2,934 research outputs found

    A model for vortex formation in magnetic nanodots

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    We use Monte Carlo simulation to study the vortex nucleation on magnetic nanodots at low temperature. In our simulations, we have considered a simple microscopic two-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg model with term to describe the anisotropy due to the presence of the nanodot edge. We have considered the thickness of the edge, which was not considered in previous works, introducing a term that controls the energy associated to the edge. Our results clearly show that the thickness of the edge has a considerable influence in the vortex nucleation on magnetic nanodots. We have obtained the hysteresis curve for several values of the surface anisotropy and skin depth parameter (ξ\xi). The results are in excellent agreement with experimental data

    Narratives of adolescents with an active and sedentary lifestyle

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    Nuestra investigación trata de analizar las narraciones de adolescentes que han adoptado diferentes estilos de vida e identificar las variables psicológicas, comportamentales, sociales y ambientales relacionadas con un estilo de vida activo y una vida sedentaria. Se aplicaron entrevistas de carácter narrativo a 2 niñas (1 activa y 1 sedentaria) y 2 niños (1 activo y 1 sedentario). El análisis temático ha identificado las categorías que distinguen a los dos grupos de estudiantes, a lo largo de su infancia y adolescencia, específicamente: historia de la actividad física (AF); valor de los comportamientos sedentarios; apoyo social de la familia y amigos a la AF; seguridad física y las instalaciones en el barrio; participación en AF extracurricular en la escuela; la escuela primaria y secundaria y experiencias en Educación Física (EF); profesores y compañeros de EF; conocimiento de la AF y la salud; y actitudes hacia la EF y la escuelaThis study sought to analyse the narratives of adolescents who have adopted an active or a sedentary lifestyle, and to identify psychological, behavioural, social and environmental variables related to an active and a sedentary lifestyle among adolescents. Narrative interviews were conducted with 2 girls (1active and 1 sedentary) and 2 boys (1 active and 1sedentary). Thematic analysis identified a number of key personal, social and environmental influences on physical activity (PA) that distinguished the two groups of students, through their childhood and adolescence. These included PA history, the value of sedentary behaviours, social support from family and friends for PA, safety and PA facilities in the local neighbourhood, PA participation in school besides Physical Education (PE), primary and secondary school and experiences in PE, PE teachers and PE peers, PA and health knowledge and perception of PE goals, and attitudes toward school and PE

    Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus associated with tenofovir administration: report of a paediatric case

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    Tenofovirrenal toxicity, particularly when associated with other antiretrovirals, has been reported in the adult HIV-positive population. Reports in HIVpositive children are very rare. The authors report a paediatric case of nephrotoxicity associated with tenofovir and didanosine, emtricitabine and lopinavirritonavir coadministration. A 12-year-old girl with AIDS (clinical stage C) with a multidrug-resistant virus and several treatment failures initiated emtricitabine, tenofovir, didanosine and lopinavir-ritonavir in 2008 with good tolerance. Her viral load became undetectable and CD4 count normal. Two years later she presented generalized weakness, polydipsia and polyuria. On physical examination dehydration was evident. Her vital signs were stable. She had lost 5% of her body weight in the previous week. Urinalysis revealed a urine gravity of 1000, osmolality 150 mOsm/Kg and no proteinuria or glucosuria. Blood analysis showed osmolality 289 mOsm/Kg, normal values of glucose, creatinine, urea, sodium, potassium, chloride and calcium. A water restriction test followed by desmopressin administration confirmed the diagnosis of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. Tenofovir and didanosine were stopped and abacavir was added. The patient was treated with a thiazide diuretic and salt restriction. There was good clinical evolution and no relapses. This case highlights important possible side effects of tenofovir and emphasises the need for further studies into the renal safety of this agent in paediatric patients

    Questionário de antecipação do parto (QAP)

