185 research outputs found

    A galactic microquasar mimicking winged radio galaxies

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    A subclass of extragalactic radio sources known as winged radio galaxies has puzzled astronomers for many years. The wing features are detected at radio wavelengths as low-surface-brightness radio lobes that are clearly misaligned with respect to the main lobe axis. Different models compete to account for these peculiar structures. Here, we report observational evidence that the parsec-scale radio jets in the Galactic microquasar GRS 1758-258 give rise to a Z-shaped radio emission strongly reminiscent of the X and Z-shaped morphologies found in winged radio galaxies. This is the first time that such extended emission features are observed in a microquasar, providing a new analogy for its extragalactic relatives. From our observations, we can clearly favour the hydrodynamic backflow interpretation against other possible wing formation scenarios. Assuming that physical processes are similar, we can extrapolate this conclusion and suggest that this mechanism could also be at work in many extragalactic cases

    Dyrk1A haploinsufficiency affects viability and causes developmental delay and abnormal brain morphology in mice

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    DYRK1A is the human orthologue of the Drosophila minibrain (mnb) gene, which is involved in postembryonic neurogenesis in flies. Because of its mapping position on chromosome 21 and the neurobehavioral alterations shown by mice overexpressing this gene, involvement of DYRK1A in some of the neurological defects of Down syndrome patients has been suggested. To gain insight into its physiological role, we have generated mice deficient in Dyrk1A function by gene targeting. Dyrk1A(−/−) null mutants presented a general growth delay and died during midgestation. Mice heterozygous for the mutation (Dyrk1A(+/−)) showed decreased neonatal viability and a significant body size reduction from birth to adulthood. General neurobehavioral analysis revealed preweaning developmental delay of Dyrk1A(+/−) mice and specific alterations in adults. Brains of Dyrk1A(+/−) mice were decreased in size in a region-specific manner, although the cytoarchitecture and neuronal components in most areas were not altered. Cell counts showed increased neuronal densities in some brain regions and a specific decrease in the number of neurons in the superior colliculus, which exhibited a significant size reduction. These data provide evidence about the nonredundant, vital role of Dyrk1A and suggest a conserved mode of action that determines normal growth and brain size in both mice and flies

    Inflammatory Response of Ischemic Tolerance in Circulating Plasma : Preconditioning-Induced by Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) Phenomena in Acute Ischemia Patients (AIS)

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    Ischemic tolerance (IT) refers to a state where cells are resistant to the damaging effects caused by periods of ischemia. In a clinical scenario, the IT phenomenon would be activated by a recent transient ischemic attack (TIA) before an ischemic stroke (IS). The characterization of inflammatory protein expression patterns will contribute to improved understanding of IT. A total of 477 IS patients from nine hospitals, recruited between January 2011 and January 2016, were included in the current study and divided in three groups: 438 (91.9%) patients without previous TIA (group 1), 22 (4.6%) patients who suffered TIA 24 h before IS (group 2), and 17 (3.5%) patients who suffered TIA between 24 h and 7 days prior to IS (group 3). An inflammatory biomarker panel (IL-6, NT-proBNP, hsCRP, hs-Troponin, NSE, and S-100b) on plasma and a cytokine antibody array was performed to achieve the preconditioning signature potentially induced by TIA phenomena. Primary outcome was modified rankin scale (mRs) score at 90 days. Recent previous TIA was associated with better clinical outcome at 90 days (median mRS of group 1: 2.0 [1.0-4.0]; group 2: 2.0 [0.0-3.0]; group 3: 1.0 [0-2.5]; p = 0.086) and smaller brain lesion (group 1: 3.7 [0.7-18.3]; group 2: 0.8 [0.3-8.9]; group 3: 0.6 [0.1-5.5] mL; p = 0.006). All inflammation biomarkers were down regulated in the groups of recent TIA prior to IS compared to those who did not suffer a TIA events. Moreover, a cytokine antibody array revealed 30 differentially expressed proteins between the three groups. Among them, HRG1-alpha (Fold change 74.4 between group 1 and 2; 74.2 between group 1 and 3) and MAC-1 (Fold change 0.05 between group 1 and 2; 0.06 between group 1 and 3) expression levels would better stratify patients with TIA 7 days before IS. These two proteins showed an earlier inflammation profile that was not detectable by the biomarker panel. Inflammatory pathways were activated by transient ischemic attack, however the period of time between this event and a further ischemic stroke could be determined by a protein signature that would contribute to define the role of ischemic tolerance induced by TIA

