283 research outputs found

    Efectos del confinamiento debido al COVID-19 en el bienestar personal: Un estudio longitudinal en población española

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    The main objective of this longitudinal study, with two mea-surements, one before the lockdown (M1: March 2-8), and the other du-ring the lockdown (M2: April 20-26), using the same participants, is to determine the evolution of the hedonic and eudaimonic aspects of well-being and the effect of compulsory confinement due to the COVID-19 pande-mic in Spain. The study was conducted online, participants completed the domains of the PERMA-Profiler well-being measure at both measurement times (M1 and M2) and the Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-sR) measure of dispositional optimism at the first measurement (M1). The results show significant relationships between all the well-being domains and the Overall Well-being (PERMA) score, similar at both measurements (M1 and M2). The comparison of the well-being domains score between the two measurements shows significant differences in Positive Emotion, Engagement, Meaning, and the Overall Well-being score; the score is higher at the first measurement (M1) than at the second measurement (M2). For the Negative Emotion domain, the score is higher during the lockdown (M2). Dispositional optimism has a moderation effect during the lockdown on the Accomplishment domain: the more optimistic the person is, the more their Accomplishment score increases. Gender also has a moderation effect during the lockdown on the Happiness domain: in men, the Happiness score increases during the lockdown and, in women, it decreases, when comparing both genders with their previous non-confinement levels.El principal objetivo de este estudio longitudinal con dos mediciones, una antes del período de confinamiento M1 (del 2 al 8 de marzo), y otra durante el confinamiento M2 (del 20 al 26 de abril), realizadas a los mismos participantes, es conocer la evolución de los aspectos hedónicos y eudaimónicos del bienestar y el efecto que sobre ellos ha supuesto el confinamiento obligatorio debido a la pandemia por COVID-19 en España. El estudio se realizó online, los participantes completaron los dominios de la medida de bienestar “The PERMA-Profiler” en ambas mediciones (M1 y M2) y la medida de optimismo disposicional “Life Orientation Test-Revised” (LOT-R) en la primera medición (M1). Los resultados muestran una relación significativa entre todos los dominios de bienestar y con la puntuación PERMA Global Bienestar, similares en ambas mediciones (M1 y M2). La comparación de las puntuaciones medias de los dominios de bienestar entre ambas mediciones muestra diferencias significativas en Emociones Positivas, Compromiso, Significado y en la puntuación de PERMA Global Bienestar; la puntuación es más elevada en la primera medición (M1) que en la segunda medición (M2). En el dominio Emociones Negativas, la puntuación es más alta en el período de confinamiento (M2). El optimismo disposicional ejerce un efecto de moderación durante el confinamiento en el dominio de Logros: cuánto más optimista es la persona más aumenta su puntuación en este dominio. El género también ejerce un efecto de moderación durante el confinamiento en el dominio de Felicidad: en los hombres aumenta la puntuación de Felicidad durante el período de confinamiento y en las mujeres disminuye, comparados ambos con sus niveles previos de no confinamiento

    Ecosystems Autonomous Training of Teacher Profesional Development

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    Este es un trabajo de colaboración entre universidades. Los propósitos de esta investigación son: (a) Conocer de manera directa y en profundidad las posibilidades de los programas del practicum en la realidad institucional, empresarial y laboral de su entorno social. (b) Analizar críticamente los nuevos ambientes de aprendizaje (entornos dinámicos web 2.0) y los aprendizajes informales (c) Desarrollar la capacidad de ser autónomo en la realización de tareas donde tenemos que aplicar teoría y práctica. La muestra la componen 196 estudiantes de 3º y 5º de Pedagogía. La metodología cuantitativa y cualitativa (cuestionarios, grupos de discusión, foros, blogs y entrevistas).In this paper we wanted to collaborate through a joint innovation project. The purpose of this research are: (a) To hear directly and in depth the possibilities of practicum programs in institutional reality, business and labor in their social environment. (b) critically analyze the new learning environments (dynamic environments Web 2.0) and informal learning.(c) develop the ability to be independent in carrying out tasks where we need to apply theory and practice. The sample is composed of 3 196 students and 5 of Pedagogy. The quantitative and qualitative methodology (questionnaires, discussion groups, forums, blogs and interviews)

    Non-Query-Based Pattern Mining and Sentiment Analysis for Massive Microblogging Online Texts

