910 research outputs found

    Psychopathological verbal expression of self-perceived stress in three groups of psychotic patients

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    Producción CientíficaSelf-perceived stress in 293 psychotic patients (schizophrenic, toxic and brief reactive psychoses) and a control group of 40 sane individuáis was evaluated by means of the Frankfurt Complaint Questionnaire. For this purpose, scores obtained in 6 'complementary Ítems' of the third versión of this questionnaire were studied, both in global and in detailed form. These Ítems reflect coping mechanisms exerted towards situations perceived as stressful which can produce clinical manifestations similar to the wellknown 'negative symptoms' of schizophrenia. Results show that self-perceived stress in all groups of patients is significantly higher than in the control group. In contrast, no significant differences among the three groups of patients are obtained. In conclusión, we point out the relevance of studying the psychotic patient's self-perceived stress in order to detect and minimize or even avoid the patient's risk situations, independen! of his/her diagnosis. This will be especially useful to obtain optimal conditions for rehabilitatio

    Study of steam explosion pretreatment and preservation methods of commercial cellulose

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    Steam explosion (150 – 200 ºC, 5 – 30 min) was performed on a commercial cellulose presented in two configurations (fiberized and compact sheet) and its effect on their chemical and physical properties was studied, along with the influence of two different preservation methods (acetone drying and freezing) after pretreatment. No degradation compounds were produced during pretreatment, although solid recovery (RS) decreased with temperature from 90% to 62%. Similar particle size and surface conditions (increased porosity) were found for both types of pretreated samples despite the extremely different initial configuration. Crystallinity diminished for 150 ºC samples, but 200 ºC pretreatment promoted recrystallization. Pretreatment also reduced polymerization degree, although enzymatic accessibility did not improve. Both acetone and freezing processes extremely affected cellulose properties. Acetone drying counterbalanced crystallinity and enzymatic accessibility variations of pretreated samples, while decreasing polymerization degree to 302. Freezing dramatically decreased enzymatic accessibility of pretreated samples down to 15.8%.UIC-Consejería de Educación Junta de Castilla y León, University of Valladoli

    La importancia de la segregación de itrio en la deformación plástica de nanocristales de circonia tetragonal dopada con óxido de itrio (YTZP)

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    Muestras de YTZP (policristales de oxido de circonio dopado con itria) con tamaño medio de grano de 50 nm, puras y con un 10% en peso de diferentes fases vítreas han sido deformadas a carga constante en un rango de temperatura comprendido entre 1150-1200 ºC. Con dicho estudio se pretende caracterizar el comportamiento mecánico del material y estudiar la influencia de la segregación de itria en la frontera de los granos en los posibles mecanismos de deformación. Igualmente se ha llevado a cabo un estudio microscópico con el fin de obtener una completa caracterización del material. Se han analizado micrografías de las muestras recibidas y de las deformadas a partir de Microscopía Electrónica de Transmisión convencional (TEM), y de las fronteras de granos de dichas muestras por Microscopía Electrónica de Transmisión de Alta Resolución (HRTEM). Se ha probado que la existencia de segregación catiónica hacia las fronteras de granos está relacionada con la falta de una tensión umbral. El parámetro n no se ve alterado por dicha segregación, en buen acuerdo con la ausencia de tensión umbral.Nano-sized YTZP (Yttria Tetragonal Zirconia Polycrystals) samples, pure and doped with 10 wt.% of different glassy phases have been crept in a range of temperature between 1150-1200 ºC. Macroscopic characterization of the mechanical behaviour of these material and a study on the effect of the grain boundaries yttria segregation on the mechanical response of these materials have been carried out. Moreover, a microstructural analysis by conventional Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) of both, as-received and deformed samples and a study of the grain boundaries by High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy are required to have a complete characterization of these materials. The yttrium segregation to grain boundary is related to the non existence of a threshold stress. The parameter n is not altered by this segregation and grain boundary sliding seems to be the deformation mechanism

    Mortalidad postquirúrgica en Europa: European Surgical Outcome Study Group. Mortality after surgery in Europe: a 7 day cohort study. Lancet 2012; 380: 1059-65.

