594 research outputs found

    Recovering the genomes hidden in museum wet collections

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    Natural history museums hold vast collections of biomaterials. The collections in museums, often painstakingly sampled, are largely unexplored treasures that may help us better understand biodiversity on the planet. Museum collections can provide a unique window into the past of species long gone or currently declining due to human activity. From a molecular perspective, however, many museum samples are stored under conditions that hasten the damage of DNA, RNA and proteins. For example, samples in wet collections are those stored in liquid preservatives, typically ethanol. These ethanol-preserved tissues are often, although not always, formalin-fixed prior to storage, which may damage DNA. In this and recent issues of Molecular Ecology Resources, Straube et al (2021), O'Connell et al (2021) and Hahn et al (2022) explore different types of specimens from museum wet collections as new sources of DNA for scientific studies. All three articles found that for wet museum collections, overall specimen condition mattered most for recovering high-quality genomic DNA

    The genomic distribution of intraspecific and interspecific sequence divergence of human segmental duplications relative to human/chimpanzee chromosomal rearrangements

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    Background: It has been suggested that chromosomal rearrangements harbor the molecular footprint of the biological phenomena which they induce, in the form, for instance, of changes in the sequence divergence rates of linked genes. So far, all the studies of these potential associations have focused on the relationship between structural changes and the rates of evolution of singlecopy DNA and have tried to exclude segmental duplications (SDs). This is paradoxical, since SDs are one of the primary forces driving the evolution of structure and function in our genomes and have been linked not only with novel genes acquiring new functions, but also with overall higher DNA sequence divergence and major chromosomal rearrangements. Results: Here we take the opposite view and focus on SDs. We analyze several of the features of SDs, including the rates of intraspecific divergence between paralogous copies of human SDs and of interspecific divergence between human SDs and chimpanzee DNA. We study how divergence measures relate to chromosomal rearrangements, while considering other factors that affect evolutionary rates in single copy DNA. Conclusion: We find that interspecific SD divergence behaves similarly to divergence of singlecopy DNA. In contrast, old and recent paralogous copies of SDs do present different patterns of intraspecific divergence. Also, we show that some relatively recent SDs accumulate in regions that carry inversions in sister lineages.This research was supported by a grant to A.N. from the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia (Spain, BFU2006 15413-C02-01) and by BE2005 and BP2006 fellowships to T.M.B from the "Departament d'Educacio i Universitats de la Generalitat de Catalunya"

    Characterization of nuclear mitochondrial insertions in the whole genomes of primates

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    Altres ajuts: CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya i Obra Social "La Caixa"The transfer and integration of whole and partial mitochondrial genomes into the nuclear genomes of eukaryotes is an ongoing process that has facilitated the transfer of genes and contributed to the evolution of various cellular pathways. Many previous studies have explored the impact of these insertions, referred to as NumtS, but have focused primarily on older events that have become fixed and are therefore present in all individual genomes for a given species. We previously developed an approach to identify novel Numt polymorphisms from next-generation sequence data and applied it to thousands of human genomes. Here, we extend this analysis to 79 individuals of other great ape species including chimpanzee, bonobo, gorilla, orang-utan and also an old world monkey, macaque. We show that recent Numt insertions are prevalent in each species though at different apparent rates, with chimpanzees exhibiting a significant increase in both polymorphic and fixed Numt sequences as compared to other great apes. We further assessed positional effects in each species in terms of evolutionary time and rate of insertion and identified putative hotspots on chromosome 5 for Numt integration, providing insight into both recent polymorphic and older fixed reference NumtS in great apes in comparison to human events

    Genetic variation in Pan species is shaped by demographic history and harbors lineage-specific functions

