15,476 research outputs found

    Global detailed gravimetric geoid

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    A global detailed gravimetric geoid has been computed by combining the Goddard Space Flight Center GEM-4 gravity model derived from satellite and surface gravity data and surface 1 deg-by-1 deg mean free air gravity anomaly data. The accuracy of the geoid is + or - 2 meters on continents, 5 to 7 meters in areas where surface gravity data are sparse, and 10 to 15 meters in areas where no surface gravity data are available. Comparisons have been made with the astrogeodetic data provided by Rice (United States), Bomford (Europe), and Mather (Australia). Comparisons have also been carried out with geoid heights derived from satellite solutions for geocentric station coordinates in North America, the Caribbean, Europe, and Australia

    Global detailed geoid computation and model analysis

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    Comparisons and analyses were carried out through the use of detailed gravimetric geoids which we have computed by combining models with a set of 26,000 1 deg x 1 deg mean free air gravity anomalies. The accuracy of the detailed gravimetric geoid computed using the most recent Goddard earth model (GEM-6) in conjunction with the set of 1 deg x 1 deg mean free air gravity anomalies is assessed at + or - 2 meters on the continents of North America, Europe, and Australia, 2 to 5 meters in the Northeast Pacific and North Atlantic areas, and 5 to 10 meters in other areas where surface gravity data are sparse. The R.M.S. differences between this detailed geoid and the detailed geoids computed using the other satellite gravity fields in conjuction with same set of surface data range from 3 to 7 meters

    Wanted Dead or Alive? The Relative Value of Reef Sharks as a Fishery and an Ecotourism Asset in Palau

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    Over the last 20 years, ecotourism to view and interact with marine megafauna has become increasingly popular (Higham and Lück 2008). Examples of this type of tourism include turtle and whale watching, snorkelling with seals and shark diving (Jacobson and Robles 1992; Anderson and Ahmed 1993; Orams 2002; Kirkwood et al. 2003; Dearden et al. 2008; Dicken and Hosking 2009). The occurrence of many aggregations of megafauna along the coasts of regional areas remote from centres of population means that such tourism also provides significant flow-on effects and diversification to local economies where few alternative sources of income exist (Milne 1990; Garrod and Wilson 2004). Importantly, the development of a well-managed ecotourism industry based on megafauna provides the opportunity for local people to utilise natural resources in a sustainable manner over the long-term (Mau 2008). The economic value of tourism based on marine megafauna is enormous. In 2008, a study of whale watching estimated that this form of tourism was available in 119 countries, involved approximately 13 million participants and generated an income to operators and supporting businesses (hotels, restaurants and souvenirs) of over US2.1billion(OConnoretal.2009).ThisindustryisestimatedtohavethepotentialtogenerateannualrevenuesofoverUS2.1 billion (O'Connor et al. 2009). This industry is estimated to have the potential to generate annual revenues of over US2.5 billion (Cisneros-Montemayor et al. 2010). The development of whale watching has been paralleled by growth in tourism based on other types of marine megafauna. In particular, tourism to observe sharks and rays has become increasingly common. At the forefront of this relatively new market are industries that focus on whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) with estimates calculated in 2004 suggesting that these generated more than US$47.5 million worldwide, providing important revenues to developing countries such as Ecuador, Thailand and Mozambique (Graham 2004). Diving with other species of sharks has followed a similar trend of growing popularity. In 2005, it was estimated that approximately 500,000 divers were engaged in shark-diving activities worldwide (Topelko and Dearden 2005). An increasing range of opportunities for this type of tourism are available, including cage diving, shark feeding and drift diving with reef and oceanic sharks. Shark-diving tourism can be found in more than 40 countries (Carwardine and Watterson 2002), with new destinations and target species being established rapidly, due to the increasing recognition of the economic potential of this activity (Dicken and Hosking 2009; De la Cruz Modino et al. 2010)

    A Radial Velocity Study of CTCV J1300-3052

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    We present time-resolved spectroscopy of the eclipsing, short period cataclysmic variable CTCV J1300-3052. Using absorption features from the secondary star, we determine the radial velocity semi-amplitude of the secondary star to be K2 = 378 \pm 6 km/s, and its projected rotational velocity to be v sin i = 125 \pm 7 km/s. Using these parameters and Monte Carlo techniques, we obtain masses of M1 = 0.79 \pm 0.05 MSun for the white dwarf primary and M2 = 0.198 \pm 0.029 MSun for the M-type secondary star. These parameters are found to be in excellent agreement with previous mass determinations found via photometric fitting techniques, supporting the accuracy and validity of photometric mass determinations in short period CVs.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS (24th January 2012). 10 pages, 9 figures (black and white

