8,832 research outputs found

    (Conjuntos no Lineales en Análisis Real y Genericidad Algebraica)

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas, Departamento de Análisis Matemático y Matemática Aplicada, leída el 28-09-2021The title of this dissertation encompasses the study of two disparate topics that have been worked on. All the results that have been obtained in this dissertation, as the fruit of three years of tedious work, are related to the following fields within Mathematical Analysis: • Algebraic genericity and lineability: This is the study of the algebraic structure within certain sets in a linear space or an algebra. In this sense, we study lineability and algebrability problems of sequences spaces and series. Just as, for the class of real singular functions on the unit interval. This topich as shown to be extremely fruitful in the last decade and this resulted in the American Mathematical Society introducing references 15A03 : Vector spaces, linear dependence, rank, lineability.46B87 : Lineability in functional analysis.in its latest Mathematical Subject Classification 2020...El título de esta tesis engloba el estudio de dos temas fundamentales en los que se ha trabajado en los últimos años. Los resultados que se han obtenido, que son el fruto del arduo trabajo llevado a cabo durante los últimos tres años, están relacionados con los siguientes temas: • Genericidad algebraica y lineabilidad: Este tema consiste en el estudio de las estructuras algebraicas contenidas en determinados conjuntos de un espacio vectorial o un álgebra. En este sentido, estudiamos problemas de lineabilidad y algebrabilidad para ciertas clases de espacios de sucesiones y series. Así como, la clase de funciones singulares reales en el intervalo unitario. Este tema ha demostrado ser extremadamente fructífero en la última década y esto dió lugar a que la American Mathematical Society introdujese las referencias15A03 : Espacios vectoriales, independencia lineal, grado, lineabilidad.46B87 : Lineabilidad en analisis funcional. en su última revisión y actualización de la Mathematical Subject Classification2020...Fac. de Ciencias MatemáticasTRUEunpu

    Business Process Configuration According to Data Dependency Specification

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    Configuration techniques have been used in several fields, such as the design of business process models. Sometimes these models depend on the data dependencies, being easier to describe what has to be done instead of how. Configuration models enable to use a declarative representation of business processes, deciding the most appropriate work-flow in each case. Unfortunately, data dependencies among the activities and how they can affect the correct execution of the process, has been overlooked in the declarative specifications and configurable systems found in the literature. In order to find the best process configuration for optimizing the execution time of processes according to data dependencies, we propose the use of Constraint Programming paradigm with the aim of obtaining an adaptable imperative model in function of the data dependencies of the activities described declarative.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2015-63502-C3-2-RFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regiona

    Incorporating boundary conditions in a stochastic volatility model for the numerical approximation of bond prices

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    Producción CientíficaIn this paper, we consider a two-factor interest rate model with stochastic volatil-ity, and we assume that the instantaneous interest rate follows a jump-diffusionprocess. In this kind of problems, a two-dimensional partial integro-differentialequation is derived for the values of zero-coupon bonds. To apply standardnumerical methods to this equation, it is customary to consider a boundeddomain and incorporate suitable boundary conditions. However, for thesetwo-dimensional interest rate models, there are not well-known boundary con-ditions, in general. Here, in order to approximate bond prices, we propose newboundary conditions, which maintain the discount function property of thezero-coupon bond price. Then, we illustrate the numerical approximation ofthe corresponding boundary value problem by means of an alternative directionimplicit method, which has been already applied for pricing options. We testthese boundary conditions with several interest rate pricing models.MEC-FEDER Grant MTM2017-85476-C2-P, Junta de Castilla y León Regional Grants VA041P17 (with European FEDERFunds), VA138G18 y VA148G1

    Non-centralized Control for Flow-based Distribution Networks: A Game-theoretical Insight

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    This paper solves a data-driven control problem for a flow-based distribution network with two objectives: a resource allocation and a fair distribution of costs. These objectives represent both cooperation and competition directions. It is proposed a solution that combines either a centralized or distributed cooperative game approach using the Shapley value to determine a proper partitioning of the system and a fair communication cost distribution. On the other hand, a decentralized noncooperative game approach computing the Nash equilibrium is used to achieve the control objective of the resource allocation under a non-complete information topology. Furthermore, an invariant-set property is presented and the closed-loop system stability is analyzed for the non cooperative game approach. Another contribution regarding the cooperative game approach is an alternative way to compute the Shapley value for the proposed specific characteristic function. Unlike the classical cooperative-games approach, which has a limited application due to the combinatorial explosion issues, the alternative method allows calculating the Shapley value in polynomial time and hence can be applied to large-scale problems.Generalitat de Catalunya FI 2014Ministerio de Ciencia y Educación DPI2016-76493-C3-3-RMinisterio de Ciencia y Educación DPI2008-05818Proyecto europeo FP7-ICT DYMASO

    Hacia un enfoque de género en Comunidad Terapéutica

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    Este artículo pretende realizar una reflexión sobre la aplicación de la perspectiva de género en los tratamientos, para personas con problemas de drogodependencias, de la Comunidad Terapéutica Alborada, teniendo como elementos de referencia las directrices sobre igualdad de los distintos estamentos internacionales, comunitarios y nacionales.Partimos de una muestra de 215 personas que usaron el recurso entre el 2005 y el 2008, en la que analizamos las diferencias de género características de esta población y la adecuación de los abordajes terapéuticos diseñados para afrontar las peculiaridades de nuestro colectivo.Como características distintivas de género observamos: el número de descendientes de las mujeres es significativamente superior al de los hombres; la mayoría de las mujeres establecen relaciones de dependencia, vínculos afectivos, alianzas con algún compañero durante su estancia en comunidad; el tiempo de permanencia de una mujer, en un reingreso, aumenta en relación con el de su primera estancia.Las variables que inciden en estos datos no nos permiten generalizar los resultados, extrapolarlos a otros contextos o momentos dentro de la misma comunidad, sólo constatar unos hechos. Hechos que nos ofrecen la oportunidad de evaluar la idoneidad de implantar medidas de igualdad de oportunidades en la comunidad terapéutica

