15 research outputs found

    Area-charge inequality for black holes

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    The inequality between area and charge A4πQ2A\geq 4\pi Q^2 for dynamical black holes is proved. No symmetry assumption is made and charged matter fields are included. Extensions of this inequality are also proved for regions in the spacetime which are not necessarily black hole boundaries.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Floating against the Tide: Spanish Monetary Policy, 1870-1931

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    The gold standard began to emerge as a universal monetary system in the late 1870s, and it had spread throughout the world economy by 1900. It was unusual for nations to be off the gold standard, and it meant that they were detached from the international financial community. Spain never joined the gold standard club in any of its varieties, either before or after 1914. Unlike the vast majority of the European currencies, the peseta’s exchange rate fluctuated, sometimes widely, against gold and gold currencies. Gold convertibility was suspended in 1883 and never resumed. Nevertheless, the monetary authorities were aware that the Spanish economy, off the gold standard, was an outlier in the international economy and made plans to put the peseta on gold both before and after 1914.Why Spain never adopted the gold standard is a complex issue, and our paper offers a possible answer by examining the behaviour of an issuing bank that refused to accept, or resisted, its role as a central bank. Our study also provides a basis for a comparison between the Bank of Spain, some of its features and policies, with other peripheral issuing institutions. Moreover, our paper encompasses both the pre-war and the post-war periods, which allows us to present both the similarities and the differences in the exchange and monetary policies of the Spanish authorities during the era of the classical gold standard and the years of the gold exchange standar

    1898: The "Fin de Siècle" Crisis

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    The year 1898 was the year of the disaster. In two naval battles—one in the Caribbean and the other in the Pacific—the Spanish fleet was destroyed and Spain lost its remaining colonies: Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. The defeat, which brought an end to the nation’s imperial status, had a profound impact on the fabric of the country. It led to an identity crisis, with the awareness that the nation was politically weak and economically backward. The year 1898 is also a turning point because the defeat did not in fact lead to the collapse of the economy. In the decade and a half before World War I, the Spanish economy grew rapidly in response to a “regeneration” drive and a favourable international economic environmen

    1977: Hopes Fulfilled—Building Democracy in Turbulent Economic Times

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    2016-2019. Crisis económicas: cambios y retos. Una perspectiva histórica2018-2020. Grupo de Investigación Consolidable de la Generalitat Valenciana – Economic History – Valencia (EH-V).2020-2024. Puntos de inflexión históricos En el crecimiento económico, España 1808-2008Este capítulo analiza la coyuntura de cambio económico y político que significó el año de 1977 para la historia de España. Se defiende que esta fecha constituyó un punto de inflexión en la historia económica española porque la grave crisis económica y financiera estuvo acompañada de importantes cambios políticos e institucionales asociados a la transición política después de la muerte de Franco en 1975. Pero también fue un momento determinante debido a la naturaleza fundamental de las reformas implementadas a partir de 1977. En un contexto de crisis y transición política, la sociedad española difícilmente habría podido absorber un ajuste más radical sin la existencia de reformas. Las reformas pusieron a la economía en el camino de la modernización. También actuaron como un mecanismo de reconciliación nacional y sirvieron para demostrar la legitimidad de un gobierno democrático para introducir medidas que eran necesarias pero impopulares, debido a los posibles costos sociales a corto plazo. Una de las características clave de las reformas fue que se lograron mediante la negociación entre nuevos actores políticos y sociales, sindicatos y partidos políticos, lo que facilitó la implementación de políticas de ajuste salarial. El ejemplo más evidente de este proceso negociador fue el crecimiento sostenido del gasto social y la construcción del primer estado de bienestar nacional, como política compensatoria. También se pone de relieve en el trabajo que algunas reformas quedaron pendientes y algunos problemas no se resolvieron. Un ejemplo es el fracaso en términos de desempleo y del mercado laboral. Aunque todos los países europeos vieron aumentar las tasas de desempleo en la década de 1980, en 1982 la tasa de desempleo española fue la más alta de todos los países de la OCDE. Además, la persistencia de una alta tasa de desempleo fue consistente con una continua disminución de la desigualdad de ingresos, que había comenzado a principios de la década de 1970 y continuó descendiendo hasta 1986, lo que puede interpretarse como un signo de la efectividad de los estabilizadores automáticos lanzados en los Pactos de la Moncloa de 1977. En términos de política monetaria, tanto en bancos públicos como privados, los cambios fueron más lentos de lo deseado, aunque se dieron los primeros pasos en la dirección acertada. La introducción de un sistema tributario moderno y la construcción del estado de bienestar representaron una clara ruptura con el régimen de Franco y sentaron las bases para la futura convergencia e integración externa de la economía española.Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadGeneralitat ValencianaMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidade

    1959: The Stabilisation Plan and the end of autarquy

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    This chapter analyses the contribution of the 1959 Plan de Estabilización (Stabilization Plan) to the economic changes that occurred in Spain during the1960s. Economic growth improved in the 1950s after a decade of stagnation, but it was autarkic growth and the country accumulated serious imbalances. By reducing interventionism, initiating a process of liberalization and creating an appropriate economic framework, after two decades of autarky, the Plan contributed to promoting economic growth and helped change attitudes and mentalities. Moreover, the Plan had a long-term impact by allowing Spain to take advantage of a favourable international context during the 1960s. However, the dictatorship and its political interests restricted the scope of the reforms and negatively shaped the long-term evolution of Spanish economic development

    Accounting quality in railway companies during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: the case of Spanish NORTE and MZA

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    Prior literature studying railway accounting during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries defends the thesis of lack of reliability of accounting figures. This prior research, which mainly studies the cases of the United Kingdom and the United States, offers mixed views on the causes, or simply accepts this thesis without providing conclusive evidence, as is the case of historical research in Spain. We provide novel evidence on the quality of railway accounting and contribute to this prior debate by (1) analysing the accounting for two material accruals: depreciation and prior period adjustments; (2) studying the persistence of earnings and its components, and (3) analysing how accrual accounting affects persistence. These analyses are conducted for the period 1856-1939 for the two major Spanish railway companies (MZA and NORTE). The reported evidence suggests that earnings are highly persistent. However, we show that there are significant differences across firms and that these differences are particularly obvious when analysing the adjustments for prior period earnings. Overall, our evidence does not support the thesis that accounting was underdeveloped, but rather, that managerial accounting choices lowered accounting quality.We acknowledge financial assistance from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion) (ECO2013-48328, ECO2016-77579). CAM (H2015/HUM-3353), the Catedra UAM-Auditores Madrid, Spanish Railway Foundation, and 6th ed. AECA Research Grants (2015-2016)