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    Este artigo descreve a construção e validação de um instrumento “Questionário de Antecipação do Parto” (QAP) constituído por 52 questões que tem por objectivo principal estimar a antecipação da grávida em relação ao parto: o planeamento e preparação que está a realizar, as suas expectativas relativas ao parto, ao pós-parto, à relação com o bebé e com o companheiro, e ao suporte social, e as suas preocupações com a saúde e com as consequências adversas do parto em si e no bebé. Para o efeito, uma amostra de 305 mulheres primíparas e multíparas, preencheu o QAP, entre as 4 e as 40 semanas de gestação, das quais 170 realizaram medidas repetidas. A Análise Hierárquica de Clusters permitiu identificar 6 sub-escalas que se referem a dimensões importantes da avaliação da antecipação da experiência de parto: 1. Planeamento e preparação para o parto, 2. Expectactivas quanto ao parto, 3. Preocupações quanto à saúde e consequências adversas do parto, 4. Expectativas quanto ao pós-parto, 5. Expectativas quanto à relação com o bebé e com o companheiro, e 6. Expectativas quanto ao suporte social. Considerando as suas características psicométricas, o questionário mostrou-se fidedigno (Teste-reteste = 0,690), com boa consistência interna (Alpha de Cronbach = 0,8512 e Split-Half = 0,5895) e com boa validade preditiva em relação à posterior ocorrência de depressão pós-parto. O QAP é assim um instrumento fidedigno, capaz de estimar adequadamente a antecipação que a grávida faz do parto e vem colmatar uma importante necessidade dos investigadores e clínicos, uma vez que é o primeiro instrumento validado em Portugal construído para este propósito.This article describes the construction and reliability of a 52 item questionnaire “Anticipation of Childbirth Questionnaire” (QAP), aiming to analyse the mother’s anticipation of childbirth, namely, the planning, the expectations towards the delivery, the postpartum recovery, the relation with the baby and the partner, social support, the worries about health and the adverse consequences of delivery for herself and for the baby. A sample of 305 primiparous and multiparous pregnant women participated in the study and answered the QAP, between 4 and 40 weeks of pregnancy, some (n=170) made repeated measures. The Hierarquical Clusters Analysis aloud us to identify 6 sub-scales which constitute important dimensions for evaluating the anticipation of childbirth: 1. Preparation and planning of childbirth; 2. Expectations concerning delivery; 3. Worries about health and negative consequences of childbirth; 4. Expectations regarding postpartum; 5. Expectations regarding the relation with the baby and with the partner; and 6. Expectations of social support. The questionnaire has proven to be reliable (Test-retest = 0,690) and has a good internal consistency (Alpha de Cronbach = 0,8512 and Split-Half = 0,5895) as well as good predictive validation regarding postpartum depression incidence. Given its psychometric properties, the QAP is a reliable instrument, able to estimate the pregnant women anticipation of delivery. This is the only available instrument in Portugal constructed for this objective for investigators and clinicians.Cet article décrit la construction et validation d’un instrument « Questionnaire d’Anticipation de l’Accouchement » (QAP) constitué par 52 questions qui à pour objectif principal estimer l’anticipation de l’accouchement de la femme enceinte: la planification et préparation qu’elle réalise; ses expectatives relatives à l’accouchement, au post-partum, à la relation avec le bébé et le partenaire et au support social; ses préoccupations quand à la santé et aux conséquences adverses de l’accouchement en elle-même et son bébé. Pour cet effet un échantillon de 305 femmes enceintés primipare et multipare à accompli le QAP, entre la 4ème et la 40ème semaine de gestation, desquels 170 ont réalisé des mesures répétées. L’Analyse Hiérarchique de Clusters à permit identifier 6 sub-échelles qui mesuré des importantes dimensions de l’anticipation de l’expérience d’accouchement: 1. Planification et préparation de l’accouchement; 2. Expectatives quand à l’accouchement; 3. Préoccupation quand à la santé et aux conséquences adverses de l’accouchement; 4. Expectatives quand au post-partum; 5. Expectatives quand à la relation avec le bébé et le partenaire et 6. Expectatives quand au support social. Considèrent ses caractéristiques psychométriques, le questionnaire c’est montré fidigne (Test-retest = 0,690), ayant une très bonne consistance interne (Alpha de Cronbach = 0,8512 et Split-Half = 0,5895) et une bonne validité prédictive en relation à la postérieur occurrence de dépression du post-partum. Le QAP est ainsi un instrument fidigne, capable d’estimer adéquatement l’anticipation que la femme enceinte fait de l’accouchement, et répond à une nécessité des investigateurs et cliniciens, une fois que c’est le premier instrument validé au Portugal construit avec ce purpose

