2,295 research outputs found

    Unimodularity and preservation of volumes in nonholonomic mechanics

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    The equations of motion of a mechanical system subjected to nonholonomic linear constraints can be formulated in terms of a linear almost Poisson structure in a vector bundle. We study the existence of invariant measures for the system in terms of the unimodularity of this structure. In the presence of symmetries, our approach allows us to give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of an invariant volume, that unify and improve results existing in the literature. We present an algorithm to study the existence of a smooth invariant volume for nonholonomic mechanical systems with symmetry and we apply it to several concrete mechanical examples.Comment: 37 pages, 3 figures; v3 includes several changes to v2 that were done in accordance to the referee suggestion

    Singular Lagrangian Systems on Jet Bundles

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    The jet bundle description of time-dependent mechanics is revisited. The constraint algorithm for singular Lagrangians is discussed and an exhaustive description of the constraint functions is given. By means of auxiliary connections we give a basis of constraint functions in the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian sides. An additional description of constraints is also given considering at the same time compatibility, stability and second-order condition problems. Finally, a classification of the constraints in first and second class is obtained using a cosymplectic geometry setting. Using the second class constraints, a Dirac bracket is introduced, extending the well-known construction by Dirac.Comment: 65 pages. LaTeX fil

    Physiological responses in a simulated canarian wrestling contest

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    La Lucha Canaria (LC) ha sido recientemente reconocida como deporte por el Consejo Superior de Deportes, aunque su origen se pierde en el tiempo. Sin embargo, no hay ningún trabajo en la bibliografía científica que describa qué ocurre fisiológicamente durante la competición en esta modalidad de lucha, y éste es el objetivo del presente trabajo. Con una muestra de 12 luchadores de alto nivel (puntales) simulamos el sistema de competición actual en Lucha Canaria. Se estudió la frecuencia cardiaca, la tensión arterial y la concentración de lactato en sangre en diferentes momentos de la simulación. Los patrones observados de respuesta de FC, TA y lactato, caracterizan a la competición en LC como un ejercicio intermitente, con picos de intensidad que superan el umbral láctico y determinan incrementos importantes de FC y TA sistólica. Este estudio es el primero en que se valora la respuesta fisiológica del luchador canario en competición.The aim of this article is to describe what happens from a physiological point of view in a Canarian Wrestling (CW) contest. The Spanish National Sports Council recognized Canarian Wrestling as a sport on June 1st, 2009, although its origin is not very well documented. No scientific article exists in the scientific literature to describe what happens physiologically during a CW contest. Twelve high level wrestlers were recruited to simulate a CW match. The study involved data about heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP) and blood lactate levels (L) at different moments of the combat. The conclusions of the data observed concerning HR, BP and L classify Canarian Wrestling as an intermittent exercise, with intensity peaks that exceed the lactic threshold and high levels of HR and systolic BP. This is the first paper in which the physiological responses in a Canarian Wrestling competition are reported

    mu-Opioid inhibition of Ca2+ currents and secretion in isolated terminals of the neurohypophysis occurs via ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ stores

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    mu-Opioid agonists have no effect on calcium currents (I(Ca)) in neurohypophysial terminals when recorded using the classic whole-cell patch-clamp configuration. However, mu-opioid receptor (MOR)-mediated inhibition of I(Ca) is reliably demonstrated using the perforated-patch configuration. This suggests that the MOR-signaling pathway is sensitive to intraterminal dialysis and is therefore mediated by a readily diffusible second messenger. Using the perforated patch-clamp technique and ratio-calcium-imaging methods, we describe a diffusible second messenger pathway stimulated by the MOR that inhibits voltage-gated calcium channels in isolated terminals from the rat neurohypophysis (NH). Our results show a rise in basal intracellular calcium ([Ca(2+)]i) in response to application of [D-Ala(2)-N-Me-Phe(4),Gly5-ol]-Enkephalin (DAMGO), a MOR agonist, that is blocked by D-Phe-Cys-Tyr-D-Trp-Orn-Thr-Pen-Thr-NH2 (CTOP), a MOR antagonist. Buffering DAMGO-induced changes in [Ca(2+)]i with BAPTA-AM completely blocked the inhibition of both I(Ca) and high-K(+)-induced rises in [Ca(2+)]i due to MOR activation, but had no effect on kappa-opioid receptor (KOR)-mediated inhibition. Given the presence of ryanodine-sensitive stores in isolated terminals, we tested 8-bromo-cyclic adenosine diphosphate ribose (8Br-cADPr), a competitive inhibitor of cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPr) signaling that partially relieves DAMGO inhibition of I(Ca) and completely relieves MOR-mediated inhibition of high-K(+)-induced and DAMGO-induced rises in [Ca(2+)]i. Furthermore, antagonist concentrations of ryanodine completely blocked MOR-induced increases in [Ca(2+)]i and inhibition of I(Ca) and high-K(+)-induced rises in [Ca(2+)]i while not affecting KOR-mediated inhibition. Antagonist concentrations of ryanodine also blocked MOR-mediated inhibition of electrically-evoked increases in capacitance. These results strongly suggest that a key diffusible second messenger mediating the MOR-signaling pathway in NH terminals is [Ca(2+)]i released by cADPr from ryanodine-sensitive stores

    Higgs boson production via vector-like top-partner decays: diphoton or multilepton plus multijets channels at the LHC

