1,710 research outputs found

    Introduction To The Issue On Interdiffused Quantum-well Materials And Devices

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    Boundaries of Semantic Distraction: Dominance and Lexicality Act at Retrieval

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    Three experiments investigated memory for semantic information with the goal of determining boundary conditions for the manifestation of semantic auditory distraction. Irrelevant speech disrupted the free recall of semantic category-exemplars to an equal degree regardless of whether the speech coincided with presentation or test phases of the task (Experiment 1) and occurred regardless of whether it comprised random words or coherent sentences (Experiment 2). The effects of background speech were greater when the irrelevant speech was semantically related to the to-be-remembered material, but only when the irrelevant words were high in output dominance (Experiment 3). The implications of these findings in relation to the processing of task material and the processing of background speech is discussed

    Time to onset of cannabidiol (CBD) treatment effect in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome: Analysis from two randomized controlled trials

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate time to onset of cannabidiol (CBD) treatment effect (seizure reduction and adverse events [AEs]), we conducted post hoc analyses of data from two randomized, placebo-controlled, Phase 3 trials, GWPCARE3 (NCT02224560) and GWPCARE4 (NCT02224690), of patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. METHODS: Patients received plant-derived pharmaceutical formulation of highly purified CBD (Epidiolex, 100 mg/ml oral solution) at 10 mg/kg/day (CBD10; GWPCARE3) or 20 mg/kg/day (CBD20; both trials) or placebo for 14 weeks. Treatment started at 2.5 mg/kg/day for all groups and reached 10 mg/kg/day on Day 7 and 20 mg/kg/day (CBD20 and matching placebo only) on Day 11. Percentage change from baseline in drop seizure frequency was calculated by cumulative day (i.e., including all previous days). Time to onset and resolution of AEs were evaluated. RESULTS: Overall, 235 patients received CBD (CBD10 [GWPCARE3 only], n = 67; CBD20 [pooled GWPCARE3&4], n = 168) and 161 received placebo. Mean (range) age was 15.3 years (2.6-48.0). Patients had previously discontinued a median (range) of six (0-28) antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) and were currently taking a median of three (0-5) AEDs. Differences in drop seizure reduction between placebo and CBD emerged during the titration period and became nominally significant by Day 6 (p = .008) for pooled CBD treatment groups. Separation between placebo and CBD in ≥50% responder rate emerged by Day 6. Onset of the first reported AE occurred during the titration period in 45% of patients (CBD10, 46%; CBD20, 52%; placebo, 38%). In patients with AEs, resolution occurred within 4 weeks of onset in 53% of placebo and 39% of CBD patients and by end of study in 63% of placebo and 61% of CBD patients. SIGNIFICANCE: Treatment effect (efficacy and AEs) of CBD may occur within 1 week of starting treatment. Although AEs lasted longer for CBD than placebo, most resolved within the 14-week period

    Electron spin resonance in membrane research: protein–lipid interactions from challenging beginnings to state of the art

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    Conventional electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of lipids that are spin-labelled close to the terminal methyl end of the acyl chains are able to resolve the lipids directly contacting the protein from those in the fluid bilayer regions of the membrane. This allows determination of both the stoichiometry of lipid–protein interaction (i.e., number of lipid sites at the protein perimeter) and the selectivity of the protein for different lipid species (i.e., association constants relative to the background lipid). Spin-label EPR data are summarised for 20 or more different transmembrane peptides and proteins, and 7 distinct species of lipids. Lineshape simulations of the two-component conventional spin-label EPR spectra allow estimation of the rate at which protein-associated lipids exchange with those in the bulk fluid regions of the membrane. For lipids that do not display a selectivity for the protein, the intrinsic off-rates for exchange are in the region of 10 MHz: less than 10× slower than the rates of diffusive exchange in fluid lipid membranes. Lipids with an affinity for the protein, relative to the background lipid, have off-rates for leaving the protein that are correspondingly slower. Non-linear EPR, which depends on saturation of the spectrum at high radiation intensities, is optimally sensitive to dynamics on the timescale of spin-lattice relaxation, i.e., the microsecond regime. Both progressive saturation and saturation transfer EPR experiments provide definitive evidence that lipids at the protein interface are exchanging on this timescale. The sensitivity of non-linear EPR to low frequencies of spin exchange also allows the location of spin-labelled membrane protein residues relative to those of spin-labelled lipids, in double-labelling experiments

    Torosaurus Is Not Triceratops: Ontogeny in Chasmosaurine Ceratopsids as a Case Study in Dinosaur Taxonomy

