11 research outputs found

    TWEAK/Fn14 and non-canonical NF-kappaB signaling in kidney disease

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    The incidence of acute kidney injury (AKI) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) is increasing. However, there is no effective therapy for AKI and current approaches only slow down, but do not prevent progression of CKD. TWEAK is a TNF superfamily cytokine. A solid base of preclinical data suggests a role of therapies targeting the TWEAK or its receptor Fn14 in AKI and CKD. In particular TWEAK/Fn14 targeting may preserve renal function and decrease cell death, inflammation, proteinuria, and fibrosis in mouse animal models. Furthermore there is clinical evidence for a role of TWEAK in human kidney injury including increased tissue and/or urinary levels of TWEAK and parenchymal renal cell expression of the receptor Fn14. In this regard, clinical trials of TWEAK targeting are ongoing in lupus nephritis. Nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) activation plays a key role in TWEAK-elicited inflammatory responses. Activation of the non-canonical NF-κB pathway is a critical difference between TWEAK and TNF. TWEAK activation of the non-canonical NF-κB pathways promotes inflammatory responses in tubular cells. However, there is an incomplete understanding of the role of non-canonical NF-κB activation in kidney disease and on its contribution to TWEAK actions in vivo.Grant support: ISCII and FEDER funds FIS PS09/00447, ISCIII-RETIC REDinREN/RD06/0016, RD12/0021, Comunidad de Madrid/CIFRA/S2010/BMD-2378. Salary support: FIS to MDSN, Programa Intensificación Actividad Investigadora (ISCIII/Agencia Laín-Entralgo/CM) to AO, FPU (Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte) to JP, Fundacion Conchita Rabago to LCT

    Estructura del N-[2-(3-etil-indol)-piridoxaldimina]

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    Volume: 11Start Page: 305End Page: 31

    La dial\ue9ctica de la iron\ueda tr\ue1gica en Solger y lasecularizaci\uf3n de la muerte. Un intento de actualizaci\uf3n cr\uedtica

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    L'ironia \ue8 tragica, sia quando la si intende in modo artistico sia quando \ue8 vissuta nell'esperienza diretta. Ci\uf2 la rende particolarmente adatta a contribuire a una secolarizzazione della morte in modo da non viverla pi\uf9 come evento metafisico bens\uec come parte integrante della vita

    The control and generation of technology in European food and beverage multinationals

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    32 págs.Using a sample of 59 major European food and beverage multinationals and their 8,432 subsidiaries worldwide, we study the characteristics and evolution over time of their inventions. In doing so, we analyse: i) 8,626 EPO applications filed by these companies between 1978 and 2005; ii) 3,650 US patents they applied for between 1978 and 2001; iii) more than 2,000 patent families of three different kinds; and iv) the location of their R&D entres of excellence. We find that the internationalisation of invention is in reality chiefly a European phenomenon for these companies, which also tend to retain their key R&D strategic assets within their home countries or in neighbouring countries. The innovations of EU-based companies which are most closely related to their core businesses tend to be located in EU countries; however, such companies do not display a geographical preference with regard to high value or technically complex innovations, which are generated at home and abroad and inside and outside the EU. From these findings we extract conclusions relevant to European R&D policy.Peer reviewe

    Gu?a r?pidas de consultor?a telef?nica m?dica y de enfermer?a

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    Gu?a de consulta para o persoal m?dico e de enfermar?a que desenvolve o seu traballo en centros de coordinaci?n telef?nica para a atenci?n ?s urxencias e ?s emerxencias sanitarias. Est? estruturada en 12 cap?tulos nos que describen os principais protocolos de actuaci?n para a asistencia ?s patolox?as m?is com?ns atendidas no ?mbito de urxencias extra hospitalarias.Gu?a de consulta para el personal m?dico y de enfermer?a que desarrolla su trabajo en centros de coordinaci?n telef?nica para la atenci?n a las urgencias y a las emergencias sanitarias. Est? estructurada en 12 cap?tulos en los que describen los principales protocolos de actuaci?n para la asistencia a las patolog?as m?s comunes atendidas en el ?mbito de urgencias extra hospitalarias