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    Cada año en todo el Mundo se realizan más de 230 millones de procedimientos quirúrgicos mayores. En registros del Reino Unido el 10% de los pacientes son considerados de alto riesgo, siendo este grupo “responsable” del 80% de las muertes postoperatorias. Si estos datos se extrapolan a nivel mundial, cada año 25 millones de pacientes serían considerados de alto riesgo y, de estos, 3 millones fallecerían durante la estancia hospitalaria. El objetivo del estudio revisado (EuSOS) fue conocer la mortalidad y el empleo de recursos de cuidados críticos en pacientes intervenidos de cirugía no cardiaca en Europa. Estudio de cohortes prospectivo durante 7 días en Abril de 2.011. Durante este periodo se registraron en los centros participantes, de forma consecutiva, todos los pacientes mayores de 16 años. Se realizó seguimiento de cada individuo hasta el día 60 postquirúrgico

    Ozonolysis: an advantageous pretreatment for lignocellulosic biomass revisited.

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    Ozonolysis, as a lignocellulosic biomass pretreatment, goes back to 80s; however, in the last years it is becoming widespread again owing to its efficiency and mild operation conditions. Ozone reacts preferably with lignin than carbohydrates, promoting biomass destructuration and delignification, and so the sugar release by enzymatic hydrolysis. The hydrolysate from pretreated biomass has being used as sugars source for second-generation fuels production, mainly ethanol, methane and hydrogen. Short-chain carboxylic acids are the main inhibitory compounds generated, being properly removed by water washing. The most common inhibitory compounds reported for other pretreatments, furfural and HMF (5-hydroxymethylfurfural) , are not found in ozone-pretreated hydrolysates. Composition of pretreated biomass and ozone consumption depends on several process parameters: reactor design, moisture content, particle size, pH, reaction time, ozone/air flow and ozone concentration. Additional studies are necessary to clarify process parameters effec

    Digital Game-Based Heritage Education: Analyzing the Potential of Heritage-Based Video Games

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    Video games have emerged as a promising tool for enhancing engagement with cultural heritage. However, there is limited knowledge about how existing games can effectively fulfill this role. This study compiled and analyzed 100 video games based on cultural heritage by adapting an existing framework that includes 10 game attributes for a comparative statistical analysis of the games’ engagement features. These features include narrative-driven gameplay, information capsules, task-driven learning, ease of play, identity-driven content, open-world exploration, people-centered perspectives, meaningfulness, simulation, and verisimilitude. The analysis revealed that while the majority of games adhered to most of the recommended attributes, features such as task-driven learning, open-world exploration, and simulation were either uncommon or rare. These findings highlight a significant opportunity to develop games that incorporate these underrepresented features, thereby providing more immersive and engaging experiences in heritage education. Furthermore, the study offers a systematic overview of existing games that represent cultural heritage, serving as a valuable resource for developers, designers, and educators in this field.Predoctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Universities (FPU20/00281)Project “Influence of Video Game Addiction on the Adolescent Population of Andalusia in Educational and Family Contexts (PRY127/22)”, funded by the Andalusian Studies Centre Foundation (CENTRA

    Model of high-temperature plastic deformation of nanocrystalline materials: Application to yttria tetragonal zirconia

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    The possibility of the influence of segregation-induced local electric fields in the bulk diffusion of the species controlling the plastic deformation of nanocrystalline materials has been pointed out. Until now, there is only a model applicable to the case of a monodimensional system. In spite of its simplicity, it predicts a significative influence of a local electric field in creep. Our work develops a different model applicable to three-dimensional systems. It takes as a starting point the diffusional model, and it can be generalized to those systems in which the grain-boundary sliding model accommodated by diffusional processes accurately describes plasticity in the submicron range of grain size. The range of validity, as well as the different behavior of nanocrystalline materials from the submicron ones is discussed. Preliminary results are in good agreement with the published data for yttria tetragonal zirconia (YTZP) nanocrystalline ceramics

    High temperature creep of nanometric YTZP polycristals with different glassy phase contents

