386 research outputs found

    Processing and Freezing Methods Influencing the Consistency and Quality of Fresh and Frozen Peeled Crawfish (Procambarus Sp.) Meat.

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    The production and processing of freshwater crawfish (Procambarus sp.) is an important seafood industry in Louisiana. Year round availability of a consistently high quality product will help maximize marketability of peeled crawfish meat. This study addressed several quality problems associated with fresh and frozen crawfish meat. Fresh, peeled crawfish meat is frequently packaged with hepatopancreas for added flavor in prepared dishes. Sporadic development of mushiness in crawfish meat packed with hepatopancreas was an unpredictable problem for crawfish processors. Hepatopancreatic enzymes were thought to be causing proteoloysis of ice-stored meat. Study results showed significant effects (p 3˘c\u3c 0.01) of cooking time on the texture of ice-stored meat. Gelatin degradation by hepatopancreas proved to be a good indicator of enzyme activity and adequacy of blanch treatment. A popular preference for red swamp crawfish (P. clarkii) over white river crawfish (P. acutus acutus) is maintained by many processors and consumers. Both species are harvested simultaneously in mixed proportions. Easily recognizable exterior physical characteristics distinguish the two species. Sensory differences of processed tail meat had not been determined. Results showed insignificant differences (p 3˘e\u3e 0.05) in texture and flavor between the two species. Significant differences (p 3˘c\u3c 0.0005) in color were determined. The reddish color of the meat and hepatopancreas could be a source of preference for red swamp crawfish. Freezing fresh seafood can provide year round supplies of high quality products. Freezing and frozen storage have been associated with quality deterioration in seafoods. Toughness, excessive drip loss, and moisture loss can be significant quality defects in frozen seafoods, such as crawfish meat. Four freezing and two packaging methods were studied to determine effects on initial meat quality and during -23\sp\circC storage. Freezing method had little effect on microbiological quality indicators, although frozen storage and packaging with hepatopancreas did. Freezing method did not significantly affect meat texture. Frozen storage significantly (p 3˘c\u3c 0.001) increased toughness. Cryogenic freezing significantly reduced meat drip loss (p 3˘c\u3c 0.001) and increased (p 3˘c\u3c 0.05) moisture content. Packaging with hepatopancreas significantly increased drip loss (p 3˘c\u3c 0.0001) and moisture (p 3˘c\u3c 0.05), and reduced toughness (p 3˘c\u3c 0.0001). Results indicate that cryogenic freezing produces better and longer lasting quality in frozen crawfish meat

    Handbook on Virginia Civil Procedure, A Guide to Legal Research in Virginia

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    Professor Bryson\u27s Handbook on Virginia Civil Procedure ( Handbook ) which is now out in an expanded second edition, was written as an introduction to Virginia civil procedure for the students who study with him at the T.C. Williams School of Law at the University of Richmond. However, it will find an appreciative audience among two other distinct and occasionally overlapping groups of readers: active litigators who seek a ready reference on Virginia\u27s civil-law procedures and practices, and legal history buffs who enjoy an excursus on the Anglo-American antecedents of Virginia\u27s sometimes unique approach to civil litigation

    Review of Lives of Victorian Literary Figures I, George Eliot, Charles Dickens, Alfred, Lord Tennyson

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    Like Pickering and Chatto\u27s Lives of the Great Romantics, these volumes, each one devoted to a major Victorian writer, offer a collection of facsimile reproductions of 19th or early 20th century essays, reviews and extracts from memoirs and biographies with the emphasis, according to Ralph Pite\u27s \u27General Introduction\u27, on material hard to find outside copyright libraries. Each volume contains a thoughtful and illuminating introduction; pithy but highly informative headnotes to each item, outlining the personal relationship (if any) and general attitude of its author towards Eliot, Dickens or Tennyson and in the process attuning our ears to the sound of the grinding of various axes; and helpful annotation of the selected texts, especially in the Tennyson volume (69 pages of notes as opposed to 15 for Eliot and 13 for Dickens). An admirably detailed analytical index appears at the end of Vol. 3 and the books are handsomely produced, apart from some unfortunate instances of clumsy photocopying resulting in distortions of the text adjacent to the right-hand margin

    Global Precipitation Measurement

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    This chapter begins with a brief history and background of microwave precipitation sensors, with a discussion of the sensitivity of both passive and active instruments, to trace the evolution of satellite-based rainfall techniques from an era of inference to an era of physical measurement. Next, the highly successful Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission will be described, followed by the goals and plans for the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission and the status of precipitation retrieval algorithm development. The chapter concludes with a summary of the need for space-based precipitation measurement, current technological capabilities, near-term algorithm advancements and anticipated new sciences and societal benefits in the GPM era

    The Multiple Meanings of “Hybrid”: Studying Adult Student Experiences in Hybrid (Web-Enhanced) Classes While Learning How to do Qualitative Research

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    This paper has a two-fold or “hybrid” purpose: (1) to discuss the results of a qualitative study of adult students experiences of web-enhanced or hybrid classes, and (2) to briefly discuss the process of learning to do qualitative research while conducting this study in a qualitative research methods class