50 research outputs found

    Management Optimization of Cipanunjang-Cileunca Reservoir in Bandung Regency Using Discrete Markov Methods

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    This research discusses about intake Cikalong as water resource infrastructure supplying water for PDAM Bandung City and PDAM Bandung Regency that depend on the operational of Cipanunjang Dam-Cileunca Dam, Plengan Hydropower, Lamajan Hydropower, Cikalong Hydropower and water from Cisangkuy River. Nowdays, capacity of PDAM Bandung city is 1800 L/sec and capacity of PDAM Bandung Regency is 500 L/sec. However, the amount of water that could be provided by PDAM Bandung City is 1400 L/sec while PDAM Bandung Regency is 200 L/sec. Aim: Optimization on upstream infrastructure is needed to make sure the quantity of water being supplied sufficient. Methodology and Result: There are some methods that can be used to fulfill that aim, on this research use Stochastic Markov Method. The optimization of the reservoir is achieved by the condition of the guideline track and the actual trajectory approaching 1, which means the absence of wasted water through the spillway but through the reservoir utility function for turbine demand, irrigation raw water and raw drinking water in the downstream. The comparison between trajectory and actual trajectory of Cipanunjang Reservoir is 0.861 while for optimization of Cileunca Reservoir is 0.827. Conclusion, significance and impact study: The correlation between the actual (historical) discharge and the Markov estimation discharge on the Cipanunjang-Cileunca Reservoir is closed to 1, so it can be show that the discharge estimation is conceptual because it corresponds to the actual condition (actual discharge)

    Evaluation of the Success of the Watershed Rehabilitation Project in Bombana Regency Based on Cook Method’s Runoff Coefficient

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    Watersheds have an important role in managing rainwater. A good watershed can provide sufficient water for the community in the dry season and does not cause flooding in the rainy season. Therefore, watershed preservation is necessary as an effort to maintain or improve its function. Rehabilitation is an effort to restore, maintain, and improve the watershed function. In this study, rehabilitation was carried out in an area of 285 ha which cuts two watersheds, Langkapa and Poleang watershed. The success of this rehabilitation can be reviewed through the runoff coefficient before and after rehabilitation. The runoff coefficient is a value that expresses the percentage of rainwater that turns into surface runoff water. That value can be an indicator of the watershed quality. The determination of the runoff coefficient in this study used the Cook Method which considers four physical parameters, land cover, slope, soil infiltration, and surface deposit/flow density. The results showed the runoff coefficient decreased after the rehabilitation from 68.54% to 65.85% which means the rehabilitation has improved the watershed quality. But those change is not significant because the rehabilitation location actually is not the priority land (critical land) that needs rehabilitation

    PENENTUAN BOD, ZN, DAN NO3-N DI WADUK SAGULING PADA SETIAP PEMBAGIAN KELAS TAHUN BERDASARKAN DISKRIT MARKOV 3 DAN 5 KELAS (Determination of BOD, ZN, and NO3-N Concentrations in Saguling Reservoir on Each Year Class Division Based on Discrete Markov’s 3 and 5 Class)

