23 research outputs found

    The Use of Rock Shelters During the Early Neolithic in the North of Alicante (Spain). The Site of Penya Roja de Catamarruc (Alicante, Spain) as a Case Study

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    The first Neolithic communities settled in the East of the Iberian Peninsula developed a complex strategy of land occupation. These strategies evolved as their social, demographic, and economic bases were transformed. In this paper, we focus on the analysis of archaeological sites located under rock shelters, which were recurrently occupied throughout the Early Neolithic. To deepen this analysis, we reviewed the archaeological record of Penya Roja de Catamarruc (Planes, Alicante), as well as other sites of similar characteristics. This information, combined with different spatial analyses – prominence, visibility, and capacity of use of the soils – allowed us to define a series of patterns of occupation and exploitation of the territory of the first Neolithic communities. This study highlights the importance of the forest as a resource related not only to hunting and gathering as traditionally seen, but also to shepherding.Part of the results of this research are in the framework of the doctoral thesis of SMA, who has a training contract with the Vice-Rectorate for Research of the University of Alicante (UAFPU2018-045)

    Efficient Pt electrocatalysts supported onto flavin mononucleotide–exfoliated pristine graphene for the methanol oxidation reaction

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    Due to its large surface area, high electrical conductivity as well as mechanical and thermal stability, pristine graphene has the potential to be an excellent support for metal nanoparticles (NPs), but the scarce amount of intrinsic chemical groups/defects in its structure that could act as anchoring sites for the NPs hinders this type of use. Here, a simple strategy based on the stabilization of pristine graphene in aqueous dispersion with the assistance of a low amount of flavin mononucleotide (FMN) is shown to yield a material that combines high electrical conductivity and abundance of extrinsic anchoring sites, so that pristine graphene–metal (Pd and Pt) NP hybrids with good dispersion and metal loading can be obtained from FMN–stabilized graphene. The activity of these hybrids towards the methanol oxidation reaction (MOR) both in acidic and alkaline media is studied by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and their stability investigated by chronoamperometry. The pristine graphene–Pt NP hybrid prepared by this simple, eco–friendly protocol is demonstrated to outperform most previously reported pristine graphene– and reduced graphene oxide–metal NP hybrids as electrocatalyst for the MOR, both in terms of catalytic activity and stability, avoiding at the same time the use of harsh chemicals or complex synthetic routes.Financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) through projects MAT2015-69844-R and MAT2016-76595-R is gratefully acknowledged. We also acknowledge partial funding by Plan de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación 2013-2017 del Principado de Asturias and FEDER through grant GRUPIN14-056. M.A-V. is thankful to MINECO and for his pre-doctoral contract. R.R.R acknowledges financial support from MINECO through “Juan de la Cierva” program (JCI-2012-12664)

    Phase angle by electrical bioimpedance is a predictive factor of hospitalisation, falls and mortality in patients with cirrhosis

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    The phase angle is a versatile measurement to assess body composition, frailty and prognosis in patients with chronic diseases. In cirrhosis, patients often present alterations in body composition that are related to adverse outcomes. The phase angle could be useful to evaluate prognosis in these patients, but data are scarce. The aim was to analyse the prognostic value of the phase angle to predict clinically relevant events such as hospitalisation, falls, and mortality in patients with cirrhosis. Outpatients with cirrhosis were consecutively included and the phase angle was determined by electrical bioimpedance. Patients were prospectively followed to determine the incidence of hospitalisations, falls, and mortality. One hundred patients were included. Patients with phase angle¿=¿4.6° (n¿=¿31) showed a higher probability of hospitalisation (35% vs 11%, p¿=¿0.003), falls (41% vs 11%, p¿=¿0.001) and mortality (26% vs 3%, p¿=¿0.001) at 2-year follow-up than patients with PA¿>¿4.6° (n¿=¿69). In the multivariable analysis, the phase angle and MELD-Na were independent predictive factors of hospitalisation and mortality. Phase angle was the only predictive factor for falls. In conclusion, the phase angle showed to be a predictive marker for hospitalisation, falls, and mortality in outpatients with cirrhosis.Postprint (published version

    El asentamiento neolĂ­tico de Limoneros (Elche, Alicante).

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    En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de las intervenciones de urgencia llevadas a cabo en el yacimiento de Limoneros, asentamiento al aire libre ocupado durante la primera mitad del V milenio cal BC localizado al sur de la ciudad de Elche (Alicante), en la llanura aluvial del río Vinalopó. Durante los trabajos de excavación se reconocieron distintas estructuras negativas entre las que destacan dos tramos de foso, silos y cubetas, estructuras que quedaron amortizadas en última instancia como zonas de desecho. El análisis global de las evidencias recuperadas permite caracterizar las actividades desarrolladas por una comunidad campesina en un espacio geográfico articulado por el Vinalopó, ámbito en el cual se ha documentado un buen número de asentamientos asociados a este momento, convirtiéndose en un marco referente para explicar la expansión y consolidación de las sociedades neolíticas en el sur del Levante peninsular.