    Evolución de la producción y comercio mundial de Frutas en el Mundo

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    El análisis del consumo de fruta en el mundo obliga a estudiar su producción y comercialización. Asia es el continente que produce de forma creciente casi el 50% de la fruta mundial, importando y exportando volúmenes similares, como consecuencia de un creciente consumo interno de fruta. América produce un 21,4% de la fruta mundial, sin embargo exporta el 25% de su producción, lo que refleja un reducido consumo interno, agravado en países pobres donde el porcentaje de exportación supera el 70% de su producción. Europa aporta el 16% de la producción mundial, exportando una cuarta parte, pero importa más de la mitad de la fruta mundial, procedente de África y América. El aumento del consumo interno, los atractivos precios de los productos importados, las importaciones de contra estación y los canales de distribución fuertemente establecidos, son causas que están provocando un nuevo orden económico mundial, que puede que cambie la tendencia actual del comercio de frutas.Esta investigación ha sido financiada por el proyecto “Plan estratégico del sector agroalimentario de la Región de Murcia”, financiado por la Consejería de Agricultura y Medio Ambiente de la Región de Murcia

    On deletions in open addressing hashing

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    Deletions in open addressing tables have often been seen as problematic. The usual solution is to use a special mark ’deleted’ so that probe sequences continue past deleted slots, as if there was an element still sitting there. Such a solution, notwithstanding is wide applicability, may involve serious performance degradation. In the first part of this paper we review a practical implementation of the often overlooked deletion algorithm for linear probing hash tables, analyze its properties and performance, and provide several strong arguments in favor of the Robin Hood variant. In particular, we show how a small variation can yield substantial improvements for unsuccesful search. In the second part we propose an algorithm for true deletion in open addressing hashing with secondary clustering, like quadratic hashing. As far as we know, this is the first time that such an algorithm appears in the literature. Although it involves some extra memory for bookkeeping, the algorithm is comparatively easy and efficient, and might be of practical value, besides its theoretical interest.Postprint (published version

    Fostering university networks and entrepreneurship education programs: the case of the EntRenew Project at Ideas UPV

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    A pan-European network of universities connected with a common goal and involving both students and professors can be a strong catalyst for the professional, economic and social development of the university environment that positively affects not only the university itself but also the other agents or actors in its ecosystem. It is also widely recognized that training and education in entrepreneurship constitutes a solid strategic tool for regional development in which both public and private institutions around the world have made large investments over the past years. The European Project EntRenew in which the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia - Spain (UPV) participates from 2019 is working in facilitating the exchange, flow and co-creation of new knowledge, enabling professors to teach transdisciplinary studies through innovative methods and stimulate synergies between universities and entrepreneurial support systems throughout Europe. Ideas-UPV, the entrepreneurial service at UPV has a large experience of 30 years promoting entrepreneurship among students and professors. It also participates in different European projects establishing networks and future collaboration opportunities. The design of entrepreneurship education programs aimed at higher education students is also a core area of the service, not only addressing business plans but also the development of entrepreneurial skills. This work analyses the current results of the EntRenew program and how this and other initiatives of Ideas-UPV have had an impact on the creation of student entrepreneurial ecosystems, fostering cooperation between the actors and establishing connections to the university environments

    On deletions in open addressing hashing

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    Deletions in open addressing tables have often been seen as problematic. The usual solution is to use a special mark’deleted’ so that probe sequences continue past deleted slots, as if there was an element still sitting there. Such a solution, notwithstanding is wide applicability, may involve performance degradation. In the first part of this paper we review a practical implementation of the often overlooked deletion algorithm for linear probing hash tables, analyze its properties and performance, and provide several strong arguments in favor of the Robin Hood variant. In particular, we show how a small variation can yield substantial improvements for unsuccessful search. In the second part we propose an algorithm for true deletion in open addressing hashing with secondary clustering, like quadratic hashing. As far as we know, this is the first time that such an algorithm appears in the literature. Moreover, for tables built using the Robin Hood variant the deletion algorithm strongly preserves randomness (the resulting table is identical to the table that would result if the item were not inserted at all). Although it involves some extra memory for bookkeeping, the algorithm is comparatively easy and efficient, and it might be of some practical value, besides its theoretical interest.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Developing a labelled object-relational constraint database architecture for the projection operator

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    Current relational databases have been developed in order to improve the handling of stored data, however, there are some types of information that have to be analysed for which no suitable tools are available. These new types of data can be represented and treated as constraints, allowing a set of data to be represented through equations, inequations and Boolean combinations of both. To this end, constraint databases were defined and some prototypes were developed. Since there are aspects that can be improved, we propose a new architecture called labelled object-relational constraint database (LORCDB). This provides more expressiveness, since the database is adapted in order to support more types of data, instead of the data having to be adapted to the database. In this paper, the projection operator of SQL is extended so that it works with linear and polynomial constraints and variables of constraints. In order to optimize query evaluation efficiency, some strategies and algorithms have been used to obtain an efficient query plan. Most work on constraint databases uses spatiotemporal data as case studies. However, this paper proposes model-based diagnosis since it is a highly potential research area, and model-based diagnosis permits more complicated queries than spatiotemporal examples. Our architecture permits the queries over constraints to be defined over different sets of variables by using symbolic substitution and elimination of variables.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2006-15476-C02-0