14 research outputs found

    Datos para el art铆culo "The factorial structure of the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ) in a Mexican community population: Invariance across gender and age"

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    Hola de c谩lculo en formato Excel con datos usados en el art铆culo "The factorial structure of the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ) in a Mexican community population: Invariance across gender and age

    Validaci贸n de un inventario de evaluaci贸n del maltrato a la mujer por su pareja: el APCM

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    The present study describes the development and validation of a scale measuring male violence towards their female partners. The sample consisted of 176 women between the ages of 17 and 67 (mean age = 35.8, standard deviation = 10.2) who had been aggressed against by their male partners. Principal axis factoring and varimax rotation of an initial 69 item pool yielded two factors. The first measures psychological abuse and consists of 37 items with strong internal reliability (Chronbach's Alpha = 0.94). The second measures physical abuse and consists of 19 items (Chronbach's Alpha = 0.94). The correlation between both factors was 0.57.Presentamos los principales datos de la construcci贸n y validaci贸n de un instrumento para la evaluaci贸n del maltrato a la mujer por parte de su pareja. La muestra est谩 formada por 176 mujeres de edades comprendidas entre 17 y 67 a帽os (edad media de 35,8 a帽os y desviaci贸n t铆pica de 10,2) que eran o hab铆an sido maltratadas por su pareja. Los 69 铆tems que formaban originalmente la prueba fueron analizados factorialmente (ejes principales con rotaci贸n Varimax) y se obtuvieron dos factores. El primero mide maltrato psicol贸gico y est谩 formado por 37 铆tems cuya consistencia interna (alfa de Cronbach) es de 0,94. El segundo est谩 formado por 19 铆tems, tambi茅n con una consistencia interna de 0,94, y eval煤a maltrato f铆sico. Ambos factores mantienen una correlaci贸n de 0,57

    Relationship between Subjective Welfare, Optimism and Demographic Variables in College Students of the University of San Luis Potosi in Mexico