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    Pattern mining has been widely studied in the last decade given its great interest for research and its numerous applications in the real world. In this paper the definition of query and non-query based systems is proposed, highlighting the needs of non-query based systems in the era of Big Data. For this, we propose a new approach of a non-query based system that combines association rules, generalized rules and sentiment analysis in order to catalogue and discover opinion patterns in the social network Twitter. Association rules have been previously applied for sentiment analysis, but in most cases, they are used once the process of sentiment analysis is finished to see which tokens appear commonly related to a certain sentiment. On the other hand, they have also been used to discover patterns between sentiments. Our work differs from these in that it proposes a non-query based system which combines both techniques, in a mixed proposal of sentiment analysis and association rules to discover patterns and sentiment patterns in microblogging texts. The obtained rules generalize and summarize the sentiments obtained from a group of tweets about any character, brand or product mentioned in them. To study the performance of the proposed system, an initial set of 1.7 million tweets have been employed to analyse the most salient sentiments during the American pre-election campaign. The analysis of the obtained results supports the capability of the system of obtaining association rules and patterns with great descriptive value in this use case. Parallelisms can be established in these patterns that match perfectly with real life events.COPKIT Project, through the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme 786687Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness TIN2015-64776-C3-1-RAndalusian Government, through Data Analysis in Medicine: from Medical Records to Big Data Project P18-RT-2947Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport FPU18/00150University of Granad

    NOFACE: A new framework for irrelevant content filtering in social media according to credibility and expertise

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    Social networks have taken an irreplaceable role in our lives. They are used daily by millions of people to communicate and inform themselves. This success has also led to a lot of irrelevant content and even misinformation on social media. In this paper, we propose a user-centred framework to reduce the amount of irrelevant content in social networks to support further stages of data mining processes. The system also helps in the reduction of misinformation in social networks, since it selects credible and reputable users. The system is based on the belief that if a user is credible then their content will be credible. Our proposal uses word embeddings in a first stage, to create a set of interesting users according to their expertise. After that, in a later stage, it employs social network metrics to further narrow down the relevant users according to their credibility in the network. To validate the framework, it has been tested with two real Big Data problems on Twitter. One related to COVID-19 tweets and the other to last United States elections on 3rd November. Both are problems in which finding relevant content may be difficult due to the large amount of data published during the last years. The proposed framework, called NOFACE, reduces the number of irrelevant users posting about the topic, taking only those that have a higher credibility, and thus giving interesting information about the selected topic. This entails a reduction of irrelevant information, mitigating therefore the presence of misinformation on a posterior data mining method application, improving the obtained results, as it is illustrated in the mentioned two topics using clustering, association rules and LDA techniques.European Commission 786687Andalusian government FEDER operative program P18-RT-2947 B-TIC-145-UGR18University of Granada's internal plan PPJIB2021-04Spanish Government FPU18/0015

    Evaluación del perfil competencial de alumnos universitarios respecto a la educación tecnológica

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    Teachers should make use of the new technology to carry out effective work in today's society, where educational processes are based on an ever-increasing amount of information and knowledge.The initial training of these future teachers must be impregnated with experiences enriched with ICT.The study offered below aims to understand and analyze the perceptions of students of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Malaga, in relation to the acquisition of professional skills, concerning new technologies, necessary to the job performance of their profession.The research is descriptive and the collection of information is carried out through a questionnaire online performed and validated previously for students of different studies degree, degrees and masters official of postgraduate of Education Sciences.Data and results obtained are relevant to determine new strategies that will allow the adequacy between the labour demands and the academic and professional training acquired during the university studies. Los docentes deben hacer uso de las nuevas tecnología para poder realizar un trabajo eficaz en la actual sociedad, donde los procesos educativos están basados en una cada vez mayor cantidad de información y conocimientos.La formación inicial de estos futuros docentes debe estar impregnada de experiencias enriquecidas con las tic.El estudio que se ofrece a continuación pretende conocer y analizar la percepción del alumnado de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Málaga  en relación con la adquisición de las competencias profesionales, referentes a las nuevas tecnologías, necesarias para el desempeño laboral de su profesión.La investigación es descriptiva y la recogida de información se realiza a través de un cuestionario online realizado y validado previamente para los alumnos de los distintos estudios de grado, licenciaturas y Másteres Oficiales de Postgrado de  Ciencias de la Educación.Los datos y resultados obtenidos son relevantes para determinar nuevas estrategias que permitan la adecuación entre las demandas laborales y la formación académico-profesional adquirida durante los estudios universitario

    Langmuir‐Blodgett Methodology: A Versatile Technique to Build 2D Material Films

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    The Langmuir‐Blodgett (LB) methodology is based on the transfer process of a monolayer adsorbed at the water interface, Langmuir film, from the air‐water interface onto solids by vertical dipping of the substrate immersed on the subphase. The technique allows the continuous variation of material density, packing, and arrangement by compressing or expanding the film by using barriers. Consequently, it provides the possibility of preparing films with the control of interparticle distance necessary to exploit the two‐dimensional (2D) materials in technological applications. In this chapter, we present some examples of fabrication of thin films of 2D material using this methodology. We show some methodologies based on this technique to build thin films of graphene oxides, Quantum Dots (QDs), and silver nanowires

    Relations Between Dimensions of Emotional Intelligence, Specific Aspects of Empathy, and Non-verbal Sensitivity

