56 research outputs found

    Team adaptation in complex work environments

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    A adaptação é fundamental para a eficácia do trabalho em equipa em ambientes complexos. A literatura sugere que as características dos membros da equipa, os processos episódicos e os estados emergentes contribuem para a capacidade de as equipas se comportarem de forma adaptativa. No entanto, as causas e condições em que estas variáveis se relacionam e contribuem para a adaptação em ambientes de trabalho complexos exige mais investigação. Nesta dissertação, vamos concentrar-nos nas dinâmicas multinível, transversais e longitudinais que caracterizam o processo adaptativo. Os participantes dos estudos feitos nesta dissertação foram estudantes universitários, e trabalhadores de diversos contextos organizacionais (e.g. gestão; saúde hospitalar; policia). O teste das hipóteses de investigação foi feito através de metodologias de regressão e equações estruturais. A metodologia de regressão foi utilizada para estimar os efeitos diretos, indiretos e condicionados. A modelagem com equações estruturais foi utilizada para estimar os efeitos indiretos, multinível e longitudinais. No geral, os resultados sugerem que a performance adaptativa contribui para a eficácia das equipas em ambientes de trabalho complexos. Os nossos resultados também clarificam a natureza das relações entre as características dos membros das equipas, os processos e estados emergentes. Esta dissertação contribui para a teoria e a prática, uma vez que amplia o conhecimento prévio sobre as dinâmicas de adaptação do trabalho em equipa, e tece recomendações de como e por que razões as práticas de GRH devem incorporar os resultados desta dissertação na gestão de pessoas.Team adaptation is paramount for effective teamwork in complex work environments. Literature suggests that team member characteristics, episodic team processes, and emergent states contribute to collective ability to behave adaptively. However, we know very little about the causes and conditions under which these constructs relate to predict adaptation and effectiveness in complex work environments requires further clarification. In this dissertation, we focus on the multilevel, cross-level and longitudinal examination of the dynamics of team member characteristics, episodic team processes, and emergent states driving team adaptation in the work place. In this dissertation data collection was done in simulated and field settings. Participants were university students and professional workers from diverse organizational settings (e.g. business; healthcare; police). Hypotheses testing were done through regression and structural equations modelling. Regression was used to estimate direct, indirect, and conditioned effects. Structural equations modelling were used to estimate indirect, multilevel and longitudinal effects. Overall, the results suggest that team adaptation contributes to team effectiveness in complex work environments. Our results also contribute to clarify the entanglement between team member characteristics, processes and emergent states in teams. This dissertation contributes to theory and practice as it extends previous knowledge on the dynamics of team adaptation, and it makes recommendations of why and how HRM practices should incorporate our findings in people management

    Auto liderança e inovação de papel:relações de mediação com a orientação dos objectivos e a motivação

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    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Psicologia dos Recursos Humanos, do Trabalho e das Organizações), 2009, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da EducaçãoNas ultimas duas decadas tem-se assistido ao desenvolvimento do constructo normativo de auto-lideranca e a enfatizacao do estudo dos processos de inovacao. Desenvolvida a partir das Teorias Socio Cognitivas, Motivacionais e da Auto Gestao, a auto-lideranca integra-as, propondo um modelo descritivo dos processos de navegacao autonoma que maximizam a eficacia individual na persecucao e concretizacao das tarefas e potenciam a inovacao em geral. Sendo recente e apesar dos muitos trabalhos teoricos ja desenvolvidos, o constructo carece ainda de fundamentacao empirica, pelo que grande parte do conhecimento existente advem de proposicoes inferidas a partir da literatura das teorias de base. Igualmente relacionada com a inovacao, encontra-se a orientacao para os objectivos (resultados; aprendizagem) e a motivacao intrinseca, que se sabe interagirem e serem bons preditores da inovacao. Apesar do efeito geral da autolideranca e demais variaveis na inovacao ja ter sido comprovado (quando avaliado pelos colaboradores e chefias), o seu impacto ao nivel da inovacao de papel permanece ainda por explicar. Este estudo propoe-se a testar um modelo que permita descrever o modo como as variaveis acima mencionadas se influenciam na predicao da inovacao de papel. Para tal, surgem as seguintes hipoteses de investigacao: H1: A auto-lideranca prediz a inovacao de papel; H2.a: A orientacao para a aprendizagem tem um efeito positivo na inovacao de papel; H2.b: A orientacao para os resultados tem um efeito negativo na inovacao de papel; H3: A auto-lideranca vai mediar a relacao entre as estrategias de orientacao para os objectivos e a inovacao de papel; H4: A auto-lideranca vai mediar a relacao entre a motivacao intrinseca e a inovacao de papel. Atraves dos Modelos de Equacoes Estruturais, encontrou-se um bom grau de ajustamento dos dados a amostra, confirmando-se todas as hipoteses a excepcao de H2.b. As implicacoes e direccoes futuras sao discutidos no final.During the last two decades, work and organizational psychology literature and research have been giving significant attention to mental and behavioural processes concerning both Self-Leadership and Innovation. Building on Social Cognitive, Motivational and Self-Management theories, Self-Leadership proposes a normative and descriptive theory of cognitive and behavioural self navigation strategies concerning work role task and innovation performance in individuals and teams. Theoretical literature on self-leadership is young but vast, although it is mainly built on propositions and assumptions, lacking empirical evidence. Equally related with Innovation, are Goal Orientation Strategies and Intrinsic Motivation, whose effects on Innovation outcomes are well known and documented. How ever, concerning Work Role Innovation, an innovation construct specifically directed to the way co-workers improve and find new ways for accomplishing their tasks, little has yet been done. Because so, this paper aims to propose an explanatory model of the way the above mentioned variables interact and influence Work Role Innovation, leading to the following hypothesis: H1: Self- Leadership directly predicts Work Role Innovation; H2.a: Learning Orientation as a positive relation with Work Role Innovation: H2.b: Performance Orientation as a negative relation with Work Role Innovation; H3: Self-Leadership has a positive mediation effect on the relation between Goal Orientation Strategies and Work Role Innovation and H4: Self-leadership has a positive mediation effect on the relation between Intrinsic Motivation and Work Role Innovation. Through Structural Equations Model, the hypotheses have been confirmed, allowing for new insights and the broadening of Self-Leadership, Motivation and Goal Orientation theories. Findings and Implications are discussed

