483 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional decomposition of galaxies with bulge and long bar

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    Some observations indicate that the Milky Way has two inner components, a bulge and a long bar, which present a misalignment of about 20 degrees that is against the predictions of some theoretical models that are based on numerical simulations. In this paper, we wish to determine whether this misalignment between the bar and the bulge can be observed in barred galaxies other than the Milky Way. For that, each galaxy of our sample was decomposed based on its Ks-band 2MASS image by fitting and modelling in a three-dimensional (3D) space the following components: a disc, a bar, and a bulge. The chi-square goodness-of-fit estimation allowed retrieving the best-fit angle values for the bar and the bulge to detect any misalignment. From the 3D decomposition of six barred galaxies, we have detected at least three galaxies (NGC 2217, NGC 3992, and NGC 4593) that present a significant misalignment between the bar and the bulge of more than 20 degrees.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in A&A. Corrected typo

    Acercándonos al estudiante: la entrevista clínica

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    La entrevista clínica es una técnica interrogativa donde se desarrolla una conversación planificada con el entrevistado, informándose sobre sus conocimientos, intereses, necesidades, etc. Decidimos aplicarla en Introducción a la Matemática ya que es el primer peldaño que el estudiante del nivel medio enfrenta en su ingreso a la universidad. Introducción muestra, desde siempre, muy bajos niveles de retención y de rendimiento académico; además el contacto con el docente es mínimo por razones de superpoblación. Creemos oportuno asignar a los tutores, ya entrenados, la aplicación de esta técnica en un grupo de alumnos para conocer mejor el avance del proceso de aprendizaje. La Hipótesis es: el contacto personalizado de los estudiantes con los tutores y profesores de práctica trae como consecuencia una mejora en los rendimientos académicos

    Developing a practical guide for teaching histology: an evaluation of the didactic components

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    The Didactic Guide is a valuable tool complementing and making learning more dynamic. It is done using creative didactic strategies that simulate the presence of the tutor and generate a dialogue in order to offer students different possibilities to improve their understanding and self-discovery learning.This way the student is the protagonist of his own learning process. In this context, is highly important to consider the self discovery learning as a goal facilitating significant learning. The use of practical guides enables students to manage their own time, goals, techniques, contents and evaluation. In medical histology teaching several models of didactic guides could be use, and they normally include numerous activities, text, questionnaires, pictures, and drawings that may enhance the effectiveness of this tool in the learning process. In this work we have evaluated the usefulnes of different sections of a histology didactic guide in order to determine the key sections that enhance the learning process in human histology. For this purpose, a practical histology guide was designed with different sections: message text, theoretical text, objectives, drawings, pictures, clinical cases, games, blank spaces for self notes and drawing and final self evaluation questions. First, a simple questionnaire was applied in 90 students enrolled in histology practical seccions to analyze the student´s perceptions and preferences related to the histology guide. Finally, for all questionnaires average results and standard deviations were calculated for each option and all participants, as well for each gender, separately. Comparisons were done for drawings vs drawing blank spaces, teoric content vs notes blank space, drawings vs pictures and for each gender separately using Mann-Whitney non-parametrical test. Our findings revealed that visual strategies such as images and pictures were considered to be more useful for learning histology in the practical session. Similary, the students rated the self evaluation questions and blank spaces for self notes and drawing to be more attractive to the students. However, texts with theoretical information, messages, objectives, and clinical cases revealed to be less useful for the students in the learning process of medical histology. Moreover, statistically significant differences between theoretical content vs notes blank space was observed. All these results point out the importance of including pictures and drawings in the practical guide accompained of blank spaces that allow the development of creativity and autonomy that lead the students into a self discovery learning. Interestingly the students do not appreciate the presence of theoretical background in the practical guide as relevant information for their academic formation in the practical session

    Health state perception of people close to retirement age: Relationship with lifestyle habits and subjects’ characteristics