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    ABSTRAKWaduk Saguling adalah salah satu dari tiga Waduk Kaskade Citarum yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Bandung. Kondisi kualitas air Waduk Saguling cenderung menunjukkan penurunan, baik disebabkan pencemaran oleh limbah industri, domestik, perikanan, peternakan, dan berbagai aktivitas lainnya di sekitar DAS Citarum Hulu. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengimplementasikan model konseptual pencemaran air dimana konsentrasi pencemar bergantung pada kuantitas air yang berkarakteristik acak sehingga penelitian pencemaran air dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan diskrit Markov. Dalam penelitian ini, konsentrasi pencemar merupakan fungsi dari waktu, dalam hal ini waktu ditunjukkan dalam tahun yang akan dibagi atau dikelompokkan berdasarkan Diskrit Markov 3 kelas menjadi kondisi kering, normal, dan basah dan berdasarkan Diskrit Markov 5 kelas menjadi kondisi sangat kering, kering, normal, basah, dan sangat basah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi pencemar memiliki nilai yang tinggi pada tahun sangat kering dan nilai yang rendah pada tahun sangat basah. BOD di Pos Nanjung, Pos Muara Ciminyak, dan Pos Intake Turbin secara berturut-turut pada tahun sangat kering adalah 58,62; 11,94 dan 12,81 mg/L. Konsentrasi Zn di Pos Nanjung, Pos Muara Ciminyak, dan Pos Intake Turbin secara berturut-turut pada tahun sangat kering adalah 0,11; 0,028; dan 0,030 mg/L. Konsentrasi NO3-N di Pos Nanjung, Pos Muara Ciminyak, dan Pos Intake Turbin secara berturut-turut pada tahun sangat kering 3,56 ; 1,91 ; dan 1,74 mg/L. BOD di Pos Nanjung, Pos Muara Ciminyak, dan Pos Intake Turbin secara berturut-turut pada tahun sangat basah adalah 17,91; 5,86; dan 9,01 mg/L. Konsentrasi Zn di Pos Nanjung, Pos Muara Ciminyak, dan Pos Intake Turbin secara berturut-turut pada tahun sangat basah adalah 0,034; 0,011; dan 0,012 mg/L. Konsentrasi NO3-N di Pos Nanjung, Pos Muara Ciminyak, dan Pos Intake Turbin secara berturut-turut pada tahun sangat basah adalah 2,67; 1,26; dan 1,29 mg/L.AbstractSaguling is one of the three reservoirs of Citarum Cascade located in Bandung Regency, West Java Province. Water quality conditions in Saguling reservoir tend to decrease, either due to pollution by industrial waste, domestic, fisheries, livestock, and also other events around Citarum upstream watershed. The purpose of this research is to implement the conceptual model of water pollution which pollutant concentrations depend on the quantity of water which has random characteristic. Study of water pollution in this research was conducted using Markov discrete approach. In this study, the concentration of pollutants is a function of time where time was indicated of year the the observation years (1999-2013) was divided or grouped by Discrete Markov 3 classes become dry, normal, and wet conditions and also based on Discrete Markov 5 class becomes very dry, dry, normal and wet and very wet conditions. The results showed that the concentrations of pollutants have a high value in a very dry condition and low value at a very wet condition. BOD concentration in Nanjung Station, Muara Ciminyak Station, Turbine Intake Station consecutively in very dry condition was 58.62; 11.94; and 12.81 mg/L. Concentration of Zn in Nanjung Station, Muara Ciminyak Station, and Turbine Intake Station consecutively in very dry condition was 0.11; 0,028; and 0,030 mg/L. NO3-N concentration in Nanjung Station, Muara Ciminyak Station, and Turbine Intake Station consecutively in very dry condition was 3.56; 1.91; and 1.74 mg/L. BOD concentration in Nanjung Sation, Muara Ciminyak Station, and Turbine Intake Station consecutively in a very wet condition was 17.91; 5.86; and 9.01 mg/L. Concentration of Zn in Nanjung Station, Muara Ciminyak Station, and Turbine Intake Station consecutively in very wet condition was 0,034; 0,011; and 0.012 mg/L. NO3-N concentration in Nanjung Station, Muara Ciminyak Station, and Turbine Intake Station consecutively in very wet condition was 2.67; 1.26; and 1.29 mg/L.


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    Aim: This study was aimed to analyze the potential of water sources in the Ciberang River to support drinking water supply system of Banten Province. Methodology and results: The method use to analyze the potential of Ciberang river is a hydrological statistical analysis. The results of the hydrological statistical analysis show that the water resources of the Ciberang River are not sufficient to meet domestic and industrial water needs in Banten Province. Domestic and industrial water demand in Banten Province in 2025 is estimated at 14.64 m3/s and 10.46 m3/s, respectively, while the mainstay discharge with the return period of 10 and 20 year for all durations does not meet these water needs. The mainstay discharge of the Ciberang River with a 10-year return period of 1, 2, 7, 15 and 30 day respectively was 0.08 m3/s, 0.1 m3/s, 0.19 m3/s, 0.36 m3/s, and 0.87 m3/s. The mainstays of the 20-year return period of 1,2,7,15 and 30 day respectively are 0.04 m3/s, 0.06 m3/s, 0.11 m3/s, 0.23 m3/s and 0.59 m3/s. Conclusion, significance, and impact study: Based on this, it is necessary to conserve water resources to increase the main flow of the Ciberang River. One of the strategic policies to increase the river's mainstay discharge is constructing the reservoir


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    Aim: This paper aims to understand how the concept of risk and riskgovernance can be best articulated and integrated into Indonesia’s SEA.Attention regarding health risks emerging from human interactions withthe physical environment has increased in Sustainable Development andPlanning (SDP). Methodology and Results: Strategic EnvironmentAssessment (SEA) is the current context-based methodology addressingenvironmental and health risks of development planning in manycountries. Environmental and health risk assessment (EHRA) is anintegrated part of the SEA. EHRA, as a field of science, has evolved towardsspecific needs in many sectors, e.g. dose-response, quantitative microbialrisk assessment, ecological risk assessment. The main challenge is how todetermine the suitable EHRA approaches and translate the fact-basedEHRA into risk-informed strategies in SDP. In Indonesia, the SEA is mandatory for regional planning documents. However, there is limitedguidelines and application on EHRA in SEA. Through a meta-analysis, wereviewed scholarly articles published from 2009 to 2019 available inGoogle Scholar that report the concepts and implementation of EHRA andSEA in various countries. Conclusion, significance and study impact: Thisstudy has significant implications for the understanding of risk governancein SDP