    Questionário de experiência e satisfação com o parto (QESP)

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    Este artigo apresenta a construção e validação do “Questionário de Experiência e Satisfação com o Parto” (QESP), destinado a avaliar a experiência e satisfação da mulher com o parto (preocupações, sentimentos, relaxamento, cuidados e condições disponíveis, dor, satisfação e confirmação de expectativas prévias, bem como suporte por parte de significativos durante o parto). O QESP foi administrado a uma amostra de 306 mulheres nos primeiros 5 dias do pós-parto, das quais 103 realizaram uma medida repetida do instrumento e preencheram a “Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale” (EPDS) aos 3 meses de vida do bebé. A Análise Hierárquica de Clusters permitiu identificar 8 sub-escalas que compõem o questionário: 1. condições e cuidados prestados, 2. experiência positiva, 3. experiência negativa, 4. relaxamento, 5. suporte, 6. suporte do companheiro, 7. preocupações e 8. pós-parto. O estudo psicométrico mostra que o QESP tem muito boa consistência interna (Alpha de Cronbach = 0,9087, Coeficiente de Split-half = 0,6828), é fidedigno (Teste-Reteste=0,586) e possui boa validade preditiva em relação à posterior ocorrência de depressão pós-parto. Por permitir a identificação de experiências de parto menos positivas, susceptíveis de se traduzirem em dificuldades de ajustamento após o parto, o QESP é um instrumento que pode revelar-se útil para os técnicos e investigadores da área da saúde reprodutiva.Este estudo foi desenvolvido com o apoio do Serviço de Saúde e Desenvolvimento Humano da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian e da Fundação Bial

