649 research outputs found

    El derecho a la asistencia letrada del menor de edad sospechoso o acusado: cuestiones derivadas de las directivas europeas

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    In this paper we intend to make a general analysis of the right to defense of suspect or accused minors, considering the need to transpose Directive 2016/800/EU, of May 11. We will deal with the most relevant aspects of this right of defense, analyzing the national regulation and the most important problems that may arise. We will propose possible solutions for a better transposition and regulation in the area of juvenile criminal jurisdiction.En estas páginas pretendemos hacer un análisis general al derecho de defensa de los menores de edad sospechosos o acusados atendiendo a la necesidad de transposición de la Directiva 2016/800/UE, de 11 de mayo. Nos detendremos en los aspectos más relevantes de ese derecho de defensa, analizando la regulación nacional y los problemas más importantes que puede suscitar. Propondremos posibles soluciones de cara a una mejor transposición y regulación en el ámbito de la jurisdicción penal de menores

    La protección del menor infractor ante los medios de comunicación

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    Close to the increasing phenomenon of judicial transparency frequent practices exist in the journalistic information that commit an outrage against fundamental own guarantees of the penal process, so beyond reporting objectively, it is tended to introduce in the news, already be of implicit or express form, the opinion of the way or of the journalist of how it is necessary to to trump a matter sub-judice, be in favour of the marked / marked one, or in his against, pressing to the Courts to which they solve the matter in the sense that praises the way, or damaging his right to the intimacy, the honor and the own image on having presented persons submitted to processes as culprits, before a sentence exists in road surface. This work tries to give response to all these polemics. Junto al creciente fenómeno de transparencia judicial existen prácticas frecuentes en las informaciones periodísticas que atentan contra garantías fundamentales propias del proceso penal, pues más allá de informar objetivamente, se tiende a introducir en la noticia, ya sea de forma implícita o expresa, la opinión del medio o del periodista de cómo se debe fallar un asunto sub-judice, sea a favor del acusado/a, o en su contra, presionando a los Tribunales a que resuelvan el asunto en el sentido que preconiza el medio, o bien vulnerando su derecho a la intimidad, el honor y la propia imagen al presentar a personas sometidas a procesos como culpables, antes de que exista una condena en firme. Este trabajo intenta dar respuesta a todas estas polémicas

    El menor infractor ante el proceso penal: Especial consideración de su derecho de defensa

