136 research outputs found

    Turning points and returning points : understanding the role of family ties in the process of desistance

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    The objective of this article is to identify the interpersonal factors that explain narratives of desistance among offenders who have been sentenced to prison. Through narrative interviews, we have studied a purposeful age-graded sample of men convicted of acquisitive crimes. Although the results confirm the leading research of Laub and Sampson (2003) about the importance of social bonds as a change catalyst, they also suggest that changes in narratives may depend not only on participation in new social institutions but also on the new meaning that institutions present during the criminal career of offenders, such as family relationships, may acquire in adulthood

    Imprisonment, social support, and desistance : a theoretical approach to pathways of desistance and persistence for imprisoned men

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    Desistance should be the main ground for reentry policies for imprisoned offenders. However, theories on desistance are diverse, and they disagree about the key factors related to the origin, maintenance, and failures of the desistance process. This research considers three main theories of desistance-control, cognitive transformation, and strain-social support-to explain desistance in a qualitative sample of imprisoned men in Spain. The main finding of the research is that strain-social support theory may be of primary importance for understanding desistance because of its capacity to explain processes of change that begin during imprisonment and that continue upon release

    Structural context and pathways to desistance

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    Some authors have argued that turning points and other pathways to desistance may be dependent on the context and therefore desistance scholars should pay attention to the structural dimension of desistance. Following this suggestion, this paper describes some structural aspects of the Spanish society -such as the high familism, the limited availability of unqualified male jobs, the discrimination face by immigrants and the selective rehabilitation role of the penitentiary system- that seem relevant to understand the pathways of desistance and persistence in this country. These pathways have been found in a research with incarcerated men conducted by the authors in Barcelona (Catalonia). Finally some practical and theoretical implications are discussed

    El procés de desistiment de les persones empresonades : obstacles i suports

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    La voluntat d'aconseguir els millors resultats en les polítiques de reinserció és compartida tant per les persones que lideren les institucions de rehabilitació com pels equips que fan recerca en aquesta matèria. Aquest treball pretén contribuir-hi analitzant el procés de transició entre la presó i la vida en llibertat. Enfront els enfocaments que consideren que la predisposició inicial -antecedents personals, familiars i d'entorn- és el principal factor que explica la continuïtat o el cessament de l'activitat delictiva d'una persona, la recerca que aquí es presenta parteix de la premissa que, en el decurs de la vida adulta, existeixen nous esdeveniments que expliquen la trajectòria futura. En aquest sentit, es presta especial atenció als mecanismes de transició entre la presó i la vida en llibertat i, particularment, al paper que aquests juguen en els processos de desistiment del delicte.La voluntad de conseguir mejores resultados en las políticas de reinserción es compartida tanto por las personas que lideran las instituciones de rehabilitación como por los equipos que investigan en esta materia. Este trabajo pretende contribuir a esta voluntad analizando el proceso de transición entre la cárcel y la vida en libertad. Frente a los enfoques que consideren que la predisposición inicial -antecedentes personales, familiares y de entorno- es el principal factor que explica la continuidad o el cese de la actividad delictiva de una persona, la investigación que aquí se presenta parte de la premisa que, en el transcurso de la vida adulta, existen nuevos acontecimientos que explican la trayectoria futura. En consecuencia, se presta especial atención a los mecanismos de transición entre la prisión y la vida en libertad y, particularmente, al papel que estos juegan en los procesos de desistimiento del delito

    Encarcelamiento, lazos familiares y reincidencia : explorando los límites del familismo

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    Este artículo analiza los efectos en la reincidencia de los contactos familiares durante el encarcelamiento y explora los mecanismos explicativos que vinculan ambos factores, en un contexto en el que las familias ejercen un rol central en la provisión de bienestar. Para ello se plantea un diseño mixto, en dos olas, centrado en el estudio de hombres condenados a prisión por delincuencia común en la provincia de Barcelona. El análisis muestra que tanto los lazos familiares más fuertes (parejas y padres) como los más débiles (con otros familiares) tienen un efecto relevante en el proceso de desistimiento, aunque la forma en que operan es distinta (vínculo en el primer caso, apoyo en el segundo). Sin embargo, los resultados muestran también los límites del vínculo familiar cuando no va acompañado de los recursos materiales necesarios para conducir con éxito la transición postpenitenciaria. El análisis cualitativo permite profundizar en los factores explicativos e introducir varios matices a estas conclusiones mediante la observación de casos no confirmatorios.This paper analyzes the effects of family contacts during incarceration on recidivism and explores the mechanisms that relate these factors. A two-wave mixed method design is applied on a sample of men given prison sentences for ordinary acquisitive crimes in the province of Barcelona. The analysis shows that both the stronger family ties (with parents and partners) and the weaker ones (with other family members) may have a significant effect on the desistance process, through the mechanism of bonding (in relation to strong ties) or social support (in relation to weak ties). However, the results also show the limitations of bonding when not coupled with the instrumental support needed for a successful reentry. Additionally to quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis has been conducted to detail explanatory mechanisms, taking also into account negative cases

    Estudi de la variació temporal de l'exposició dietètica a contaminants químics en la població de catalunya. RIBEFOOD, una nova eina per establir els beneficis i riscos de la ingesta d'aliments