    Envolvimento emocional inicial dos pais com o bebé

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    Embora a vinculação da criança aos pais tenha sido largamente investigada, a vinculação dos pais à criança está praticamente por estudar. A ideia de que o envolvimento emocional dos pais é uma circunstância determinante para a qualidade da interacção e dos cuidados que providenciam, e, por consequência, um factor que influencia o desenvolvimento da criança, tem sido contudo amplamente divulgada na literatura. O estudo que apresentamos neste artigo destina-se a investigar o envolvimento emocional inicial dos pais com o bebé. Desenvolve-se em torno de 3 objectivos principais: 1) descrever o envolvimento emocional com o recém-nascido, das mães e dos pais, na primeira semana que se segue ao parto; 2) analisar diferenças, entre mães e pais, no envolvimento emocional inicial com o filho; 3) avaliar mudanças no envolvimento emocional com o bebé das mães, durante a primeira semana do pós-parto. Para esse efeito, a escala Bonding (Figueiredo, Marques, Costa, Pacheco, & Pais, 2004) foi administrada nas 24 horas seguintes ao parto, a 150 mães, e, entre as 24 e as 48 horas do pós-parto, a 315 mães e 141 pais (N=456), cujos bebés nasceram na Maternidade Júlio Dinis (Porto). Os resultados obtidos mostram que, na semana seguinte ao parto, a maior parte das mães e dos pais relata: (1) elevado envolvimento emocional positivo (respectivamente, 71% e 73%), (2) pelo menos uma emoção não claramente relacionada com o ‘bonding’ (respectivamente, 76% e 70.9%), (3) ausência de emoções negativas para com o filho (embora algum envolvimento emocional negativo esteja presente em 21% das mães e 16.3% dos pais). Mostram também que, embora não seja muito diferente o envolvimento emocional das mães e dos pais em relação ao recém-nascido, as mães sentem-se, contudo, significativamente mais tristes, mais possessivas e mais receosas e, no geral, exibem mais emoções não claramente relacionadas com o ‘bonding’ e estão menos vinculadas ao bebé do que os pais, 48 horas depois do parto. Da análise dos resultados surge ainda que, 48 horas depois do parto, as mães estão significativamente menos receosas na presença do bebé do que nas primeiras 24 horas e que as emoções não claramente relacionadas com o ‘bonding’ tendem a diminuir ao longo dos primeiros dias do puerpério. Conclui-se assim que, na semana seguinte ao nascimento do bebé, (1) a generalidade das mães e dos pais exibe elevado envolvimento positivo, pelo menos uma emoção não claramente relacionada com o ‘bonding’, diminuto ou ausente envolvimento emocional negativo com o filho. (2) Os pais têm um melhor envolvimento emocional inicial com o recém-nascido do que as mães. (3) Num tão curto espaço de tempo quanto um dia, observam-se ligeiras mudanças positivas na qualidade das emoções que as mães dirigem ao bebé. Conclui-se ainda a propósito da importância de investigar o envolvimento emocional inicial dos pais com o bebé e de reflectir acerca das condições que podem beneficiar o ‘bonding’ das mães e dos pais, nos momentos que se seguem ao parto.Although child attachment toward the parents has been largely studied, we still have a lot to know about how parents attach to infants. Nevertheless, the literature has been highlighting for so long that the parents’ emotional involvement is a determinant factor in the quality of the interaction and the care that they provided to the child. This study investigates the parents’ initial emotional bonding toward the newborn, attending to 3 main objectives: (1) to describe parents’ emotional involvement with the infant in the first postpartum week, (2) to analyse differences in the initial emotional bonding, between mothers and fathers; 3) to evaluate changes in the mother’s emotional involvement with the infant during the first postpartum week. The Bonding Scale (Figueiredo, Marques, Costa, Pacheco, & Pais, 2004) was administrated to 150 mothers, 24 hours after the delivery, and to 315 mothers and 141 fathers (N=456), at 1 to 2 days postpartum (at the Júlio Dinis Maternity Hospital. Porto). The results show that in the week following the delivery, most mothers and fathers report: (1) high positive emotional involvement (71% and 73%, respectively); (2) at least one emotion not clearly related with bonding (76% and 70.9%, respectively); (3) no negative emotions toward the infant (although some negative emotional involvement is present in 21% of the mothers and 16.3% of the fathers). Results also show that 48 hours after delivery mother’s and father’s emotional involvement toward the newborn is not so different, but mothers feel significantly more sad, possessive and fearful, and in general have more emotions not clearly related with bonding as well as worse bonding than fathers. The results also show that mothers are significantly less fearful in the presence of the infant at day 2 than at day 1, and emotions not clearly related with bonding tend to decrease in the first following delivery days. We conclude that in the first week after childbirth, (1) most mothers and fathers have high positive involvement, at least one emotion not clearly related with bonding, low or absent negative emotional involvement with the infant. (2) Fathers have a better initial bonding with the newborn than mothers. (3) In a very short period of time (1 day) slightly positive changes in the quality of the mother’s emotions toward the child can be observed. We also conclude that studying the parents’ emotional involvement with the baby and considering the conditions that might benefit the mother’s and father’s emotional involvement, in the moments that follow childbirth, are very important issues.Serviço de Saúde e Desenvolvimento Humano da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

    Nutrition Day in nursing homes – risk factors for malnutrition

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    Introduction: Malnutrition in institutionalized older adults has a significant prevalence, and is associated with cognitive decline, higher morbidity and mortality rates. Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess risk factors for malnutrition in nursing home residents. Methods: Through Nutrition Day audit (2016–2018), demographic and anthropometric data was collected, as well as medical history and nutritional status according to Mini Nutritional Assessment. Results: Sixty-three individuals were included (57.1% male), with a mean age of 849 years. Mean Body Mass Index was 21.55.1 kg/m2. Malnutrition was identified in 47.6% of the patients and nutritional risk in 28.6%. Most of the sample (61.9%) was bedridden or in wheelchair. Most of the individuals showed dementia (82.5%) and depression (79.3%). A positive moderate significant correlation was found between nutritional status and cognitive status (r = 0.407;p=0.001); and between nutritional status and functional capacity (r = 0.474;p=0.000). Considering the diagnosis which caused institutionalization, brain pathologies were the most prevalent (79.4%), followed by cardiovascular diseases (49.2%) and skeletal muscle diseases (27.0%). Mean number of medications taken daily was 74 and 74.6% of the residents were polymedicated. The majority (61.9%) was taking antipsychotics and/or neuroleptics and 28.6% were taking antidepressives. Conclusions: In this sample, individuals are essentially older adults with a high prevalence of malnutrition. The high level of dependence and the presence of dementia are significant risk factors for the development of this condition. Disturbed emotional status and the use of multiple drugs associated with impaired appetite, although without statistically significant associations with nutritional status, are highly prevalent in this sample. Nutritional screening in this population is essential and timely necessary, aiming to prevent deterioration or improve nutritional status.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    BioRePortAP, an electronic clinical record coupled with a database : an example of its use in a single

