227 research outputs found

    Introduction to the Special Issue ‘Diachronic English for Specific Purposes

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    Historical linguistics has been in constant rebirth and innovation to conform to new advances in the way texts are methodologically addressed. These methods of study have given way to several interdisciplinary focuses, which include the disciplines of historical sociolinguistics (Milroy, 1991; Conde-Silvestre, 2007), historical pragmatics (Jucker, 1995) or diachronic pragmatics (Arnovick, 1999), historical discourse analysis (Brinton, 2001; Berkenkotter, 2009; Navarro, 2008), and historical sociopragmatics (Culpeper, 2009). In this context, we have to mention the groundbreaking work on dialogue analysis by Jucker, Fritz and Lebsanft (1999), and the volume on historical speech acts by Jucker and Taavitsainen (2008). These two books represented an advance in the way both written and spoken discourse should be addressed at from a historical dimension. Historical pragmatics has proven to be the most fruitful discipline of all and, since the foundation of the Journal of Historical Pragmatics by Jucker in 2000 (John Benjamins), it seems to be constantly increasing.

    Perfil de personalidad del tenista

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    El presente trabajo intenta descubrir las características de personalidad del tenista grancanario a partir de la comparación con un grupo de sujetos que practican deportes individuales distintos al tenis y un grupo de sujetos no deportistas. El total de la muestra está constituida por 191 sujetos distribuidos en tres grupos. El grupo de tenistas está formado por 64 sujetos federados en la isla de Gran Canaria, de los cuales 43 son hombres y 21 mujeres; el grupo de deportistas individuales está formado por 63 sujetos, 42 hombres y 21 mujeres y el grupo de no deportistas está formado por 64 sujetos, 41 hombres y 23 mujeres, todos ellos en edades comprendidas entre los 14 y los 25 años de edad. El cuestionario utilizado fue el 16 PF-5 y en el análisis de varianza efectuado se observan tres diferencias significativas en las escalas Apertura-Cambio, Dureza y Manipulación de la imagen. Asimismo, se observan diferencias significativas atendiendo a la variable sexo.The present study sets out to examine the personality characteristics of the Grancanary tennis player through a comparison with a sports group of subjects who practice single sports different from tennis and a non-sports group of subjects. The totality of the sample is composed by 191 subjects separated in three groups. The tennis players group is composed by 64 federated subjects in Gran Canaria island, in which 43 are men and 21 are women; the single sportsmen group is composed by 63 subjects, 42 are men and 21 are women and the non-sports group is composed by 64 subjects, 41 are men and 23 are women, all of them between 14 and 25 years old. The 16 PF-5 was the questionnaire used and the variance analysis shows three meaningful differences: the opening-change, tough-mindedness and impression management scales. In the same way, it is noticed meaningful differences in sex variable

    First report of Pyrrhocalles antiqua orientis (Skinner) (Lepidoptera: Hesperidae) infesting the Bermuda turfgrass in Cuba

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     Dear editor:Butterflies have proven to be excellent indicators of the disturbance and biodiversity of habitats worldwide. Skipper (Hesperiidae) remains one of the most diverse and least known butterfly group. Pyrrhocalles Mabille (1904) (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) is a small genus endemic to the Greater Antilles, and Pyrrhocalles antiqua Herrich-Schäffer is found across the Caribbean. Three subspecies have been described, and Pyrrhocalles antiqua orientis Skinner is an endemic subspecies of Cuba. However, the knowledge about its distribution, population size, and caterpillar host plants is limited. In 2007, P. antiqua orientis caterpillars have been reported on Roystonea regia (H.B.K.), family Arecaceae, in Camaguey province, Cuba. Recently, samples collected from the Varadero golf field, Matanzas province, showed P. antiqua orientis caterpillars to be present causing defoliations on Bermuda turfgrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers), family Poaceae. Several pupae and twenty-six adults were also captured on greens. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence of P. antiqua orientis infesting Bermuda turfgrass in Cuba. The occurrence of P. antiqua orientis in coastal ecosystems, including the north littoral of the island, has been described. Caterpillars of the subfamily Hesperiinae have been reported feeding only on gramineas (Poaceae). These results suggest the need for carrying out observations of P. antiqua orientis populations and including this insect in the management strategies of the Varadero golf field.Sincerely

    Life history of an anticyclonic eddy

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    19 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, supporting information https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JC002526We use the trajectory of three buoys dragged below the surface mixed layer, together with sea surface temperature imagery, to examine the evolution of an anticyclonic warm-core eddy since its generation by the Canary Islands. Two buoys remain within the eddy during some 100 days, and the third one remains almost 200 days, while drifting southwestward up to 500 km with the mean Canary Current. The eddy merges with several younger anticyclonic and cyclonic eddies, in each occasion, suffering substantial changes. The eddy core, defined as a region with near-solid-body-type rotation and radial convergence, initially occupies the whole eddy. After interacting with another vortex the inner core markedly slows down, although it continues displaying radial convergence and relatively small radial oscillations, and an uncoupled outer ring is formed or enhanced, which revolves even more slowly and displays large radial fluctuations. The vortex extensive life is consistent with its inertially stable character and observations of radial convergence. A very simple model of vortex merging, where cylinders fuse conserving mass and angular momentum, gives fair results. The observations suggest that the eddy changes, as the result of its own slow evolution and sporadic mixing events, from a young stage, where the core retains its vorticity and occupies most of the eddy, through a mature stage, where the eddy has a reduced inner core and a slowly revolving outer ring, to a decay stage, where the vorticity maximum is substantially reducedThis work has been supported by the Spanish government through projects FRENTES (AMB95-0731), COCA (REN2000-1471-C02-02MAR), and BREDDIES (REN2001-2650/ANT) and the special action MAR1999-1489-E and by the European Union through projects CANIGO (MAS3-CT96-0060) and OASIS (EVK3-CT-2002-00073-OASIS)Peer Reviewe

