481 research outputs found

    NEO Threat Mitigation Software Tools within the NEOShield Project and Application to 2015 PDC

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    Protecting Earth from the threat implied by the Near Earth Objects (NEO) is gaining momentum in recent years. In the last decade a number of mitigation methods have been pushed forward as a possible remedy to that threat, including nuclear blasts, kinetic impactor, gravity tractors and others. Tools are required to evaluate the NEO deflection performances of each of the different methods, coupled with the orbital mechanics associated to the need to transfer to the target orbit and maybe rendezvous with it. The present suite of tools do provide an integral answer to the need of determining if an asteroid is to collide with Earth (NIRAT tool), compute the required object deflection (NEODET tool) and assess the design features of the possible mitigation space missions (RIMISET tool). The tools are presented, their design analyzed as well as the methods and architecture implemented. Results are provided for the hypothetical NEO 2015 PDC proposed for this conference

    Integrated End-to-End NEO Threat Mitigation Software Suite

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    Protecting Earth from the threat implied by the Near Earth Objects (NEO) is gaining momentum in recent years. In the last decade a number of mitigation methods have been pushed forward as a possible remedy to that threat, including nuclear blasts, kinetic impactor, gravity tractors and others. Tools are required to evaluate the NEO deflection performances of each of the different methods, coupled with the orbital mechanics associated to the need to transfer to the target orbit and maybe rendezvous with it. The present suite of tools do provide an integral answer to the need of determining if an asteroid is to collide with Earth (NIRAT tool), compute the required object deflection (NEODET tool) and assess the design features of the possible mitigation space missions (RIMISET tool). The tools are presented, their design analyzed as well as the methods and architecture implemented. Results are provided for two asteroids 2011 AG5 (using the orbit determination solution where this asteroid still was a risk object) and 2007 VK184 and the obtained data discussed in comparison to other results

    A developmental model for the pathogenenesis of cardiac arterio-ventricular fistulae

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    Coronary Artery Fistulae (CAF) are congenital coronary artery (CA) anomalies consisting of an abnormal communication of a coronary artery with either a cardiac chamber or a large cardiac vessel. Although their incidence in the Western population is low, CAF can lead to complications such as myocardial hypertrophy, endocarditis, heart dilatation and cardiac failure. CAFs can appear as an isolated anomaly or linked to some other forms of congenital heart disease like Left Ventricular Non-Compaction (LVNC) and intrinsic CA anatomy anomalies, but their etiology remains unknown. In this work we have used two different experimental models (transgenic mice and avian embryos) to investigate on the developmental mechanics of CAF formation. In order to tackle this goal, we have manipulated epicardial development and ventricular wall compaction, two inextricably related developmental events during coronary embryogenesis. Conditional integrin α4 gene deletion in the septum transversum/proepicardial (ST/PE) region (G2-Gata4+) disrupts early epicardium development and reduces cardiomyocyte proliferation, leading to the thinning of the ventricular compact myocardial layer. Reduction in compact myocardium thickness associates to the presence of multiple ventricular myocardial discontinuities and focal endocardial extrusion. This same phenotype can be experimentally reproduced in chick embryos using a cryocauterization method (Palmquist-Gomes et al., 2016). Our results suggest that the partial absence of epicardium in α4integrin;G2-Gata4Cre mouse embryos and the cryoinjury in avian embryos generate myocardial discontinuities in the embryonic ventricular wall, which promote endocardial extrusion towards the pericardial cavity and the early contact of the endocardium with coronary progenitors at the epicardial surface of the heart. In the case of avian embryos, this phenomenon leads to precocious smooth muscle differentiation from epicardial mesenchymal cells, and the formation of pouch-like structures that closely resemble CAF. We conclude that anomalous compact myocardial embryonic growth can originate CAF.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A developmental model for the pathogenenesis of cardiac arterio-ventricular fistulae

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    Coronary Artery Fistulae (CAF) are congenital coronary artery (CA) anomalies consisting of an abnormal communication of a coronary artery with either a cardiac chamber or a large cardiac vessel. Although their incidence in the Western population is low, CAF can lead to complications such as myocardial hypertrophy, endocarditis, heart dilatation and cardiac failure. CAFs can appear as an isolated anomaly or linked to some other forms of congenital heart disease like Left Ventricular Non-Compaction (LVNC) and intrinsic CA anatomy anomalies, but their etiology remains unknown. In this work we have used two different experimental models (transgenic mice and avian embryos) to investigate on the developmental mechanics of CAF formation. In order to tackle this goal, we have manipulated epicardial development and ventricular wall compaction, two inextricably related developmental events during coronary embryogenesis. Conditional integrin α4 gene deletion in the septum transversum/proepicardial (ST/PE) region (G2-Gata4+) disrupts early epicardium development and reduces cardiomyocyte proliferation, leading to the thinning of the ventricular compact myocardial layer. Reduction in compact myocardium thickness associates to the presence of multiple ventricular myocardial discontinuities and focal endocardial extrusion. This same phenotype can be experimentally reproduced in chick embryos using a cryocauterization method (Palmquist-Gomes et al., 2016). Our results suggest that the partial absence of epicardium in α4integrin;G2-Gata4Cre mouse embryos and the cryoinjury in avian embryos generate myocardial discontinuities in the embryonic ventricular wall, which promote endocardial extrusion towards the pericardial cavity and the early contact of the endocardium with coronary progenitors at the epicardial surface of the heart. In the case of avian embryos, this phenomenon leads to precocious smooth muscle differentiation from epicardial mesenchymal cells, and the formation of pouch-like structures that closely resemble CAF. We conclude that anomalous compact myocardial embryonic growth can originate CAF.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    ¿Topología del fantasma?