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    Estudi de la variació temporal de l'exposició dietètica a contaminants químics en la població de Catalunya. RIBEFOOD, una nova eina per establir els beneficis i riscos de la ingesta d'alimentsRESUM.En els darrers anys, varis estudis han demostrat que alguns aliments poden ser una font potencial d'exposició a contaminants químics.L'objectiu d'aquest treball es determinar les concentracions de PCDD/PCDFs, PCBs, PCNs, PCDEs, PBDEs, HCB i HAP, i l'estimació de la ingesta diària d'aquests contaminants químics per a la població catalana, així com l'avaluació del risc que aquesta ingesta pot suposar per a la salut i la variació temporal respecte a un estudi previ (2000).Amb els resultats, s'ha dissenyat una eina informàtica (RIBEFOOD, la qual determina la ingesta d'una sèrie de macronutrients, micronutrients i contaminats químics presents en 52 aliments d'ampli consum. RIBEFOOD pot ser utilitzat com una eina fàcil per optimitzar els hàbits alimentaris, augmentat la ingesta de nutrients i disminuint la ingesta de contaminants, i en conseqüència els riscos per a la nostra salut. RIBEFOOD és accessible a través de www.fmcs.urv.cat/ribefoodEstudio de la variación temporal de la exposición dietética a contaminantes químicos en la población de Catalunya. RIBEFOOD, una nueva herramienta para establecer los beneficios y riesgos de la ingesta de alimentos.En los últimos años, varios estudios han demostrado que algunos alimentos pueden ser una fuente potencial de exposición a contaminantes químicos. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar las concentraciones de PCDD/PCDFs, PCBs, PCNs, PCDEs, PBDEs, HCB y HAP, y la estimación de la ingesta diaria de estos contaminantes químicos por la población catalana, así como la evaluación del riesgo que esta ingesta puede suponer para la salud y la variación temporal respecto a un estudio previo (2000).Con los resultados, se ha diseñado un programa informático (RIBEFOOD), el cual determina la ingesta de una serie de macronutrientes, micronutrientes y contaminantes químicos presentes en 52 alimentos de gran consumo. RIBEFOOD puede ser utilizado como una herramienta fácil para optimizar los hábitos alimentarios, aumentando la ingesta de nutrientes y disminuyendo la ingesta de contaminantes, y en consecuencia los riesgos para nuestra salud. RIBEFOOD es accesible a través de www.fmcs.urv.cat/ribefoo

    Radial Photonic Crystal Shells and Their Application as Resonant and Radiating Elements

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    Radial photonic crystals (RPCs) are a class of microstructured media that possess very particular electromagnetic features. Their properties are driven by radially dependent permittivity and permeability profiles that are also anisotropic. A two dimensional RPC structure is designed and analyzed in order to assess its principal characteristics. This is done through the study of the dispersion diagram of the periodic multilayered structure and also through the analysis of a finite size device. In the later case, research is performed in view of possible applications of RPCs as resonant devices and also when they are combined with line sources. Finally, a device with reduced complexity is designed and implemented by means of a microstructured resonator array. This device is numerically analyzed and the comparison of two independent models shows very good agreement. Potential use of RPCs as frequency and location sensors is pointed out.Carbonell Olivares, J.; Torrent Martí, D.; Sánchez-Dehesa Moreno-Cid, J. (2013). Radial Photonic Crystal Shells and Their Application as Resonant and Radiating Elements. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 61(2):755-767. doi:10.1109/TAP.2012.2225015S75576761

    Analysis of flexural wave cloaks

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    This work presents a comprehensive study of the cloak for bending waves theoretically proposed by Farhat et al. [see Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 024301 (2009)] and later on experimentally realized by Stenger et al. [see Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 014301 (2012)]. This study uses a semi-analytical approach, the multilayer scattering method, which is based in the Kirchoff-Love wave equation for flexural waves in thin plates. Our approach was unable to reproduce the predicted behavior of the theoretically proposed cloak. This disagreement is here explained in terms of the simplified wave equation employed in the cloak design, which employed unusual boundary conditions for the cloaking shell. However, our approach reproduces fairly well the measured displacement maps for the fabricated cloak, indicating the validity of our approach. Also, the cloak quality has been here analyzed using the so called averaged visibility and the scattering cross section. The results obtained from both analysis let us to conclude that there is room for further improvements of this type of flexural wave cloak by using better design procedures. (C) 2016 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad and the European Union Fondo Europeo para el Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) under Grant with Ref. TEC2014-53088-C3-1-R. We gratefully acknowledge Nicolas Stenger for providing us the parameters listed in Table I.Climente Alarcón, A.; Torrent Martí, D.; Sánchez-Dehesa Moreno-Cid, J. (2016). Analysis of flexural wave cloaks. AIP Advances. 6(12):121704-1-121705-16. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4968611S121704-1121705-1661

    Does the experience of imprisonment affect optimism about reentry?

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    Desistance research has linked prison inmate expectations with positive outcomes after release, but very little research addresses what makes them optimistic about their future. Using data from a representative sample, this article analyzes whether the manner in which a prison sentence is served impacts expectations about reentry. Results show that experiencing harsh prison conditions makes incarcerees more pessimistic about reentry, while receiving family support during imprisonment has the opposite effect. Given that the mission of the prison system is to prepare prisoners for a successful reentry, this study has several implications for correctional agencies