95 research outputs found

    The ecology of resilience learning in ubiquitous environments to adverse situations

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    Primary education in Mexico is facing a growing set of challenges that the government has tried to counteract through the use of communication technologies (ICT) in formal education. While these efforts provide support for students and educators, there remains a need for a renewed and contextualized awareness that will re-conceptualize the adverse experiences of students and the importance of resilience in the context of the learning environment. The objective of this document is to give an account of the learning acquired by nine telesecondary students in a rural area of Hidalgo and the student’s benefits of building awareness about the ecology of learning. The paper highlights the process of re-envisioning their experiences that emerged from the various points of views shared in discussion. The study was triangulated by quantitative and qualitative phenomenological and hermeneutical analyses. It was organized into three stages and employed a survey, semi-structured interviews, focus groups and use of the Google-Classroom platform. The hermeneutical analysis of autobiographies and the use of technological resources enhanced the personal analysis of the experiences of the participants. These experiences generated learning that may often be invisible in formal education but can empower critical thinking, collaboration and autonomy of students to become aware of their learning and the scope of their social contribution

    The ecology of resilience learning in ubiquitous environments to adverse situations

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    Primary education in Mexico is facing a growing set of challenges that the government has tried to counteract through the use of communication technologies (ICT) in formal education. While these efforts provide support for students and educators, there remains a need for a renewed and contextualized awareness that will re-conceptualize the adverse experiences of students and the importance of resilience in the context of the learning environment. The objective of this document is to give an account of the learning acquired by nine telesecondary students in a rural area of Hidalgo and the student’s benefits of building awareness about the ecology of learning. The paper highlights the process of re-envisioning their experiences that emerged from the various points of views shared in discussion. The study was triangulated by quantitative and qualitative phenomenological and hermeneutical analyses. It was organized into three stages and employed a survey, semi-structured interviews, focus groups and use of the Google-Classroom platform. The hermeneutical analysis of autobiographies and the use of technological resources enhanced the personal analysis of the experiences of the participants. These experiences generated learning that may often be invisible in formal education but can empower critical thinking, collaboration and autonomy of students to become aware of their learning and the scope of their social contribution

    Resiliencia y neurociencia ante el COVID-19

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    Lately, neuroscience has proven key in providing scientific answers to research conducted in other disciplines. Resilience, from the point of view of neuroscience, takes on a new meaning due to the lockdown experienced under the COVID-19 pandemic. This article is the result of an investigation carried out during confinement in Spain, Mexico and Chile. It shows the preliminary results of the analysis of stress risk factors and resilience in neuroscience, identifying possible stress risk factors using socio-demographic data. A descriptive, cross-sectional, correlational and comparative study was conducted in a sample of 784 participants. The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC10) was used to identify resilience traits. The findings reveal a non-significant result among the countries, but statistically significant results in the level of education variable, which is associated with cognitive flexibility. The possible stress risk factors did not evince significant results. Thus, promoting resilience at an early age comes as a relevant finding. As argued by epigenetics, to immerse oneself in contexts where meaningful bonds are promoted, is essential to improve vital processes such as resilience and prevent potential stress risk factors.La neurociencia en los últimos años ha dado respuestas científicas a trabajos ya realizados desde otras disciplinas. La resiliencia desde la mirada de la neurociencia recobra nuevos significados ante la situación de confinamiento generada por la pandemia COVID-19. Este artículo es fruto de una investigación realizada durante el confinamiento en España, México y Chile, da cuenta de los resultados preliminares del análisis entre factores estresores y la resiliencia desde el enfoque de la neurociencia, identificando eventuales factores estresores a partir de datos socio-demográficos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, correlacional y comparativo con una muestra de 784 participantes. Se utilizó la escala de Connor - Davidson (CD-RISC10) para identificar conductas resilientes. Los hallazgos revelaron que la CD-RIC10 no presenta diferencia significativa entre los países, pero sí en el nivel de estudios; variable asociada a la flexibilidad cognitiva. Los potenciales factores estresores no arrojaron diferencias significativas. Por lo tanto, emerge la necesidad de promover la resiliencia desde etapas tempranas del desarrollo de los individuos como elemento clave de la epigenética, que apunta a rodearse de contextos enriquecidos para mejorar procesos vitales como la resiliencia y revertir eventuales factores estresores.&nbsp

    Electrochemical oxidation of oxalic acid in the presence of halides at boron doped diamond electrode

