3,805 research outputs found

    Nanomedicines for cell reprogramming in tissue engineering and immunomodulation

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    The main goal of this thesis has been the development of various RNA-based therapies to modulate cell phenotypes in two different disease contexts: cancer and tissue engineering. Given the poor cell-permeability of naked RNA molecules, as well as their short half-life in biorelevant media, a critical aspect of the work has been the design and development of biomaterial-based systems intended to overcome these limitations. On the one hand, we developed a nanocarrier capable of co-allocating RNAi and chemokines to revert the tumor immunosuppression mediated by myeloid derived suppressor cells. On the other hand, we investigated a new concept of gene-activated matrices (GAMs) activated with mRNA-encoded transcription factors (TFs) to direct stem cell chondrogenic and myogenic specification. We finally optimized GAM mechanics in order to enhance TF transfection and cell differentiation driven by TF overexpression

    Development And Validation Of A Diagnosis And Evaluation Instrument For Non-Governmental Organizations: Indicators To Determine Strengths, Weaknesses, And Areas Of Opportunity As A Means To Improve NGOs Performance

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    Currently, there are many effectiveness and efficiency theories, models and indicators in the companies worldwide. These theories, models, and indicators are more frequently applied to increase productivity and improve product and/or service quality. However, most non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Mexico lack the necessary administrative structure to achieve a correct performance. NGOs help, to a large extent, improve the quality of life of many people in the developing countries, but the lack of tools has prevented NGOs from achieving their best performance (regarding productivity, efficiency, and transparency). The former can diminish reliability from the potential donors. A little has been done regarding NGOs administrative management in Mexico. The little existing research is mainly based on aspects such as NGOs history, experience, and current situation. Experts still expect other people, through formal studies, to complete this research to provide NGOs with the necessary tools to achieve the sector expected growth. The purpose of this research is to provide the tools that this type of organizations need to increase their performance level and improve credibility to attain their social objectives

    Arquitectura comercial como detonante de la revitalización urbana

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    Artículo de grado¿Cómo enfrentarse desde el proyecto, a la resolución de problemas en la sociedad dentro de un espíritu de innovación en contextos reales y usuarios reales? Partiendo de esta pregunta problémica La universidad católica de Colombia Facultad de Diseño, propone como proyecto de grado desarrollar una propuesta de intervención en el Sector de San Andresito de la 38, que se encuentra en estado de deterioro. Se formula un proyecto de revitalización urbana a través de la arquitectura comercial, teniendo como objetivo principal potencializar las actividades socio económicas del sector. El desarrollo del proyecto será basado en la metodología del diseño concurrente, esta permite evaluar constantemente la evolución del proyecto durante todas sus etapas. La propuesta consiste configuración de un sistema de espacios públicos y la consolidación comercial del sector.1. Introducción 2. Metodología 3. Resultados 4. Discusión 5. Conclusiones 6. Bibliografía 7. AnexosPregradoArquitect

    Study of fare integration of bicing in the STI system

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    Urban mobility has recently become one of the main issues of local administrations and transport authorities. The public transport market has notice a clear increase in the mobility volume, since people’s tendency is to move to more complex and diverse daily trips. As a result, the demand of an extensive, intensive, flexible and integrated public transport system is becoming one of the main priorities for city halls and transport authorities. New flexible systems such as public bike sharing (PBS) appeared in many European cities as a solution to provide a complementary mode to cover l ast-step of trips inside congested areas. Between 2001 and 2011, above 400 schemes were implemented in the west part of Europe (European Commission, 2011). One of the keys of its success is its proper integration with other modes, which can be differentia ted in three different levels: • Physical integration, which responds to allocation of stations near each other to make easier transfers. • Integrated information, providing information about possible transfers between modes • Fare integration, referred to provide a global fare system for different modes. This project aims to study the particular case of Bicing, the large public bike sharing scheme launched in Barcelona in 2007. Defined as flexible, practical and sustainable way to travel, Bicing is known as one of the most popular schemes in Europe. The system is properly integrated with the other modes operating in the city, since its stations are located close to principal hubs in the city and clear information about the scheme is provided. However, no fare integration has been achieved, since the access to the bike sharing is only available to residents and through an electronical card. As a main point of this project, the possibility to fare integrate Bicing under the already consolidated fare integrated system (STI) in Barcelona will be studied. The main motivation is the recently forecast to launch an electronical card called T-Mobilitat that will supply the existing transport tickets in Barcelona, and could delete all access barriers with Bicing. The document will be separated in three parts, in order to firstly organize all available data and as a result of its analysis, study the possibility of fare integrate the scheme. On the one hand, Bicing data will be collected in order to analyze its demand, supply and financial patterns. On the other hand, the already consolidated performance of the STI system will be analysed, so its financial characteristics can be understood and particularized for each of the integrated modes. As a result, the potential demand and the range of competitiveness of Bicing scheme will be deduced as well as the possibility or not to integrate the scheme into the STI. Different scenarios to study the impact will be exposed, subject to the available data