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    Aim: Societal ageing increases the need for correct and healthy ageing to ensure the well-being of older adults. Practical strategies are needed to acquire healthy habits for the ageing process. This study aims to analyse the lifestyle habits of subjects who are retired or close to retirement and identify factors that could influence their perceived health and that could be related to these habits. Methods: A Spanish observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study of subjects close to retirement-age. Socio-demographic, family, work, leisure, social, and clinical-psychological indicators were evaluated. Results: 1,700 participants (581 employed; 714 retirees; 405 other-status) were included, average age 63 years, 52% women. Most reported a satisfactory social life (90%), were in live-in relationships (74%), non-smoking (80%), followed a Mediterranean diet (73%), and took medicines daily (70%). Perceived health (EQ-VAS) was 75.9/100, with low disability (12-WHODAS) (7.4/ 100) and moderate/severe depression. Women reported higher disability (p < 0.001) and depression (p < 0.001), a better social life, and healthier lifestyle, but lower physical/work activity. Retirees reported less depression, better social life, healthier lifestyle, higher physical/work activity, and better sleeping habits. The multivariate model showed a significant association of health-status with disability level, number of chronic diseases, sleep habits, exercise, diet, and alcohol consumption. When depression level was introduced, age and being a woman were also related. Conclusions: Retirement does not mean worse health but rather an opportunity to reinforce favourable health activities and improve lifestyle factors. Incorporating the differences related to gender and employment status in health-perception will facilitate the design of healthy ageing strategie

    Análisis musical del primer movimiento de la sonata para piano en sol menor de la compositora alemana Clara Schumann

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    El romanticismo y su lenguaje musical posee una particularidad única en cuanto a su diversidad y riqueza armónica, melódica e interpretativa; Clara Schumann, una de las primeras compositoras de fama reconocidas dentro de la historia de la música por su virtuosismo como pianista y compositora nos refleja en esta Sonata en que aspectos trasciende este género, partiendo de como la forma tanto macro y micro posee modificaciones e innovaciones con respecto a las tendencias estilísticas que se manifestaron en el periodo barroco y clásico. En el presente trabajo se busca hacer una comparación de los aspectos de cambio más significativos de la Sonata en el romanticismo por medio de análisis musical, y como se transforma un género casi olvidado que a la vez es retroalimentado por otros compositores de la época

    Acción exterior de la Unión Europea: UE-Rusia

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    El principal objetivo de este trabajo ha sido desarrollar las competencias de la UE en materia de acción exterior, así como su alcance sobre un tercer Estado, la Federación Rusa. Se parte de la identificación de la UE como sujeto con personalidad jurídica y un régimen jurídico propio. Se va a especificar las instituciones y organismos competentes que desarrollan las políticas exteriores. Después se analiza la estructura de la Federación Rusa junto con sus relaciones con la UE. Finalmente, se realiza un breve estudio del conflicto de Crimea, que ha provocado un menoscabo en las relaciones bilaterales.Grado en Derech

    La red social y personal de la autora María Rosa de Gálvez

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Filología Hispánica. Curso académico 2020-2021A lo largo de los años se han analizado en profundidad las trayectorias profesionales de los diversos y diferentes autores, al igual que se ha prestado especial atención a obras en particular de los mismos. Sin embargo, detrás de todo autor existe un alter ego, la persona “real”. En este trabajo se demostrará la repercusión de las relaciones, así como los altibajos de la vida de la autora María Rosa de Gálvez sobre sus obras. Se escoge a esta autora del siglo XVIII, por razones de peso como: toda su aportación literaria –tanto traducciones como originales-, su intrigante vida personal –de la cual existe muy poca información y la que hay es confusa-, y su género, pues si existe poca investigación sobre las vidas de los autores, existe aún menos sobre las autoras. Con este trabajo se pretende acercar los autores a los estudiantes, que no los vean “desligados” o solo sepan sus nombres por sus obras, sino que encuentren el significado y la contribución de sus vidas en su trayectoria literaria. Se demuestra así la importancia y relevancia de la red social y personal de los autores con otros autores, editores, periódicos, etc., sobre su obra literaria.Over the years, the careers of the various different authors have been analysed in depth, and special attention has been paid to particular works by them. However, behind every author there is an alter ego, the "real" person. This paper will demonstrate the impact of the relationships as well as the ups and downs of the life of the author María Rosa de Gálvez on her works. This eighteenth-century author was chosen for important reasons such as: her literary contribution -both translations and originals-, her intriguing personal life -of which very little information exists and the information that does exist is confusing-, and her gender, because if there is little research on the lives of authors, there is even less on female authors. The aim of this work is to bring the authors closer to the students, so that they do not see them as "detached" or only know their names from their works, but find the meaning and contribution of their lives in their literary trajectory. The importance and relevance of the social and personal network of authors with other authors, publishers, newspapers, etc., on their literary work is thus demonstrated