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    Aim of this work is to discuss the electrochemical oxidation of oxalic acid (OA), analyzing the influence of NaCl and NaBr. Experiments were carried out at boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrodes, in alkaline media. BDD electrodes have a poor superficial adsorptivity so their great stability toward oxidation allows the reaction to take place with reactants and intermediates in a non-adsorbed state. The process is significantly accelerated by the presence of a halogen salt in solution; interestingly, the mediated process does not depend on applied current density. Based on the results, bromide was selected as a suitable mediator during OA oxidation at BDD. Br- primarily acts in the volume of the solution, with the formation of strong oxidants; while Cl- action has shown lower improvements in the OA oxidation rate at BDD respect to the results reported using Pt electrode. Finally, the parameters of removal efficiency and energy consumption for the electrochemical incineration of OA were calculated. O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir a oxidação eletroquímica do ácido oxálico (AO), analisando a influência do NaCl e NaBr. Experimentos foram realizados em eletrodos de diamante dopados com boro (DDB), em meio alcalino. Eletrodos DDB têm uma baixa adsortividade superficial, portanto sua grande estabilidade frente à oxidação permite que a reação ocorra com reagentes e intermediários não adsorvidos. O processo é significativamente acelerado pela presença de sal de halogênio na solução; curiosamente, o processo mediado não depende da densidade de corrente aplicada. Com base nos resultados, o brometo foi selecionado como um mediador apropriado durante a oxidação de AO em DDB. Br- age primeiramente no volume da solução, com a formação de oxidantes fortes, enquanto a ação do Cl- mostrou melhoras mais baixas na oxidação do AO em BDD, com relação aos resultados relatados usando eletrodo de Pt. Finalmente, os parâmetros de eficiência de remoção e consumo de energia para a incineração eletroquímica de AO foram calculados

    The importance of bonding in family resilience during Covid-19

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    La pandemia global por COVID-19 incidió aún más en la urgencia de preparar a la humanidad para sobrevivir ante situaciones críticas. Los vínculos de afectividad son una fuente para la resiliencia familiar. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar los primeros datos de una investigación exploratoria, no experimental para destacar si la percepción del vínculo era distinta en dos grupos independientes. Un cuestionario basado en el modelo de resiliencia familiar de Walsh fue aplicado a 388 participantes de España y México. Se utilizó la prueba estadística no paramétrica de Mann - Whitney para contrastar las respuestas, además del análisis de indicadores sociodemográficos para diferenciar los vínculos. Los hallazgos mostraron que no existen diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos respecto a la necesidad de generar vínculos afectivos para reforzar la resiliencia de cada uno de los integrantes y fortalecer la resiliencia familiar ante la crisis global.The global COVID-19 pandemic further affected the urgency to prepare humanity to survive in critical situations. Affective bonding is a source for family resilience. The aim of this article is to present the first data from an exploratory, non-experimental investigation to highlight whether the perception of the bonding was different in two independent groups. A questionnaire, based on the Walsh family resilience model, was applied to 388 participants from Spain and Mexico. The nonparametric Mann - Whitney statistical test was used to contrast the responses, in addition to the analysis of sociodemographic indicators that allow the differentiation of bondings. The findings showed that there are no significant differences between the two groups regarding the need to generate bonds in the family to reinforce the resilience of each of its members and strengthen family resilience in the face of the global crisis

    Pretratamiento fúngico de biomasa de Agave lechuguilla Torr. para la producción de etanol

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    Recientemente la biomasa del cogollo de Agave lechuguilla ha sido establecida como materia prima con potencial para la producción de etanol, sin embargo, el alto gasto energético en el pretratamiento requiere la búsqueda de métodos que lo minimicen y propicie una mejora en la factibilidad económica del proceso. En comparación con las tecnologías tradicionales, el pretratamiento biológico ofrece una alternativa en la que las enzimas de remoción de la lignina son capaces de desdoblar las estructuras complejas de la misma, sin el uso de químicos y con menor gasto energético. En este trabajo se probó el uso de Phanerochaete chrysosporium H-298 en la biomasa de Agave lechuguilla. Los dos factores ensayados para la optimización del proceso fueron el tiempo de incubación y la concentración de la fuente de nitrógeno. Los resultados mostraron una máxima deslignificación (36.15 %), se preservó la celulosa sin cambios significativos. Las condiciones óptimas de pretratamiento fueron: 60 días de incubación y una concentración de nitrógeno de 1M. La hidrólisis enzimática del material pretratado con el complejo enzimático Cellic® CTec3 mostró una máxima liberación de glucosa de 44.9 g L-1 a las 92 horas, con rendimiento de hidrólisis de 93.09 %, mayor al obtenido en la hidrólisis de la muestra sin pretratar (37.92 %). La concentración de etanol a las 10 horas de fermentación fue de 16.53 g L-1 (equivalente a una concentración >2 % v/v de etanol) con 5.7 g L-1 de glucosa remanente a ese tiempo de incubación