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    Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus) are the closest living relatives of humans, but the two species show distinct behavioral and physiological differences, particularly regarding female reproduction. Despite their recent rapid decline, the demographic histories of the two species have been different during the past one to two million years, likely having an impact on their genomic diversity. Here, we analyze the inferred functional consequences of genetic variation across 69 individuals, making use of the most complete dataset of genomes in the Pan clade to date. We test to which extent the demographic history influences the efficacy of purifying selection in these species. We find that small historical effective population sizes (Ne) correlate not only with low levels of genetic diversity, but also with a larger number of deleterious alleles in homozygosity and an increased proportion of deleterious changes at low frequencies. To investigate the putative genetic basis for phenotypic differences between chimpanzees and bonobos, we exploit the catalog of putatively deleterious protein-coding changes in each lineage. We show that bonobo-specific non-synonymous changes are enriched in genes related to age at menarche in humans, suggesting that the prominent physiological differences in the female reproductive system between chimpanzees and bonobos might be explained, in part, by putatively adaptive changes on the bonobo lineage

    The impact of genetic adaptation on chimpanzee subspecies differentiation

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    Published: November 25, 2019Chimpanzees, humans' closest relatives, are in danger of extinction. Aside from direct human impacts such as hunting and habitat destruction, a key threat is transmissible disease. As humans continue to encroach upon their habitats, which shrink in size and grow in density, the risk of inter-population and cross-species viral transmission increases, a point dramatically made in the reverse with the global HIV/AIDS pandemic. Inhabiting central Africa, the four subspecies of chimpanzees differ in demographic history and geographical range, and are likely differentially adapted to their particular local environments. To quantitatively explore s genetic adaptation, we investigated the genic enrichment for SNPs highly differentiated between chimpanzee subspecies. Previous analyses of such patterns in human populations exhibited limited evidence of adaptation. In contrast, chimpanzees show evidence of recent positive selection, with differences among subspecies. Specifically, we observe strong evidence of recent selection in eastern chimpanzees, with highly differentiated SNPs being uniquely enriched in genic sites in a way that is expected under recent adaptation but not under neutral evolution or background selection. These sites are enriched for genes involved in immune responses to pathogens, and for genes inferred to differentiate the immune response to infection by simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) in natural vs. non-natural host species. Conversely, central chimpanzees exhibit an enrichment of signatures of positive selection only at cytokine receptors, due to selective sweeps in CCR3, CCR9 and CXCR6 -paralogs of CCR5 and CXCR4, the two major receptors utilized by HIV to enter human cells. Thus, our results suggest that positive selection has contributed to the genetic and phenotypic differentiation of chimpanzee subspecies, and that viruses likely play a predominate role in this differentiation, with SIV being a likely selective agent. Interestingly, our results suggest that SIV has elicited distinctive adaptive responses in these two chimpanzee subspecies.Joshua M. Schmidt, Marc de Manuel, Tomas Marques-Bonet, Sergi Castellano, Aida M. André

    Genetic variation in pan species is shaped by demographic history and harbors lineage-specific functions

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    Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus) are the closest living relatives of humans, but the two species show distinct behavioral and physiological differences, particularly regarding female reproduction. Despite their recent rapid decline, the demographic histories of the two species have been different during the past 1-2 Myr, likely having an impact on their genomic diversity. Here, we analyze the inferred functional consequences of genetic variation across 69 individuals,making use of themost complete data set of genomes in the Pan clade to date.We test towhich extent the demographic history influences the efficacy of purifying selection in these species.We find that small historical effective population sizes (Ne) correlate not only with low levels of genetic diversity but also with a larger number of deleterious alleles in homozygosity and an increased proportion of deleterious changes at lowfrequencies. Toinvestigate the putativegeneticbasis forphenotypic differencesbetweenchimpanzees andbonobos, we exploit the catalog of putatively deleterious protein-coding changes in each lineage.We show that bonobo-specific nonsynonymous changes are enrichedin genes relatedtoage atmenarche inhumans, suggesting that the prominent physiologicaldifferences in the female reproductive systembetweenchimpanzees andbonobosmightbe explained, inpart,byputatively adaptive changeson the bonobo lineage
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