    FamĂ­lies botĂ niques de plantes medicinals

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    Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona. Ensenyament: Grau de Farmàcia, Assignatura: Botànica Farmacèutica, Curs: 2013-2014, Coordinadors: Joan Simon, Cèsar Blanché i Maria Bosch.Els materials que aquí es presenten són els recull de 175 treballs d’una família botànica d’interès medicinal realitzats de manera individual. Els treballs han estat realitzat per la totalitat dels estudiants dels grups M-2 i M-3 de l’assignatura Botànica Farmacèutica durant els mesos d’abril i maig del curs 2013-14. Tots els treballs s’han dut a terme a través de la plataforma de GoogleDocs i han estat tutoritzats pel professor de l’assignatura i revisats i finalment co-avaluats entre els propis estudiants. L’objectiu principal de l’activitat ha estat fomentar l’aprenentatge autònom i col·laboratiu en Botànica farmacèutica

    El estilo decorativo en las primeras producciones cerámicas en el valle del río Vinalopó (Alicante)

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    In the present dissertation we study the Neolithic ceramic decorative style from the Vinalopó’s Valley and from the Early Neolithic chronology, based on a sample of six ceramic vases – from Cueva Santa, Arenal de la Virgen, Ledua, Alcudia and Cova de les Aranyes –. The study consists of a ceramic stylistic analysis which attempts to define their decorative style. It has also been compared with the ceramic productions of the first Neolithic communities of the Serpis valley in order to question the existence or absence of a social barrier between these two areasEn el presente trabajo se aborda el estudio de seis vasos procedentes de yacimientos del valle del Vinalopó –Cueva Santa, Arenal de la Virgen, Ledua, La Alcudia y Cova de les Aranyes–, cronológicamente vinculados al Neolítico inicial. El estudio consiste en un análisis estilístico de los recipientes con el fin de definir su estilo decorativo. Se desarrolla también su comparación con las producciones cerámicas de las primeras comunidades neolíticas del valle del Serpis para así plantear la existencia o no de una barrera social entre estos dos espacio

    Decorative Style in Early Pottery Production of the Valley of VinalopĂł river (Alicante)

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    En el presente trabajo se aborda el estudio de seis vasos procedentes de yacimientos del valle del Vinalopó –Cueva Santa, Arenal de la Virgen, Ledua, La Alcudia y Cova de les Aranyes–, cronológicamente vinculados al Neolítico inicial. El estudio consiste en un análisis estilístico de los recipientes con el fin de definir su estilo decorativo. Se desarrolla también su comparación con las producciones cerámicas de las primeras comunidades neolíticas del valle del Serpis para así plantear la existencia o no de una barrera social entre estos dos espacios.In the present dissertation we study the Neolithic ceramic decorative style from the Vinalopó’s Valley and from the Early Neolithic chronology, based on a sample of six ceramic vases – from Cueva Santa, Arenal de la Virgen, Ledua, Alcudia and Cova de les Aranyes –. The study consists of a ceramic stylistic analysis which attempts to define their decorative style. It has also been compared with the ceramic productions of the first Neolithic communities of the Serpis valley in order to question the existence or absence of a social barrier between these two areas

    La vajilla cerámica del yacimiento neolítico de Limoneros II-III (Elche, Alicante)

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    En el siguiente trabajo se realiza el estudio morfo-tipológico y estilístico del registro cerámico recuperado en el yacimiento de Limoneros II-III (Elche, Alicante), asentamiento en llano excavado en 2013 por la empresa Alebus Patrimonio Histórico S.L. con motivo de las obras de la Ronda Sur. El análisis del repertorio cerámico permite caracterizar la vajilla cerámica de la comunidad neolítica de Limoneros, así como determinar las características de su estilo decorativo, elemento que permitirá su comparación con otras comunidades contemporáneas.In the present dissertation a stylistic and morpho-typological analysis is performed to study the registered ceramic items found at Limoneros II-III in Elche, Alicante. The archaeological site evidences a settlement on plain ground. Such settlement was dug by the company Alebus Patrimonio Historico S.L. during the workings taking place at the south bypass of the city. The analysis of this ceramic set offers a valuable insight of the features present in the ceramic tableware of the Neolithic people settled in the place currently known as Limoneros. Such analysis allowed to determine the ornamental style of the pieces, which, in turn, would enable further comparison to pieces crafted by other communities in the same period of time

    La vajilla cerámica del yacimiento neolítico de Limoneros II-III (Elche, Alicante)

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    En el siguiente trabajo se realiza el estudio morfo-tipológico y estilístico del registro cerámico recuperado en el yacimiento de Limoneros II-III (Elche, Alicante), asentamiento en llano excavado en 2013 por la empresa Alebus Patrimonio Histórico S.L. con motivo de las obras de la Ronda Sur. El análisis del repertorio cerámico permite caracterizar la vajilla cerámica de la comunidad neolítica de Limoneros, así como determinar las características de su estilo decorativo, elemento que permitirá su comparación con otras comunidades contemporáneas.In the present dissertation a stylistic and morpho-typological analysis is performed to study the registered ceramic items found at Limoneros II-III in Elche, Alicante. The archaeological site evidences a settlement on plain ground. Such settlement was dug by the company Alebus Patrimonio Historico S.L. during the workings taking place at the south bypass of the city. The analysis of this ceramic set offers a valuable insight of the features present in the ceramic tableware of the Neolithic people settled in the place currently known as Limoneros. Such analysis allowed to determine the ornamental style of the pieces, which, in turn, would enable further comparison to pieces crafted by other communities in the same period of time

    La cerámica esgrafiada de la Cova d’En Pardo: estilo cerámico y contexto

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    En el siguiente trabajo se presentan las cerámicas con decoración esgrafiada de la Cova d’En Pardo, yacimiento con cronología neolítica ubicado en el norte de la provincia de Alicante en el municipio de Planes de la Baronia. Estos materiales proceden de las colecciones del Museo Arqueológico de Alicante (MARQ) y del Museu Camil Visedo d’Alcoi. Se trata de unas producciones cerámicas características de la segunda mitad del V milenio cal BC cuya distribución geográfica se concentra en las comarcas centro-meridionales valencianas. Están realizadas mediante finas incisiones tras la cocción de los recipientes y presentan motivos geométricos y lineales, pastas cuidadas y superficies bruñidas