57 research outputs found

    Writing the Mists of Memory: The Narrative Journeys of Henri Michaux and Nicolas Bouvier

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    Henri Michaux (Namur, 1899 – Paris, 1984) and Nicolas Bouvier (Geneva, 1929-1998) are two travellers who write about their experiences between the real and the imaginary Their narrative are the fruit of complex and dynamic processes that deal in first instance with memory. In this paper, I propose to analyse the metamorphosis motivated by some journeys of the writers, enhancing the difficulties, often the pain, inherent to the act of writing. Firstly, we will look into the travelling and analyse how stories come to life, in which context and with which motivations, pointing out the differences between the physical and geographical journeys and those that are more mental and imaginative. Afterwards, we will look into the threads of memory and the necessary presence of forgetfulness as survival but also as a sphere for creativity in the appropriation and transformation of time and space. Finally, we will look into the challenge and resistance of both writers to the boundaries imposed by language and memory, understanding how mental geographies look for constant deterritorialisations

    A Rede de Hospedagem e o Placemaking na Economia Compartilhada: examinando o Airbnb

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    This article investigates the similarities and differences for tangible and intangible elements (factors and language use) contributing to placemaking in Airbnb English language reviews in Paris (59,057 reviews), Barcelona (19,291 reviews) and London (30,403 reviews). This paper contributes to provide new insights on the narrative construction of reputational capital which is connected to placemaking strategies. A combined quantitative approach using large scale text analysis enabled the analysis of review content and style. Patterns in the words usage were identified. Findings suggest that tangible and intangible elements work together in the discourse, contributing to the place-narrative built on the host’s reputational capital. The host-guest interaction is the main aspect of the reviews, followed by the importance of transport and local amenities. Cities have different profiles in the composition of the word clusters which indicates differences in the guests’ perceived experience.Este artigo investiga as semelhanças e diferenças de elementos tangíveis e intangíveis (fatores e uso da linguagem) que contribuem para placemaking nos comentários em inglês do Airbnb em Paris (59.057 avaliações), Barcelona (19.291 avaliações) e Londres (30.403 avaliações). Este artigo contribui para o estudo da narrativa em torno do capital reputacional ligado às estratégias de placemaking. Uma abordagem quantitativa usando análise de texto em larga escala permitiu a análise das avaliações em conteúdo e estilo de escrita, levando à identificação de padrões no uso da linguagem. Os resultados sugerem que elementos tangíveis e intangíveis atuam no discurso de forma concertada, contribuindo para a narrativa do lugar construída a partir do capital reputacional do anfitrião. A interação anfitrião-hóspede surge como o principal fator nas avaliações, seguido do transporte e das comodidades locais. As cidades têm perfis diferentes na composição dos clusters de palavras, o que indica diferenças na experiência percecionada pelos hóspedes.Este artículo investiga las similitudes y diferencias de elementos tangibles e intangibles que contribuyen al placemaking en las reseñas en inglés de Airbnb en París (59,057 reseñas), Barcelona (19,291 reseñas) y Londres (30,403 reseñas). Este artículo contribuye al estudio de la narrativa en torno al capital reputacional vinculado a las estrategias de placemaking. Un enfoque cuantitativo que utiliza análisis de texto a gran escala permitió el análisis de las reseñas en términos de contenido y estilo de escritura, lo que permitió la identificación de patrones en el uso del lenguaje. Los resultados indican que los elementos tangibles e intangibles actúan juntos en el discurso, contribuyendo a la narrativa del lugar construida a partir del capital reputacional del anfitrión. La interacción entre el anfitrión-huésped surge como el factor principal en las evaluaciones, seguido del transporte y las comodidades locales. Las ciudades tienen diferentes perfiles en la composición de los grupos de palabras, lo que indica diferencias en la experiencia percibida de los huéspedes

    Do género à subversão: a escrita fragmentária em Charles-Albert Cingria e Paul Nougé