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    Aims: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the treatment of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) patients with tumor necrosis factor (TNF) antagonists in the Rheumatology Department of Hospital de Santa Maria using the BioRePortAP. Methods: The Portuguese Society of Rheumatology (SPR) developed an electronic medical chart coupled with a database for the follow up of PsA patients, the BioRePortAP, which was launched in May 2009. This evaluation was based on all the PsA patients that were on active treatment with TNF antagonists in September 2009 and were registered in the BioRePortAP. All the previous data on these patients were introduced in BioRePortAP using the prospective paper based follow up protocol that this Department was using since 1999. Only patients with more than 9 months of treatment were analyzed. Results: Forty-two patients with PsA, actively treated with anti-TNF agents in September 2009, for at least 9 months, were analyzed in BioRePortAP. Twenty-three patients were male (55%) and nineteen were female (45%). The average age of these patients was 49.8±10.9 years old, the average disease duration was of 10.7±5.6 years and the mean duration of biological therapy was of 37.8±27.8 months. For the 81% of patients with peripheral joint disease there was a mean reduction of more than 80% in the swollen and tender joint counts, and almost 50% in the health assessment questionnaire (HAQ) value. In the 19% of the patients with axial involvement the reduction of BASDAI and BASFI was not statistically significative. On top of that, PASI score suffered a reduction of 64%. Fourteen patients (33.3%) had to switch their TNF antagonist treatment. 58.8% of the switches were due to adverse effects and 41.2% due to therapy failure. Regarding the 56 adverse reactions registered, only one was a severe reaction. The remaining adverse reactions were not severe and 67% of them were due to infections. Discussion: The results of this first report of the use of the BioRePortAP in clinical practice confirm the efficacy and safety of TNF antagonist treatment in PsA. The results shown here elucidate the potential applications of BioRePortAP as a tool for efficacy and safety assessment of PsA patients treated with biotechnological drugs

    Evidence of C−H···O Hydrogen Bonds in Liquid 4-Ethoxybenzaldehyde by NMR and Vibrational Spectroscopies

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    Raman, FTIR, and NMR (both 13C and 17O) spectroscopies are used in a complementary way in order to study the occurrence of C−H···O intermolecular hydrogen bonds in liquid 4-ethoxybenzaldehyde (4EtOB). Additional information concerning the structure of the possible dimers is obtained through ab initio calculations, at the B3LYP/6-31G* level. The strongest evidences of the presence of C−H···O hydrogen bonds in the liquid phase arise from the temperature and solvent intensity dependence of the two bands observed in the νCO region of the vibrational spectra, as well as from the shift to low magnetic field detected for the carbonyl 17O NMR peak at higher dilutions. Further evidence is gathered from the changes observed in the νC-H vibrational modes, the 1JCH concentration dependence detected in the NMR spectra, and ab initio results. The experimental observations are consistent with the decrease of the C−H bond length upon hydrogen-bonding, as predicted for the nonstandard blue-shifting hydrogen bonds. Ab initio calculations predict several possible structures for the dimeric species, with nearly identical energies. The calculated dimerization energy is within the −5.1 to −6.5 kJ mol-1 range, considering both basis set superposition error and zero-point vibrational energy corrections, in agreement with the obtained experimental ΔH value of −5.7 ± 0.5 kJ mol-1