39 research outputs found

    Plasma Treatment on Root Canal Sealers' Adhesion to Intraradicular Dentin - A Systematic Review

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    This investigation aimed to assess, through a systematic review, the effect of non-thermal plasma treatments on root canal sealers’ adhesion to dentin. This study followed the 2020 Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. A literature search was undertaken without limits on time or language, until May 2023, in PubMed–MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science, OpenGrey, and three endodontic journals. The included studies underwent quality assessment and data extraction. Out of an initial 188 articles, 4 studies were included. Three of these studies based the adhesion ability on the push-out test in human extracted teeth, while the other used bovine dentin samples to measure the contact angle with the sealer (wettability). While there was no consensus about the effect of non-thermal plasma (NTP) on the AH Plus sealer’s adhesion to radicular dentin, NTP seemed to positively influence the adhesion ability of BioRoot RCS and Endosequence BC. The findings of the present review should be interpreted cautiously due to the scarcity of studies on the topic. The NTP parameters should be optimized to obtain a stronger evidence base in endodontics on its role as an adjuvant tool to increase sealers’ adhesion to dentin.This article was supported by National Funds through the FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., within CINTESIS, R&D Unit (reference UIDP/4255/2020)

    Vertical Root Fracture initiation in curved roots after root canal preparation : a dentinal micro-crack analysis with LED transillumination

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    Background: One of the causative factors of root defects is the increased friction produced by rotary instrumentation. A high canal curvature may increase stress, making the tooth more susceptible to dentinal cracks. The purpose of this study was to evaluate dentinal micro-crack formation with the ProTaper NEXT and ProTaper Universal systems using LED transillumination, and to analyze the micro-crack generated at the point of maximum canal curvature. Material and Methods: 60 human mandibular premolars with curvatures between 30?49° and radii between 2?4 mm were used. The root canals were instrumented using the Protaper Universal® and Protaper NEXT® systems, with the aid of the Proglider® system. The obtained samples were sectioned transversely before subsequent analysis with LED transillumination at 2 mm and 8 mm from the apex and at the point of maximum canal curvature. Defects were scored: 0 for no defects; and 1 for micro-cracks. Results: Root defects were not observed in the control group. The ProTaper NEXT system caused fewer defects (16.7%) than the ProTaper Universal system (40%) ( P <0.05). The ProTaper Universal system caused significantly more micro-cracks at the point of maximum canal curvature than the ProTaper NEXT system ( P <0.05). Conclusions: Rotary instrumentation systems often generate root defects, but the ProTaper NEXT system generated fewer dentinal defects than the ProTaper Universal system. A higher prevalence of defects was found at the point of maximum curvature in the ProTaper Universal group

    Fracture and deformation of ProTaper Next instruments after clinical use

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the fracture and defects observed in ProTaper Next files discarded after a normal clinical use. 571 ProTaper Next rotary instruments were collected after clinical use from the clinic of endodontics over 12 months. The length of the files was measured using a digital caliper to determine any fracture, later all the files were evaluated under a stereomicroscope to observe defects such as unwinding, curving or fracture. The data obtained were analyzed using a chi-square and z test. 13.83% of the discarded files showed defects, the most frequent defect was fracture (7.53%). The highest rate of fracture was observed in the X1 (17.04) files (19.87%). The presence of deformations without fracture was also more frequent in the 17.04 file (11.8%). Because of the relatively high incidence of deformation of smaller files, these instruments should be considered as a single use. It is important not to exceed the maximum uses recommended by the manufacturer to reduce the risk of cyclic fatigue, the main cause of fracture of the files (79.07%). It is also important to observe each file after use to discard small defects or fractures

    Continuous Apical Negative-Pressure Ultrasonic Irrigation (CANUI) : a new concept for activating irrigants

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    Background: Irrigation of the root canal system is an essential step in the endodontic treatment. The aim of this article is to introduce continuous apical negative-pressure ultrasonic irrigation (CANUI), a new irrigation concept, and compare the characteristics of this new technique with current devices for activating the irrigant. Material and Methods: CANUI is designed for cleaning and disinfecting the root canal system. The device consists of a tube inside another tube that allows the continuous ultrasonic exchange of fresh irrigant, as the irrigant is simultaneously aspirated apically. The coronal and apical tubes are 0.75 and 0.3 mm in diameter, respectively. It is composed of a nickel-titanium microcannula suitable for the working length of curved canals. Results: The CANUI technique has the advantages of apical negative pressure (to avoid apical extrusion of the irrigant) and continuous ultrasonic irrigation (continuous refreshment of the irrigant and forced introduction into the canal ramifications). Conclusions: The CANUI technique could improve the irrigation technique of dentists to reach more disinfection in endodontic treatments

    Management of a crown-root fracture : a novel technique with interdisciplinary approach

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    Anterior teeth with subgingival fractures require a complex treatment plan that addresses biologic, functional and aesthetic factors. This case report describes the management of a crown-root fractured maxillary left central incisor. An interdisciplinary approach was used to restore the tooth due to the complex nature of the treatment. Orthodontic extrusion was performed to move the fracture line above the alveolar bone and periodontal surgery to recontour the altered gingival margin. Finally, the incisor was restored performing a root canal retreatment with a fiber post and a full ceramic crown. The treatment resulted in secured periodontal health and good aesthetic

