this exciting research area.CRUE-CSIC agreementSpringer Natur

    Analytic optical design of linear Fresnel collectors with variable widths and shifts of mirrors

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    Linear Fresnel collectors still present a large margin to improve efficiency. Solar fields of this kind installed until current time, both prototypes and commercial plants, are designed with widths and shifts of mirrors that are constant across the solar field. However, the physical processes that limit the width of the mirrors depend on their relative locations to the receiver; the same applies to shading and blocking effects, that oblige to have a minimum shift between mirrors. In this work such phenomena are studied analytically in order to obtain a coherent design, able to improve the efficiency with no increase in cost. A ray tracing simulation along one year has been carried out for a given design, obtaining a moderate increase in radiation collecting efficiency in comparison to conventional designs. Moreover, this analytic theory can guide future designs aiming at fully optimizing linear Fresnel collectors' performance

    TRB, una metodología para el análisis cartográfico multiescalar de la distribución de formaciones vegetales

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    Se desarrolla un método analítico y cartográfico de distribución de biomasa y formaciones de plantas a nivel multiescalar basado en variables bioclimáticas extraídas del Balance hídrico de Thornthwaite (WB) y las Balanzas bioclimáticas (BB) de Montero de Burgos y González Rebollar. Como resultado, se obtiene un mapa de distribución que da lugar a los Tipos de Regímenes Bioclimáticos (TRB) y que conduce a la identificación de una clasificación multiescalar en diferentes niveles: zonal (macroescala) con 5 tipos, regional (mesoescala) con 27 tipos, y local (microescala) con 162 subtipos de formaciones vegetales condicionadas por suelos litológicos, la exposición al viento o insolación, y obtenida mediante la combinación de TBR y ombroclimas.An analytical and cartographic method of biomass distribution and plant formations at a multi-scalar level is developed based on bioclimatic variables extracted from the Thornthwaite Water Balance (WB) and the Bioclimatic Balances (BB) of Montero de Burgos & González Rebollar. As a result, a distribution map involving Types of Bioclimatic Regimens (TBR) is obtained leading to the identification of a multi-scale classification at different levels: zonal (macro-scale) with 5 types, regional (meso-scale) with 27 types, and local (micro-scale) with 162 plant formations subtypes, conditioned by lithology-soils, the relief exposure to wind or sunstroke respectively and obtained through the combination of TBR and ombroclimates

    CRiSOL: Opinion Knowledge-base for Spanish

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    El presente trabajo se centra en la clasificación de polaridad de comentarios de hoteles en español (COAH) y presenta un nuevo recurso léxico, CRiSOL. Este nuevo recurso toma como base la lista de palabras de opinión iSOL, a la cual incluye los valores de polaridad de los synsets de SentiWordNet. Debido a que SentiWordNet no es un recurso para español, se ha tenido que usar como pivote la versión española de WordNet incluida en el Repositorio Central Multilingüe (MCR). Se ha desarrollado un clasificador de la polaridad no supervisada para evaluar la validez de CRiSOL. Los resultados obtenidos con CRiSOL superan los obtenidos por los lexicones base iSOL y SentiWordNet por separado, lo cual nos anima a seguir trabajando en esta línea.In this paper we focus on Spanish polarity classification in a corpus of hotel reviews (COAH) and we introduce a new lexical resource called CRiSOL. This new resource is built on the list of Spanish opinion words iSOL. CRiSOL appends to each word of iSOL the polarity value of the related synset of SentiWordNet. Due to the fact that SentiWordNet is not a Spanish linguistic resource, a Spanish version of WordNet had to be used. The Spanish version of WordNet chosen was Multilingual Central Repository (MCR). An unsupervised classifier has been developed with the aim of assessing the validity of CRiSOL. The results reached by CRiSOL are higher than the ones reached by iSOL and SentiWordNet, so that encourage us to continue this research line.Esta investigación ha sido parcialmente financiada por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), el proyecto ATTOS (TIN2012-38536-C03-0) del Gobierno de España y el proyecto AORESCU (P11-TIC-7684 MO) del gobierno autonómico de la Junta de Andalucía. Por último, el proyecto CEATIC (CEATIC-2013-01) de la Universidad de Jaén también ha financiado parcialmente este artículo