    Analyses for precision reduced optical observations from the international satellite geodesy experiment (ISAGEX)

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    During the time period of December 1970 to September 1971 an International Satllite Geodesy Experiment (ISAGEX) was conducted. Over fifty optical and laser tracking stations participated in the data gathering portion of this experiment. Data from some of the stations had not been previously available for dynamical orbit computations. With the recent availability of new data from the Astrosoviet, East European and other optical stations, orbital analyses were conducted to insure compatibility with the previously available laser data. These data have also been analyzed using dynamical orbital techniques for the estimation of estimation of geocentric coordinates for six camera stations (for Astrosoviet, two East European). Thirteen arcs of GEOS-1 and 2 observations between two and four days in length were used. The uncertainty in these new station values is considered to be about 20 meters in each coordinate. Adjustments to the previously available values were generally a few hundred meters. With these geocentric coordinates these data will now be used to supplement earth physics investigations during the ISAGEX

    Detailed gravimetric geoid confirmation of short wavelength features of sea surface topography detected by the Skylab S-193 altimeter in the Atlantic Ocean

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    A detailed gravimetric geoid was computed for the Northwest Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea area in support of the calibration and evaluation of the GEOS-C altimeter. This geoid, computed on a 15 ft. x 15 ft. grid was based upon a combination of surface gravity data with the GSFC GEM-6 satellite derived gravity data. A comparison of this gravimetric geoid with 10 passes of SKYLAB altimeter data is presented. The agreement of the two data types is quite good with the differences generally less than 2 meters. Sea surface manifestations of numerous short wavelength (approximately 100 km) oceanographic features are now indicated in the gravimetric geoid and are also confirmed by the altimetry data

    A comparison and evaluation of satellite derived positions of tracking stations

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    A comparison is presented of sets of satellite tracking station coordinate values published in the past few years by a number of investigators, i.e. Goddard Space Flight Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Ohio State University, The Naval Weapons Laboratory, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, and Wallops Island. The comparisons have been made in terms of latitude, longitude and height. The results of the various solutions have been compared directly and also with external standards such as local survey data and gravimetrically derived geoid heights. After taking into account systematic rotations, latitude and longitude agreement on a global basis is generally 15 meters or better, on the North American Datum agreement is generally better than 10 meters. Allowing for scale differences (of the order of 2 ppm) radial agreement is generally of the order of 10 meters

    The Grassmannian Sigma Model in SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory

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    Spin-charge separation in pure SU(2) Yang-Mills theory was recently found to involve the dynamics of an O(3) non-linear sigma model and, seemingly, a Grassmannian non-linear sigma model. In this article we explicitly construct the Grassmannian sigma model of the form appearing in the the spin-charge separated SU(2) theory through a quaternionic decomposition of the manifold, thus verifying its relevance in this context. The coupling between this model and the O(3) non-linear sigma model is further commented upon.Comment: 11 pages, undergraduate research project; version published in J. Phys.

    Tests and comparisons of satellite derived geoids with Skylab altimeter data

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    The SKYLAB-193 radar altimeter was operated nearly continuously around the world on January 31, 1974. This direct measurement of the sea surface topography provided an independent basis for the evaluation of global geoids computed from satellite derived gravity models. The differences between the altimeter geoid and the satellite geoids were as large as 25 meters with rms values ranging from 8 to 10 meters. These differences also indicated a systematic long wavelength variation (approximately 100 deg) not related to error in the SKYLAB orbits. Truncation of the models to degree and order eight did not eliminate the long wavelength variation, but in every case the rms agreement between satellite and altimeter geoids was improved. Orbits computed with the truncated models were in contrast found to be inferior to those computed using the complete models

    The Axiverse Extended: Vacuum Destabilisation, Early Dark Energy and Cosmological Collapse

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    A model is presented in the philosophy of the "String Axiverse" of Arvanitaki et al (arXiv:0905.4720v2 [hep-th]) that incorporates a coupling of ultralight axions to their corresponding moduli through the mass term. The light fields roll in their potentials at late times and contribute to the dark sector energy densities in the cosmological expansion. The addition of a coupling and extra field greatly enrich the possible phenomenology of the axiverse. There are a number of interesting phases where the axion and modulus components behave as Dark Matter or Dark Energy and can have considerable and distinct effects on the expansion history of the universe by modifying the equation of state in the past or causing possible future collapse of the universe. In future such a coupling may help to alleviate fine tuning problems for cosmological axions. We motivate and present the model, and briefly explore its cosmological consequences numerically.Comment: 13 pages, 17 figures, published in PRD. v3: corrected SUSY interpretation of axion potential scal