773 research outputs found

    Improving Content Privacy on Social Networks Using Open Digital Rights Management Solutions

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    AbstractAmong Internet users, the social networks have gained a huge popularity. Millions of users are part of some online social network in order to share their own experiences and content with others. Documents, videos, music and pictures are among some of the most shared content types online, relying on the privacy and security controls that are offered by the social network platform. In this equation, the end-user has little control, resulting in serious privacy concerns – once content is shared on the social network, is out of end-user hands and they cannot enforce their own privacy rules.A different approach for social networks shared content privacy is proposed in this paper - centered on the user and not on the social network platform. To ensure this, an architecture based on an open rights management platform is presented. This architecture will enforce the necessary security and privacy mechanisms extending the original controls provided by the social network platform. That way, users will be able to control the disclosure and protection of their content, even when they are no longer part of the social network (because they have deleted or suspended their accounts)

    Organizing Events as a Tool to Develop Marketing Skills – the atUAliza.te Event Case Study

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    [EN] Marketing education literature is prolific in research dedicated to the best methodologies to provide higher education students with the knowledge as well as the soft and hard skills needed for their future careers as marketing experts. This article presents an experiment developed in a marketing degree, that took place outside the classroom over the last twelve years. The experiment consists on the organization of an annual marketing conference organized by a team of students that are supervised by a marketing teacher. It is a two-day event that brings together the best speakers from the market and academia and is targeted for both marketing students and professionals. The participation of students as part of the organizing team is voluntary and no assessment is performed by any course of the degree. These students refer the development of skills such as improving negotiation skills, networking, public speaking skills, organization, planning, team management, conflict management, leadership, time management, among others, as an added value for there careers.Marques, J.; Estima, A. (2021). Organizing Events as a Tool to Develop Marketing Skills – the atUAliza.te Event Case Study. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1121-1129. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.12892OCS1121112

    IM@GIX - An Electronic Commerce Digital Image Bank

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    This paper describes the usage of specific web application designed for the Electronic Commerce of Digital Still Images using some of the state-of-the-art technologies in the field of digital imaging, namely copy right protection. Still images are not only traded using this platform but also value is added to the images through the means of cataloguing, metadata and watermark insertion. This work is performed using some auxiliary tools, which are also referred in the present paper. This paper also proposes and discusses a methodology for streamlining the production of still digital image content. The methodology proposed and described here, called DIGIPIPE, encompasses several steps which range from the simple image digitalization until the image trading, without omitting the image copy rights protection procedures

    Actas do 10º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica

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    Actas do 10º Encontro Portugês de Computação Gráfica, Lisboa, 1-3 de Outubro de 2001A investigação, o desenvolvimento e o ensino na área da Computação Gráfica constituem, em Portugal, uma realidade positiva e de largas tradições. O Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica (EPCG), realizado no âmbito das actividades do Grupo Português de Computação Gráfica (GPCG), tem permitido reunir regularmente, desde o 1º EPCG realizado também em Lisboa, mas no já longínquo mês de Julho de 1988, todos os que trabalham nesta área abrangente e com inúmeras aplicações. Pela primeira vez no historial destes Encontros, o 10º EPCG foi organizado em ligação estreita com as comunidades do Processamento de Imagem e da Visão por Computador, através da Associação Portuguesa de Reconhecimento de Padrões (APRP), salientando-se, assim, a acrescida colaboração, e a convergência, entre essas duas áreas e a Computação Gráfica. Este é o livro de actas deste 10º EPCG.INSATUniWebIcep PortugalMicrografAutodes

    Du Risque des Transactions au risque stratégique : l'audit en évolution

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    International audienceOn réunit les plus importants rapports concernant la problématique du reflet du risque dans les états financiers. On s'interroge sur la continuité du modèle d'audit fondé sur le cycle des transactions qui, à présent, est nettement en crise. On propose son recentrage dans le risque stratégique où le rôle de l'auditeur est de valider l'adresse du client pour créer de la valeur et gérer cash-flows

    Rights management on knowledge-based digital content

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    The digital networks have facilitated the digital content access and sharing. Although this creates the opportunities to a wider dissemination of information and knowledge, on the other hand it creates challenges on what concerns the protection and enforcement of Intellectual Property (IP). This is particular important on the IP management of digital knowledge-based that is create on a daily basis on educational and research institutions, where a set of researchers and educators contribute with their knowledge creation works to the education value-adding processes. This paper will address the different scenarios/stages where the application of rights management solutions to the protection and management of knowledge-based content can provide an appropriate management of IP. These scenarios will consider the production and protection of the content, the rights establishment for the dissemination of content and the appropriate IP enforcement on the content user-side. This would establish a global environment where knowledge-based content IPR can be governed, allowing authors to establish the conditions that allow others to use their own work