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    Nowadays, the increasing uncertainty of a globalized world economy poses additional challenges to the new agricultural engineering graduates. They have to face increasingly complex challenges, such as increasing demand for agricultural produce in a Climate Change situation, a growing difficulty to guarantee food safety caused by global trade, and an improvement of the resilience of productive systems based on precision agriculture. All of this along with the drawback of a reduced interest of new students in this kind of graduate study. Previous works have dealt with the importance of the general skills in an agricultural engineering degree, showing the relevance of the instrumental skills (capacity for analysis and synthesis, organization and planning capacity, ability to manage information, oral and written communication, foreign language knowledge, computer knowledge, problem resolution, and decision making). This work aims to order these instrumental skills to face the above-mentioned challenges in a more effective way. We are aware that the result of this order presents high doses of uncertainty and ambiguity, and that is why we propose the use of fuzzy logic. The application of this methodology based on fuzzy mathematics can contribute to updating the university degrees so that graduates can successfully the new challenges they will encounter in the workplace. Results show that capacity for analysis and synthesis, organization and planning capacity, and foreign language knowledge is the best-considered skill

    Explainable Crowd Decision Making methodology guided by expert natural language opinions based on Sentiment Analysis with Attention-based Deep Learning and Subgroup Discovery

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    There exist a high demand to provide explainability to artificial intelligence systems, where decision making models are included. This paper focuses on crowd decision making using natural language evaluations from social media with the aim to provide explainability. We present the Explainable Crowd Decision Making based on Subgroup Discovery and Attention Mechanisms (ECDM-SDAM) methodology as an a posteriori explainable process that captures the wisdom of crowds that is naturally provided in social media opinions. It extracts the opinions from social media texts using a deep learning based sentiment analysis approach called Attention based Sentiment Analysis Method. The methodology includes a backward process that provides explanations to justify its sense-making procedure by applying mainly the attention mechanism on texts and subgroup discovery on opinions. We evaluate the methodology in the real case study of the TripR-2020Large dataset for restaurant choice. The results show that the ECDM-SDAM methodology provides easy understandable explanations that elucidates the key reasons that support the output of the decision processPID2020-119478GBI00,PID2019-103880RB-I00PID2020-116118GA-I00MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033ERDF A way of making EuropePRE2018-083884 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033ESF Investing in your futureUniversidad de Granada / CBU

    La demora en el egreso de los estudiantes de ingeniería de la F.C.E.F.Y N de la U.N.C.

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    El presente trabajo intenta comunicar algunos emergentes de un proyecto de investigación enmarcado en una tesis de maestría en Ciencias Sociales. Su objetivo principal es conocer y describir algunas de las causas y/o situaciones que provocan la demora en el egreso de los estudiantes de las carreras de Ingeniería, en la FCEFyN. Se trata de una investigación de fuerte base cualitativa, a través de entrevistas a estudiantes próximos a egresar y a otros actores institucionales. Se intenta indagar acerca de los factores personales e institucionales que intervienen en esta demora y las estrategias de la organización que favorecen u obstaculizan el egreso de los estudiantes. En esta presentación se ofrecen algunas interpretaciones sobre el problema, a través de la construcción de una serie de categorías emergentes de las entrevistas. Por otra parte, se comparten algunos casos, considerando que la perspectiva cualitativa se enfoca en el sentido que tienen las prácticas para las personas, consideradas dentro de sus trayectorias educativas en el nivel superior. Finalmente, se proponen algunas líneas de análisis por las que se pretende la continuidad de la investigación.Secretaría de Asuntos Académico