    In vitro comparison of passive and continuous ultrasonic irrigation in curved root canals

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    Background: The efficacy of endodontic irrigation procedures can be compromised by the complexity of the root canal system. Delivering irrigants to the apical third of curved canals presents a particular challenge to endodontists. This study compared the effects of two ultrasonic irrigation techniques on the penetration of sodium hypochlorite into the main canal and simulated lateral canals of curved roots in extracted teeth. Material and Methods: Two sets of simulated lateral canals were created at 2, 4, and 6 mm from the working length in 60 single-rooted teeth (6 canals/tooth, n = 360 canals). The teeth were randomly divided into three experimental irrigation groups: group 1 (n = 20), positive pressure irrigation (PPI); group 2 (n = 20), passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI); and group 3 (n = 20), continuous ultrasonic irrigation (CUI). To assess the irrigation solution penetration, 20% Chinese ink (Sanford Rotring GmbH, Hamburg, Germany) was added to a 5% sodium hypochlorite solution and delivered into the curved root canals. The penetration of contrast solution into the simulated lateral canals was scored by counting the number of lateral canals (0-2) penetrated to at least 50% of the total length. Results: The CUI group showed significantly higher (P < 0.05) irrigant penetration into the lateral canals and into the apical third of the main canals. The PPI group showed significantly lower sodium hypochlorite penetration (P < 0.001) into the main and lateral canals compared with that in the CUI and PUI groups. Significantly higher irrigant penetration was observed in the PUI group than the PPI group. Conclusions: Using CUI as the final rinse significantly increased the penetration of irrigant solution into the simulated lateral canals and apical third of curved roots

    Efficacy of continuous apical negative ultrasonic irrigation (CANUI) in penetration of simulated lateral canals in extracted teeth

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of continuous apical negative ultrasonic irrigation into simulated lateral canals and the apical third in straight and curved root canals. Two simulated lateral canals were created 2, 4 and 6 mm from the working length in 120 single-rooted teeth (6 canals/tooth, n = 360 straight, n = 360 curved). The teeth were randomly divided into 3 experimental groups: positive pressure irrigation (PPI) (n = 20); passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI) (n = 20); continuous apical negative ultrasonic irrigation (CANUI) (n = 20). 20% Chinese ink was added to a 5% sodium hypochlorite solution and delivered into the root canals. The results showed a significantly higher (P < 0.05) penetration of irrigant into the lateral canals and up to working length in the CANUI group for straight and curved roots. CANUI improves penetration into the lateral canals and up to the working length of the cleared teeth in straight and curved roots.S

    Vertical preparation: a new technique for analogical and digital impressions

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    The BOPT technique (Biologically Oriented Preparation Technique) was proposed by Loi et al. (1) and has become a popular form of vertical preparation for complete crowns with promising results. In this procedure, the clinician can operate on the gingival tissue during preparation and modify its structure in thickness and height by adding modifications on the provisional restoration. However, one of the main challenges in this technique is the transference of information about the gingival tissue to the laboratory technician, who will place the margin of the restoration randomly in a space determined by two marks on the working cast.The technique proposed enables the accurate transmission of the exact point where the margin of the restoration needs to be placed. Furthermore, it facilitates the recording of conventional impression materials and intraoral scanners due to the compression of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) tape into the sulcus, which allows to arrest bleeding or intracrevicular liquid and is easily registered irrespective of the method of impression used

    Association between xerostomia, oral and general health, and obesity in adults. A cross-sectional pilot study

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    The objective of this study was to analyse the association between oral and general health variables and obesity indicators with the sensation of dry mouth or xerostomia as evaluated on the Xerostomia Inventory (XI). A total of 354 randomly selected subjects participated in this cross-sectional pilot study and completed an anonymous questionnaire. Anthropometric, clinical, and xerostomic variables were evaluated. Kruskal-Wallis, ANOVA and Bonferroni test were used for multiple comparisons. ROC curves and multinomial logistic regression were used to determine the (OR) risk of xerostomia. A total of 30.7 % of respondents reported xerostomia based on XI. The dry mouth question, the XI taken as a ?gold standard?, showed a diagnostic sensitivity of 70.37 %, and a specificity of 83.27 % (AUC=0.768, p<0.001). Logistical regression showed the highest xerostomia OR was associated to patients with bad self-perceived health, 6.31 (CI 95% 2.89-13.80, p<0.001). In the model adjusted for tooth mobility, bone or respiratory diseases, and the consumption of anxiolytics and antidepressants, the OR was 3.46 (CI 95% 1.47-8.18, p=0.005). a high prevalence of xerostomia was found in this cross-sectional pilot study, which was significantly more frequent in women, and increased with age. Xerostomia was associated to several systemic diseases, psychological conditions, and oral functional disorders such as tooth mobility. These preliminary results can serve as the basis for developing guidelines for the application of innovative measures designed to improve the quality of life of individuals with xerostomia