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    We first build a minimal model of vector-like quarks where the dominant Higgs boson production process at LHC -- the gluon fusion -- can be significantly suppressed, being motivated by the recent stringent constraints from the search for direct Higgs production over a wide Higgs mass range. Within this model, compatible with the present experimental constraints on direct Higgs searches, we demonstrate that the Higgs (hh) production via a heavy vector-like top-partner (t2t_2) decay, ppt2tˉ2pp \to t_2 \bar t_2, t2tht_2\to t h, allows to discover a Higgs boson at the LHC and measure its mass, through the decay channels hγγh\to \gamma\gamma or hZZh\to ZZ. We also comment on the recent hint in LHC data from a possible 125\sim 125 GeV Higgs scalar, in the presence of heavy vector-like top quarks.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Estudio estático y dinámico del ángulo Q mediante videofotogrametría 3D

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    OBJETIVOS: Se estudia la evolución del ángulo Q (Q dinámico) en bipedestación y en una marcha frontal, para obtener los valores de normalidad para futuros estudios dónde la clínica femoropatelar es más acentuada (bajar escaleras y descenso de rampa). MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Participaron 20 individuos sanos (10 hombres y 10 mujeres) con edad media de 22,7 años + 3,02 (20-25 años), a los que se realizó un análisis tridimensional del movimiento mediante el sistema de videofotogrametría en 3D Orthobio, en la bipedestación y durante la marcha en terreno llano. RESULTADOS: Hemos observado que durante la bipedestación el ángulo Q estático medio tiene un valor de 16,12º. Los datos obtenidos muestran que el ángulo Q dinámico oscila 8,13º (6,03º-14,16º), produciéndose el valor máximo en el momento del choque de talón y el mínimo poco después del despegue. La media del ángulo Q dinámico en un ciclo de marcha ha sido de 11,47º. En los datos por sexos corresponde a las mujeres es de 12,46º, y el de los hombres de 10,48º. CONCLUSIONES: Durante la marcha el ángulo Q dinámico disminuye con respecto al estático.OBJECTIVES: In this paper we study the evolution of the dynamic Q-angle in bipedal standing and forward gait to obtain values of normality for future studies in which femoropatellar problems are more pronounced (e.g. descending stairs or ramps). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty healthy individuals (10 men and 10 women), with an average age of 22.7 + 3.02 years (i.e. 20–25 years), took part in this study. In these individuals, a tridimensional analysis of movement of bipedal standing and gait on flat terrain was conducted using 3D Orthobio videophotogrammetry. RESULTS: During bipedal standing, the average static Q angle was 16.12º. The dynamic Q angle fluctuated by 8.13º (between 6.03º and 14.16º), the maximum dynamic Q angle was reached as the heel contacted the ground and the minimum was reached just after leaving the ground. The average dynamic Q angle in a gait cycle was 11.47º (12.46º for women and 10.48º for men). CONCLUSIONS: During the cycle, the dynamic Q angle is lower than the static Q angle

    Large conductance voltage- and Ca2+-gated potassium (BK) channel beta4 subunit influences sensitivity and tolerance to alcohol by altering its response to kinases

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    Tolerance is a well described component of alcohol abuse and addiction. The large conductance voltage- and Ca(2+)-gated potassium channel (BK) has been very useful for studying molecular tolerance. The influence of association with the beta4 subunit can be observed at the level of individual channels, action potentials in brain slices, and finally, drinking behavior in the mouse. Previously, we showed that 50 mm alcohol increases both alpha and alphabeta4 BK channel open probability, but only alpha BK develops acute tolerance to this effect. Currently, we explore the possibility that the influence of the beta4 subunit on tolerance may result from a striking effect of beta4 on kinase modulation of the BK channel. We examine the influence of the beta4 subunit on PKA, CaMKII, and phosphatase modulation of channel activity, and on molecular tolerance to alcohol. We record from human BK channels heterologously expressed in HEK 293 cells composed of its core subunit, alpha alone (Insertless), or co-expressed with the beta4 BK auxiliary subunit, as well as, acutely dissociated nucleus accumbens neurons using the cell-attached patch clamp configuration. Our results indicate that BK channels are strongly modulated by activation of specific kinases (PKA and CaMKII) and phosphatases. The presence of the beta4 subunit greatly influences this modulation, allowing a variety of outcomes for BK channel activity in response to acute alcohol

    Modal expansions and non-perturbative quantum field theory in Minkowski space

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    We introduce a spectral approach to non-perturbative field theory within the periodic field formalism. As an example we calculate the real and imaginary parts of the propagator in 1+1 dimensional phi^4 theory, identifying both one-particle and multi-particle contributions. We discuss the computational limits of existing diagonalization algorithms and suggest new quasi-sparse eigenvector methods to handle very large Fock spaces and higher dimensional field theories.Comment: new material added, 12 pages, 6 figure

    Entanglement-Induced Barren Plateaus

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    Structural Characterization of the Extracellular Domain of CASPR2 and Insights into Its Association with the Novel Ligand Contactin1

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    Contactin-associated protein-like 2 (CNTNAP2) encodes for CASPR2, a multidomain single transmembrane protein belonging to the neurexin superfamily that has been implicated in a broad range of human phenotypes including autism and language impairment. Using a combination of biophysical techniques, including small angle x-ray scattering, single particle electron microscopy, analytical ultracentrifugation, and bio-layer interferometry, we present novel structural and functional data that relate the architecture of the extracellular domain of CASPR2 to a previously unknown ligand, Contactin1 (CNTN1). Structurally, CASPR2 is highly glycosylated and has an overall compact architecture. Functionally, we show that CASPR2 associates with micromolar affinity with CNTN1 but, under the same conditions, it does not interact with any of the other members of the contactin family. Moreover, by using dissociated hippocampal neurons we show that microbeads loaded with CASPR2, but not with a deletion mutant, co-localize with transfected CNTN1, suggesting that CNTN1 is an endogenous ligand for CASPR2. These data provide novel insights into the structure and function of CASPR2, suggesting a complex role of CASPR2 in the nervous system