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la relaci贸n entre caracter铆sticas sociodemogr谩ficas, optimismo y bienestar subjetivo (SWB) en estudiantes universitarios mexicanos de la Universidad de San Luis Potos铆. Adem谩s, identificar qu茅 谩reas vitales incid铆an en mayor medida en el bienestar global y cu谩nto aportar铆a el optimismo a esta relaci贸n. Se recogi贸 informaci贸n de 299 estudiantes (17 a 49 a帽os; M = 19.38; DE = 3.19) mediante una entrevista semiestructurada, registrando diversas caracter铆sticas sociodemogr谩ficas que se consideraron relevantes. El optimismo disposicional se midi贸 empleando el Life Orientation Test Revised ([LOT-R]; Scheier, Carver & Bridges, 1994) y el bienestar subjetivo mediante diversas medidas: felicidad (Subjective Happiness Scale de Lyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999), satisfacci贸n vital, (Satisfaction with Life Scale de Diener, Emmons, Larsen & Griffin, 1985), emociones positivas y emociones negativas (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule de Watson, Clark & Tellegen, 1988) y satisfacci贸n en los dominios vitales de estudios, pareja, salud y ocio (Entrevista semiestructurada de Marrero, Carballeira & Rodr铆guez, 2007). A trav茅s de la Tau-b de Kendall se analiz贸 la relaci贸n de las variables sociodemogr谩ficas con el optimismo y los indicadores de bienestar, encontrando asociaciones entre g茅nero y satisfacci贸n con el trabajo/estudios, satisfacci贸n vital, felicidad y optimismo. Adem谩s, tener una relaci贸n sentimental se relacionaba con la satisfacci贸n con la pareja y la condici贸n laboral con satisfacci贸n vital. Los an谩lisis correlacionales de Pearson entre los ocho indicadores de bienestar y el optimismo mostraron que todos los indicadores de bienestar se relacionaban entre ellos y el optimismo estaba asociado en mayor medida que las variables sociodemogr谩ficas al bienestar, siendo la relaci贸n con medidas globales mayor que con los dominios vitales espec铆ficos. Para profundizar en esta asociaci贸n entre optimismo y bienestar se dividi贸 a los participantes en tres grupos seg煤n su nivel de optimismo. A trav茅s de un MANOVA se compararon las medias en bienestar encontrando que las personas con optimismo alto y medio informaron de mayor satisfacci贸n vital y emociones positivas, menos emociones negativas y mayor satisfacci贸n en todos los dominios vitales frente a las personas con bajo optimismo. Por 煤ltimo, se aplicaron an谩lisis de regresi贸n m煤ltiple para conocer el peso que ten铆an las distintas medidas de satisfacci贸n en dominios espec铆ficos en los indicadores globales de bienestar, felicidad y satisfacci贸n vital. Los resultados mostraron que todos los dominios son relevantes para ambas variables criterio pero la satisfacci贸n laboral/estudios result贸 ser el predictor m谩s poderoso. Cuando se realizaron nuevos an谩lisis de regresi贸n m煤ltiple, incluyendo el optimismo como predictor, se encontr贸 que este explicaba mayor porcentaje de varianza que la satisfacci贸n en dominios espec铆ficos, sobre todo en el caso de la felicidad. Estos hallazgos sugieren que el optimismo es un rasgo de personalidad relevante para mejorar el bienestar subjetivo de los individiduos.The main objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between different sociodemographic characteristics, optimism and subjective well-being (SWB) in a sample of Mexican undergraduate students from the University of San Luis Potosi. Additionally, we have tried to identify which specific life domains influenced more on global wellbeing and how the optimism could explain well-being. Data were from 299 participants aged between 17 and 49 years old (M= 19.38; SD= 3.19) through a semi structured interview, considering different relevant sociodemographic characteristics. Dispositional optimism was evaluated using the Life Orientation Test Revised (LOT-R; Scheier, Carver & Bridges, 1994). Subjective well-being included the following measures: Happiness (Subjective Happiness Scale de Lyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999), Life Satisfaction (Satisfaction with Life Scale from Diener, Emmons, Larsen & Griffin, 1985), Positive and Negative Emotions (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule from Watson, Clark & Tellegen, 1988) and Satisfaction with different Life Domains: Job/ Studies, Partner, Health and Leisure (Marrero, Carballeira & Rodr铆guez, 2007). Through the Test for Kendall鈥檚 Tau-b, the relationship between sociodemographic variables, optimism and the well-being indicators was analysed. The results showed moderate associations between gender and studies satisfaction, life satisfaction, happiness and optimism. Also, the fact of having a sentimental relationship was related to partner satisfaction; and the job situation was associated with life satisfaction. Pearson correlational analyses between the eight well-being indicators and the optimism showed that all the well-being variables were related each other. Optimism was more associated to all the measures of SWB than to the sociodemographic variables; and the relationships of optimism with global measures of well-being were greater than those with the specific life domains. In order to deep in this association between optimism and well-being, the sample was split in three groups in function of the level of optimism. A MANOVA was made to compare the means of well-being, finding that those participants with high and medium optimism, vs. those with low optimism, reported more life satisfaction and positive emotions, less negative emotions and more satisfaction in all the Specific life domains. The MANCOVA, taking the gender as a covariant, showed similar findings. Finally, Multiple Regression Analyses were applied to know the influence of the different specific life domains on the global components of well-being: happiness and life satisfaction. The results showed that all the specific domains were relevant for both criteria variables, but studies satisfaction was the more powerful predictor. In the new multiple regression analyses, the optimism was included and explained a higher percentage of variance than the measures of satisfaction with life domains, especially in the case of happiness as the criteria. These findings suggested that optimism is a relevant personality trait to improve subjective well-being of individuals

    Relationship between Subjective Welfare, Optimism and Demographic Variables in College Students of the University of San Luis Potosi in Mexico