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    In this work we have studied and analysed in depth the status of the juvenile offender, investigated or accused, in criminal proceedings. We have dedicated special attention to the configuration of their right to defence, in order to try to improve the standard of protection of this right of the minor through good practices, new legislative provisions and reforms that we consider necessary and essential, in the light of the international regulations signed by Spain, to guarantee this protection. The juvenile process is governed by the singularity of the subject to whom it is addressed, a minor -that is, a person who has not reached the age of 18 and who is in the process of evolution and change-, and by the aim of achieving maturity, re-education and social reintegration as an adult, which explains many of the special features of this process. It is essential to study in depth how to determine age in cases where there is a lack of documentation and to study the impulsive behaviour that affects the juvenile offender. Our society is witnessing growing alarm at the disruptive behaviour of minors, the appearance of new phenomena such as filial-parental violence, school violence or group violence, and facts such as the progressive decrease in the age at which drug consumption begins, with the logical appearance of associated behavioural problems. For this reason, we are also dedicated to analysing the impulsive behaviours that are found in the profile of all minors subject to juvenile justice. It is enough to examine the reports of the Technical Teams to see in them most of the characteristics that show impulsivity. It is therefore interesting to analyse what specific treatment is given to this impulsivity that is evident in minors from their first contact with juvenile criminal justice. Once Directive (EU) 2016/800 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May on procedural safeguards for juvenile suspects or accused persons in criminal proceedings has been approved, we proceeded to analyse the most significant points of the Directive with a view to its transposition into Spanish law, those that could generate some problem in practice or that it would be advisable to approach with a greater legislative perspective. All the issues raised in the Directive were analysed in the light of our current legislation, proposing good practices in the field of juvenile justice both in Spain and in the European Union. And, after the deadline set for its transposition, 11 June 2019, we tried to delve deeper into the interpretation that should be given in the light of the direct application of the Directive to the right of defence of the investigated or accused minor. Our research leads us to propose improvements and reforms in areas that affect the right of defence of minors and, specifically, in the need to have a procedure for determining age, in the improvement of the configuration of the right to information of minors under investigation or accused, in the express regulation of the right to be heard of minors under investigation, the minor's right to interpretation, the minor's right to his or her own image, privacy and honour, and the minor's right to defence, with special attention to legal assistance, proposing the creation of such relevant figures to guarantee the defence as the minor's defender and the guardianship defender.En este trabajo hemos profundizado en el estudio y análisis del estatuto del menor infractor, investigado o acusado, en el proceso penal. Hemos dedicado especial atención a la configuración de su derecho de defensa, para tratar de aportar mejoras en el estándar de protección de ese derecho del menor a través de buenas prácticas, nuevas previsiones legislativas y reformas que consideramos necesarias e imprescindibles, a la luz de la normativa internacional suscrita por España, para garantizar esa protección. El proceso de menores viene presidido por la singularidad del sujeto al que va destinado, un menor de edad –es decir, una persona que no ha cumplido 18 años y que se encuentra en pleno proceso de evolución y cambio–, y por la finalidad de conseguir su madurez, su reeducación y reinserción social como adulto, lo que explica muchas de las especialidades que presenta dicho proceso. Resulta fundamental profundizar en la forma de determinar la edad en los casos en los que se carezca de documentación y en el estudio de las conductas impulsivas que afectan al menor infractor. Nuestra sociedad asiste a una creciente alarma por los comportamientos disruptivos de los menores de edad, a la aparición de nuevos fenómenos como la violencia filio-parental, la violencia escolar, o la violencia grupal, y a hechos como el progresivo descenso de la edad de inicio en el consumo de drogas con la lógica aparición de problemas conductuales asociados. Por ello, también nos dedicamos a analizar las conductas impulsivas que se dan en el perfil de todos los menores de edad sujetos a la justicia juvenil. Basta examinar los informes de los Equipos Técnicos para advertir en ellos la mayoría de las características que evidencian la impulsividad. Por ello, es interesante analizar qué tratamiento específico se da a esa impulsividad que se pone de manifiesto en el menor de edad desde su primer contacto con la justicia penal juvenil. Aprobada la Directiva (UE) 2016/800, del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 11 de mayo, relativa a las garantías procesales de los menores sospechosos o acusados en los procesos penales, se procedió a analizar los puntos más significativos de la Directiva de cara a su transposición en nuestro ordenamiento, aquellos que pudieran generar algún problema en la práctica o que fuera conveniente enfocar con mayor perspectiva legislativa. Se analizaron todas las cuestiones planteadas en la Directiva a la luz de nuestra legislación actual, proponiendo buenas prácticas en el ámbito de la justicia de menores tanto en España como en la Unión Europea. Y, transcurrido el plazo fijado para su transposición, el 11 de junio de 2019, tratamos de profundizar en la interpretación que habría que dar a la luz de la aplicación directa de la Directiva al derecho de defensa del menor de edad investigado o acusado. Nuestra investigación lleva a proponer mejoras y reformas en ámbitos que afectan al derecho de defensa del menor y, específicamente, en la necesidad de contar con un procedimiento para la determinación de la edad, en la mejora de la configuración del derecho a la información del menor de edad investigado o acusado, en la regulación expresa del derecho a ser escuchado del menor investigado, acusado o penado, el derecho a la interpretación del menor de edad, el derecho a la propia imagen, la intimidad y el honor del menor de edad, y el derecho de defensa del menor de edad, con especial atención a la asistencia letrada, proponiendo la creación de figuras tan relevantes para garantizar la defensa como la del defensor del menor y el defensor tutelar.Escuela de DoctoradoDoctorado en Derech

    Development of the instrumentation of the botafoc breakwater nº 8 caisson

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    Balearic Port Authority has developed an instrumentation system for the #8 caisson of the Botafoc breakwater that integrates 12 pressure sensors located at three surfaces, two in contact with the sea water and another with the bottom. This design was completed with an inertial system that measures the angular velocities and the accelerations over the three Cartesian axes. Consequently, the system measures actions (pressures) and reactions (movements and accelerations) experimented by the caisson, due to sea waves and/or other service loads. R+D department of the Port Authority and Polytechnic University of Madrid are working on two directions, the development of new theories on vertical breakwater design that go beyond Goda and Sainflou, and on the creation of a real-time critical structure alarm system, based on the instrumentation installed. This alarm system has two main parts: the instrumentation itself that collects data and processes it on real-time (the data processing compares the pressure law suffered by the caisson in every step process with the design critical state of the caisson, in this case the Goda pressure law for a 6.5 m wave), giving a security coefficient that points out the risk level on real-time; and the alarm system consisting of a monitoring panel located in the Port Control Center that shows the risk level and advises in case of an incidental evacuation of this critical portuary installation