    Determination of the aldosterone/plasma renin activity ratio for the screening of primary hyperaldosteronism in essential hypertension: a multicentric study

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    El hiperaldosteronismo primario (HAP) es una afección caracterizada por la producción inapropiadamente elevada y una relativa autonomía del sistema renina-angiotensina. Estimaciones previas, basadas sólo en la evaluación de hipertensos con hipokalemia, consideraban al HAP como una causa poco frecuente de hipertensión (1%). Sin embargo, estudios actuales fundamentados en el cálculo de la relación aldosterona/ actividad de renina plasmática (RAA) arrojan una incidencia mayor (5-10%), siendo la hipertensión arterial (HTA) normokalémica la presentación más frecuente. Dada la amplitud de los valores de corte de la RAA, el Departamento de Suprarrenal de SAEM diseñó un estudio multicéntrico prospectivo en una población de Argentina con el objetivo de establecer nuestro propio valor y determinar así la prevalencia de HAP. Fueron estudiados 353 individuos de ambos sexos, 104 controles normotensos, sin antecedentes familiares de HTA y 249 pacientes hipertensos. Se indicó dieta normosódica y la suspensión de antihipertensivos que interfieran con el eje mineralocorticoideo. Las determinaciones de la actividad de renina plasmática (ARP), DIA-SorinRIA, y de aldosterona, RIA-DPC, fueron realizadas en un único laboratorio. Se realizó ionograma y se evaluaron parámetros clínicos y bioquímicos de síndrome metabólico. La RAA calculada según el percentilo 95 en los controles, fue establecida en la cifra de 36 como valor de corte para sospechar HAP en los hipertensos, requiriéndose una concentración de aldosterona >15 ng/ml. Con una RAA≥36, se realizaron pruebas confirmatorias de sobrecarga salina o de fludrocortisona. La RAA fue ≥36 en 31/249 pacientes, confirmándose HAP en 8 (7 adenomas y 1 hiperplasia), con una prevalencia del 3.2%. Los restantes no completaron estudios confirmatorios. La presencia de síndrome metabólico fue similar en los hipertensos con y sin HAP. En conclusión, este primer estudio multicéntrico argentino determinó nuestro valor de corte de la RAA en 36. Su aplicación permitió establecer una prevalencia de HAP del 3,2% que, aunque podría estar subestimada, resulta significativamente mayor que la previa histórica y concuerda con la incidencia referida en la bibliografía.Primary hyperaldosteronism (PHA) or Conn's disease was classically suspected in the presence of hypertension (H) and hypokalemia. It was previously considered as a rare cause of H, being reported in only 1% of hypertensive patients. It can be caused by an adrenal adenoma (the former usual presentation) or by adrenal hyperplasia. But since the use of the aldosterone/plasma renin activity ratio (AAR) as the screening method in the last years, it is currently considered as almost the most frequent cause of secondary H., accounting for 5-10% of essential H. Plasma rennin activity (PRA) determination is a laborious procedure with low reproducibility and it directly affects the AAR; thus each laboratory must assess its own cut-off value. Therefore, in the Adrenal Department of the Argentine Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (SAEM), we performed this multicentric prospective study of a population of Argentina with the aim of assessing our own AAR cut-off level in normotensive controls in order to apply it for PHA screening in essential hypertensive patients. We studied 353 adult subjects: 104 controls, aged 45,18 ± 13,78 years-old ( X±SD), with no history of arterial hypertension in their first-degree relatives and with two separate day-registry of blood pressure≤ 139/85 mmHg and 249 hypertensive patients, aged 51± 13,6 years-old ( X ± SD), with arterial blood pressure≥ 140/90 mmHg in the sitting position. Subjects with cardiac, renal, hepatic