    The perspectives of men in Mexico City about vasectomy—Brief

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    On November 17, 2017, Mexico City took part in the global World Vasectomy Day campaign promoting men’s participation in family planning, especially through no-scalpel vasectomy (NSV). During the event the Population Council Mexico conducted an exploratory study to better understand the reasons men chose NSV, as well as their concerns before and after the procedure. The study found that the principal reason for seeking NSV among men surveyed was their achievement of a desired family size, for themselves and their partners. The study further reveals the need to disseminate information through mass media, social networks, and all levels of the health system about NSV as a permanent, simple, and cost-effective procedure with low rates of complications and minimal pain. The report recommends that health institutions integrate NSV information, counseling, referrals, and services, for expanded family planning options and perspectives, within the National Family Planning Program, and facilitate the monitoring and evaluation of men who undergo NSV at least six months after the procedure

    Elecciones en Bolivia : más allá de los números

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    Las elecciones presidenciales de diciembre de 2009 en Bolivia, dieron el triunfo a Evo Morales. Con un 64% del total de votos emitidos, aseguró su segundo periodo de gobierno hasta 2015. Los resultados fueron tan arrolladores que comenzó a plantearse un discurso oficial que da por terminado el tiempo de las contradicciones sociales y el enfrentamiento entre distintas fuerzas políticas. Sin embargo, los contrastantes resultados electorales del Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) en las elecciones presidenciales del 6 de diciembre y las elecciones realizadas el 4 de abril para elegir gobernadores y autoridades municipales, parecen contradecir la anterior afirmación ; por ello, resulta fundamental analizar las problemáticas políticas que se exponen o se ocultan en los procesos electorales recientes en Bolivia, las cuales van más allá de contrastar los votos en cuanto números, para decir si fueron más o menos de una elección a otra. Lo importante es pues, exponer y analizar algunos “síntomas” como tesis de que los resultados de una revolución no están en las urnas y que los grandes problemas estructurales en Bolivia no han desaparecido

    Catalonian neighbourhood development law: the gender perspective as a planning tool

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    The Catalonian Law 2 / 2004, improvement for districts, urban areas and villages that require special attention, has been a leading tool to start developing an urban planning with a gender perspective. The point 6 of the law is about the promotion of equal opportunities in the use of public facilities and public spaces by the means of urban renovation. A comparative analysis of a selection of the proposals submitted so far, and an on-site analysis of the projects already completed will permit to draw the evolution of the application of gender perspective on urban planning. Summing up, this research could be the opportunity to review what has been done and how, giving as result new recommendations for next interventions to be applying the gender perspective in urban planning.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible: 11. Ciutats i comunitats sosteniblesObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible: 5 - Igualtat de gènerePostprint (published version


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    Los estudios doctorales, constituyen el resultado natural de la consolidación de la oferta de posgraduación de las instituciones de educación superior y constituyen un capítulo esencial de su contribución a la investigación, a la generación de conocimiento nuevo y a la inserción de las sociedades nacionales en la sociedad del conocimiento. Su desarrollo y gestión, las características que eventualmente poseen no son, en consecuencia, irrelevantes en términos de poder, estrategias y gestión de las universidades. El objetivo de este trabajo es el de revisar, aun en forma provisional, esa cuestión clave para el desarrollo convergente de lo que podríamos denominar una Educación Superior sudamericana y hacerlo a partir de los específicos desarrollos latinoamericanos y de los recientes aportes que se procesan en Europa y en los Estados Unidos, en el entendido de que la cooperación académica y la internacionalización, constituyen aspectos centrales de la emergente sociedad del conocimiento, llamada a transformar talvez como nunca antes, la vida de las universidades

    Estudios de doctorado y gestión universitaria: tendencias globales y experiencias locales

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    El presente trabajo se propone una indagación sobre los retos planteados por los estudios de doctorado a la gestión universitaria, estudios doctorales cuya revisión ha tenido lugar en años recientes, en diversas regiones del mundo. Para ello explora las tendencias globales que se evidencian en esa revisión (incremento en el número de programas, redefiniciones conceptuales y nuevas funciones, diversificación de los tipos de programas, componentes centrales y experiencias de educación, evaluación y auditoría, entre otras), caracterizando a la formación doctoral en términos de sus procesos y productos. La cuestión de los estudios de nivel doctoral es analizada en referencia a los nuevos imperativos de gestión del conocimiento, emergentes de las tendencias de transformación del campo de la educación superior y a la práctica de las instituciones. Con ese propósito se revisa la situación del Uruguay, caracterizada por su tardía institucionalización de un sistema de posgrados en ciencias básicas y en tecnologías, aun en curso tanto en lo relativo a otras áreas del conocimiento, como en referencia a su evaluación y acreditación. . Los casos de las ciencias sociales y del área biomédica, son revisados finalmente, a efectos de dar cuenta de aspectos de la práctica local, y de los procesos específicos de un entorno científico periférico

    Low level direct interpolation for parametric curves

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    We present an algorithm for the direct interpolation of parametric curves with a CNC machine -- The algorithm expresses parametric planar curves as sequences of discrete axes movements of BLU size of the machining tool -- Therefore, the curve C(u) is directly approximated by the pulse trains, hence eliminating one source of the machining error