    Goal orientation and work role performance: predicting adaptive and proactive work role performance through self-leadership strategies

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    Versão pré-printThis article explores the relationship between goal orientation, self-leadership dimensions, and adaptive and proactive work role performances. The authors hypothesize that learning orientation, in contrast to performance orientation, positively predicts proactive and adaptive work role performances and that this relationship is mediated by self-leadership behavior-focused strategies. It is posited that self-leadership natural reward strategies and thought pattern strategies are expected to moderate this relationship. Workers (N = 108) from a software company participated in this study. As expected, learning orientation did predict adaptive and proactive work role performance. Moreover, in the relationship between learning orientation and proactive work role performance through self-leadership behavior-focused strategies, a moderated mediation effect was found for self-leadership natural reward and thought pattern strategies. In the end, the authors discuss the results and implications are discussed and future research directions are proposed

    Autoliderazgo y Motivación de Rol Laboral: Prueba de un Modelo de Mediación con Orientación de Meta y Orientación Laboral

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    This article explores the relationship between self-leadership, goal orientation, intrinsic motivation, and innovative behavior. Because innovation requires self-navigation competences we propose that self-leadership skills mediate the relationship between goal orientation and role innovation, as well as between intrinsic motivation and role innovation. To investigate this, 108 employees from three companies, working on the development and implementation of technological solutions, were surveyed on their goal orientation believes, their level of intrinsic motivation, their self-leadership strategies, and the frequency they introduce new procedures on their jobs. Structural equation modelling showed a positive relationship with role innovation for learning goal orientation and intrinsic motivation, but not for performance goal orientation. Self-leadership skills fully mediated the relationship between learning goal orientation and role innovation and partially mediated the relationship between intrinsic motivation and role innovation. Thus, enhancing employees’ self-navigation competences might be an avenue for enhancing their innovative behavior.Este artículo explora la relación entre el autoliderazgo, la orientación de meta, la motivación intrínseca y la conducta innovadora. Debido a que la innovación requiere competencias de autonavegación, proponemos que las destrezas de auto-liderazgo median la relación entre la orientación de meta y la innovación de rol, así como entre la motivación intrínseca y la motivación de rol. Para investigar esto, 108 empleados de tres compañías dedicadas al desarrollo e implementación de soluciones tecnológicas fueron encuestados en sus creencias de orientación de meta, su nivel de motivación intrínseca, sus estrategias de autoliderazgo y la frecuencia con la que introducen nuevos procedimientos en sus trabajos. Un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales mostró una relación positiva con la innovación de rol para el aprendizaje de la orientación de meta y la motivación intrínseca pero no para el desempeño de la orientación de meta. Las destrezas de autoliderazgo mediaron completamente entre la motivación intrínseca y la innovación de rol. De este modo, facilitar las competencias de autonavegación de los empleados podría ser un camino para facilitar la conducta innovadora

    Relationship between decision-making styles and leadership styles of portuguese fire officers

