3,895 research outputs found

    Bunge’s Mathematical Structuralism Is Not a Fiction

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    In this paper, I explore Bunge’s fictionism in philosophy of mathematics. After an overview of Bunge’s views, in particular his mathematical structuralism, I argue that the comparison between mathematical objects and fictions ultimately fails. I then sketch a different ontology for mathematics, based on Thomasson’s metaphysical work. I conclude that mathematics deserves its own ontology, and that, in the end, much work remains to be done to clarify the various forms of dependence that are involved in mathematical knowledge, in particular its dependence on mental/brain states and material objects

    From Pen and Ink to Hyperlink: Transcending Museum Technology

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    Admissibility in Federal Courts of Evidence Wrongfully Obtained by Persons Other Than Federal Officers or by Cooperation Between Such Persons and Federal Officers

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    It is a firmly established rule in the federal courts, that evidence obtained by an illegal search and seizure, within the purview of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, is not admissible providing timely steps are taken for its exclusion or return. However, that rule is limited in its application to federal officers or agents, so that quite generally it may be said, that evidence obtained by private,mdividuals or municipal or state officers, acting as such, is admissible in federal courts, regardless of the manner in which it is obtained

    Exploring the Relationship Between Depression and Resilience in Survivors of Childhood Trauma

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    Although experiences of trauma are common, reactions vary due to a host of biopsychosocial and cultural factors that influence the individual reaction to the trauma (Nakai et al., 2015). One such factor is resiliency, the capability to adapt in adverse environmental circumstances (Basim & Cetin, 2011). This study used hierarchical multiple regression to examine the relationships between childhood trauma, recent experiences of depression, and resilience in adult university students. This study also examined the possible moderating effects on depression by resilience. Participants completed the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, Connor-Davidson Resilience scale, and PROMIS Depression survey. Small significant relationships were found for several of the variables, including: childhood trauma and ethnicity, childhood trauma and age, childhood trauma and income, childhood trauma and education, childhood trauma and resilience, childhood trauma and depression, depression and ethnicity, depression and education, depression and income, resilience and gender, resilience and income, and resilience and trauma. The results of this study also suggest resilience has a moderate inverse relationship with depression. The data also confirmed the existing literature which noted that adults who have experienced trauma in childhood have significantly higher rates of depression in adulthood than adults who have not experienced trauma

    Antitrust and Market Power

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    The antitrust laws have been described as the Magna Carta of free enterprise

    Design and fabrication of a low-specific-weight parabolic dish solar concentrator

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    A segmented design and fabrication and assembly techniques were developed for a 1.8 m (6 ft) diameter parabolic concentrator for space application. This design and these techniques were adaptable to a low cost, mass-produced concentrator. Minimal machining was required. Concentrator segments of formed magnesium were used. The concentrator weighed only 1.6 kg sq m (0.32 lbm/sq ft)

    Alien Registration- Caron, Marie A. (Lewiston, Androscoggin County)

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    A Knowledge Compilation Map

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    We propose a perspective on knowledge compilation which calls for analyzing different compilation approaches according to two key dimensions: the succinctness of the target compilation language, and the class of queries and transformations that the language supports in polytime. We then provide a knowledge compilation map, which analyzes a large number of existing target compilation languages according to their succinctness and their polytime transformations and queries. We argue that such analysis is necessary for placing new compilation approaches within the context of existing ones. We also go beyond classical, flat target compilation languages based on CNF and DNF, and consider a richer, nested class based on directed acyclic graphs (such as OBDDs), which we show to include a relatively large number of target compilation languages

    Teaching Creativity Across Disciplines at Ontario Universities

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    While a wide variety of publications have suggested that the development of student creativity should be an important objective for contemporary universities, information about how best to achieve this goal across a range of disciplinary contexts is nonetheless scant. The present study aimed to begin to fill this gap by gathering data (via an electronic survey instrument) about how the teaching and learning of creativity are perceived and enacted by instructors in different disciplines at Ontario universities. Results indicated points of both convergence and divergence between respondents from different fields in terms of their understandings of the place of creativity within courses and programs, and in terms of strategies they reported using to enable creativity in their students. We discuss the implications of these findings, including the ways in which the data speak to ongoing debates about the role of disciplines within teaching, learning, and creativity more broadly.  Bien qu’une grande diversitĂ© de publications suggère que le dĂ©veloppement de la crĂ©ativitĂ© chez l’étudiant devrait ĂŞtre un objectif important pour les universitĂ©s contemporaines, l’information quant Ă  la meilleure façon d’atteindre un tel objectif parmi tout un Ă©ventail de contextes disciplinaires demeure insuffisante. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude vise Ă  commencer Ă  combler cet Ă©cart en rassemblant des donnĂ©es relatives aux façons dont l’enseignement et l’apprentissage de la crĂ©ativitĂ© sont perçus et mis en Ĺ“uvre par les instructeurs de diverses disciplines auprès des universitĂ©s de l’Ontario. Les rĂ©sultats ont indiquĂ© Ă  la fois des points de convergence et de divergence entre les rĂ©pondants provenant de secteurs diffĂ©rents en ce qui a trait Ă  leur comprĂ©hension de la place de la crĂ©ativitĂ© dans les cours et les programmes, et en ce qui a trait aux stratĂ©gies qu’ils dĂ©clarent utiliser pour susciter la crĂ©ativitĂ© chez leurs Ă©tudiants.  Nous discutons des implications de ces rĂ©sultats, y compris de la façon dont les donnĂ©es se rĂ©vèlent aux dĂ©bats actuels qui portent sur le rĂ´le des disciplines et, de façon plus gĂ©nĂ©rale, sur l’enseignement, l’apprentissage et la crĂ©ativitĂ©

    Assessing the Effect of Differential Diffusion for Stratified Lean Premixed Turbulent Flames with the Use of LES-PDF Framework

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    Lean premixed stratified combustion is rapidly growing in importance for modern engine designs. This paper presents large eddy simulations for a new burner design to assess the predictive capability of the probability density function (pdf) approach to flames that propagate through non-homogeneous mixtures in terms of equivalence ratio. Although various efforts have been made in the past for the simulation of the same test case the novelty of this work lies to the fact that it is the first simulation effort that differential diffusion is accounted for given the relatively low Reynolds numbers (13,800) of the configuration. First mean and root mean square velocity simulations are performed for the isothermal cases to assess the effect of the grid resolution and the overall LES flow field solver. Then instantaneous snapshots of the flame are presented to provide insight to the structure of the flame and the effect of stratification. Finally, results for velocities, temperature and mixture fraction are presented and compared with the experimental data. Overall, the results are in very good agreement with experiments
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