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    Nas obras fragmentárias de Charles-Albert Cingria e Paul Nougé, a escrita fragmentária é uma prática intimamente ligada a estratégias subversivas. Além disso, a teia de relações complexas existentes dentro do próprio texto coloca várias questões sobre o género e também sobre as possíveis abordagens desta modalidade de escrita

    Gestes et visages. Nicolas Bouvier et le regard de l'autre

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    Depuis très tôt dans sa vie, Nicolas Bouvier (Genève, 1929-1998) s’est consacré au voyage et à l’écriture. Cette analyse porte sur le regard de l’autre dans l'œuvre écrite et photographique du voyageur. Écriture et photographie sont deux modes d’expression qui se complètent et qui jouent à merveille la fonction de véhicule des soucis de l’écrivain suisse envers l'Humanité, tout en étant de véritables témoins d’une philosophie de vie qui embrasse et se nourrit de la rencontre entre cultures. Le geste et le visage jouent un rôle fondamental dans l’éternel cheminement vers la découverte de la richesse de l’être humain.From early on, Nicolas Bouvier (Geneva, 1929-1998) dedicated himself to travel and writing. This paper proposes to investigate Bouvier’s look on alterity through his writings and photographs, two complementary forms of expression used to put out his concerns towards humankind. Furthermore, writing and photography bear witness to a philosophy of life which embraces and nurtures itself from the encounter of cultures. The gesture and the face play a primal role in the continuous process of unearthing human being's richness

    Lignes de fuite entre mots et images: Henri Michaux et Nicolas Bouvier

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    L'œuvre écrite et visuelle de Henri Michaux (Bruxelles, 1899 – Paris, 1984) et de Nicolas Bouvier (Genève, 1929-1998) propose des lignes de résistance et de mutation. D'un caractère interculturel comme interartistique (la peinture pour Michaux; la photographie pour Bouvier), l'œuvre des deux voyageurs-écrivains-artistes raconte et suggère une panoplie de voyages, au cours desquels des lignes de fuite (Deleuze et Guattari, 1980) sont recherchées en permanence.The written and visual work by Henri Michaux (Brussels, 1899 – Paris, 1984) and by Nicolas Bouvier (Geneva, 1929-1998) suggests resistances and mutations. Characterized by their intercultural scope and the dialogue they propose between the arts (writing, painting and photography), these works give an account of a panoply of journeys, through which lines of flight (Deleuze and Gattari, 1980) are permanently nurtured

    De la littérature avant toute chose: gestion des cultures littéraires

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    Cet article se propose de penser la littérature et la valeur des cultures littéraires en dehors du cadre purement littéraire et académique et tenter d’analyser de quelle façon la littérature, au-delà de sa valeur culturelle, peut constituer une plus-value pour les pays, les communautés, les écrivains et les lecteurs. La présente réflexion veut partager un regard attentif sur trois exemples européens de gestion des cultures littéraires: la Fundação Eça de Queiroz (Portugal), les Archives & Musée de la Littérature (Belgique) et le City of Literature Trust (Écosse). Avec une gestion stratégique des ressources, et en ayant comme principe fondamental des politiques de développement durable, les cultures littéraires peuvent se révéler des facteurs importants pour le développement économique, social et culturel d’une ville, d’une région, voire d’un pays.This paper aims to reflect on literature and on the value of literary cultures beyond their cultural scope, looking outside the purely academic context. Literary heritage can be of inestimable value for countries, communities, writers and readers. This article intends to take an attentive look at three European examples of the management of literary cultures: the Fundação Eça de Queiroz (Portugal), the Archives & Musée de la Littérature (Belgium) and the City of Literature Trust (Scotland). With a strategic management of resources and with regard to sustainable development principles, literary cultures can in fact become major forces in the economic, social and cultural development of a city, a region or a country

