346 research outputs found

    The blue water footprint of the Spanish wine industry: 1935–2015

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    The impact of economic growth on natural resources and the environment constitutes a fundamental topic in current research. In particular, water, a fundamental resource for human beings, has been subject to intense pressure in recent decades. Within this context, this article examines the growth of the blue water footprint of the Spanish wine industry and its environmental impact. In order to do this, we will first calculate the blue water footprint of wine, using a bottom-up methodology. Our methodology introduces certain advances with respect to those usually used. Our results show a very fast increase of the blue water footprint from 1995, which has multiplied six-fold in twenty years with an extreme concentration in the region of Castilla-La Mancha, which accounts for 70% of this increase. The expansion of irrigated vine growing in this region has played a relevant role in the serious problems suffered by its aquifers

    Materials Science Toolkit for Carbon Footprint Assessment: A Case Study for Endoscopic Accessories of Common Use

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    [EN] Ironically, healthcare systems are key agents in respiratory-related diseases and estimated deaths because of the high impact of their greenhouse gas emissions, along with industry, transportation, and housing. Based on safety requirements, hospitals and related services use an extensive number of consumables, most of which end up incinerated at the end of their life cycle. A thorough assessment of the carbon footprint of such devices typically requires knowing precise information about the manufacturing process, rarely available in detail because of the many materials, pieces and steps involved during the fabrication. And yet, tools most often used for determining the environmental impact of consumer goods just require a bunch of parameters, mainly based on the material composition of the device. Here we report a basic set of analytical methods that provide the information required by the software OpenLCA to calculate the main outcome related to environmental impact, the greenhouse gas emissions. Through thermogravimetry, calorimetry, infrared spectroscopy and elemental analysis we proved that obtaining relevant data for the calculator in the exemplifying case of endoscopy tooling or accessories is possible. This routine procedure opens the door to a broader, more accurate analysis of the environmental impact of everyday work at hospital services, offering potential alternatives to minimize it.This study has been funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) through the project PI21/00193 and cofunded by the European Union. Funding: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), PI21/00193, cofunded by the European Union. And through the project PI2023-6 from UPV-LaFe innovation projects.Martín-Cabezuelo, R.; Vilariño-Feltrer, G.; Campillo Fernandez, AJ.; Lorenzo-Zúñiga, V.; Pons, V.; López-Muñoz, P.; Tort-Ausina, I. (2023). Materials Science Toolkit for Carbon Footprint Assessment: A Case Study for Endoscopic Accessories of Common Use. ACS Environmental Au. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsenvironau.3c0004

    Refuerzo de pilares con tejidos de F.C.

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    Los pilares son los elementos estructurales más sensibles de una estructura, por lo que resulta muy frecuente su refuerzo. En el presente trabajo se realiza una campaña de ensayos de pilares en modelo reducido, para este fin. Se construyeron 30 pilares en modelo reducido, 15 de ellos de sección cuadrada y 15 de sección circular. En cada caso se formaron 3 lotes, 5 pilares sin refuerzo (pilares testigo), 5 pilares con una capa de refuerzo y 5 pilares con dos capas de refuerzo. Los ensayos se realizaron en las instalaciones de GEOCISA. El trabajo comprende un estudio teórico-experimental del comportamiento mecánico de pilares de hormigón armado reforzados por confinamiento mediante la técnica de adhesión de tejidos de fibra de carbono, sometidos a una carga axial. Se describen los modos de fallo de forma comparativa entre los distintos lotes, para plantear finalmente una serie de conclusiones y recomendaciones

    Osteotomía valguizante de tibia con placa atornillada de angulación variable (VCO)

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    Se presenta un análisis retrospectivo de 28 pacientes afectos de genu varo, en quienes se realizó osteotomía valguizante de tibia y fijación con placa atornillada de angulación variable. Este material proporciona la corrección deseada y un montaje estable y sólido capaz de permitir la movilidad precoz de la rodilla. El seguimiento medio fue de 15 meses, valorándose los plazos de recuperación funcional de los pacientes, movilidad conseguida y las necesidades de rehabilitación. Los resultados clínicos y radiológicos a corto plazo son semejantes a otras series que emplean criterios de selección de pacientes candidatos a esta técnica. Las necesidades de tratamiento rehabilitador fueron sensiblemente menores.We report a retrospective analysis of 28 patients presenting varus deformity treated by proximal tibial opening-wedge osteotomy and using a screwed plate of variable angle. This device provides the desired correction, a steady and secure assembly allowing early knee movement. The average follow-up was 15 months. At that time, the period of functional recovery, mobility and need of functional rehabilitation were assessed. Short-term clinical and radiographic findings were similar to other series using selection criteria for suitable patients. The need of functional rehabilitation was markedly lower