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la relaci贸n entre caracter铆sticas sociodemogr谩ficas, optimismo y bienestar subjetivo (SWB) en estudiantes universitarios mexicanos de la Universidad de San Luis Potos铆. Adem谩s, identificar qu茅 谩reas vitales incid铆an en mayor medida en el bienestar global y cu谩nto aportar铆a el optimismo a esta relaci贸n. Se recogi贸 informaci贸n de 299 estudiantes (17 a 49 a帽os; M = 19.38; DE = 3.19) mediante una entrevista semiestructurada, registrando diversas caracter铆sticas sociodemogr谩ficas que se consideraron relevantes. El optimismo disposicional se midi贸 empleando el Life Orientation Test Revised ([LOT-R]; Scheier, Carver & Bridges, 1994) y el bienestar subjetivo mediante diversas medidas: felicidad (Subjective Happiness Scale de Lyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999), satisfacci贸n vital, (Satisfaction with Life Scale de Diener, Emmons, Larsen & Griffin, 1985), emociones positivas y emociones negativas (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule de Watson, Clark & Tellegen, 1988) y satisfacci贸n en los dominios vitales de estudios, pareja, salud y ocio (Entrevista semiestructurada de Marrero, Carballeira & Rodr铆guez, 2007). A trav茅s de la Tau-b de Kendall se analiz贸 la relaci贸n de las variables sociodemogr谩ficas con el optimismo y los indicadores de bienestar, encontrando asociaciones entre g茅nero y satisfacci贸n con el trabajo/estudios, satisfacci贸n vital, felicidad y optimismo. Adem谩s, tener una relaci贸n sentimental se relacionaba con la satisfacci贸n con la pareja y la condici贸n laboral con satisfacci贸n vital. Los an谩lisis correlacionales de Pearson entre los ocho indicadores de bienestar y el optimismo mostraron que todos los indicadores de bienestar se relacionaban entre ellos y el optimismo estaba asociado en mayor medida que las variables sociodemogr谩ficas al bienestar, siendo la relaci贸n con medidas globales mayor que con los dominios vitales espec铆ficos. Para profundizar en esta asociaci贸n entre optimismo y bienestar se dividi贸 a los participantes en tres grupos seg煤n su nivel de optimismo. A trav茅s de un MANOVA se compararon las medias en bienestar encontrando que las personas con optimismo alto y medio informaron de mayor satisfacci贸n vital y emociones positivas, menos emociones negativas y mayor satisfacci贸n en todos los dominios vitales frente a las personas con bajo optimismo. Por 煤ltimo, se aplicaron an谩lisis de regresi贸n m煤ltiple para conocer el peso que ten铆an las distintas medidas de satisfacci贸n en dominios espec铆ficos en los indicadores globales de bienestar, felicidad y satisfacci贸n vital. Los resultados mostraron que todos los dominios son relevantes para ambas variables criterio pero la satisfacci贸n laboral/estudios result贸 ser el predictor m谩s poderoso. Cuando se realizaron nuevos an谩lisis de regresi贸n m煤ltiple, incluyendo el optimismo como predictor, se encontr贸 que este explicaba mayor porcentaje de varianza que la satisfacci贸n en dominios espec铆ficos, sobre todo en el caso de la felicidad. Estos hallazgos sugieren que el optimismo es un rasgo de personalidad relevante para mejorar el bienestar subjetivo de los individiduos.The main objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between different sociodemographic characteristics, optimism and subjective well-being (SWB) in a sample of Mexican undergraduate students from the University of San Luis Potosi. Additionally, we have tried to identify which specific life domains influenced more on global wellbeing and how the optimism could explain well-being. Data were from 299 participants aged between 17 and 49 years old (M= 19.38; SD= 3.19) through a semi structured interview, considering different relevant sociodemographic characteristics. Dispositional optimism was evaluated using the Life Orientation Test Revised (LOT-R; Scheier, Carver & Bridges, 1994). Subjective well-being included the following measures: Happiness (Subjective Happiness Scale de Lyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999), Life Satisfaction (Satisfaction with Life Scale from Diener, Emmons, Larsen & Griffin, 1985), Positive and Negative Emotions (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule from Watson, Clark & Tellegen, 1988) and Satisfaction with different Life Domains: Job/ Studies, Partner, Health and Leisure (Marrero, Carballeira & Rodr铆guez, 2007). Through the Test for Kendall鈥檚 Tau-b, the relationship between sociodemographic variables, optimism and the well-being indicators was analysed. The results showed moderate associations between gender and studies satisfaction, life satisfaction, happiness and optimism. Also, the fact of having a sentimental relationship was related to partner satisfaction; and the job situation was associated with life satisfaction. Pearson correlational analyses between the eight well-being indicators and the optimism showed that all the well-being variables were related each other. Optimism was more associated to all the measures of SWB than to the sociodemographic variables; and the relationships of optimism with global measures of well-being were greater than those with the specific life domains. In order to deep in this association between optimism and well-being, the sample was split in three groups in function of the level of optimism. A MANOVA was made to compare the means of well-being, finding that those participants with high and medium optimism, vs. those with low optimism, reported more life satisfaction and positive emotions, less negative emotions and more satisfaction in all the Specific life domains. The MANCOVA, taking the gender as a covariant, showed similar findings. Finally, Multiple Regression Analyses were applied to know the influence of the different specific life domains on the global components of well-being: happiness and life satisfaction. The results showed that all the specific domains were relevant for both criteria variables, but studies satisfaction was the more powerful predictor. In the new multiple regression analyses, the optimism was included and explained a higher percentage of variance than the measures of satisfaction with life domains, especially in the case of happiness as the criteria. These findings suggested that optimism is a relevant personality trait to improve subjective well-being of individuals