    Notes for a theory of formation

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    En este trabajo, de reflexión teórica, partiendo de la constatación de la importancia creciente de las actividades que identificamos como «formación» en las sociedades posmodernas, se trata de justificar la idea de que la expresión española «formación» es un término confuso, polisémico y que, tras cada uno de los matices con que se puede emplear, se esconde todo un discurso de reflexión teórica, tremendamente abigarrado. Se trata de hacer un análisis y clarificación acerca de fuentes de confusión, identificadas en dos tipos fundamentales: de naturaleza terminológica y de naturaleza conceptual. Se concluye ofreciendo un marco interpretativo que permita ubicar e identificar las diferentes actividades de formación de manera integrada y se alerta acerca de la conveniencia de valorar las diferentes actividades que se presentan como formativas, desde una perspectiva crítica, puesto que no todo lo que se identifica como «formación» posee las mismas connotaciones y significados.In this theoretical reflection work, we start from the confirmation of the growing importance of the activities that we identify as “formación” in postmodern societies. It is posted the idea that the Spanish expression “formación” is a confusing, polysemic term. and that, behind each of the nuances with which it can be used, hides a whole discourse of theoretical reflection, tremendously variegated. In this paper we try to maki an analysis and clarification about sources of confusion, identified in two fundamental types: terminological and conceptual in nature. The paper concludes by offering an interpretive framework that allows the different activities covered by the Spanish term of “formación” to be located and identified in an integrated manner and alerts about the advisability of evaluating the different activities that are presented as “formación”, from a critical perspective, since not everything that is identified as “formacion” it has the same connotations and meanings

    Derivados del tamoxifeno, procedimiento de obtención y sus aplicaciones

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    La invención se refiere a derivados del tamoxifeno, y sus usos como composición farmacéutica en el tratamiento de enfermedades que cursan con activación de la señalización por estrógenos o como herramienta para la identificación dianas moleculares del tamoxifeno o como emisor laser molecular. Además, la presente invención se refiere al procedimiento de obtención de estos compuestos y a composiciones que los comprenden.Peer reviewedUniversidad de la Laguna, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)A1 Solicitud de patente con informe sobre el estado de la técnic

    Políticas educativas y equidad: Introducción al monográfico.

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    En este texto se presenta el monográfico Políticas Educativas y Equidad, cuyo interés recae en profundizar en diferentes contextos -políticos, de gestión administrativa, educativos y formativos, para identificar, describir y comprender políticas y prácticas relacionadas con la promoción de la equidad entendida como el derecho fundamental a la educación, combatiendo la vulnerabilidad, la dependencia y la dominación, y con la reducción de la desigualdad y discriminación. Tras una breve introducción del marco teórico desde el que se plantea este monográfico, se presentan los artículos que lo componen. Los temas que se abordarán, desde los marcos de la investigación cualitativa, giran en torno a: los diferentes niveles del proceso de formulación de políticas educativas; las políticas de privatización y las relaciones entre lo público y lo privado; los procesos de digitalización de las escuelas; los procesos de globalización y sus consecuencias para los agentes y la democracia; las políticas de diversificación; la formación del profesorado y su impacto en la equidad; así como programas educativos que buscan la construcción de prácticas que se orientan a la inclusión y la equidad

    Análisis socioeconómico de la innovación tecnológica en las empresas canarias

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    Vivimos en una época en que las nuevas tecnologías desempeñan un papel esencial en nuestra rutina diaria, y no solo a nivel personal. Cada vez son más las empresas que incorporan tecnologías a sus estructuras y diseños. El objetivo de este proyecto es medir el efecto que tiene el incremento de las tecnologías en las empresas con respecto a la tasa de empleabilidad, y por ello hemos decidido centrarnos en el periodo de 2008 hasta 2017 para obtener una mejor visualización en los cambios que abarcan una década. Además, estudiaremos la variación de la tasa de empleo en diferentes sectores económicos. Para poder defender la hipótesis que nos planteamos más adelante realizaremos análisis empíricos de estadística descriptiva y el análisis de la varianza de un solo factor. Esto no llevará a la conclusión de que las nuevas tecnologías han sido un factor determinante en el descenso del paro, sobre todo en los sectores de industria y construcción.We live on a world where the new technologies play an important role in our daily routine, and not just on a personal level. The number of companies that incorporate new technologies to its structures and designs is increasing enormously. The goal of this project is to measure the effect of the increasing in technologies regarding the employment rate related to it. We have decided to focus on a period of ten years that begins in 2008 and ends in 2017 to obtain a better visualization in the variations of the employment rate of the different economic sectors. In order to be able to defend the hypothesis that we will be considering later, we will elaborate empirical analyses of descriptive statistics and the analysis of the variance of a single factor. This will lead us to the conclusion that new technologies have been a determining factor in the decrease of unemployment, especially in the industry and construction sector

    A Comparison of Automated Journal Recommender Systems

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    Choosing the right journal for an article can be a challenge. Automated manuscript matching can help authors with the decision by recommending suitable journals based on user-defined criteria. Several approaches for efficient matching have been proposed in the research literature. However, only a few actual recommender systems are available for end users. In this paper, we present an overview of available services and compare their key characteristics such as input values, functionalities, and privacy. We conduct a quantitative analysis of their recommendation results: (a) examining the overlap in the results and pointing out the similarities among them; (b) evaluating their quality with a comparison of their accuracy. Due to the providers’ lack of transparency about the used technologies, the results cannot be easily interpreted. This highlights the need for openness about the used algorithms and data sets