    Mastocitoma cutâneo canino: inflamação cutânea crónica vs desenvolvimento de mastocitomas

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    Orientação : Joana T. de Oliveira ; co-orientação : Luís C. ChambelOs mastocitomas são umas das neoplasias cutâneas mais comuns nos cães, representando entre 16 e 21% dos tumores cutâneos caninos. Neste estudo foram avaliados 40 casos de cães diagnosticados com mastocitoma cutâneo, por histopatologia pós excisão cirúrgica. Os objetivo específicos deste estudo foram a descrição estatística de variáveis epidemiológicas, clínicas e histopatológicas, estudar a possível associação entre inflamação cutânea crónica com características intrínsecas ao cão e à doença e finalmente a avaliação da relação entre o grau histológico do mastocitoma e a sobrevida. Os casos foram recolhidos do Hospital Veterinário Central da Linha de Cascais (VetOeiras) e do Centro Veterinário Berna e datam de um período entre Março de 2011 e Maio de 2015. Foram incluídos 40 relatórios histopatológicos e as respetivas fichas clínicas dos cães diagnosticados com mastocitoma cutâneo e foram analisados estatisticamente as variáveis, estando os resultados apresentados com base no nível de significância de 5%. Quanto à localização esta ocorreu sobretudo nas extremidades e na região torácica. O grau histológico mais predominante foi o grau II (52,7%), seguido do grau III (25%) e por fim o grau I (17,5%). De destacar também foram as taxas de metastização ganglionar que se ficou pelos 16,7%, justificado em parte também por uma taxa relativamente elevada de casos onde esta não foi estudada (25%). Relativamente a avaliar a possível relação entre a inflamação cutânea crónica e o desenvolvimento dos mastocitomas e a avaliação da relação entre o grau histológico do tumor e a sobrevida devido ao baixo número de casos e reduzida descrição da sintomatologia cutânea nas fichas clínicas poucos resultados com relevância estatística foram alcançados. No entanto verificou-se que: 1) Mais de metade dos cães com mastocitoma tinham história clínica inflamação cutânea; 2) Pacientes com história prévia e inflamação cutânea crónica pareciam estar associados ao desenvolvimento de mastocitomas de grau histológico mais baixo; e 3) Animais com mastocitoma cutâneo e que tinham história prévia de inflamação cutânea crónica pareciam conseguir atingir uma sobrevida mais longa. Concluindo, serão necessários estudos adicionais dado que a presente série retrospetiva era pequena. As tendências observadas poderão ser ainda valorizadas como um estudo piloto com resultados preliminares que nos indicam que os mastocitomas possam estar associados em muitos casos a história de distúrbios dermatológicos crónicos e que aqueles que surgem nesta conjuntura parecem ser melhor diferenciados (menor grau histológico), consequentemente com melhor prognóstico que aqueles que surgem num contexto não relacionado.Mast cell tumours are one of the most common type of skin tumours in dogs, representing 16 to 21% of all skin tumours. In this study forty cases of dogs diagnosed with cutaneous mast cell tumour were selected, after surgical extirpation and following histophatological analysis. All the 40 cases were collected in Hospital Veterinário Central da Linha de Cascais (VetOeiras) and Centro Veterinário Berna between March 2011 and May 2015. The objectives of this study were the descriptive analysis of epidemiologic, clinical and histological variables, try to study the possible relation between chronic skin inflammation and intrinsic variables of the dog and the disease, and finally the evaluation between the histological grade and the surviving. After the examination of the forty histopathological report and respective clinical records of the dogs diagnosed with cutaneous mast cell tumour, all the data was sent to statistic analysis, with all the results displayed with 5% confidence level. The tumours were located mostly in the limbs and in the thorax region. The predominant histological grade was grade II (52,7%), followed by grade III (25%) and last grade I (17,5%). The most atypical found was the lymph node metastasis with only 5 confirmed cases (16,7%), justified by the high percentage of non studied cases (25%). In the other two objectives of this study (relation between chronic skin inflammation and intrinsic variables of the dog and the disease, and the evaluation between the histological grade and the surviving). Due to the low number of cases and the lack of details on the clinical records (especially in terms of cutaneous affections) it was impossible to take conclusions with statistic relevance. However there were some interesting findings: 1) More than half of the dogs with mast cell cutaneous tumour had an history of chronic skin inflammation; 2) Dogs with history of chronic skin inflammation may be associated with lower histological grade mast cell tumours; 3) Animals with cutaneous mast cell tumour and who had a history of chronic skin inflammation seem to be able to achieve a longer survival. In conclusion, further studies will be needed given that this retrospective series was too small. The observed trends may be seen as a pilot study with the preliminary results indicating that mast cell tumours might associated, in many cases, with history of chronic skin disorders and those that arise in this fortuity appear to have a lower histological grade, consequently with a better prognosis than those that arise in an unrelated context