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    Background: In horned dinosaurs, taxonomy is complicated by the fact that the cranial ornament that distinguishes species changes with age. Based on this observation, it has been proposed that the genera Triceratops and Torosaurus are in fact synonymous, with specimens identified as Torosaurus representing the adult form of Triceratops. The hypothesis of synonymy makes three testable predictions: 1) the species in question should have similar geographic and stratigraphic distributions, 2) specimens assigned to Torosaurus should be more mature than those assigned to Triceratops, and 3) intermediates should exist that combine features of Triceratops and Torosaurus. The first condition appears to be met, but it remains unclear whether the other predictions are borne out by the fossil evidence. Methodology/Principal Findings: We assessed the relative maturity of Torosaurus and Triceratops specimens by coding skulls for characters that vary with maturity, and then using a clustering analysis to arrange them into a growth series. We found that a well-defined sequence of changes exists in horned dinosaurs: development of cranial ornament occurs in juveniles, followed by fusion of the skull roof in subadults, and finally, the epoccipitals, epijugals, and rostral fuse to the skull in adults. Using this scheme, we identified mature and immature individuals of both Torosaurus and Triceratops. Furthermore, we describe the ventral depressions on the frill of Triceratops, and show that they differ in shape and position from the parietal fenestrae of Torosaurus. Thus, we conclude that these structures are not intermediates between the soli

    Intestinal stem cells lacking the Math1 tumour suppressor are refractory to Notch inhibitors

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    Intestinal cells are constantly produced from a stem cell reservoir that gives rise to proliferating transient amplifying cells, which subsequently differentiate into one of the four principal cell types. Signalling pathways, including the Notch signalling pathway, coordinate these differentiation processes and their deregulation may cause cancer. Pharmacological inhibition through γ-secretase inhibitors or genetic inactivation of the Notch signalling pathway results in the complete loss of proliferating crypt progenitors due to their conversion into post-mitotic goblet cells. The basic helix–loop–helix transcription factor Math1 is essential for intestinal secretory cell differentiation. Because of the critical roles of both Math1 and Notch signalling in intestinal homeostasis and neoplastic transformation, we sought to determine the genetic hierarchy regulating the differentiation of intestinal stem cells into secretory cells. In this paper, we demonstrate that the conversion of intestinal stem cells into goblet cells upon inhibition of the Notch signalling pathway requires Math1

    Exploring the context of sedentary behaviour in older adults (what, where, why, when and with whom)

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    BACKGROUND: Older adults are the most sedentary segment of the population. Little information is available about the context of sedentary behaviour to inform guidelines and intervention. There is a dearth of information about when, where to intervene and which specific behaviours intervention should target. The aim of this exploratory study was to obtain objective information about what older adults do when sedentary, where and when they are sedentary and in what social context. METHODS: The study was a cross-sectional data collection. Older adults (Mean age = 73.25, SD ± 5.48, median = 72, IQR = 11) volunteers wore activPAL monitors and a Vicon Revue timelapse camera between 1 and 7 days. Periods of sedentary behaviour were identified using the activPAL and the context extracted from the pictures taken during these periods. Analysis of context was conducted using the Sedentary Behaviour International Taxonomy classification system. RESULTS: In total, 52 days from 36 participants were available for analysis. Participants spent 70.1 % of sedentary time at home, 56.9 % of sedentary time on their own and 46.8 % occurred in the afternoon. Seated social activities were infrequent (6.9 % of sedentary bouts) but prolonged (18 % of sedentary time). Participants appeared to frequently have vacant sitting time (41 % of non-screen sedentary time) and screen sitting was prevalent (36 % of total sedentary time). CONCLUSIONS: This study provides valuable information to inform future interventions to reduce sedentary behaviour. Interventions should consider targeting the home environment and focus on the afternoon sitting time, though this needs confirmation in a larger study. Tackling social isolation may also be a target to reduce sedentary time

    ‘Nedoceratops’: An Example of a Transitional Morphology

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    Background: The holotype and only specimen of the chasmosaurine ceratopsid dinosaur ‘Nedoceratops hatcheri ’ has been the source of considerable taxonomic debate since its initial description. At times it has been referred to its own genus while at others it has been considered synonymous with the contemporaneous chasmosaurine Triceratops. Most recently, the debate has focused on whether the specimen represents an intermediate ontogenetic stage between typical young adult Triceratops and the proposed mature morphology, which was previously considered to represent a distinct genus, ‘Torosaurus’. Methodology/Principal Findings: The only specimen of ‘Nedoceratops hatcheri ’ was examined and the proposed diagnostic features of this taxon were compared with other chasmosaurine ceratopsids. Every suggested autapomorphy of ‘Nedoceratops ’ is found in specimens of Triceratops. In this study, Triceratops includes the adult ‘Torosaurus ’ morphology. The small parietal fenestra and elongate squamosals of Nedoceratops are consistent with a transition from a short, solid parietalsquamosal frill to an expanded, fenestrated condition. Objections to this hypothesis regarding the number of epiossifications of the frill and alternations of bone surface texture were explored through a combination of comparative osteology and osteohistology. The synonymy of the three taxa was further supported by these investigations. Conclusions/Significance: The Triceratops, ‘Torosaurus’, and ‘Nedoceratops ’ morphologies represent ontogenetic variatio