and neurological diseases were excluded as well as those with Cushing´s syndrome, hyperthyroidism, untreated hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus and patients under glucocorticoids, oral contraceptive pills or estrogen therapy. A normal sodium diet was indicated and potassium was supplemented when needed. Blood was withdrawn between 8 and 10:00 a.m. with the subjects in the upright position. Aldosterone (A) was determined by DPC radioimmunoassay (RIA) and PRA, by DIA-Sorin RIA. The A normal levels are 4-30 ng/dl for ambulatory individuals on a normal sodium diet and the PRA normal values are < 3,3 ng/ml/h. In order to avoid false positive results in the hypertensive group, AAR was calculated when A was above 15 ng/dl. We measured the waist circumference and we determined the body mass index. Blood sodium, potassium, calcium, urea, creatinine, cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C, triglyceride and liver function tests were performed. Statistical Analysis and Results Since the AAR variable showed a non-normal distribution, the cut-off value was considered as the 95th percentile in the control group, which was calculated as 36. This is also in accordance to the function of the empirical distribution of Collings and Hamilton. In our 249 hypertensive patients, 31 had an AAR ≥ 36. PHA was confirmed in 8: seven has an adrenal adenoma and one had hyperplasia. The prevalence of PHA in our population was 3,2 %, with a 95th confidence interval ranging from 1,4 to 6,2 %. In the remaining 23 patients, confirmatory tests could not be completed. There was no correlation between the severity of the hypertension and the AAR value, with no statistical significant differences between those with or without PHA. Likewise, we found no correlation between PRA and advancing age. In hypertensive patients, metabolic syndrome was more prevalent than in controls, but it was present to the same extent in those with or without PHA. Conclusions To our knowledge, this is the first multicentric study performed in Argentina to determine the aldosterone/ plasma renin activity ratio in our normotensive control population. Our AAR value of 36 agrees with the levels reported in the international literature: thus an AAR ≥ 36 along with an aldosterone ≥ 15 ng/ml in hypertensive patients lead us to suspect PHA and to perform confirmatory tests. Applying these criteria, we found a prevalence of 3,2% of PHA in essential HTA. It is possible that this value may be underestimated due to the fact that confirmatory tests could not be completed in all the hypertensive subjects with an AAR≥ 36. In spite of this, our prevalence is significantly greater than the historical one and it lies in the range reported in the literature.Fil: Pardes, E.. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Agudos "Ramos Mejía"; ArgentinaFil: Belli, S.. Hospital Dr. C. Durand; ArgentinaFil: Cornaló, D.. Hospital Rivadavia; ArgentinaFil: Contreras, Liliana Noemi. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Oficina de Coordinacion Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Medicas; ArgentinaFil: Costa, L.. Hospital Dr. A. Posadas; ArgentinaFil: Chervin. R.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Hospital de Clínicas General San Martín; ArgentinaFil: Damilano, S.. Laboratorio de Bioanalítica; ArgentinaFil: Fenili, C.. Laboratorio de Bioanalítica; ArgentinaFil: Gómez, R. M.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Hospital de Clínicas General San Martín; ArgentinaFil: Leal Reyna, M.. Complejo Médico Policial "Churruca"; ArgentinaFil: Lupi, S.. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Agudos "Ramos Mejía"; ArgentinaFil: Martínez, M.. Hospital Francés; ArgentinaFil: Nofal, M.. Clínica Bazterrica; ArgentinaFil: Ruibal, G.. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Agudos "Dr. Teodoro Álvarez"; Argentin