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    Penelitian karakterisasi partikulat udara ambien dan paparan partikulat terespirasi di sekitar kawasan industri aki bekas non formal Parung Panjang dilakukan sebagai tindak lanjut hasil penelitian sebelumnya tentang pencemaran Pb di kawasan Serpong. Pengambilan sampel partikulat udara ambien di Parung Panjang dilakukan menggunakan Gent sampler, sedang partikulat terespirasi di kawasan industri non formal parung panjang dan Sukarasa tangerang (kontrol) dikumpulkan menggunakan personal dust sampler, pada periode 2011 hingga 2012. Penentuan konsentrasi massa partikulat dilakukan secara gravimetri, sedang konsentrasi unsur menggunakan metode berbasis sinar-X. Hasil rerata konsentrasi massa udara ambien PM2,5 dan PM10 Parung Panjang masing-masing sebesar 27,3±13,7 dan 77,5±17,1 µg.m-3, sedang rerata konsentrasi partikulat terespirasi di kawasan industri non formal dan kontrol masing-masing sebesar 260±233 dan 82±38 µg.m-3. Rerata konsentrasi Pb pada PM2.5 dan PM2,5-10 masing-masing mencapai 45 dan 10%. Prosentase konsentrasi maksimum unsur Pb pada partikulat terespirasi kawasan Industri non formal dan kontrol, masing-masing mencapai 12,11% dan 0,27%. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi Pb pada partikulat tersespirasi di wilayah industri non formal secara signifikan mencapai puluhan kali dibandingkan di wilayah kontrol. Tingginya konsentrasi Pb di Parung panjang merupakan penanda utama yang berasal dari kegiatan pengolahan aki bekas serta merupakan salah satu sumber yang berkontribusi pada pencemaran Pb di wilayah Serpon

    Trophic Status Assessment of Saguling Reservoir, Upper Citarum Basin, Indonesia

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    This study examined the water quality of Saguling Reservoir as potential raw water for Bandung metropolitan area. Determination of water quality in this study consisted of trophic status determination based on total phosphorus, total nitrogen (ammonia and nitrate), and water clarity. Data were obtained 4 times a year for 16 years (1999-2013). We determined the overall water quality status by comparing data with criteria specified in Ministerial Regulation (Permen) of the Environment Number 28 of 2009 on the Water Pollution Load Capacity of Lakes or Reservoirs. Data from 11 stations were analyzed, which indicated a hypertrophic state with very high pollution. Nanjung Post (upstream of the reservoir) had the highest levels of total P, total N, and chlorophyll a compared with the Muara Ciminyak Post and Muara Intake Post (the middle and downstream regions of the reservoir). Seasonal changes had no effect on the trophic status, regardless of dry, normal, or wet conditions

    Phosphorus load concentration in tropical climates reservoir for each water quantity class

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    Saguling Reservoir has a potential to be used as a raw water supply for Bandung Metropolitan Area (BMA), with the discharge of 1.622 dm·s−1. However, further studies are needed to ensure that the water quality is in accordance with the government regulations. This study shows that the reservoir’s P concentration was 315.0 mg·m−3 on average in 1999–2013. This value only meets the class III of government standards of water quality for the cultivation of freshwater fish, livestock, and to irrigate landscaping, but does not belong to the class I standard of 200 mg·m−3 for drinking water. The total-P concentration in wet, normal, and dry years was 796.3, 643.8, and 674.8 mg·m−3, respectively. The pollution load was highest in wet years due to the high levels of sediment. The pollution load of the reservoir did not exceed the class III classification of 29 405.01 kg·year−1. The pollution load in wet, normal, and dry years was 38 790.1, 25 991.9, and 23 929.0 kg·year−1, respectively. The phosphorus pollution is caused by the use of floating net cages in the reservoir, which makes it difficult to meet the standards. In wet years, the pollution load was higher than in normal and dry years. The P load could be higher in the wet season due to dilution and could probably decrease the pollutant concentration in the reservoir

    Water quality category based on pollution index value.

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    Water quality category based on pollution index value.</p

    Homogeneity test of heavy metal concentration data (Cr, Cu, and Pb), total organic matter, and sediment texture in the dry season.

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    Homogeneity test of heavy metal concentration data (Cr, Cu, and Pb), total organic matter, and sediment texture in the dry season.</p