    The emergence of classical BSE from atypical/Nor98 scrapie

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    Atypical/Nor98 scrapie (AS) is a prion disease of small ruminants. Currently there are no efficient measures to control this form of prion disease, and, importantly, the zoonotic potential and the risk that AS might represent for other farmed animal species remains largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the capacity of AS to propagate in bovine PrP transgenic mice. Unexpectedly, the transmission of AS isolates originating from 5 different European countries to bovine PrP mice resulted in the propagation of the classical BSE (c-BSE) agent. Detection of prion seeding activity in vitro by protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) demonstrated that low levels of the c-BSE agent were present in the original AS isolates. C-BSE prion seeding activity was also detected in brain tissue of ovine PrP mice inoculated with limiting dilutions (endpoint titration) of ovine AS isolates. These results are consistent with the emergence and replication of c-BSE prions during the in vivo propagation of AS isolates in the natural host. These data also indicate that c-BSE prions, a known zonotic agent in humans, can emerge as a dominant prion strain during passage of AS between different species. These findings provide an unprecedented insight into the evolution of mammalian prion strain properties triggered by intra- and interspecies passage. From a public health perspective, the presence of c-BSE in AS isolates suggest that cattle exposure to small ruminant tissues and products could lead to new occurrences of c-BSE.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The emergence of classical BSE from atypical/Nor98 scrapie.

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    Atypical/Nor98 scrapie (AS) is a prion disease of small ruminants. Currently there are no efficient measures to control this form of prion disease, and, importantly, the zoonotic potential and the risk that AS might represent for other farmed animal species remains largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the capacity of AS to propagate in bovine PrP transgenic mice. Unexpectedly, the transmission of AS isolates originating from 5 different European countries to bovine PrP mice resulted in the propagation of the classical BSE (c-BSE) agent. Detection of prion seeding activity in vitro by protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) demonstrated that low levels of the c-BSE agent were present in the original AS isolates. C-BSE prion seeding activity was also detected in brain tissue of ovine PrP mice inoculated with limiting dilutions (endpoint titration) of ovine AS isolates. These results are consistent with the emergence and replication of c-BSE prions during the in vivo propagation of AS isolates in the natural host. These data also indicate that c-BSE prions, a known zonotic agent in humans, can emerge as a dominant prion strain during passage of AS between different species. These findings provide an unprecedented insight into the evolution of mammalian prion strain properties triggered by intra- and interspecies passage. From a public health perspective, the presence of c-BSE in AS isolates suggest that cattle exposure to small ruminant tissues and products could lead to new occurrences of c-BSE.This work was funded by FEDER POCTEFA TRANSPRION (EFA282/13) and REDPRION (EFA148/16), by the UK Food Standards Agency Exploring permeability of the species barrier (M03043 and FS231051), by the European Union through FP7 222887 “Priority”, the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad [AGL2016-78054-R (AEI/FEDER, UE). A.M.-M. was supported by a fellowship from the INIA (FPI-SGIT-2015-02), and P.A.-C. was supported by a fellowship from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (BES-2010-040922)

    Frequency and Clinicopathological Profile Associated with Braf Mutations in Patients with Advanced Melanoma in Spain

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    Real-world data on BRAF mutation frequency in advanced melanoma are lacking in Spain. Moreover, data available on clinicopathological profile of patients with advanced BRAF-mutant melanoma are currently limited. This study aimed to assess the frequency of BRAF V600 mutations in Spanish patients with advanced or metastatic melanoma and to identify clinical and histopathological features associated with BRAF-mutated tumors. A multicenter, cross-sectional epidemiological study was conducted in 33 Spanish hospitals in adult patients with stage IIIc/IV melanoma. A total of 264 patients were included. The median age was 68 years and 57% were male. Melanoma mainly involved skin with intermittent (40.4%) and low or no sun exposure (43.5%). Most patients (85.6%) had stage IV disease (M1a: 19.3%; M1b: 13.3%; M1c: 22.7%). Serum lactate dehydrogenase levels were elevated in 20% of patients. Superficial spreading melanoma was the most frequent histological type (29.9%). Samples were predominantly obtained from metastases (62.7%), mostly from skin and soft tissues (80%). BRAF mutation analysis was primarily performed using the Cobas 4800 BRAF V600 Mutation Test (92.8%) on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue (95.8%). BRAF mutations were detected in 41.3% of samples. Multivariate analysis identified age (odd ratio [OR] 0.975) and stage IV M1a (OR 2.716) as independent factors associated with BRAF mutation. The frequency of BRAF mutations in tumor samples from patients with advanced or metastatic melanoma in Spain was 41.3%. BRAF mutations seem to be more frequent in younger patients and stage M1a patients. This study provides the basis for further investigation regarding BRAF-mutated advanced melanoma in larger cohorts.This study was sponsored by Roche Farma S.A