    Análise do genoma completo para identificar variações associadas à circunferência escrotal em bovinos Charolês

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    The scrotal circumference is one of the main characteristics related to fertility of the bovine male and female. Its study through genetic and genomic tools would help to the discovery of favorable variation and genetic architecture to promote its selection. The aim of this work was to carry out a genome- wide association study using a large microarray of SNPs, to identify variations and candidate genes associated with the studied trait, for which information from 141 Charolais bulls was used. Four markers found, rs110416965, rs110130953, rs43423602 and rs29003417, showed significant association at the genome level. Three of them are found within candidate genes (RBFOX2, TTF2 and CXCL2). This information contributes to the understanding of the genetic architecture of this trait. &nbsp;La circunferencia escrotal es una de las características realcionadas a la fertilidad del macho y la hembra bovina. Su estudio a través de herramientas genéticas y genómicas ayudaría al descubrimiento de variación favorable en su arquitectura genética para fomentar su selección. El propósito del presente trabajo fue realizar un estudio de genoma completo mediante un microarreglo de SNPs, para identificar variaciones y genes candidatos asociados a la característica, para lo que se utilizó la información de 141 toros de la raza Charolais. Cuatro marcadores encontrados, rs110416965, rs110130953, rs43423602 y rs29003417, mostraron asociación significativa a nivel de genoma. Tres de ellos se encuentran dentro de genes candidatos (RBFOX2, TTF2 y CXCL2) para ser estudiados más especificamente. Esta información contribuye al entendiemiento de la arquitectura genética de esta característicaA circunferência escrotal é uma das características relacionadas à fertilidade do macho e da fêmea bovina. Seu estudo por meio de ferramentas genéticas e genômicas auxiliaria na descoberta de variação favorável em sua arquitetura genética para promover sua seleção. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um estudo do genoma completo usando um microarray de SNPs, para identificar variações e genes candidatos associados à característica, para o qual foram utilizadas informações de 141 touros Charolês. Quatro marcadores encontrados, rs110416965, rs110130953, rs43423602 e rs29003417, mostraram associação significativa no nível do genoma. Três deles foram encontrados em genes candidatos (RBFOX2, TTF2 e CXCL2) a serem estudados mais especificamente. Essas informações contribuem para o entendimento da arquitetura genética dessa característica

    Un pan diseñado con harina de Centeno y Stevia: Un análisis sensorial y microbiológico

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    Rye flour bread is a relatively new development. This product is a functional food rich in flavonoids, mucilage, pentosans, vitamins and minerals. Additionally, rye-based products have previously shown to improve acute postprandial appetite ratings, appear to lower glucose and insulin response and decrease voluntary food intake at a subsequent meal. Compared to whole white bread, it prevents inflammation of both, gastrointestinal and respiratory mucosa, being an excellent nutritional option feasible to be included in our daily diet. The aim of this research was to develop a functional bread from rye flour and stevia with three formulations: 50, 60 and 80% of rye flour. The microbiological, physicochemical and sensory assessments were made, evidencing that 50/50 formula was the best accepted by the evaluators. According to NTC 1363 norm the product was classified as a soft bread with fiber, since fiber was (35.8%) and the moisture obtained was (35.65%). In microbiological analysis, the results showed that it is a suitable product for human consumption and taste, texture and presentation analysis, this product was well-rated by the consumers, concluding that, is suitable to be merchandise as an alternative to wheat bread in daily human standard meals.El pan a base de harina de centeno es un producto relativamente nuevo. Este producto es un alimento funcional rico en flavonoides, mucílagos, pentosanos, vitaminas y minerales. Además, los productos a base de centeno ya han mostrado potencial para mejorar la parición de apetito posprandial, parecen disminuir la respuesta a la glucosa y la insulina y disminuyen la ingesta voluntaria de alimentos en una comida posterior. En comparación con pan blanco entero, previene la inflamación de la mucosa gastrointestinal y respiratoria, siendo una excelente opción nutricional para ser incluida en nuestra dieta diaria. El objetivo de esta investigación fue desarrollar un pan funcional a partir de harina de centeno y stevia, utilizando tres formulaciones: 50, 60 y 80% de harina de centeno. Se realizaron evaluaciones microbiológicas, fisicoquímicas y sensoriales, demostrándose que la fórmula 50/50 fue la mejor aceptada por los evaluadores voluntarios. De acuerdo con la norma NTC 1363, el producto fue clasificado como pan blando con fibra, ya que la fibra fue del 35.8% y la humedad obtenida fue de 35.65%. En el análisis microbiológico, los resultados mostraron que es un producto apto para el consumo humano y en el análisis del sabor, la textura y la presentación del pan fueron bien evaluados por los consumidores, concluyendo que este producto es adecuado como alternativa al pan de trigo en la dieta humana diaria

    Evaluation of Materials in a Biomechanical System for Uses in Industrial Lifting Activities

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    A biomechanical system is proposed for the emulation of the movement of human arm, leg, and spine movements, as an industry alternative to manage heavy operations in a manufacturing process. The Matlab® programming environment is used as a simulation tool for the analysis and validation of this proposed biomechanism. This machine would reduce the accidents due to human exposure to risky industry environments like the particular one at the host company that we are using as a model for our research. They claim that the accidents in this area alone arise to around thirty percent of the total, causing a decrease in the productivity of the company and other economic losses derived from the worker injuries and insurances