    Gestión municipal para el manejo racional del agua de riego en el distrito de Huachupampa, provincia de Huarochiri, Región Lima

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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de HorticulturaEste trabajo monográfico se desarrolló para brindar información sobre el manejo y uso del agua de riego en la unidad hidrográfica de San Lorenzo de Huachupampa, zona que aporta una importante cantidad de agua a los agricultores, que son los beneficiarios directos; a pesar de ello, las agrupaciones campesinas de esta cuenca son las que presentan menor déficit hídrico. En este aspecto, se ha elaborado el posterior estudio, por lo tanto, se presentó en 3 periodos (campo, pre- campo y gabinete). En pre campo se recopiló información y se visitaron instituciones vinculadas en la gestión integrada de los Recursos Hídricos; en campo se realizó la caracterización del área de estudio y el procedimiento de entrevistas, para conocer los problemas identificados en su administración, cantidad y calidad de los Recursos Hídricos, al igual que la existencia de conexiones con las instituciones respectivas (ALA CHRL, ANA, AGRORURAL, MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL DE SAN LORENZO DE HUACHUPAMPA, MIDAGRI y AGENCIA AGRARIA SANTA EULALIA) y en gabinete, se procesó la información recogida en los periodos anteriores, y se organizaron las encuestas, obteniendo como consecuencia una escasez hídrica en los periodos de mayo hasta agosto, con la ineficiente administración del recurso, infracción del marco legal actual; por consiguiente, más crucial en la sub cuenca alta y media de la cuenca hidrográfica. Finalmente, se logró ejecutar el estudio de competencias y restricciones para preparar métodos acordes con los ejes temáticos reconocidos (Valoración del Recurso Hídrico, Organizacional, Cultural del fluido Agua, Calidad del agua, Preservación del medio Ambiente y Administración de peligros) con el objetivo de gestionar las mencionadas de manera equilibrada y sostenible. Por último, se destaca el fortalecimiento de la organización y asociación de productores, que siguen vigentes en la actualidad.This monographic work was developed to provide information on the management and use of irrigation water in the hydrographic unit of San Lorenzo de Huachupampa, an area that provides a significant amount of water to farmers, who are the direct beneficiaries; Despite this, the peasant groups in this basin are the ones with the lowest water deficit. In this aspect, the subsequent study has been prepared, therefore, it was presented in 3 periods (field, prefield and office). In pre-field, information was collected and institutions linked to the integrated management of Water Resources were visited; In the field, the characterization of the study area and the interview procedure were carried out, to know the problems identified in its administration, quantity and quality of Water Resources, as well as the existence of connections with the respective institutions (ALA CHRL, ANA, AGRORURAL, DISTRITAL MUNICIPALITY OF SAN LORENZO DE HUACHUPAMPA, MIDAGRI and AGENCIA AGRARIA SANTA EULALIA) and in office, the information was processed in the previous periods, and the surveys were organized, resulting in a water shortage in the periods from May to August, with the inefficient administration of the resource, violation of the current legal framework; therefore, more crucial in the upper and middle sub-basin of the hydrographic basin. Finally, it was possible to carry out the study of competencies and restrictions to prepare methods in accordance with the recognized thematic axes (Valuation of the Water Resource, Organizational, Cultural of the fluid Water, Water Quality, Preservation of the Environment and Hazard Management) with the objective of manage the aforementioned in a balanced and sustainable manner. Finally, the strengthening of the organization and association of producers, which are still in force today, stands out

    A VLC-based beacon location system for mobile applications

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    This paper proposes a low cost and complexity indoor location and navigation system using visible light communications and a mobile device. LED lamps work as beacons transmitting an identifier code so a mobile device can know its location. Experimental designs for transmitter and receiver interfaces are presented and potential applications are discussed

    Unsupervised and scalable low train pathology detection system based on neural networks