    Networked Hospitality and Placemaking in the Sharing Economy

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    This article investigates the similarities and differences for tangible and intangible elements (factors and language use) contributing to placemaking in Airbnb English language reviews in Paris (59,057 reviews), Barcelona (19,291 reviews) and London (30,403 reviews). This paper contributes to provide new insights on the narrative construction of reputational capital which is connected to placemaking strategies. A combined quantitative approach using large scale text analysis enabled the analysis of review content and style. Patterns in the words usage were identified. Findings suggest that tangible and intangible elements work together in the discourse, contributing to the place-narrative built on the host’s reputational capital. The host-guest interaction is the main aspect of the reviews, followed by the importance of transport and local amenities. Cities have different profiles in the composition of the word clusters which indicates differences in the guests’ perceived experience. Keywords: Hospitality; Sharing economy; Placemaking; Airbnb, Narrative, Reputational capita

    Para uma poética do fragmento: a obra de Charles-Albert Cingria e de Paul Nougé

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    Doutoramento em LiteraturaO estudo do fragmento e da escrita fragmentária tem vindo a desenvolver-se nos últimos anos, sem que no entanto respostas consensuais apareçam. Seesta prática se tornou muito comum depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial, ela tem pioneiros. No universo literário francófono europeu não francês, Charles-Albert Cingria (Genebra, 1883-1954) e Paul Nougé (Bruxelas, 1895-1967) são autores marcantes desta prática de escrita, tendo introduzido váriasestratégias que viriam a ser desenvolvidas posteriormente. Centrando-se na obra publicada e inédita dos dois autores, este estudo procura identificar aslinhas mestras de um pensamento literário que se actualiza em práticas deescrita fragmentária, em espaços genológicos e temáticos de fronteira. Neste contexto, o leitor, experimentando permanentemente a violência metamórficatextual, assume um papel determinante.The study of the fragment and of fragmentary writing has increased in recentyears. However, consensual answers have been difficult to find. If this practicehas become regular since the Second World War, it certainly had precursors. In the francophone non French literary European world, Charles-Albert Cingria(Geneva, 1883-1954) and Paul Nougé (Brussels, 1895-1967) are two outstanding authors of this writing modality, who introduced several strategies that were subsequently to be developed. The present study, based in the published and unpublished work of both authors, aims to identify the guidelinesof a literary conception materialised in practices of fragmentary writing, in generic and thematic spaces of frontier. Within this context, the reader,permanently experiencing metamorphic textual violence, plays a major role.L’étude du fragment et de l’écriture fragmentaire s’est développée depuisquelques années, sans que pour autant des réponses consensuelles nesurgissent. Si cette pratique est devenue courante après la Seconde Guerremondiale, elle a pourtant des pionniers. Dans l’univers francophone littéraireeuropéen non français, Charles-Albert Cingria (Genève, 1883-1954) et Paul Nougé (Bruxelles, 1895-1967) sont deux auteurs représentatifs de cette modalité d’écriture, ayant introduit de nombreuses stratégies qui seraientexplorées postérieurement. Se concentrant sur l’oeuvre publiée et inédite des deux auteurs, la présente étude cherche à dégager les axes d’une penséelittéraire qui s’actualise en pratiques d’écriture fragmentaire, dans des espaces génologiques et thématiques de frontière. Dans ce cadre, le lecteur, expérimentant constamment la violence métamorphique textuelle, joue un rôleprimordial

    Motivation and experience in symbiotic events: an illustrative example grounded in culture and business events

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    This article explores the relation between motivation and experience in attendees at different types of events. There has been relatively little research into the experience dimensions of event attendees, or to what extent different motivations affect the experience, even in the events literature, motivation has been a central topic. Both academia and industry recognise event attendees’ motivations as an important factor that helps us to understand developments in a broader framework. However, further research in this area is needed to understand how motivations and experience are related and how this relationship develops in different types of events. We used the Event Experience Scale in a survey conducted at two different events. This paper concludes with some critical observations identifying similarities and differences in motivations and experience at two different types of events, suggesting new pathways for further research
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