    Model d'atenció integrada al pacient crònic: insuficiència cardíaca (IC), malaltia pulmonar obstructiva crònica (MPOC)

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    Atenció al pacient crònic; Insuficiència cardíaca; Malaltia pulmonar obstructiva crònicaAtención al paciente crónico; Insuficiencia cardíaca; Enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónicaChronic patient care; Heart failure; Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseAquest document pretén establir un marc d’actuació per a la transformació a mitjà termini de l’atenció que es presta als i les pacients crònics des de l’Institut Català de la Salut (ICS), però tenint en compte que molts dels canvis necessaris només són possibles si s’estableixen els mecanismes de col·laboració adequats entre tots els actors del sistema, específicament, si s’estableixen els incentius per tal de garantir-ne la continuïtat, i si evolucionem cap a un model d’atenció que curi i tingui cura dels i les pacients, i alhora serveixi també per reduir les hospitalitzacions innecessàries. L’abordatge s’ha fet escollint la insuficiència cardíaca (IC) i la malaltia pulmonar obstructiva crònica (MPOC), perquè són dues de les malalties que tenen un major impacte en dependència, discapacitat, qualitat de vida i anys de vida perduts al nostre país, i també, perquè concentren una part molt important del cost de la cronicitat

    Elevated urine BMP phospholipids in LRRK2 and VPS35 mutation carriers with and without Parkinson's disease

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    Participant demographic and clinical characteristics, and urine BMP phospholipid levels. For each participant, sample collection site is provided as: BCN (Barcelona), VIE (Vienna), DND (Dundee), or SSB (San Sebastian). Also provided are age at study participation, age at PD diagnosis (where applicable), sex (M, for male, and F, for female), experimental group (control, iPD –idiopathic PD –, LRRK2 G2019S, LRRK2 R1441G/C, VPS35 D620N, GBA, or other), and PD status (NMC for non-manifesting mutation carriers, or PD). Values for all measured BMP species presented as ng of BMP per mg of creatinine are provided. Additionally, urine creatinine (mg/ml) and non-normalized BMP levels are provided. BQL designates BMP levels that were below quantification level and NM designates values that were not measured for a particular individual

    First-line treatment in lymphomatoid papulosis: a retrospective multicentre study

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    Background: Data regarding response to treatment in lymphomatoid papulosis (LyP) are scarce. Aim: To assess the daily clinical practice approach to LyP and the response to first-line treatments. Methods: This was a retrospective study enrolling 252 patients with LyP. Results: Topical steroids, methotrexate and phototherapy were the most common first-line treatments, prescribed for 35%, 20% and 14% of the patients, respectively. Complete response (CR) was achieved in 48% of treated patients. Eczematous lesions significantly increased relative risk (RR) of not achieving CR (RR = 1.76; 95% CI 1.16-2.11). Overall median time to CR was 10 months (95% CI 6-13 months), and 78% of complete responders showed cutaneous relapse; both results were similar for all treatment groups (P > 0.05). Overall estimated median disease-free survival (DFS) was 11 months (95% CI 9-13 months) but DFS for patients treated with phototherapy was 23 months (95% CI 10-36 months; P < 0.03). Having the Type A LyP variant (RR = 2.04; 95% CI 0.96-4.30) and receiving a first-line treatment other than phototherapy (RR = 5.33; 95% CI 0.84-33.89) were significantly associated with cutaneous early relapse. Of the 252 patients, 31 (13%) had associated mycosis fungoides unrelated to therapeutic approach, type of LyP or T-cell receptor clonality. Conclusions: Current epidemiological, clinical and pathological data support previous results. Topical steroids, phototherapy and methotrexate are the most frequently prescribed first-line treatments. Although CR and cutaneous relapse rates do not differ between them, phototherapy achieves a longer DFS. Presence of Type A LyP and use of topical steroid or methotrexate were associated with an increased risk of early relapse