    Preferencias por las decisiones compartidas en pacientes con depresi贸n

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    This study analyzed the role of psychological processes predicting depressed patients' preferences in clinical decision-making about psychiatric treatment. 462 patients diagnosed with depressive disorders, acute or recurrent, participated in a crosssectional survey. Most participants preferred collaborative-passive or totally passive roles. Results showed no significant differences between acute and recurrent patients in their preference of participation in decision-making, but longer treatment duration was associated with a more passive style. MANCOVA, controlling age, educational level and treatment duration variables, showed that collaborative and passive patients had a greater locus of control focused on their psychiatrist than active patients. Gender differences were found. Men showed greater internal locus of control and psychological reactance, while women showed greater external locus of control focused on chance. Regression analysis indicated that, for men, passive preferred role was explained by external locus centered on their psychiatrist. However, age registered the highest weight for women' passive decision-making, followed by the locus focused on chance, locus focused on the psychiatrist and lower self-efficacy. Our findings suggest the need to study shared decision-making from a differential perspective that involves psychological processes and the impact of these processes in adherence to medical treatments.Neste estudo, analisaram-se os processos psicol贸gicos associados com as prefer锚ncias dos pacientes com depress茫o na tomada de decis茫o sobre seu tratamento psiqui谩trico. Participaram 462 pacientes diagnosticados com um transtorno depressivo agudo ou recorrente. A maior parte preferiu assumir um papel colaborativo-passivo ou totalmente passivo. Os resultados n茫o mostraram diferen莽as significativas entre pacientes em fun莽茫o de sua cronicidade na prefer锚ncia por tomada de decis玫es, embora um maior tempo de tratamento tenha sido associado com um estilo mais passivo. O MANCOVA aplicado ao total de participantes, controlando a idade, o n铆vel educativo e o tempo de tratamento, indicou que os pacientes colaborativos e passivos mostraram maior l贸cus de controle centralizado na confian莽a no psiquiatra do que os ativos. Constataram-se diferen莽as de g锚nero que mostraram nos homens maior l贸cus de controle interno e reat芒ncia psicol贸gica, e, nas mulheres, maior l贸cus centralizado no aleat贸rio, o l贸cus centralizado no psiquiatra e uma percep莽茫o de menor autoefic谩cia. Os achados indicam a necessidade de estudar, sob uma perspectiva diferencial, a participa莽茫o dos pacientes na tomada de decis茫o de acordo com os processos psicol贸gicos e a repercuss茫o que esta tem na ader锚ncia ao tratamento m茅dico.En el presente estudio se analizaron los procesos psicol贸gicos asociados con las preferencias de los pacientes con depresi贸n en la toma de decisi贸n sobre su tratamiento psiqui谩trico. Participaron 462 pacientes diagnosticados con un trastorno depresivo agudo o recurrente. La mayor parte prefiri贸 asumir un rol colaborativo-pasivo o totalmente pasivo. Los resultados no mostraron diferencias significativas entre pacientes en funci贸n de su cronicidad en la preferencia por la toma de decisiones, aunque un mayor tiempo de tratamiento se asoci贸 con un estilo m谩s pasivo. El MANCOVA aplicado al total de participantes, controlando la edad, el nivel educativo y el tiempo de tratamiento, indic贸 que los pacientes colaborativos y pasivos mostraron mayor locus de control centrado en la confianza en el psiquiatra que los activos. Se encontraron diferencias de g茅nero mostrando en los hombres mayor locus de control interno y reactancia psicol贸gica, y en las mujeres, mayor locus centrado en el azar. Los an谩lisis de regresi贸n indicaron que en el caso de los hombres, la preferencia pasiva por la toma de decisi贸n es explicada por el locus centrado en el psiquiatra. Sin embargo, en las mujeres tuvo mayor peso la edad, seguida del locus centrado en el azar, el locus centrado en el psiquiatra y una percepci贸n de menor autoeficacia. Los hallazgos se帽alan la necesidad de estudiar desde una perspectiva diferencial la participaci贸n de los pacientes en la toma de decisi贸n de acuerdo con los procesos psicol贸gicos, as铆 como la repercusi贸n que esta tiene en la adherencia al tratamiento m茅dico