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    ABSTRACT: Topology of the ghost is a challenge, a bet to put the role of the ghost in the clinic and its setting-up on the explanatory horizon getting close to topology. To this, we will divide the work into three parts: First, building the ghost; second, the ghost and its elements: a topology; and third, the ghost in the clinic.RESUMEN: Topología del fantasma es un reto, una apuesta donde se intentará poner en el horizonte explicativo, haciendo un uso aproximativo a la topología, el funcionamiento del fantasma en la clínica y la constitución del mismo. Para ello dividiremos el trabajo en tres partes: primera, la constitución del fantasma; segunda, el fantasma y sus elementos: una topología; y tercero, el fantasma en la clínica

    Ensayo sobre las enfermedades de la cabeza (1764) : Immanuel Kant

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    RESUMEN: Este ensayo es extraído del texto: Immanuel Kant, Ensayo sobre las enfermedades de la cabeza, Alberto Rábano Gutiérrez y Jacinto Rivera de Rosales (Trads.), Madrid: A. Machado Libros, 2001. En 1758 aparece en Inglaterra el libro de Battie, médico y teórico, A treatise of madness, en el cual sostiene que la causa última de la sensación no puede ser la recepción de los objetos que en apariencia son indispensables para producirse la percepción. Se sostenía la imposibilidad de una percepción que no tuviese un objeto externo, sin embargo, el análisis de los “locos” le permitirá sostener que estos perciben en ausencia de objetos físicos externos. Con derecho es reconocido como el primer tratado de psiquiatría, en tanto es tratada de manera amplia la locura como enfermedad típicamente mental. Quizá sea mucho arriesgar que el maestro de Konisberg haya leído este tratado, sin embargo, se puede intuir la similitud de alguno de los argumentos de uno y otro. Para una mayor ampliación ver: Battie, Willian, A treatise of madness, Cambridge University y Press, 10 Vol. 19922 – 1958

    La lengua y la glosemática : el disparate histórico

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    ABSTRACT: ‘Signifier’ and ‘signified’ are Saussurean terms that encouraged the works of both Jakobson and not-so-popular Louis Hjelmslev. Although Lacan's novel interpretation of Saussure and of Jakobson's ‘phonetics’ influenced his creation of the battery of signifiers, the relevance of Hjelmslev's ‘glossematic theory’ cannot be ignored since Lacan, from the analysis and redefinition of such theory, overcame the conception of language as a sign thanks to his notion of ‘Lalangue’.RESUMEN: ‘Significante’ y ‘significado’ son términos saussureanos que impulsaron los trabajos de Jakobson y los del no tan popular Louis Hjelmslev. Si bien la novedosa interpretación que realizó Lacan de Saussure y del tema de la ‛fonética’ de Jakobson influyó sobre la creación de su batería del significante, no se puede desconocer la importancia de la ‛teoría glosemática’ de Hjelmslev, pues Lacan, a partir del análisis y la redefinición de esta teoría, superó la concepción del lenguaje como signo mediante su ‛lalengua’

    Tres cuerpos y un solo goce verdadero

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    ABSTRACT: Talking about body from a positivist perspective means the appearance of the body-soul duality; nevertheless, from an analytical viewpoint, we understand that the body, as a receptacle of the human, is paradoxically unrelated and ominous to ourselves. So, to apprehend such a concept it is necessary a topology of it in order to be different from being and entity. The text analyses what makes psychoanalysis different from other practices: its interpretation of the body as inhabited by the libido and its chance of pleasure mediated by the appearance of the signifier, going through the desire, the request and the sexuality; moments that, as well as psychism, inaugurate a real, symbolic and imaginary body as logs allowing its unification and the appearance of a fourth differentiating element, the enjoying substance and its topologic tying function.RESUMEN: Hablar de cuerpo, desde una perspectiva positivista, supone la aparición de la dualidad cuerpo-alma; empero, desde una óptica analítica, tenemos que el cuerpo, en tanto receptáculo de lo humano, es paradójicamente, ajeno y ominoso a nosotros mismos. De aquí que para aprehender dicho concepto sea necesaria una topología del mismo para diferenciarse de ser y ente. El texto examina lo que diferencia al psicoanálisis de otras praxis: su apreciación del cuerpo como habitado por la libido y su posibilidad de goce mediada por la aparición del significante, pasando por el deseo, la demanda y la sexualidad; momentos que además del psiquismo, inauguran un cuerpo real, simbólico e imaginario como registros que posibilitan su unificación y la aparición de un cuarto elemento diferenciador, la substancia gozante y su función de anudación topológica

    The angst by the cause

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    ABSTRACT: The present work tries to show how after every foundation act a loss appears, a memory that they pretend to forget from various human speeches, including scientific discourse; nevertheless, this that continue and is expected to be forgot is exact-ly what return to make incomplete, to disarrange the completeness imaginary of the desire person. Mentioned return and subtraction operation, of un-completeness, is the generator factor of angst, inherent to the symbolic record. Understanding this feeling and the movement of the human foun-dation, Lacan creates the “a” in his algebra, cause operator and object by itself that moves inside the real record.RESUMEN: El artículo pretende mostrar cómo en todo acto de fundación se sucede una pérdida, un resto que se pretende olvidar desde los múltiples discursos humanos, incluido el científico; empero, eso que resta y que se pretende olvidar es precisamente lo que retorna para descompletar, para desajustar la imaginaria completitud del ser de deseantes. Di-cho retorno y la operación de resta, de descompletitud, es lo que genera la angustia, connatural al registro de lo simbólico. Para comprender este sentimiento y el movimiento de la fundación humana, Lacan crea en su algebra el “a”, operador de la causa y objeto mismo que se mueve en el registro de lo real