    Quercus ilex regeneration in dehesas systems

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    Trabajo de fin de grado. Grado en Biología. Curso académico 2022-2023[ES] La dehesa es un sistema de explotación que presenta altos niveles de diversidad biológica y ofrece una gran cantidad de servicios ecosistémicos. Sin embargo, sufre un grave problema de falta de regeneración natural de sus especies arbóreas, especialmente acentuado en las primeras fases de su ciclo vital, como ocurre con la especie mayoritaria en estas formaciones en la Península Ibérica: Quercus ilex. Es por ello, que se requiere la intervención del ser humano para evitar la desaparición de este ecosistema a través de la denominada, “regeneración asistida”. Son múltiples y diversas las distintas técnicas de regeneración asistida, en esta revisión quedan recogidas algunas de las más empleadas como: la siembra directa de semillas, la plantación de plántulas de invernadero, las plantas nodrizas, los protectores contra la herbivoría, el riego y los desbroces. Finalmente, los resultados muestras que el principal factor que limita la regeneración en la dehesa es el estrés hídrico, así como la necesidad de encontrar un equilibrio entre las distintas técnicas de regeneración asistida para tratar de garantizar el éxito de esta

    Seguridad en códigos de red

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    Este TFG se enmarca dentro del área de los códigos de red, comúnmente conocidos por su nombre en inglés: Network Coding. Un nodo intermedio, en una red de datos tradicional, reenvíadatos sin modificarlos. Sin embargo, si los nodos pueden procesar sus datos entrantes y generar versiones modificadas de ellos, el rendimiento máximo puede aumentar. Este proceso se denomina Network Coding y se puede modelar con herramientas algebraicas. Se considerará la situación en la que un adversario es capaz de obtener parte de la información que se está transmitiendo por la red y como se protege a la vez la información tanto de errores como de filtración de datos.Grado en Matemática

    Impact of the expression of human CTCF protein in 3D organization of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome

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    Motivation: Transcriptional regulation is particularly complex in animals and depends on long-range interactions between multiple distal enhancers and their target promoters. Thus, the 3D organization of the chromatin is critical to guarantee this interactions and to avoid the spurious ones. In different groups of animals, such as humans and other vertebrates, the protein CTCF works as an essential factor to control the 3D structure of the genome, regulating cohesin-mediated chromatin interactions and the formation of loops between distal enhancers and their target promoters. In contrast, this type of long-range cis-regulation and its associated 3D chromatin organization have not been observed in other eukaryotic lineages such as plants and fungi. Interestingly, CTCF is also absent from the genome of these non-animal species. To investigate how the origin of CTCF could have contributed to the evolution of long-range chromatin interactions in animals, we have used the model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae to study the effects that the expression of CTCF may have on the 3D organization of a fungal genome that does not have distal cis-regulation.Methods: We are generating two different yeast strains. Both of them contain a plasmid expressing human CTCF under the control of the inducible galactose promoter, but one of the strains will be further modified by the introduction of a sequence containing binding sites for human CTCF through homologous recombination using sigma LTR sequences from the Ty3 retrotransposon.Results: We have already generated a yeast strain to express human CTCF, and this strain is able to survive when we induce CTCF expression with galactose. Furthermore, to confirm the expression of CTCF we have done a western blot. Finally, we have designed the sigma Ty3 construct to introduce CTCF binding sites by selecting a human DNA sequence associated to chromatin loop border.Conclusions: We have confirmed that S.cerevisiae is still viable when it expresses the CTCF protein. The CTCF protein. The next steps will be i) to synthetize the sigma Ty3 construct with CTCF sites and introduce it in the yeast genome, ii) to analize by ChIP-seq if CTCF is able to bind endogenous yeast regions or if it can only bind those sites introduced using the sigma Ty3 construct and iii) to study how the presence of CTCF with and without the insertion of human CTCF binding sites affects the 3D chromatin organization of S.cerevisiae