    Mujeres maltratadas por sus parejas: atribuciones causales y din谩mica de la violencia

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las vivencias de la mujer maltratada por su pareja y sus atribuciones sobre la violencia que sufre. La muestra est谩 formada por 204 mujeres (edad media = 35,86; D.T. = 9,95) que resid铆an en las Islas Canarias. Los resultados indicaron que normalmente el abuso se daba desde el comienzo de la relaci贸n, y la mayor铆a de las mujeres comenzaron la relaci贸n con el agresor antes de los 25 a帽os. Encontramos indefensi贸n en m谩s del 80% de la muestra y la mayor铆a afirmaba que el abuso hab铆a impactado en su vida personal, familiar y social. Las atribuciones causales de la violencia m谩s frecuentes eran hechos triviales y el consumo de alcohol y/o drogas por parte del agresor. Las respuestas m谩s frecuentes de las mujeres se caracterizaban por sumisi贸n y resignaci贸n. Las razones m谩s frecuentes de la mujer para no abandonar a su pareja eran los ni帽os, compasi贸n hacia el agresor, sentir que a煤n le quer铆a, e inseguridad y miedo en relaci贸n al futuro.The purpose of this article is to explore the experiences of battered women and their attributions about aggression by their partners. The sample consisted of 204 battered women (mean age = 35,86; SD = 9,95) living in the Canary Islands. The results of the study indicate that the abuse usually starts at the beginning of the relationship, and most of the women began the relationship with the abuser before they were 25 years old. More than 80% of the women reported helplessness and most of them claimed that the abuse had impacted their personal, social and family life. The most common attributions by the women for the partner鈥檚 violence were trivial events and alcohol or drug abuse by their partner. The women鈥檚 most frequent responses to the aggression were submission and resignation. The most frequent reasons for them to stay in the relationship with the abusive partner were their children, feeling sorry for the aggressor, being in love with the aggressor, and insecurity and fear about the future

    Psychometric Properties of the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ) in a Mexican Population: Invariance Across Gender and Age

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    Antecedentes: el presente estudio prob贸 la estructura factorial del Cuestionario de personalidad esquizot铆pica (SPQ) en una muestra de adultos mexicanos. Aunque este instrumento ha sido validado en diferentes contextos culturales, no se han encontrado estudios que analicen las propiedades psicom茅tricas en una muestra mexicana. M茅todo: el SPQ fue cumplimentado por 307 adultos, aunque siete participantes fueron eliminados por estar en alto riesgo de psicosis. La muestra final incluy贸 300 participantes (M = 34.58, SD = 13.77), de los cuales el 62,8% eran mujeres. Se prob贸 la estructura factorial con tres factores, seg煤n la propuesta de Raine, y con cuatro factores seg煤n sugiere Stefanis et al. Resultados: los resultados indicaron que ambas estructuras factoriales se ajustaban bien a los datos. Sin embargo, se encontr贸 un mejor ajuste para la soluci贸n de tres factores. Este modelo demostr贸 invariancia configuracional, m茅trica y escalar en funci贸n del sexo y la edad. Adem谩s, se encontr贸 que las mujeres obtuvieron puntuaciones ligeramente m谩s altas en ansiedad social, aunque no fue significativo. Los adultos j贸venes mostraron mayor puntuaci贸n en ideas de referencia, ansiedad social, sin amigos cercanos y discurso extra帽o comparados con el grupo de adultos mayores. Conclusiones: estos hallazgos apoyan la utilidad del SPQ en poblaci贸n mexicana.Background: The present study tested the factorial structure of the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ) in Mexican adults. Although this instrument has been validated in different cultural contexts, there are no studies to date that analyze its psychometric properties in a Mexican sample. Method: 307 adults completed the SPQ, seven participants were removed for being at high risk of psychosis. The final sample was made up of 300 participants (M = 34.58, SD = 13.77), of whom 62.8% were female. Raines three-factor model and Stefanis et al.s four-factor model were tested. Results: The results indicated that both factor structures had a good fit to the data. However, the best evidence was for the three-factor solution. Configural, metric, and scalar invariance according to gender and age for the three-factor model was displayed. Further analyses showed women scored slightly higher in excessive social anxiety but this result was not statistically significant. Younger participants had higher scores on ideas of reference, excessive social anxiety, no close friends, and odd speech than the older group. Conclusions: These findings provide support for the use of the SPQ in the Mexican population