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    Muestras de YTZP (policristales de óxido de circonio dopados con itria) con tamaños de grano nanométrico y diferentes cantidades de fase vítrea han sido sometidas a experiencias de fluencia en un rango de temperatura entre 1150ºC y 1200ºC, con objeto de estudiar el comportamiento mecánico de dichos materiales. Para conocer los mecanismos de deformación puestos en juego se ha realizado el estudio microestructural de las muestras deformadas y no deformadas mediante Microscopía Electrónica de Transmisión (MET). Se ha demostrado que la presencia de fase vítrea da lugar a un significativo descenso de la resistencia a la fluencia. No obstante, los parámetros característicos de la deformación (n y Q) no se ven alterados, obteniéndose como mecanismo de deformación el deslizamiento de las fronteras de grano.Nano-sized YTZP (Yttria Tetragonal Zirconia Polycrystals) samples with different amounts of a glassy phase have been crept in a range of temperature between 1150ºC-1200ºC. A macroscopic characterization of the mechanical behaviour as well as the microstructural analysis by Transmission electron Microscopy (TEM) of both the as-received and deformed samples have been carried out. The glassy phase accounts for a significant softening while the deformation parameters values (n, Q) are not altered with respect to those measured in non-doped specimens of the same material with the same average grain size.Grain boundary sliding has been proved to be the deformation mechanism

    Generización del cuidado en situación de desempleo masculino

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    En este trabajo presentamos un diseño de investigación enmarcado en la epistemología feminista. Nos proponemos estudiar los impactos del desempleo masculino en la repartición de tareas domésticas y de cuidados, en un barrio de la ciudad de Barcelona. Entendiendo la complejidad que este tipo de diseños de investigación tiene, hemos realizado un marco teórico que nos permite entender lo mejor posible todos los elementos que tenemos que conocer para llevar a cabo esta investigación. ¿El desempleo -involuntario- masculino hace que ellos se involucren más en el ámbito doméstico? ¿Las crisis económicas obligan a cambiar los roles de género, basados en el binomio breadwinner/caregiver? Desde diversas investigaciones, utilizadas como soporte para este diseño, se da cuenta de que las negociaciones en el ámbito del hogar muchas veces exceden el monto del ingreso económico.In this paper we present a research design framed through feminist epistemology. Our research proposal is to study the impacts of male unemployment on the division of household chores and responsibilities in a suburb of Barcelona. Understanding the complexity of this type of research proposal, we have created a theoretical framework that allows us to understand all the aspects that we have to take in to account to undertake this study. Does (involuntary) male unemployment mean that men take on more domestic and caretaking responsibilities? Does the economic crisis change gender roles, based in the dichotomy of breadwinner/caregiver? This design draws from an array of previous studies that demonstrate that negotiations within the home often exceed the total amount of income

    Disruptive behaviour in the spanish school system. Legislative development

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    En la actualidad el incremento de los problemas de disciplina en el aula supone una preocupación para el profesorado y un obstáculo para el desarrollo del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Para que la intervención educativa sea eficaz, es necesario diferenciar los distintos tipos de conflictos, abordándolos desde diversas perspectivas. En este artículo se ha realizado un análisis documental de las sucesivas leyes educativas españolas, buscando en cada una la frecuencia de aparición de palabras claves referidas al comportamiento del alumnado, se ha analizado la respuesta ante la conflictividad y la diferencia entre el abordaje de la conducta grave y la disruptiva, menos grave. Como resultado se observa una evolución positiva de la normativa, influida por una sociedad más concienciada de la importancia de un buen clima escolar para conseguir el sano desarrollo personal y mejor aprendizaje del alumnado. La ley actual diferencia entre conductas graves y leves y muestra una mayor preocupación, no solo por frenar el incremento de estos comportamientos, sino también por prevenirlos. Pero todavía queda mucho por avanzar, pues aún no se dan orientaciones claras que ayuden al profesorado a abordar las conductas leves de forma adecuada, pese a las dificultades que suponen para el proceso de aprendizaje.Nowadays, increasing discipline problems in the classroom have become a concern for teachers and an obstacle for the development of the teaching-learning process. To adequately develop an effective educational intervention, it is essential to distinguish between different types of conflicts and to approach them from different perspectives. This paper presents an analysis of the successive educational Spanish laws, specifically examining the frequency of appearance of those keywords regarding students’ behavior in each law. The responses provided to approach conflict were studied, differentiating from serious misconduct and less serious disruptive behavior.Results show a positive evolution of the Spanish regulations: This is due to the increase of social awareness regarding the importance of creating a favourable school environment to ensure a healthy personal development and better learning. The current law distinguishes misconduct and disruptive behavior and also expresses its concern about the increase in this kind of behavior and provides ways of preventing it. However, further progress is still to be achieved as there is a need for clear guidelines for teachers to properly deal with disruptive behavior. Despite the difficulties that this kind of behavior entail to the learning process, these recommendations are still not laid down despite the difficulties faced by the learning process