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    Numerous studies in management and leadership indicate that one’s decision-making style is reflective of one’s leadership style. In the context of civil protection and the fire service, the ability of the fire officers to adopt the best style of decision-making and leadership in each situation represents a critical factor of success. Therefore, the present study was designed to examine the relationship between decision-making and the leadership style of fire officers. For this study, a quantitative method was used, with the application of questionnaires with closed questions. A sample of 346 officers of Portuguese fire stations answered the questionnaire. Correlations between styles are consistent with findings from other studies. Decision-making styles directly influence the leadership styles adopted. Fire officers prioritize people and social concerns, involving teams in decision-making. Research shows positive correlations between participants’ roles, conceptual decision-making, and relation-focused leadership. Higher academic degrees are associated with relationship-focused leadership. Behavioral decision-making mediates the impact of education on leadership styles.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Teams as Complex Adaptive Systems: Reviewing 17 Years of Research

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    At the turn of the century Arrow, McGrath, and Berdahl (2000) portrayed teams as complex adaptive systems (CAS). And yet, despite broad agreement that this approach facilitates a better understanding of teams, it has only now been timidly incorporated into team research. To help fully incorporate the logic of teams as CAS in the science of teams, we review extant research on teams' approached from a nonlinear dynamical system theory. Using a systematic review approach, we selected 92 articles published over the last 17 years, in order to integrate what we know about teams as CAS. Our review reveals the evidence supporting teams as CAS, and the set of analytical techniques to analyze team data from this perspective. Our work contributes to teams' theory and practice by offering ways to identify both research methods and managing techniques that scholars and practitioners may apply to study and manage teams as CAS

    On the relationship between authentic leadership, flourishing, and performance in healthcare teams: A job demands-resources perspective

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    This study integrates the job demands-resources model and authentic leadership theory to test the general hypothesis that authentic leadership is a job resource that enables flourishing and performance in healthcare teams. Furthermore, this article tests the hypothesis that the daily bed occupancy is a job demand that weakens this relationship. Participants were 106 nurses that were distributed across 33 teams from two hospitals. The results suggest that the authentic leadership of team leaders is positively related with subjective and objective team performance, but only when daily bed occupancy is low. Authentic leadership had no relationship with team flourishing, regardless of the daily bed occupancy. Our findings suggest that the extent to which authentic leadership is adequate to promote the performance of teams working in a hospital setting is sensitive to contextual boundary conditions. Leading authentically might only be effective under specific circumstances.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Employer branding and psychological contract in family and non-family firms

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    ABSTRACT: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to assess differences between employees of family and non-family firms regarding their perceptions of employer branding and psychological contract levels. Moreover, focusing on family firms, the authors assess the relation between the employees’ perceptions of employer branding and the psychological contract levels. Design/methodology/approach – The empirical evidence is provided by a sample of 165 Portuguese employees, 76 employees of family firms and 89 non-family firms’ employees, who responded to a questionnaire that included employer branding and psychological contract measures. All respondents study in small and medium-sized private companies. Findings – The results confirmed the research hypotheses, suggesting that employees of family companies show higher perceptions of employer branding and psychological contract levels than employees of nonfamily companies. Results also reveal that the perceptions of employer branding are positively related to the psychological contract levels of the family firm’s employees. Originality/value – This paper aims to contribute to the literature by addressing two contemporary organizational aspects yet under-addressed in the comparison between family and non-family firms while pursuing to offer insights on the relationship between the perceptions s of employer branding and levels of the psychological contract of employees working in family firms.RESUMEN: Objetivo – O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar diferenças entre colaboradores de empresas familiares e não familiares no que respeita às suas perceções das pr aticas de employer branding e níveis de contrato psicol ogico. Além disso, com foco nas empresas familiares, foi avaliada a relação entre as perceções de employer branding dos colaboradores e os níveis de contrato psicol ogico. Design/metodologia/abordagem – A evidência empírica é baseada numa amostra de 165 trabalhadores portugueses, 76 colaboradores de empresas familiares e 89 de empresas não familiares. Os participantes responderam a um question ario que avaliou as perceções sobre as pr aticas de employer branding e os níveis de contrato psicol ogico. Todos os respondentes trabalham em empresas privadas de pequena e média dimensão. Resultados – Os resultados confirmaram as hip oteses de investigação, sugerindo que os colaboradores de empresas familiares apresentam perceções de employer branding e níveis de contrato psicol ogico mais elevados do que os colaboradores de empresas não familiares. Os resultados revelaram ainda que as perceções de employer branding estão positivamente relacionadas com os níveis de contrato psicol ogico dos colaboradores de empresas familiares. Originalidade/valor – Este artigo tem como objetivo contribuir para a literatura ao abordar dois aspetos organizacionais contemporâneos ainda pouco estudados na comparação entre empresas familiares e não familiares. Procurando, ainda, que oferecer insights sobre a relação entre as perceções de employer branding e os níveis de contrato psicológico dos colaboradores de empresas familiares.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Teamwork in Antarctica

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    This document regards the report of the research project "Team Adaptation during Antarctica Summer Campaigns", supported by the Portuguese Polar Program (PROPOLAR). It contains general findings about teamwork in Antarctica and recommendations for practice
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