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    Currently, there exist different technologies applied in the world of medicine dedicated to the detection of health problems such as cancer, heart diseases, etc. However, these technologies are not applied to the detection of lower body pathologies. In this article, a Neural Network (NN)-based system capable of classifying pathologies of the lower train by the way of walking in a non-controlled scenario, with the ability to add new users without retraining the system is presented. All the signals are filtered and processed in order to extract the Gait Cycles (GCs), and those cycles are used as input for the NN. To optimize the network a random search optimization process has been performed. To test the system a database with 51 users and 3 visits per user has been collected. After some improvements, the algorithm can correctly classify the 92% of the cases with 60% of training data. This algorithm is a first approach of creating a system to make a first stage pathology detection without the requirement to move to a specific place

    Utilización de materiales didácticos para fomentar valores educativos en baloncesto de formación

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    Con la intención de promover la enseñanza y aprendizaje del baloncesto desde una perspectiva educativa en las etapas de formación, las Escuelas de Baloncesto de la Fundación Real Madrid, a través del proyecto de investigación denominado “Por una Educación REAL: Valores y Deporte”, ha elaborado una serie de materiales didácticos que permitan ayudar a los entrenadores y jugadores a desarrollar la práctica del baloncesto en el mejor contexto educativo. Dichos materiales ofrecen a los entrenadores la posibilidad de mejorar su calidad como docentes, tanto en los entrenamientos como la competición, incluyendo los valores educativos en la práctica diaria, haciendo también partícipes a los jugadores y sus familias. El objetivo principal de este estudio, después de varias temporadas de desarrollo del proyecto, ha sido analizar el uso que los entrenadores hacen de los diferentes materiales didácticos

    QRS Differentiation to Improve ECG Biometrics under Different Physical Scenarios Using Multilayer Perceptron

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Electrocardiogram (ECG) Signal and Its Applications.Currently, machine learning techniques are successfully applied in biometrics and Electrocardiogram (ECG) biometrics specifically. However, not many works deal with different physiological states in the user, which can provide significant heart rate variations, being these a key matter when working with ECG biometrics. Techniques in machine learning simplify the feature extraction process, where sometimes it can be reduced to a fixed segmentation. The applied database includes visits taken in two different days and three different conditions (sitting down, standing up after exercise), which is not common in current public databases. These characteristics allow studying differences among users under different scenarios, which may affect the pattern in the acquired data. Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) is used as a classifier to form a baseline, as it has a simple structure that has provided good results in the state-of-the-art. This work studies its behavior in ECG verification by using QRS complexes, finding its best hyperparameter configuration through tuning. The final performance is calculated considering different visits for enrolling and verification. Differentiation in the QRS complexes is also tested, as it is already required for detection, proving that applying a simple first differentiation gives a good result in comparison to state-of-the-art similar works. Moreover, it also improves the computational cost by avoiding complex transformations and using only one type of signal. When applying different numbers of complexes, the best results are obtained when 100 and 187 complexes in enrolment, obtaining Equal Error Rates (EER) that range between 2.79–4.95% and 2.69–4.71%, respectively

    The multiphase starburst-driven galactic wind in NGC 5394

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    We present a detailed study of the neutral and ionized gas phases in the galactic wind for the nearby starburst galaxy NGC 5394 based on new integral field spectroscopy obtained with the INTEGRAL fibre system at the William Herschel Telescope. The neutral gas phase in the wind is detected via the interstellar Na I D doublet absorption. After a careful removal of the stellar contribution to these lines, a significant amount of neutral gas (∼10^7 M_⊙) is detected in a central region of ∼1.75 kpc size. This neutral gas is blueshifted by ∼165 km s^−1 with respect to the underlying galaxy. The mass outflow of neutral gas is comparable to the star formation rate of the host galaxy. Simultaneously, several emission lines (Hα, [N II], [S II]) are also analysed looking for the ionized warm phase counterpart of the wind. A careful kinematic decomposition of the line profiles reveals the presence of a secondary, broader, kinematic component. This component is found roughly in the same region where the Na I D absorption is detected. It presents higher [N II]/Hα and [S II]/Hα line ratios than the narrow component at the same locations, indicative of contamination by shock ionization. This secondary component also presents blueshifted velocities, although smaller than those measured for the neutral gas, averaging to ∼−30 km s^−1. The mass and mass outflow rate of the wind is dominated by the neutral gas, of which a small fraction might be able to escape the gravitational potential of the host galaxy. The observations in this system can be readily understood within a bipolar gas flow scenario