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    In this work, on the one hand, we examined the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and empathy and, on the other, the relationship between EI and non-verbal sensitivity, through two independent studies. The first study analyzed the relationship between dimensions of EI and aspects of empathy, in a sample of 856 participants who completed two measures of EI, the trait meta-mood scale (TMMS) and the trait emotional intelligence questionnaire (TEIQue), and a measure of empathy, the interpersonal reactivity index (IRI). The results showed a similar pattern of significant positive relations in all the EI domains with empathic perspective-taking (PT), and significant negative relationships with empathic personal distress (PD), except for the EI domain of attention, which had a positive relationship. Stepwise multiple regression analyses showed that the dimension that best predicted empathic PT and empathic concern (EC) was the emotionality factor; whereas attention best predicted empathic fantasy; and the self-control factor best predicted PD, although negatively. Gender emerged as a predictor of three empathic aspects, fantasy, EC, and PD, with women obtaining higher scores than men in all of them. Age was the only predictor of fantasy, with a negative relationship. The second study involved 646 people who completed the same measures of EI as the participants of the first study and the mini-profile of non-verbal sensitivity (Mini-PONS). The results showed some significant relationships between EI dimensions and the channels and quadrants of the MiniPONS. Stepwise multiple regression analyses showed that very few EI dimensions predicted non-verbal sensitivity, with attention obtaining the best result. Both gender and age emerged as predictors, some in unique cases, of channels, quadrants, and of the total score of non-verbal sensitivity; age had a negative relationship, and women obtained higher scores than men

    Situated learning and education: development and validation of the future teacher attitudes scale in the application of augmented reality in the classroom

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    This research article focuses on the design and validation of a questionnaire to analyse future teachers' perceptions of professional skills through the use of Augmented Reality (AR) in higher education, specifically for students in the field of Educational Sciences. The sample consisted of 575 students of Early Childhood Education, Primary Education and Pedagogy during the academic year (2021/2022). The focus of this study is to authenticate a questionnaire that measures the influence of Augmented Reality (AR) on aspects such as situated learning, motivation, and the necessary instructional preparations for the successful integration of AR within classroom educational encounters. The questionnaire is an online Likert-type scale developed based on three dimensions: situated learning, motivation and training. The data were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 and JASP 0.17.1. The questionnaire met the standards recommended for validation. However, improvements to the instrument are suggested. In conclusion, validation of instruments is necessary to gain a rigorous understanding of the impact of new learning environments

    Word writing and cognitive predictors in Spanish at the age of seven.

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    Interest in the cognitive precursors of literacy has been increasing in recent years since reading and writing are essential components of functional learning in the first years of schooling and of school success in later educational stages. However, it can be observed that while studies on the relationship between cognitive variables and reading are frequent, those carried out about writing are scarcer and in different languages and ages. The purpose of this study is to explore the joint contribution made by certain cognitive variables, measured at the ages of 6 and 7, to word writing among Spanish children in the second year of Primary Education (7 years old). In this longitudinal study, 116 Spanish-speaking pupils participated, from schools located in an average socio-cultural area, without special educational needs. Participants were evaluated in terms of their letter knowledge, phonological awareness, phonological memory, and alphanumeric and non-alphanumeric rapid automatised naming at 6 and 7 years of age, and word writing at 7 years of age. Descriptive-exploratory analyses, bivariate analyses, and multivariate regressions were modelled. In general, the findings show a different contribution for the cognitive variables considered in word writing at the age of seven, although this contribution does not vary substantially between the ages of 6 and 7 among Spanish pupils. Phonological knowledge at 6 and 7 years of age is the variable that best predicts the writing of words at 7 years. The contribution of non-alphanumeric speed naming remains constant and alphanumeric speed naming does not contribute to the explanation of writing at this age. Phonological memory at 6 years of age contributes to the explanation of writing at the age of 7 and letter knowledge contributes at the age of 7. These results have implications for educational practice and for the theory of writing acquisition in transparent languages.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBUA. This study has been funded by the research group SEJ 521 of the Andalusian government and by the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology of University of Málaga

    Models of Future Teachers’ Adaptation to New Post-Pandemic Digital Educational Scenarios

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    The aim of this study was to determine the post-pandemic learning adaptation scenarios from the perspective of university students from the Faculty of Education Science of the University of Seville (Spain) as a function of the competencies identified in the context of digital transformation. This was a non-experimental, descriptive study that used a short version of the Scale of Attitudes on the Perceptions of Future Teachers toward the New Post-pandemic Educational Scenarios (SANPES). The sample consisted of 972 students of the University of Seville (Spain) (72% women, 28% men), registered in the academic year 2021–2022. A cluster analysis was performed, using a hierarchical procedure (dendrogram), followed by a non-hierarchical procedure (k-means algorithm). The results show significant differences in the responses of the university students. Conclusions: progressive models or scenarios of adaptation to post-pandemic learning based on some student competencies, such as motivation, collaboration, self-learning and digital methodology: (a) initial adaptation model, (b) moderate adaptation model, and (c) advanced adaptation model